HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-10-16, Page 560 Years Ago
A number from the village
attended the Kekoa's
Hawaiian Glee Club concert
in the Crediton Town Hall
last Tuesday evening.
Mrs. David Plante, of St.
Joseph, was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital, London
where she underwent an
operation for cancer.
Mr. Herbert Uttley has
sold his dwelling property in
the north end of the village
to Mr. David Mero, of
Drysdale, who gets posses-
sion on February 1.
Mr. John Siemon has dis-
posed of his property in the
south-west corner of the
village to Mr. Henry Badour,
who gets immediate posses-
50 Years Ago
Mr. Theo. Bedard, of
Tilbury, who has recently
purchased the farm of Mr.
O. Klopp, 14th concession
was in Zurich last week, and
made full arrangements of
coming up, which will be in
the near future. Mr. Klopp
and family will move to
The whole baking equip-
ment as well as the
household effects of Mr.
William Reith were moved
on Saturday from the
quarters occupied at the
west end of town to the
Merner block which they
recently purchased and rigg-
ed up for the baking
Ferris Cantelon, Hensall,
who unddtwent an operation
for appendicitis a few weeks
ago is able to resume his
duties as principal of the
Continuation School.
James S. Tapp, B.A., a
1930 graduate of Honour
Chemistry of the University
of Western Ontario, a son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tapp, Hen-
sall, left to take up his new
appointment as
domonstrator in chemistry
at McGill University, Mon-
35 Years Ago
Mr. Morris Weber has sold
one of his fine cottages at
the lakefront to Mr. Walter
Eckel, at Schadeview
Mr. Theodore Wagner and
daughter, Catherine, of
Guelph, were weekend
visitors at the Wagner home
here in Zurich.
A number from here
attended the funeral of the
late Edgar Butt, in Kippen,
last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Exias
Charette and family, .of
Detroit, were weekend
visitors in Zurich at the t
home of their parents, Mr. r
and Mrs. David Ducharme.
Mr. Allan Gascho, who has
been a Flying Officer in the a
RCAF, has returned to his
home in Zurich, and is taking
a well earned rest at the c
home of his parents. J
Mr: Milton Oesch was the
lucky winner of a General t
Electric washing machine at
the Exeter Lions Club Frolic P
last week.
Citizens News, October 16, 1980
Page 5
Huron reps meet
By SHARON DIETZ resident interests for the
A delegation from the time period covered by the
Huron Federation of bill.
Agriculture . met with Huron Federation _ of
Ontario's minister of Agriculture president, Merle
agriculture, Lorne Hen- Gunby, said there are ten-
derson, Thursday in Toronto tative plans to take a
to demand a freeze on the resolution to the Ontario
purchase of Ontario farm- Federation of Agriculture
land by absentee foreign asking the OFA to request a
buyers. freeze on the sale of Ontario
s farmland to foreign absentee
o owners. The Huron
e federation hopes the clout of
, a resolution from the
o provincial organization may
have a greater effect on the
Gunby said the Ontario
t agriculture minister finally
admitted at the Thursday
meeting there is a problem
with foreign absentee
ownership in Huron County
- at least. Last month, the
Huron Federation called for
the resignation of the
minister unless he took
immediate action to curb the
sale of Ontario's farmland to
foreign absentee interests.
Henderson's response to
the call for his resignation
was to quote yet again, the
results of a ministry of
agriculture study which says
land belonging to foreign
absentee owners in the
province is less than 1
percent. He did invite
representatives of the Huron
Federation to meet with him
Th&delegation, which wa
accompanied by Ontari
Federation of Agricultur
president, Ralph Barrie
called for legislation t
prevent foreign investors
from buying up Ontario
farmland. They told Hen
derson if he was no
Mr. Clayton Smith and prepared to place such
sons are erecting an ice legislation before the
house of large enough legislature, they wanted an
capacity so they can supply immediate freeze on the
their summer campers with purchase of Ontario farm
ice next summer. land by foreign interests.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Huron County represen-
Denomme are preparing to tatives included Grant
move to their new home Curran, vice-president of the
near Dashwood where he is Ashfield Federation of
employed in Klumpp's Plan- AgricRIture; John Van
ing Mill. Beers, regional director for
25 Years Ago Huron East Central ; Bob
M r . and Mrs. James Robinson, president of the
McKillop Federation of
Hackett and baby Linda �
Marie, of Belleville spent Agriculture and' Merle
Gunby, president of the
the weekend at the home of
Huron Federation of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Steinbach. The former Agriculture.
have been transferred from Henderson told the
delegation `his hands were
Belleville Bank of Montreal
to St.`Catharines Bank, tied because he cannot act
Mrs. Roy Morenz, Mrs. until a bill, now before the
Hugh Morenz, Mrs. Leslie house,• This bill
Adams, Mrs. Irvin Rader would require absentee
and Marian members of the foreign owners to register
Huron Waves Housewives with the government and
group, along with other companies with off -shore
members from Thedford interests purchasing farm
Zurich and Kippen were land in the province to
guests of the London Free declare themselves. The bill
Press last Wednesday. would only be in effect for
Miss Kathie Kalbfleisch ° year, however.
who is attending the Univer- The minister did suggest
sity of Western Ontario, that the Huron Federation
London, was in Montreal approach their county
over the weekend for the council to request the
Western -McGill football government to pass a bill
game. Kathie has been Placing a freeze on the
chosen the leading ma- purchase of farmland in the
jorette of the Mustang county by foreign absentee
Western Band. owners.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Since the bill would only
Thiel and friends of Toronto protect Huron County and
were Sunday visitors at the not the entire province, the
home of Mr. and Mrs. federation representatives
George J. Thiel of town. decided against this action.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz Following their meeting
and Mary Lou, are touring with Henderson, the Huron
Vienna, Austria, Russia and delegation met with Jack
Germany. Riddell, Huron -Middlesex
20 Years Ago MPP and Liberal
agriculture critic in the
Close to 300 relatives, legislature and Murray
church friends, neighbours Gaunt, MPP for Huron -
and other friends shared in a Bruce. They also met with
very impressive farewell the New Democratic
service in honour of Rev. Party's agriculture critic,
and Mrs. Cyril K. Gingerich, Donald MacDonald.
on the evening of Thanksgiv- Riddell and Gaunt told the
ing Day. Rev. and Mrs. delegation the minister is not
Gingerich will be leaving prevented from ' taking ac -
shortly for a term of mis- tion by the bill now before
sionary service in Nigeria, the legislature. It is very
West Africa. Mr. Gingerich simple they said to attach an
will serve as Chaplain and acng a
business manager while pamendmentfto the bill
lreeze on the
Mrs. Gingerich will serve as purchase of Ontario farm -
head nurse or Matron at the land by foreign non-
Abiriba Community Joint
Grant A. Case, a former Gospel Group
manager of the Zurich The Watchmen gospel
branch of the Hensall group will be appearing at
District Co -Operative, has Zurich United Church on
received the "Co -Operator Sunday, October 26.
of the Year" award from the The Watchmen have been
United Co -Operatives of On- singing gospel music for
tario in the field of Manage- over ten years. Beginning as
ment for the year 1960. a local quartet in Kitchener's
On their way to attend Bethany Missionary Church,
heir daughter's wedding the group has now sung to
eception in Hensall, Mr. hundreds of thousands of
and Mrs. Louis Ducharme, people in Canada and the
Zurich were involved, in an U.S. The Watchmen have
ccident three miles west of appeared on many radio and
he village on Saturday. television shows as well as
Marriage vows were ex- having recorded several
hanged in St. Peter's long-playing albums.
Roman Catholic Church, St. The members are bass
oseph, on Saturday, Oc- singer Dave Yake, tenor
ober 1, by Theresa Pauline Norm Sonnenberg, lead
Ducharme, Dashwood and singer Doug Jones, baritone
eter Lawrence Bedard, Dave Chapman and pianist
Drysdale. Brian Winger.
which brought about
Thursday's meeting.
The federation was
prompted to renewed action
following the sale of over
1,000 acres of farmland in
McKillop township to foreign
absentee interests during the
summer. Another 500 to 800
acres of McKillop farmland
is a prospective purchase by
foreign absentee owners at
this time. In Colbourne
Township considerable
acreage was sold over the
summer to the same type of
The Huron Federation of
Agriculture has been
working closely with the
Rural Development
Outreach project (RDOP)
University of Guelph, in
studying foreign ownership.
The RDOP is presently in -
with Lorne
volved in the second phase of
the study, looking at the
effect of foreign ownership
on communities.
The first phase of the
project was completed and
presented to federation
members last June when it
was disclosed that 9.5 per-
cent of the county's land was
people living
owned by
outside the country.
by Don Morgan is an account of how wheat
has become a central factor in • world
diplomacy. It is a fascinating analysis of the
five grain merchants - Cargill, Continental,
Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Andre' - that control
the world grain distribution system.
The BIG FIVE grain companies are con-
trolled by SEVEN of the world's richest most
powerful and uncommunicative FAMILIES -
private, centralized, OLIGOPOLIES (several
large firms control the price system) that do
not publish financial statements!
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