HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-10-02, Page 10. Page 10 r. .1 Ir (u. D t h •.d Jr. Oc, 141.1200 i. /Kr. .• Citizens News October 2, 1980 Small Ads... Big Results! ... FO IITN 1S.Mbli � Cards of Thanks The family of the late Ken Smale wishes to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation for acts .of thoughtfulness and ex- pressions of sympathy from relatives, friends and neighbours duringtheir re- cent bereavement. Also to Father Mooney, Westlake's Funeral Home, Hoffman's Ambulance, the Hensall Legion Auxiliary and the Catholic Women's League for the lovely lunches. Special thanks to Julie for taking care of Jenny and Darryl, and to anyone who helped in any way. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Sylvia Smale and family 40c Wanted WE PAY TOP PRICES for late model wrecking trac- tors (farm, industrial, backhoes) any condition. Keith Fawcett Tractor Supp- ly, R.R. 2 .St. Marys, Ont. Phone- 519-284-2379. 40:41c Situations Wanted WOMAN TO BABYStT in my home from October 10th to October 13th. (Thanksgiv- ing weekend). Phone 236- 4198. 40c 1 1 e Chu c es Emmanuel United Church Sunday, October 5 Ms. BARBARA LAING, 11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School Come and Join us We extend a warm Welcome to all St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV JACK PRESSLER Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, October 5 10:00 - Worship Service 10:45 - Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the worship service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor _ CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, October 5 9:45 a.m. -Sunday Church School 10:45 a.m. - Worship Service with Holy Communion 8:00 p.m. Community service of thanksgiving at St. Peter'rlutheran Church Everyone Welcome Meditation God holds my hand To walk with Him is sweet 1 find in Him a life that is com- plete And when His will I do not un- derstand I can but oray, "Do not let go my hand" Sidney Jook nelS 1• N. Y' "•• Livestock SERVICE AGE BOARS Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and Crossbreds,. in- cluding York X °Landrace boars. Figures available on purebreds. Bob Robinson, R.R. 4 Walton 345- 2317. 40:41:42c LINCOLN RED Shorthorns, 4 Lincoln. 12 months old. Phone 236-4137. 40:41:42c Property For Rent AVAILABLE immediately. 1 bedroom apartment, cen- trally located in Zurich. 236- 4320 or 236-4592. 35tfn MEDIUM SIZE STORE with bright cheery living, quarters. Good main street location in the centre of town. Reasonable rent. Hen- sall 262-3205. 40-43c IN MEMORIAM FINKBEINER - In loving memory of a dear . son and brother Ray Kenneth who died 4 years ago Oct. 2, 1976. Please God forgive a silent tear, A constant wish that Ray was here, Others. were taken. yes we know, , But he was ours and we lov- ed him so, If all the -world were ours to give, We'd give it, yes and more To see the face of our loved one, Come smiling through the door, Please God just take a message, To Ray in Heaven above, Tell him how much we miss him, And give him all our love, Dearly remembered by Mom, Dad, brother and sister and family. 40c OBITUARY ELGIN McKINLEY In South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday Sep- tember 26, 1980, John Elgin Campbell McKinley •RR 2 Zurich, in his 81st year. Beloved husband of Elsie May (Coleman) McKinley. Dear father of G. Anson, E. Robert and Berne A., all of RR 1 Zurich and Mrs. Ken (Jean) Fanson of RR 1 Zurich, 18 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren also survive. Two sons, one daughter, two grandchildren and one sister Mrs. Harvery (Elinor) Coleman predeceased. Also surviving is one sister Mrs. Bart (Ladis) of Clinton. Rested at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich until Monday, Sep- tember 29, when the funeral service was held at 2 p.m. with Rev. Wiiena Brbwn officiating. Burial in The Bayfield Cemeter3f. Pallbearers were Howard Armstrong, Harold Peck, Arnold Keyes, Elmer Hayter, Keith Coates, Abe DeMooy. Flowerbearers were, Jack Coleman, Jim Chapman, Ivan McClymont, Murray Lobb, John and George Lavis, and Orval Schilbe. Mr. McKinley was a life long member of Goshen United church, the Eastern Star Exeter chapter 222 and Huron Masonic Lodge, Hensall. A Masonic Service was held at 4 p.m., Sunday. • / ..,.... . w IP. POI 91Ei • ASSIFIEDADS! R r WARRING, P. Property For Rent 1 'BEDROOM house. Available now. Phone 236- 4137. 40:41:42c For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, Wheelbarrows, etc. Forrp ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich, tele. 236- 4954. 15t For Sale HEAVY ROOSTERS. Phone 236-4868. 29tf POULTRY For Sale. Hub- bard Golden Commets, top quality, brown egg layers, 20 weeks old, available this fall. To order call McKinley Hatchery 1-800-265-8536. 36- 42c . • PROPANE SPACE Heater, 50,000 BTU automatic ther- mostat, complete at- tachments, excellent condi- tion. Asking $300.00. 236-4285 or 235-1584. 37tf APPLES pick your own. Snows, Sweets, - Kings, Greenings, Delicious, Star- ting Fri., Oct. 3. Spys and Russets after Oct. 10. Pick- ing days Wed., Fri. and Sat. Other days by appointment. Ready picked also available. Including Mac and Cortland, Cider apples and Sapago potatoes. Please bring con- tainers. Fresh cider each Sat., Starting Oct.4. McClay- mont Orchards 1 mile south of Varna, 482-3214. 39-41c TOMATOES: Pick your own or we will pick for orders. Huron Ridge Acres. RR 2 Zurich. Phone 565=2122. 38 40c MACINTOSH, Cortlands, Double Red Delicious apples; plums; fresh apple cider; red and white potatoes and honey. Special 11 qts. plums $3, at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Closed Mondays and Thursdays. Phone 524-8037. 40tfn COMING EVENTS BAKE SALE AND TEA. Saturday, October 11, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Emmanuel United Church Basement, Zurich. Sponsored by the Sunday School. 40:41c 'T . • 1..g Geeffr.y Ceestnidiee Homes, Renovations, Additions Farm Buildings & Repairs Aluminum Siding & Awnings Iurkh 236-1433 Daytime Easter, 235-2961 Evenitros 1 1 1 . •. .. I, 1. 1. 1• ,. 1 • • . •_, 1 . ,, „ to t, •, 9. O. ,. • KI For Sole 2. PA RS GIRLS' FIGURE SKATES Don Jackson - size 2/ -$70.00. Riedel - size 51/2 - $40.00. Phone 236-4258 or 236- 4930. 40c - MOVING -Sacrifice. Self •cleaning Moffatt Marquis stove and large fridge, harvest gold. Nearly new. Phone 238-1026: 39:40c Services - LAKELAND SANITATION Septic Tanks Holding Tanks Cleaned and Serviced Portable 'toilets Residential, Commercial, Farm 24 hr. service Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd Res. 238-8541 Bus. - 238-8492 25tfn CUSTOM COMBINING, grain. beans. corn marrow rows) truck available. Dave Taylor. 262-5341.33tfn Carpet & Vinyl Insulation. repairs and restretch Robert Watcher 228-6546 34tfn • CaII 236-4672 ."\t i The Huron County Board of Education • requires a Custodian for SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH . SCHOOL Written applications stating age, experience arid telephone number should be addressed to: Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Educa- tion, 103 Albert Street, CLINTON, Ontario NOM 110. Applicants will be notified "if required for .an inter- view. Deadline for applications is October 9, 1980 D.J. Cochrane Director .D. McDonald Chairman WANTED TO BUY Standing Timber Contact B. Clackett,. Phone: 243-2067 t AM. •OOKKEE 1 ■. Services • S.J. Shanahan Liquid Waste Disposal Holding, septic tanks, pig lagoons grey water haulage II 565-2795 Bayfield • 38-41c Custom - •Slaughtering. and Processing, Monday - Beef Tuesday - Pork . SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR HENSALL Store 2624017 Abattoir 262-2041 PERCY BEDARD Carpenter *Custom Built Homes .*Renovations - *Additions *Repairs *Free Estimates Phone 236-4873 After 6 Zurich ,t n DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LI D., SALES WITH SER vrCF The Place To Ruy Appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays THE BEST FOR LESS! Why Pay More? BY INGUS ADMIRAL EUREKA ELECTROHOME Service To . All Makes Compare Our Prices Before You Buy riirkbc i in FURNITURE & APPLIANCES ZURICH 2364075 Antenna •B&T sales & Service lostallation and Repairs Delhi Towers - T.V. and C.B. Antenna VARNA, ONTARIO - Brian McAsh 482-7129 •If no answer call 482-7157 R.K. PECK APPLIANCES "In The Heart of Dowd Town.Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners • Sales and Service of most makes • CI Radios and Accessories • Speed OueevrApplionces • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units II Handcrafted Gifts Varna. Ont. phone 412-7103 TRUST COMPANY GUARAIITEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates ysually available. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-481 • or 236-4560