HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-09-18, Page 2°risens News September .18, 1980 HOLD HOCKEY REGISTRATION — Members of the Zurich Minor.Athletk "Association were working hard Tuesday night as hockey t'egistration for the upcoming season was held. While Darrel Gingerich looks on, Paul Morrison, Robert Westlake and Al Scott do some registering chores for Irvin Martin. Staff photo Two chit ren baptised in village Little Stephanie Rau laughter of Terry and Helen Rau, R.R. 2, Zurich was bap- tized on Sunday at St. 3oniface Church. God- 3arents Are Mary -Lou Zurich Carmel Sweeney Turkheim and Kim Divine. Also baptized at St. Boniface Church on, Sunday was Julia Genttner, daughter of Linda and Ken .Genttner. Attend beauticians' seminar Beauticians attending the lair cutting and styling seminar at the Marconi Club in London were Bonnie Schenk, Dolores Schilbe, Debbi Milli, Zurich and Heather Bowers of Crediton. Can still register Any girls interested in Trownies or Guides can still -egister� to join at the lauthern Church. Times have Seen changed to 6:30-7:30 for :he brownies on Tuesday _venings, and from 7:00-8:30 'or the Girl Guides on Wednesdays. Personals . Congratulations to Lawrence and Dorothy Bedard who recently celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary Sunday was the beginning �f the Youth Club for high school students at St. Boniface gym with • Sister Eveline, _London introducing the religion program to the good number in attendance. This coming Sunday at 1:30 will be the actual first ?lass. High school age students and up from St. Boniface, St. Peters and St. Joseph are encouraged to Hay council • Continued from front page Learned that they had leen invited to the session of county council September :9. Learned eight building iermits totaling $35,700 had leen issued in the month of ugust. Approved minutes of the ecreation committee which authorized the repair of the auditorium roof by Carl Vin- Tnt of Grand Bend • at a mice of $1,550. Will invite officials from Vintario to visit the arena to ee if it would be suitable for Wintario draw which could e held in conjunction with he village's 125th anniver- ary celebrations. . come out and learn more._ about your faith. Our sympathy is extended to Sylvia Smale and her two children in the loss of a hus- band and father, Ken in an accident last Thursday. Jerome, Carmel and Renee Sweeney spent from Friday -to Sunday in Leamington at the home of relaelves, Louie and Marie Noury, and were guests at the wedding of my cousin Pamela Noury to Brian Anderson on Saturday with Renee as their flowergirl. Ted and Irene Steinbach have returned home from a-. lovely two week trip to McBride, British Columbia where they visited with her nephew Allan and Gail Thiel and two children, Tanya and Tovi. On the way home they stopped in Edmonton for a few days with friends- they hadn't seen for 30 years, Jack and Helen Gourlay. 'Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bedard were their son Richard of Toronto and fiance Joan Daly. The couple are to be married in January. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended _ to Mrs. Ethel Regier who is a _ patient in University - Hospital and has to have an operation on her hip. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dietrich and family of London were Sunday visitors with his mother Mrs. Marchella= Dietrich. Congratulations to Randy and Susan Lovie (nee Masse) who were married on Saturday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend. Mrs. Dolly Jeffrey is hap- py to announce the arrival of her' 19th grandchild, a girl born. on Sunday. September 14, at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Proud parents are Barb and. Charles Jef- frey, R.R. 2, Zurich. Congratulations to Mike and Diana Cubberly (nee Oud) who were married (mi Saturday at St. Boniface Church by Rev. Father Paul Mooney with reception held at the Pine Ridge Chalet. The couple are to live in St. Marys. (Diana is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Ted Oud.) A baby shower was held at the home of Dolly Jeffrey for twenty-five friends and relatives last Wednesday for her daughter. Cathy Gregus of Exeter, where she receiv- ed many useful and lovely gifts. Those celebrating birthdays in September at the Maple Woods Apartment with a get together last Wednesday were Madeline Wisser, William Ziler, Mrs. Livna Miller, Mrs. Lill Din- nin and Arnold Westlake. Annie Finkbeiner spent a week with her daughter-in- law Dorothy Finkbeiner in Belmore, and the two of them enjoyed a nice day on Manitoulin Island and a ride on the Chi-Cheeman. Laird and Theresa Thiel of Halifax spent last week with the former's brother and his wife, Leroy and Marie Thiel. They also • took in the 40th wedding anniversary celebration of another brother, Stewart and Alice Thiel. Enjoy yourself at the 126th annual E x E RIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 19 -and,:20 (with Gospel Sing on Sun., Sept. 21) (These are just a few of the many activities scheduled for your enjoyment.) ERIDAYNIGHT • Admission - Adults $2.00 - Public School 504 • Beef microwave cooking demonstration.7 & 10 p.m. . • Enter the guessing contest for the weight of a live steer. • Amateur show and Beauty Contest • Shelburne fiddling champion • Much, much more' SATURDAY Admission - Adults $2.00, High School $1.00 - Public School Free • Parade at 12:30 - • Miss Dominion of Canada • School fair exhibits • Cow Milking contest • Tractor rodeo • Feeder Club Auction • Horse & Livestock Show • Exhibits & 4-H competitions • The Sunfield-Equestrinnettes precision drill team (American saddlebred horses) • • Fair Dance Sat. night featuring the Bluewater Playboys. Adm., $5.00 per cou- ple. SUNDAY _ • • Gospel Sing at 2:30 with the Chrystalaires (the No. 1 gospel quartet) D.aybreak and others. Adm. Adults $2.00, 12 and under free if accompanied by an adult. • Pork Barbecue at 4:30. Adm. adults $5.00, children $2.50 • Miss Dominion of Canada will be on hand Sunday TICKETS AVAILABLE AT WHITING'S, JERRY ' MacLEAN'S, A& H AND \OTHER STORES OR CALL PAUUNE SIMMONS AT 235-0526. 5777.- 77s7.7,k,"7411.Vrt;ltiT71 Visit Our Store 771!1:77.777.71_, FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF * Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties Dairy Store MAIN ST - ZURICH PHONE 236-4930 -Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS - 20 years' experience . of complete sale service ' Aovincially licensed - Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more To insure success of Your safe or appraisal - Phone Collect 666-0833 llderton 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service Profit By Experience Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER For your printing needs phone 235-1331 Specializing in GENERAL INSURANCE 236-4391 ZURICH JOHN 1. LO TAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 MONDAYS - FRIDAYS 9-5:30 Saturday 9-12:00 Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9.12 A.M. — 1:30-6 P.M. Closed all day Saturday 2352433' EXETEt Don Van Patter. Licensed Auctioneer Antique; household, farm and estate sales Consignments welcome Call collect , • Zurich236-4547 • G.H. WARD & PARTNERS Chartered Accountants 286 Main St., Exeter, On1(ario ' (514)'235-0120 ARTHUR W. READ . JOHN S. McNEILLY RESIDENT PARTNER MANAGER RES. (519) 238=8075 RES. (519) 235.1734 GERALD L. MERt1ER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr: EXETER 235.0281 ''T r