HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-10-16, Page 2Page 2 Citizens News October 16, 1980 ' • ti i!4 z Veit Our Store FOR A COMPLETE UNE OF * Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties Dairy Store. MAIN ST -ZURICH PHONE 236-4930 TASTY TEMPTING DESSERTS — The UCW of Emmanuel United irhurch in Zurich hold a very successful bake sale and tea Saturday. Showing off some of the baked goods available were Donna O'Brien, Marilyn Geiger, Hilda Landsbergen and Brenda Harburn. Staff photo New couple in town • People coming and going Congratulations to Beth Sweeney (Grade 6 of St. Boniface school) who came in "first" out of ap- proximately 77 childrenin a cross-country meet (race) on Friday at Morrison Dam in Exeter. She received a medal for her efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Regier and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Regier are happy to have a new Zurlch Carmel Sweeney tittle grandson, born on Saturday October 11 at St. Joseph's hospitalA third boy 'for Peter and Bonnie Regier of London. Louis and Mary Ayotte, Matthew and Mary Lou Denomme and Clem and Theresa Regier all attended :he wedding of Peter Degroot and Mary Kenny on )ctober 4 in Deep -River Jntario. They also visited with Leo and Anne Regier )vernight in Beachburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Beauchamp and family of Pembroke spent from Friday to Monday with their ;on and daughter-in-law, Don and Elaine Beauchamp and grandchildren, Nicole Ind Neil. Last week -end Paul and Shirley Bedard with family Lisa, Debbie and Paul Jr. accompanied by Mrs. Joan ledard and daughters, Carol and Rose Mary all motored )y van to Espanola for the ✓eek -end and stayed at the tome of Ed and Denise Vebster and their two hildren. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Overholt Ind family were dinner ;uest on Sunday with Joey and Sandra Overholt in .ondon and celebrated the irst birthday of grand - laughter Melaine. Congratulations to Steven tnd Michele Haberer (nee tobinson) who were narried on Friday October 0 at the United Church in Noodham, with the recep- ion held in Kirkton. The .Duple are to live in Zurich. ;teven is the son of Mr. and virs. Fred Haberer. Mrs. Martha Heywood of Hingham spent a few days ast week with her sister, /ars. Gertie Fleischauer. Sharon Overholt and riend of London had 'hanksgiving dinner on Tonday with her brother and amily, Jerome and Carmel weeney. Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. spent Sunday and Monday in Detroit visiting with relatives, Mrs. Kay Sweeney and Anna -Marie Cavil, in Warren Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey spent Saturday with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Geoffrey in Detroit and Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Geoffrey and children in Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regier, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Geoffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Art Musson bf Grand Bend along with relatives freom Wind- sor went on a bus tour to Las Vegas over the holiday week- end, and reported having a very good time and nice weather! The group went by bus to Detroit then flew the rest of the way. Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Peters of Sundridge were week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho. Leo and Helen Creces attended the wedding of their nieceBrenda Creces to Steve Desjardine in Mt. Carmel on Saturday (She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Creces of RR 1 Dashwood.) Charles and Bernice Eckel along with Isidore and Mary Laporte spent the long weekend from Friday to Monday at their cottage up north near Dyer's Bay. A fancily Thanksgiving dinner and birthday party was held Sunday at the home of Earl and Anne Flaxbard for 16 people, Celebrating their first birthday were cousins Megan and Gillian Flaxbard. Leo and Gail Debus and family, Stratford visited on the week -end with her - mother, Mrs. Florence Denomme and relatives in town ..: Ronnie and Diane Denomme and family, Sarnia, Peter and Marlene Denomme, and family, London, Jim and Maurene Denomme, Dashwood and Mathew and Martha Ducharme were dinner guests on Sunday with Jerome and Marie Denomme. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyce of St. Catharines visited with Mrs. Margaret Smith, Zurich and Herb Hedden, Hensall. B- Bers in Brighten The senior girls Basketball team of S.H.D.H.S. travelled to Brighton after school on Friday (near Belleville Ont.) where they stayed overnight at the Presqu'elle Beach Motel ready to take part in a tournament on Saturday. Those going from Zurich were, Carrie Sweeney; Linda Mathonia and Janet McAllister. The out -come of the trip was that they won one game and lost a game. Ladies guest A lovely time was had by all the ladies who attended the meeting at the United Church last Thursday guests were from the Lutheran Church and St. Boniface C.W.L. Golden Agers Feast A very good turn out (over 50) Golden agers enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner last Wednesday followed by bowling and cards. Minister guests The October meeting of the Emmanuel U.C.W. was held Thursday evening. Guests were Catholic Women's League and the women from the Lutheran Church. The church was decorated with horns of plenty and the Sunday School hall with plants and autumn flowers. A musical prelude was played by our pianist, Phillipa Steckle, who also accompanied fdr the hymns. Group No. 7 was in charge of the programme and consisted of Margaret Johnston, Mary Jacobe, Dorothy Koehler and Olive O'Brien. Words of welcome were voiced by Margaret John- ston after which she offered prayer. Miss Olive O'Brien greeted everyone at the door. Hymn "For the beauty of the earth" was sung. Dorothy Koehler read Psalm 102 as the scripture lesson and also offered a prayer. Sandra Coleman, a very talented pianist, played two selections which were greatly enjoyed. Mary Jocobe gave two readings which were very appropriate for the Thanksgiving season. They were "The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers" and "Thanksgiving Time". Phillipa Steckle played an offertory while Mary Jacobe and Donna Greb received the offering. Margaret John- ston dedicated the offering. MaryJacobeintroduced the guest speaker, Rev. Alun Thomas, the Bayfield United Church minister, who came to Bayfield in July 1978. He thanked Mary Jacobe for her kind words of introduction and he mentioned the dif- ferent places where he had lived due to the fact that his father was an army man, before coming to Ontario. He is very grateful to be living in Ontario. In part he mentioned the Thanksgiving theme and of the gifts of God - gifts of marriage and families - He stated that one in four marriages today are coming apart. A sobering thought, he looked at the Bible to see what marriage is. Some may thing his contribution (not being married himself) foolish for speaking on this subject. There is a Jewish law that says man can get a divorce but not the woman. A Jew cannot commit adultery against his wife. It is a mistake making divorce • an unpardonable sin. God's intent was for man and woman to control as general manager. Christ sacrificed his Life for us. In the East, the washing of feet was the lowest job of slave - yet, Jesus washed his people's feet. Margaret Johnston thanked Rev. Thomas for his fineaddress. This part of the meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the hymn "Now thank we all our God" and Margaret John- ston offered the closing prayer. We then retired to the Sunday School hall for lunch and a social time. Before lunch, Olive O'Brien read a Thanksgiving blessing, A short business meeting was presided over by the President,. Donna Greb, at which time we are asked to remember the following dates: October 26 -The U.C.W. is in charge of a pot luck lun- cheon following the morning anniversary service. November 25 -The Presbytery meets here at the Emmanuel United Church. The U.C.W. is catering to the noon dinner. The local U.C.W. is donating $25.00 to the Canadian National Institute of the Blind also $775.00 to the Mission Service of the United Church. r BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind, any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 Ilderton 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sole service Profit By Experience Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER For your printing needs phone 235-1331 ROBERT WESTLAKE INSURANCE Specializing in GENERAL INSURANCE 236-4391 ZURICH BONN 1. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 MONDAYS - FRIDAYS 9-5:30 Saturday 9-12:00 Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9-12 A.M. — 1:30-6 P.M. Closed all day Saturday 235.2433 EXETER Don flan Patter Licensed Auctioneer Antique, household, farm and estate sales Consignments welcome Call collect Zurich236-4547 G.H. WARD & PARTNERS Chartered Accountants 286 Main St., Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-0120 ARTHUR W. READ JOHN S. McNEILLY RESIDENT PARTNER MANAGER RES. ( 519) 238-8075 RES. (519) 235-1734 GERALD 1. MERRIER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235.0281