HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-11-13, Page 7Hunters successful
Citizens News, November 13, 1980
Pea* 7
New officers elected for Varna
The slate of officers for
1981 was presented by' the
nominating committee. The
new president will be Doris
Wilson; vice-president, Ber-
nice Reid; and social con-
vener, Joan Stephenson:
Those continuing in office
are secretary Dianne Kir-
ton; treasurer, Margaret
by Mary Clo riN
Hayter; and corresponding
secretary, Helen Taylor.
Eleanor McAsh is past -
president, Joyce Dowson
will be the new regional
Shirley Hill's invitation to
__host the Christmas meeting
at her home was accepted.
Barbara .Doig will
demonstrate how to make
Christmas arrangements.
Change party date
The. Senior Citizens party
at Varna will be held on a
different date than previous-
ly announced, as it conflicts
with a Bayfield party and
other activities that week. It
may be on Wednesday,
December 10. Watch for
further. information.
Deer hunt over
The deer hunt is over, and
from . what this correspon-
dent has been able to learn,
the- Consitt party had the
most__ success, with two
bucks and a doe. The gang
huntingfrom the ChesSells
got one doe, and Ken Parke
shot. a buck. And then there
were the does who may have
watched Paul Stephenson's
party unload their guns and
settle down to eat their
lunch. That's when they
decided it was a good time to
get up and move out to safer
Most hunters :take a holi-
day from shaving, but those
who stayed with us broke
with tradition this year and
shaved at least once in the
three days. Could it have
some connection with the
female conservation officer
who was working in the
Special music
A singing around the piano
and organ at Marjorie
*Hayter's home recently
resulted in some special
music at our church service
on Sunday. A group of six
peolile sang "HoW Great
Thou Art".
At the Remembrance ser-
vice around the cenotaph,
wreaths were laid by reeve
Tom Consitt, veteran Walter
Smith, and Master of the
Orange Lodge, Barry
Something in the air?
What ' is there in Varna
that attracts cattle? Last
year it was Don Brodie's
cattle, who paid us a visit,
this time they belonged to
Bob Stirling. Something had
apparently been chasing
them during the night of a
week age, Sunday, as they
broke down` a fence to get
out. Some of them came
throtagh Varna before
daylight and were found
Monday morning at Mery
No doubt the snow flurries
sent everyone scurrying for
boots and mitts this mor-
Monday evening films
were shown followed by
On Tuesday evening, the
Ladies Auxiliary held their
regular monthly meeting in
the Home. Mr. Alfred
Denomme and Mr. Joseph
Boland entertained with
piano and violin music.
Gerard, Mary Margaret,
Charlie and Elizabeth
Bedard favoured with guitar
numbers, singing and step
dancing. A Remembrance
Day poem was read by Mrs.
Mary Lou Denomme.
Following the programme
refreshments were served.
We regret that Mrs. Nancy
Koehler and Mrs. Anna Kew
are presently in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter.
Congratulations are in
order for Miss Mary Gelinas
who celebrated her 103rd
birthday on Wednesday,
November 12th. Family
members honoured her at a
birthday dinner at the Domi-
nion Hotel on Sunday after-
noon. She is still very much
alert and able to get around
quite well with the aid of a
wheel chair. She spends her
afternoons working in the
hobby shop and enjoys mak-
ing Christmas canes and
Please note that the an-
nual bazaar will be held here
on Saturday, November 15th
from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. There
will be a tea table, home-
made baking, etc. Come and
chat over a cup of tea and
visit with some of your
Bingo was played on
Thursday evening followed
by refreshments.
The Sunday evening
- chapel service was con-
ducted by Rev. Stuart Miner
of Exeter. 11ef'r. Robert
Cameron presided at the
organ during the• service.
Hayter's and Grant
Make donations
"Mutuality in Mission"
was the theme of the
worship and study at the
November meeting of the
United Church Women. The
filmstrip "Eyes to See" was
shown. A short Remem-
brance service was also
held, when a Candle of
Peace was lighted and the
song "Let There Be Peace
on Earth" was sung. Mary
Ostrom, Sharon Chuter,
Barb Consitt and Mary
Chessell were on the
program committee. Barb
was absent, as the Warden's
banquet was the same night,
and she replied to the toast
to the ladies at their dinner.
Eleanor McAsh and Ber-
nice Reid reported on the ex-
cellent workshops they
attended in Blyth on
Wednesday, where Hugh
McCollum, editor of the
Observer and Dr. Jewitt
Parr, secretary of
Stewardship were leaders.
Mrs. Helen Smith of
Stewardship also' spoke. It
has been learned, from this
workshop and from a letter
from -Mrs. Smith, that the
Mission and Aervice Fund is
far short of 'what it needs
because of inflation and un-
employment. Dr._Parr said
that a million dollars could
be raised if everyone who
gives to Missions were to
give $5.00.
Thirty-nine percent of the
members don't give to mis-
sions at all. In contrast,
Dorothy Ostrom reported
envelope givings for M & S
were up substantially this
year in our U.C.W., with $400
already forwarded.
Donations of $40.00 to the
London Mission and $25.00 to
Seeds for Africa were made.
'the Youth Group. will be
given any help they require
to send some of the
members to Toe Alpha's
Christmas Conference in
Plans were made to buy a
gift for Margaret Aldington,
who was an active member
of our church a number of
years ago, when she lived
here. She is being married in
Petrolia on December 20.
Go for apples
The Varna -Goshen
C. G. I. T. had a Hallowe'en
party at their meeting on
Thursday. They bobbed for
apples and were judged for
best costume. The winners
were Shelly Hayter, Julie
Webster and Mavis Turner.
The next meeting will- be
held on November 13 at the
United Church in Varna.
Submitted by Kim Hayter.
Group receives compliments
The Ukuleles Unique
group, under the direction of
Mrs. Doris McKinley, per-
formed in Toronto on Satur-
day at a ukulele workshop
conducted by Mr. Chalmers
Duane of Halifax. Mr. Doane
commended the group for
their inspiring performance
and Mrs. McKinley for her
excellent teaching methods.
Some of the group attend-
_-. ed the workshop session on
Friday eventing and all day
Saturday. From the area
Were: Sherry Chuter,
Tracey Hayter, Lori Hayter,
Becky McKinley, Lisa
Taman, Mary Gibson, -
Joanne Grunewald, Becky
Rathwell, Julie Townsend,
Estella Wilson, Janet
Hoggarth, Kara Van Den
Neueker, Shelly Finlayson,
Lori Strong, Kelly Purkis. A
tired but happy group
returned home Saturday
Carl and Trudy Kuhl of
Kitchener spent Friday with
Bill and Mary Chessell.
Bill Chessell, whose early
retirement from Ontario
Hydro began on November 1,
was feted at a party in the
assembly room at the Clin-
ton office on Friday evening.
Fellow employees and
friends were present from
Mitchell, Stratford and this
area, and` presented him
with a new fishing tackle box
Some people .
just don't heed
A large number of area
drivers failed to heed the
warning issued last week
that the Exeter OPP have a
new "moving" radar device
which -can be operated from
a moving cruiser.
In the first weekend of
operation, the police charged
50 drivers with speeding,
most of them being timed as
they approached the on-
coming cruiser.
This week, the Exeter OPP
laid 65 speeding charges
while utilizing the new
device, which can clock
oncoming vehicles from as
far away as one mile.
One theft and a damage
incident are under in-
vestigation by the Exeter
OPP this week.
An AM FM stereo radio
and cassette player unit
valued at $210 was stolen
from a parked vehicle at
Baker Motors in Grand
On Thursday, a portable
steel display sign in front of
the Tenderspot in Zurich was
damaged when 72 plastic
letters were stolen.
REMEMBER AT VARNA .-- Members of the congregation at Varna United Church
honoured the dead of two wars Sunday with a brief service at the cenotaph. While
Stanley Reeve Tom Consitt looks on, Barry Taylor places a wreathon behalt of the Orange
Lodge. Staff photo
well outfitted for his
favourite pasttime. The
Clinton Social Club gave him
an inscribed pewter tankard,
and he received a new 20 -
gauge shotgun from his
Nora Heard has begun
part-time employment on
the patient care staff at
Huronview. -
Q large crowd attended
the municipal candidates'
dance at Hully Gully on elec-
tion night. •
Betty Smith had her
windshield shattered by
gravel falling from a truck
she met on the hill at the
Varna Bridge recently.
Upcoming events include a
church service in Bayfield
on November 16th and a
Christmas party on
December 2nd.
People may forget how
fast you did a job, but they
won't forget how well you did
One Showing MOS P.M.
Starts Friday, Nov. 14th -20th
1:30 P.M.
On October 25th. a Targe
metallic object crashed
in the Arizona desert.
file govemment is concealing
a UFO and the bodies
of alien astronauts.
Nhy won't they tell us?
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