Zurich Citizens News, 1980-11-13, Page 8Page 8 °W Citizens News November 13, 1980 K Siiiall Ads... A. 9u•uoo 14,1 I.W. • Big Results! FOIEST ►MILS i* CARDS OF THANKS The family of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade celebrated their 45th Wed- ding Anniversary Sun., Nov. 9 by all attending the church service and then going to the Dominion Hotel fot dinner and back to their new home for a time of fellowship. We extend special thanks to all of them, incldding our sisters Melvin Schade and Thelma Weber foi helping us move and preparing for our Auction Sale. Clarence and Gladys Schade 46c The family of the late Mary McKinnon wish to ex- press their heartfelt thanks to relatives and dear friends _for their cards, flowers, masses, funeral home visits, donations to the CNIB, the cleft li p and palate associa- tion. since the loss of a revered Mother and grand- mother, special 'thanks to the dear friends and neighbours who brought food to the house, to the neighbours and members and sponsors of the Zurich Dominion Tavern Ball Team for flowers, to the Catholic Women's League, the Zurich Golden Agers, the Bluewater Rest Home Aux- iliary, Zurich, and Father Mooney. Our thanks also to Mike O'Connor and Westlake Funeral Home for their friendly courteous service. Elaine, Ray McKinnon and family. 46c ✓he Ch urcNes Emmanuel UniteditChurch ss'• BXk :') 8�" 1 g 11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School Come and join us We•extend a warm Welcome to all St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV JACK��D,RESSLER Mrs. Thr 1jnel Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, November 16 10:00 - Worship Service 10:45 - Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the worship service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor _ CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, November 16 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School Wed. 8:00 p.m. - Bible Study and Prayer Ser'lrice Everyone Welcome Friday to Sun. Nov.14-16 Ont. Annual Meeting of M.C.C. at Rockway, Klfthener Meditation God grant me the Serenity b accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. ••r,• •ee"(At ,a- N.•1' ANNOUNCEMENTS Would all the churches, firms or individuals who received the pink CNIB collection envelopes please return the envelopes in one week's time to Mrs. Mary Laporte so as to finalize the collection. 46c Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage _of their daughter Debra Jayne to Wayne Allen Oke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oke, Zurich. The wedding to take place on November 29, 1980 at Exeter United Church. Open recep- tion to follow. 46pd Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM apartment in Zurich. Available Monday. Phone 237-3339. 45:46c hk;Y '.:•Sol}•.:;;�:�;i,'%ti%�i'.•;::5'�J'2'.�ic�\'�.' :?:v:i::'Sh�?��); MARY McKINNON At her residence on Wednesday, November 5, 1980, Mrs. Mary Stella (Callaghan) McKinnon of 37 Goshen Street South, Zurich, in her both )`rear.Beloved wife of the late James C. McKinnon (1968). Dear mother of Charles, Jordan Station, Raymond, Zurich, Mrs. Edgar (Edith) Plourde, Kapuskasing, Elaine, Zurich and Mrs. John (Patricia) Jarbeau of Amherstview. Dear sister of Martin Callaghan, Sudbury, Joseph Callaghan, Val D'Or, Quebec and sister Mary Camillus, Order of the Grey Sisters, Penetang. Also sur- vived by 26 grandchildren and nine great- grandchildren. Predeceased by three sons, Walter', Kevin and Alphonse and one sister Alice and one brother James. Rested at The Westlake Chapel, Zurich _on Thursday, November 6, then to the Blair ,& Son funeral home, Perth, until Saturday 9:30 a.m. Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. John's R.C. Church, Perth; at 10:00 a.m. Interment in St. John's Cemetery. MAXIME OVERHOLT Suddenly at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, November 9, 1980, Maxime Charles Overholt, of Lake Road East, RR 2, Zurich, in his 56th year. Beloved husband of Marcella Marie (Regier) Overholt. Dear son of Mrs. Beatrice Overholt of Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich. Dear father of Ron and Wayne, RR 2 Zurich, Dianne (Mrs. Greg Revington), Lucan and Barbara at home. Dear brother of Arnold and Leo, both of London, Dennis and Phil of Zurich, George, Burlington, Adeline (Mrs. Anthony Denomme), RR 2, Zurich, Alma (Mrs. Lennis Regier), London, Gladys (Mrs. Clair Bedard), Detroit and Linda (Mrs. Phil Regier) of Zurich. Also survived by 7 grandchildren. Mr. Overholt rested at the Westlake Funeral Chapel, Zurich and a funeral mass was said at St. Peter's Roman Catholic church, St. Joseph with Father J. Bennsette officiating. Interment followed in St. Peter's. Cemetery, St. Joseph. .10 • ...,.-1 L• f: • A 4. • • LAS SIFIED. ADS! MING •.rlt.ilt c^ w , r• . • • -• • 1 ti ,'Y . 4•••4/04 • :• ••I «..a WMIC-a... Property For Rent For Sole ZURICH attractive 7 room upper dupTez, excellent cen- tral location . Call 1-453-2579 or 236-4861. 41tfn MODERN 3 bedroom farm house close to Zurich. Completely renovated. Available December lst. Phone 262-2928 or 262- 5768. . 45tf MODERN farm home. Close to Zurich. Available im- mediately. Phone 262-2928 or phone 262-5768. ' 46tfn 6 ROOM apartment, newly decorated, 2 bedrooms. Available immediately. 236- 4871. 46-48c SEMI-DETACHED house, 3 bedrooms. East St., Zurich: Newly renovated.'$250.00 per month. Phone 236- 4211. 46:47c VERY comfortable' 3 bedroom farm house near Zurich located close to road. Must be • seen to be ap- preciated. Available Inc. 1. Phone 262-2124. " 46c For Sale a TELEVISION touter 40 feet. Phone 238-4875. 46c 'COMING EVENTS WATCH for more informa- tion regarding the appearance of Mr. Boris Brott, internationally famous conductor of Hamilton, in Stratford. Mr. Brott is the 1980 National Honorary Christmas Seal Chairman. It is hoped that Mr. Brott will conduct a benefit concert of a local Secondary School Band in RRnox Presbyterian Church, Stratford. 46c ALL MARRIED couples and those preparing for marriage are invited to spend an evening with Sheila Howard and teachers on The Billings Ovulation Method on Nov. 18, at St. Boniface School at 8 p.m.` 46c CHILDREN'S CONCERT: Fun and education Making Music Together with Eric Nagler, folksinger. Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, Nov. 22, 2 p.m. Reserved seats$2.50 at the door or call 523-9300 or 523-9636. 46:47c LIKE NEW! 1179 Yamaha Ex. .440. Under 800 kilometers. Body and engine in excellent condition. Over 1 case of oil and cover in- cluded in very reasonable price. Phone 236-4411 after 5:00 p.m. 45-47c ORDER Christmas flowers early . Poinsettas, Cyclamens, Azaleas, Mums and cut flowers. Nete's flower shop. Phone 236- 4602. .46c PROPANE SPACE Heater, 50,000 BTU automatic ther- mostat, complete at- tachments, excellent condi- tion. Asking $300.00. 236-4285 or 235-1564. 37tf COURTLAND red delicious, norther spy, Ida Red and russets. Special fancy grade Macintosh $5 a bushel plus container' . Fresh apple cider. Red and s4hite potatoes, honey and plums at Art Bell's Fruit Farms. Phone 524-8037. 42tf 1980 SKYLARK Park model trailer, 35 ft. 2 tip -outs, brand new, no -trades. Ask- ing $11,995.00. 235-1564.44-46c NORTHERN Spys, Delicious, Courtland, Ida Reds, Maclntosh and Russets. Fresh cider, red and white potatoes, honey and onions -at Art Bell's fruit Farm. Special no. 2 apples, $3.50 per bushel plus con- tainer. closed Monday and Thursdays. Phone 524- 8037. 45tf APPLE SPECIAL You pick - 2 bushels for $10.00..Ex- cellent Northern Spys, no bitter pit. Also Delicious while they last. Bring bushel baskets. Open every day: Ross Middleton'S Orchards 1 mile east of Bayfield north of river. 45:46c BOYS' SIZE 6 Bauer skates in new :condition. Call 236- 4112 between 12 and 1 or after 5. 45:46c TEN GALLON aquarium. Motor, heater and stand with 25 fish. Call after 6 p.m. 236- 4873. Price $65.00. 45c EGGS FOR Sale. W. Rooseboom. Closed Sun- days. Phone 236-4102. 4547c WANTED TO Bull Standing Timber Contact B. Clackett, Phone: 243-2067 1 'Imes II Antenna' B & T Sales & Service Installation and Repairs Delhi Towers T.V. and CB. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 482-7129 If no answer call 482-7157 eoOKKEE .,•.. • 1 v,✓ 4/a1 d4/ • 114 • i.• ,rr • For Sale APPLES and apple butter, apple juice available on kends. Also potatoes and cabbage. David Steckle RR 2 Zurich. Phone 5d5-2122. 45tf For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, Wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Ca)1 N.J. Corriveau, Zurich, tele. 236- 4954. 15t Wanted TIMBER RIGHTS or cut timber. Hardwood, softwood or cedar.- Send all par- ticulars to: Horne Firewood, Box. 141 Stn. B. Hamilton, Ontario L8L 707. 44-48c FIREWOOD -Distributors for energy conservations company. Inventory invest- ment nvestment range - $2000 to;10,000 - depending on location. Serious replies to: Home Firewood, P.U. Box 141, Stn. B. Hamilton, Ontario L8L 707. 44-48c Services Saisester Plnmblag Nestles itedrical Gas Filter, Oil Burner, Mechanic Government Certified 125 King St. Henson Phone 262-2726 24 hour emergency service ' 44:45:48c • Carpet & Vinyl Insulation, repairs and restretch Robert Watcher • 228-6546 34tfn • •- •,, . 1.1. • l�. 10) Services LAKELAND SANITATIQN Septic Tank Holding Tanks Cleaned and Serviced Portable toilets Residential, Commercial, Farm ' 24 hr. service Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd ' , Res. - 238-8541 Bus. - 238-8492 25tfn 1111111111Wr/ 11X- '( !K Dew Geoffrey G troctiee Homes, Renovations, Additions Farm Buildings & Repairs Aluminum Siding d Awnings Zurich 236-4431 °Win* s■etet, 235.2961 Evenings • • .4=1 1 • t • 11 ,1 , H M M a• . b 0 „ •• •. •1 ,. 0 • i Fund Raising Dance ZURICH ARENA Theme: - Up, Up, Up & Away Music donated by :MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS Fri. Nov. 14 9 p.m. to 1 c.m. Lunch provided Proceeds to Zurich, Grand Bend -figure Skating Club Dance Lessons Tap, Jazz, and ladies - exercise dance fitness Registration November 15th at ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE at 1 o'clock For more information call 236-4905 The members of the Zurich "New Life" group wish to thank the following for their helpin acquiring new quarters for otic meetings. The board members of the United Church, Zurich, Rev. Lang, Mr. John Consitt , Mr. John Gieger, and Rev. Jack Dressler, The board member; of St. Peters Lutheran Church, Zurich, Meetings will be held every Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. in St. Peters Lutheran Church Zurich. Thank You, Anonymous