HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-11-06, Page 5• ',kr .cy; ✓ .1 • • v - a 1 �w•tc `+)Y r fire•,»*n ..n*v,.., f WO _.- •.. r 60 Years Ago John B. Meyer, formerly of Hay Township, and who conducte4 a mercantile business at Waterloo for the past few years, has moved to Rochester, N.Y., where he will reside in the future. The candidates sof the Evangelical Sunday School sent to the Boy's Parliament at Exeter, on Friday and Saturday, Lentils O'Brien, Whitney Brokenshire, Milton Hey and Rennie Weber. The boys reported an excellent time and will give detailed reports on Sunday in the Sabbath School. The prize contest awarded by Mr. C. Fritz, of the village, for the two largest . potatoes by one grower, closed on Saturday evening and was won by Mrs. Chris Gingerich, of the Bronson Line, Stanley. The pair weighed five pounds, nine ounces. 50 Years Ago Mr. G. Holtzman, of Kitchener and son Emanuel, of Galt, were guests at the Evangelical fowl supper on Thursday evening last. The many friends of Mr. Holtz- man, Sr., were indeed pleas- ed to see him. Mr. Oscar Klopp who has recently sold his farm on the 14th concession is holding a large auction sale, on Tues- day, October 28, when he will dispose of all .his Iivestock and chattels by auction. Mr. Klopp and fami- ly are making preparations to move in the house with his mother for the winter at least, and we will welcome them as citizens of Zurich. Pink Salmon 1 pound tin; 15 cents, Super suds, 9 cents package, Strawberry Jam, large 40 ounce jars 39 cents, Rio coffee 25 cents per pound, adv. The weatherman made quite a change since a week ago, and over the weekend a real cold blast, was blowing from the west with snow and ice. But it is moderating up considerably. Mrs. Bossow and son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Theo McAdams and son Harry were to London on Tuesday, attending the funeral of the late Miss Mary Minnie Mara, who was instantly killed in an auto accident on Sunday, near Woodstock when on their way to Niagara Falls. 35 Years Ago Miss Delores Klopp, of London visited with relatives here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Siebert, of Detroit, visited at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. W.L. Siebert. A large number of villagers attended the 50th anniversary held .in the Calvary Evangelical Church, Dashwood, on Sun- day. The guest speaker was Rev. Jacob Ehlers, of Hanover. Rev. C.B. Heckendorn, Ralph Krueger and sisters, Nola and Ruth, Miss Mar- jorie Hoffman and Bill O'Brien attended -the Youth Fellowship Convention at Stratford, last weekend. Roswell O'Brien, brother of William O'Brien, made his last run as CPR conduc- tor after completing 37 years service. He was con- gratulated by R.C. Wheeler, Saskatoon Division superintendent. Mr. O'Brien has been a resident of Sutherland, Saskatchewan, for the past 22 years. 25 Years Ago William McAdams has retbrned home, from Vic- toria Hospital, London, after being there for a few weeks for treatment. Two motor cars got tangl- ed up on Saturday night when involved in collision at the Goshen line, near Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender, of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of_ Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Geiger. Friday, November 11th, has been proclaimed a public holiday by Hay Coun- cil, who are making preparations to place a wreath at the cenotaph at Hensall. 20 Years Ago Mild weather, and high winds may have dampened the spirits of would-be celebrants as Zurich ex- perienced one of, the most peaceful Hallowe'ens in some years. At a coroner's inquest in Goderich, on Saturday, Oc- tober 29, a jury ruled that Robert James Michael Greer, 12, died instantly after he fell from a moving milk truck on Highway 21, south of Bayfield, on September 17. Victor flinnin, Zurich, was one of 58 pilots who graduated at the London Flying Club, last week. Wings were presented to the novice pilots, two of whom were women, at the seventh annual "Wings Dinner". Shirley Weido bagged the quota early last Monday morning when she brought home an eight pound Canada Goose. Evidently the big bird had become weary fighting the heavy 'storm during the night and had fallen between the coal shed and her father's garage. The narrow space did not permit the goose to take to the air again. On Tuesday evening the Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held their November meeting with 29 members, one visitor, the church council, and the Pastor present. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb, Dorothy, Carol, and Kathryn, spent Sunday in Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zehr. The trouble with too many part-time workers is that they're hired on a full-time basis. Members of the o younger y generation are alike in many disrespects. •w Many activities at Huron Centennial Highlights of Hallowe'en Day included costume parades, mask judging and haunted house visits. Senior students enjoyed a sports masquerade. Bus safety and vandalism were the topics of the film andtalks given by Constable Gosse of the ' Ontario Provincial Police . when he visited our school on October 20, 21, and 22nd.''He stressed that vandalism starts out with simple things like writing on walls, littering and petty thieving. Each primary grade were taken on a bus and shown the danger zones around a bus and the escape methods in case of an accident. Ukuleles Unique - The ukeleke group made up of the Huron Centennial school students and graduates performed in Toronto at the Ontario Music Education Conference on the Saturday, November 1st. This group, will perform at the Bayfield United Church on Sunday, November 16th. There has been a lot of sports activity this fall at our school, with out athletes practicing, for both soccer and cross country. We hosted the annual soccer tournament and our girls' and boys' teams combined to place second against five other area schools. At the cross country meet we again came in second. Hullett narrowly edging us out of an overall victory. Scott Townsend and Dean Martin were - individual winners of their respective races. Roxanne Martin, Dean's sister placed third for the Midget girls. Brian Geese - and Bill Sinnamon placed third and fifth in Intermediate. Darin McKenzie and Geoff Lyon .came 2ndatad8th in Jr. boys, Kathy Turnbull fourth for Sr. Girls and Brad Snider fifth for Sr. Boys. JohnParke was eight for Midget Boys." All the team members really trained hard in both soccer and cross country to help make our team so successful. Cross country comments I like cross country because you get lots of exercise. Raquel Salter G. 3 Cross Country is fun because it gives me something to do at noon hours. Dawn Hunking Gr. 6 ' Running gives you lots •of exercise and is fun too, espcially after the practices when we eat in the gym with our friends. Cathy Dalrymple We had many days of parcticing. It was hard work but I hope to be in cross country next year and to try my best. Dean Martin Gr. 3 When we started prac- ticing the run wasn't very long but each day it got longer and longer. Finally the last day ofpractice,it was real long. We didn't always run though. Some days we had games in the gym -and the day before the meet we saw a film about cross country. Janice Moffat Gr. 5 Aischool the practic was fun Without any very hard run, Although at the meet There were some wet feet. It wasn't that hard to be done. Bonnie Turner Gr. 7 Cross country is fun when we have a long run. It's my best activity. I'd like to be in it next year. Tricia Cooper Gr. 3 The - people are nice in cross country and you get to be with your friends. - Sherri Chappel Gr. 3 When I started practicing this fall I couldn't run all the way but I kept getting better the more I worked at it. Debbie Harnett Gr. 6 We worked hard for about three weeks and it was great that our school did so well. John Parke Gr. 5 Ghosts -Jack O'L.anterns- Witches Pre-school HalIowe ,'en Party October 29th was a scene of tiny -ghosts, witches and goblins -where Mrs. Carter greeted them in her pumpkin outfit. They hunted for pumpkins, ghosts and black cats. All were rewarded with treats. They finished up the af- ternoon with their crafts of pumpkins, bats and black cats followed by more treats. Pin the tail on the Ker- ploppus Monsters brought many squeals of delight. 24 attended,the largest so far this year. Are there any more pre- schoolers wanting to come? It's every Wednesday af- ternoon at 2:15. ♦• ..ref' • f'• .. ...o• r' ,,,,,i..., .arfyyesrsic.+a.wnsweip.. tM.'Ash44yAMlICMfs.e Citizens News, November 6, 19$0, VOTE DON BRODIE for DEPUTY - REEVE for STANLEY TOWNSHIP NOVEMBER 10 '" •8 Years experience on council *Chairman of the Recreation Committee *Member of the Brucefield United Church • r} off ffa � •;:,;:.;•.; ' `"mss ped motorcoach. Nashville With rising costs in air transportation, why not consider o motocoach tour? Travel to your favourite destination at a leisurely pace on board a fully -equip - Here are some favourites to hslp you decide: BLUEGRASS TOURS A four doy tour with first stop in Lexington, Kentucky. Saturday afternoon orrivol in Nashville. Momfoy morning departure for home Tour includes: famous Horse Borns Tour in Lexington, Ky. Reserved seats at Grond Olde Opry, Saturdoy night. Oprylond Taur. Departures: Apr 17, May 15, June 26, July 31, Sept. 04, Oct. 09, 1981. Prices start at $224.00 per person based on quad oc- ommodatrons Wheeling A three doy tour with first night arrivol inWheeling, West Virginia. Arrivol bock in London by early evening of third doy. Tour in- cludes Tickets for Wheeling Copit6l Music Hall. Tour of Wheeling area including Foctory Gloss Outlet. Deportures Apr 17, May 16. Sept. 05, Oct. 10, 1981. Prices stort ot4139.00 per person bused on quod accommodations. FLORIDA TOURS - CHRISTMAS & MARCH BREAK ' Daytona - Orlando Orlondo is our` first stop in this special 'off season bur" starting in late fall through Christmas and January. Excellent accom- modation oworts us in Daytona Beoch at "Perry's Oceon Edge Hotel". Complimentary continentol breakfast and six dinner vouchers ore lust two feotures in this volue packed holiday. Sook in the sun of Perry's beoutifvl enclosed garden with its solar heoted pool tropicol palms, refreshing waterfalls and relaxed atmosphere. A tour designed to leave you with mony fond memories of central and eastern Florida. 14 Days 5529 00 Departures: Nov. 9/80, Dec. 21/80, Jan. 4, Jon. 25. Florida "Get -Away" A chonce to escape from Old Mon Winter. Arrive in the beautiful lokelond oreo, also known os The World Citrus Centre. and relax for the next few weeks in efficiency equipped units. Hotel centrally located odjocent to shopping centres and convenience stores, olso neor is the Lakeland Civic Centre for evening entertainment. Tennis courts and golf courses also ovarlable for the enthusiast An economical way to "Get Away" and enjoy the worm weather. 26 Doys 5749.00 P.P. ' Departures: Jon. 16, Feb. 4, Feb. 23. Florida Carousel Sun, sea and sond ore the main features as we visit Daytona Beoch, Polm Beach, Tampa Area, and Orlondo with stops of most of florrdo's famous attractions such as Woh Disney World, Sea World, etc.... Sit bock and relax while we tole you on this whirlwind tour of Florida. 16 doys 5769.00 P.P. - Departures: /on. 24, Feb. 14, Feb. 21, Feb. 28, Mor. 7, Mor. 28. Famous Daytona Beach Join us for our "easy going tour" as we take you to the world's most famous booth for seven nights, and then to the Orlondo oreo offerin/ Seo World, Florida Festival, and Wah Disney World. A tour to be enjoyed by people of all ages. 16 Days $649.00 P.P. • Departures: Feb. 14, Feb. 21, Feb. 28, Mar. 7. Florida Circle Two glorious weeks will find us visiting Hornososso Springs, Busch Gordon', North America's version of Africa. Tompo ores with o stop in Cypress Gardens, and central Honda featuring Walt Disney World. 'Lost but not least three doys will be spent in Daytona Beach in our hotel located directly on the Atlontic Ocean for Mose lost minute tons. Enjoy our farewell dinner with new Iriends os we wind our way home. 14 Doys S649 00 P P. Departures: Feb. 2, Feb. 23, Mor. 2, Mar. 9, Mor 23. March Break to Disney World or Daytona Choose your destinotion and come with us on o leisurely drive to the sun. A visit to Disney World is included in both tours Fine Wets with oir conditioned rooms centrally located close to fine restaurants and shopping. Join us for this "FUN" tour Disney World 9 Days - 1429.00 P.P. • Deporture Mor. 21. Doytono 9 Days S539.00 P.P. - Departure Mar. 21. Above Prkes Pe, Person with Two Sharing Ono Room Make your selection! There are these and many more to choose from. Just call or visit It's A Small World Travel where we will help you arrange your next Charterways Tour. 0 CHARTERWAYS 1%1IF TOURS HOURS: Open Doily 9 - 5:30 Fridays till 9 Saturday 9:30 - 4:30 -:.*.. 7::::::::::.Z,,•;:c1:7:•••\,\ sN:\%1\t‘\. <\'•s: r .•:•'. s. ti