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Zurich Citizens News, 1980-09-18, Page 12
Page 12 Citizens News September 18, 1980 NOW 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU WITH SELECTION, SAVINGS & PERSONAL ATTENTION SPECIAL LOW GROCERY PRICES Fresh Ontario' SPECIAL LOW MEAT PRICES SAVE 400 Ib. 5 to 7 Ib. ave. whole Fleischmenns soft 1 Ib margarine 8 Campbells. Condensed Ib. TOMAT SOAP TDMA i frozen grade A SAVE 204 Ib. TOMATO OUr fresh Ontpork nixed loin chops Ib. SAVE 400 Ib. wF.;tor1S hambur g or hotdog fresh Ont. pork butt chops Ib. SAVE 20t Ib. Kleenex Bouthqup facial tissue 120 JAM added pectin regular fresh ground beef Ib. SAVE 500 lb. our own store sliced McCormick s saltines Stafford blueberry pie fill Robin Hood all-purpose flour_ Nestles chocolate Quik Cloverleaf flaked white tuna Nabisco Shreddies Maxwell House ground -coffee Dempsters 100% .„.. 89t 1.29 9.69 '2.39 675 $1.09 r. 19 oz. 2.5 kg. 1 kg. whole wheat bread White Swan deluxe luncheon serviettes save -all waxed paper Sunspun mac & cheese dinner 7, 1 Ib. 1 • Ib... • SAVE11 lb. '3.49 58< 59t 99t 3/'1 '1.38 ,,, g. 49< 99c ��.f 9.59 '1.39 .,,"38< 24 oz. Royal cheese cake mix Dr. Bollards beef, beef & cheese, liver dog food Better Buy liquid bleach Bronze Right Guard Voetine- intensive care lotion Royal instant pudding 11 oz. chicken, 50, oz 150 ml. 200 ml. corned beef Ib. SAVE'1 Ib. SPECIAL LOW PRODUCE PRICES each Maple Leaf (Canada Packers) random cut CHEESE Old, medium, Colby, mozzarella, marble, etc. Now'available at special prices GRAN[) BENT) 2324212 Mon., Tuns., W.J:. & Thum. 8.9 Fri. 8.9 *0t. e-6 Sunday 9-5 BAYFIELD s*s.0+1 Mon. i TVes. Wad. Thurs. Sot. Sunday 9.6 9-1 9-6 9.7 9-6 -9.5 4 ZURICH 236.11337 6a+., Tags., & Wed.8- *bun. i F►i. • 8-9 Sat. Sunday Clesed cooking options or carrots rutabagas 2 Ib. bag • - 9 Can. no. 1 mixer match do:. each 118 28 Prices effedive tUl closing Sept. 20