HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-09-25, Page 8Page 8 Citizens News September 25, 1980 �. 'ow vrEgre 1414:47066... M... • ENGAGEMENTS • Small Ads... Big Results! - Mr: and Mrs. John Paul Rau of RR 2 Zurich are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary Teresa (Terri) to Patrick Kenneth Brandon,r son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brandon of Bayfield. The wedding to take place on Sept. 27, 1980 at 2:30 o'clock in St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph's, Ont. Open reception to follow. 38:39c BIRTHS NAFZIGER — Wayne and Cheryl : are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their first born, Andrew Wayne, Sept. .5, St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ' First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Stephen. Gitigericb and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nafziger. First gIeat grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Amos Naf- ziger. 390d Cards of Thanks Sincere thank-you•to those who . rel nembered ' me with prayers; cards and visits while in hospital. Also to those who helped and offered help on the farm. It is great to have neighbors acrd friends Who are so thought- ful. Glen Thiel 39c Churche, Emmanuel United Church Sunday,S►eeppttember 28 . Ms: 8ARBKRA LAING 11:15 a.m. - Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School Come and join us We extend a warm Welcome to all St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV JACKKgaaDnnRESSLER st Mrs. Christine Eagleson Sunday, Septimber 28 10:00- Worship Service 10:45- Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the worship service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor _ CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, SepteMber 28 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. - Sunday Church School 8:00 p.m. - Presentation of the "Potter's Wheel" by Paul Mar- tin. Wed. 8:00 p.m. - Bible Study & Prayer Service Everyone Welcome Friday - 8:00 p.m.-G.M.S.A. Sal. 8:00 p,m. - M.Y.F. Meditation The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall no: want. Psal 23:1 • .i•1/ ,' .' •' L f .L IN MEMORIAM N. Y," SMITH — In loving memory of my dear husband, Alfred James Smith who passed away Sept. 30, 1979. Nothing can ,be more. beautiful, Than the memories I have of you, To ,me you were someone special, And God must have thought so too. Mrs. Margaret Smith and family 39c Loss JACK -$.L -JACK on either north bbundary of Hay or Hwy. 84;between KiPPen and Zurich( ' Can be positively identified. Call 42-2440 after. 6 p.m. 39c For Rent PLYWOOD , FORMS', wedges, portable cement -mixer, Power Trowels; Wheelbarrows, . etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich, tele. 236- 4954. 15t Property For Rent AVAILABLE immediately. 1 bedroom apartment, cen- . trally loeated in Zurich. 236- 4320 or 236-4592. 35tfn IN HENSALL. 2 storey 3 bedroom house in excellent condition. Available October lst: Phone 236-4920 after 5 35tfn p.m. For Sole HEAVY ROOSTERS. Phone ' 2364868. 29tf PEACHES, Bartlett pears, eatingand cooking ng apples, tomatoes, plums and honey. Art Bell Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037. 36tfn • POULTRY For Sale. Hub- bard Golden Commets, top quality, brown egg layers, 20- weeks old, available this fall. To order call McKinley Hatchery 1-800-265-8536. 36- 42c 3 PIECE wool camel suit. Man's small, Phone 236- 4792: 39nc COMING EVENTS THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held , Monday, ,,re 1. 29th at North St. United Church, Goderich at 6:30 p.m., Tickets for the' dinner maybe obtained by contac- ting a member of the Cancer Society executive . in your community or calli>ig the of- fice in Clinton at 482-7832. Guest speaker is Dr. It. J. Anderson of Victoria Hospital, London. 38:39c r1111egif".7- 11► radial Homes, Renovations, Additions Form Buildings & Repairs Aluminum Siding & Awnings Zurich 436-4132 Oay$m. Scow, 433.2961 evenings 4 • 1.• 1. • r ... '-•'r1, :. rrYe l•1, .A LAS SIFIED ADS 1 W "'zUMt•^' k. ••• For Sale PROPANE SPACE Heater, 50,000 BTU automatic ther- mostat, complete at -tachments, excellent condi- tion. Asking X300.00. 2364285' or 235-1564. ; 37tf McINTOSH and Cortland app/es also windfall Macin- tosh at reduced prices. Prune and grand duke plums, fresh apple cider, red and whitepotatoes and honey. Closed Mondays and Thursdays. Art Bell's Fruit F'arms.Phone 524-8037.39tf APPLES pick your own. Snows, Sweets, Kings, Greenings, Delicious, Star- ting Fri., Oct. 3. SPys and Russets after Oct. 10. Pick- ing days Wed., Fri. and Sat. Other days by. appointment. Ready picked also available. Including Mac and Cortland, Cider apples and Sapago potatoes. Please bring con- tainers. Fresh cider each Sat., Starting :4. McClay- mont Orchards 1 mile south of Varna, 482-3214. 39-41c TOMATOES: Pick your own' or we will pick for orders. Huron Ridge Acres. RR 2 Zurich. Phone 565-2122. 38 40c' FALL SALE on Nursery Stock 20% OFF trees di shrubs • While supplies,last Huron Ridge Acres RR 2 Zurich Phone 565-2122 38:39c r MOVING Sacrifice. Self cleaning Moffatt Marquis stove and large fridge,. harvest gold. Nearly new. Phone 238-8026. 39:40c Custom l Slaughtering and Processing Monday - Beef Tuesday - Pork SCIIOLIP'S ABATTOIR HENSALL Store 262-2017 Abattoir 262-2041 SAFE "0" C ST�PS� PORCHES - patio slabs - sidewalk slabs - curbs - flower bed edging - interlocking paving stones - flagstone Call:G&G CONCRETE' . PRODITS 23b -4y43 Services LAKELAND SANITATION SeptieTanks Holding Tanks . Cleaned and Serviced. Portable toilets Residential, Commercial, Farm 24 hr. service Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd Res. - 238-8541 Bus. - 238-8492 25tfn CUSTOM COMBIN.IN.G, grain, beans, .con (narrow rows) truck available. Dave - Taylor. 262-5341.33tfn CUSTOM Big Round baling. Co• Zondag, Bayfield. 565 - 5308. 24tfn • SJ. Shanahan - Liquid Waste 'Disposal Holding, septic tanks, pig lagoons grey water haulage Coll 565-2795 Boyfield 38-41c Carpet & Vinyl Insulatiop, repairs . . and restretch Robert Watcher 228-6546 34tfn • TME BUST FOR LESS! Why Pay More? BY INGU ADMIRAL EUREKA ELECTROHOME .Service To All Makes Compare Our Prices Before You Buy • VI;;; riit'11,ciin FURNITURE & APPLIANCES ZURICH 236 4075 11OOKKft • • f.•.4. :t1 ,,��••/� •♦ La •/n Antenna 6 T saw: & Serrke Installation and Repairs • Delhi Towers T.V. and C.B. Antennas VARNA, ONTARIO Brian McAsh 482-7129 If no answer call 482;7157 t WAUTED TO BUY Standing Timber Contact B. Claekett, Phon.: 243-2061' The 4A's Truck & Car Wash Hensafl M Truck Bay has Cat Walk for your convenience.. ZURICH RATEPAYERS' MIETING Tuesday,'October- 7, 8 P.M. ZURICH ARENA' The council of the Village of Zurich will be meeting Wednesday, October 15 rather fhan October 16. . LOOKATTHIS! Take a night off to attend Western Air Services Aviation' Ground School Course starting Oct. 7., at Exeter H1. h School 7:30 p.m. • • Costof course only 525.00 • • tin ' o Frien , +� g o p lot licence regilired • Less than half our i.egulbr _price - • TWo experienced ground school instructors For More Information . CALL Dave or Paul at 228 • 67 or Eimer 237-3435 • s. L:L 1. J..f.L.Jii - r - i , 4f