HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-08-07, Page 15NEW CAKE RECIPE — Rossini the magician supervises as,Todd Laporte and `Leon Bedard
make o cake from invisible magic dust, mustard and paper. They ended up with two doves.
The magic show was sponsored by the Huron County Library and Outreach Ontario. •
Dashwood musicians
pass Conservatory test
Miss Idella Gabel ARCT
announces results of' her
music pupils with the Royal
Conservatory of music.
Grade five honors were
Mrs. Irvin Rader
awarded to Donna Taylor
and Lyn Geiser; pass -p
Faye Geiser, Grade three
honors - Brenda Rader
preliminary rudments, first
class honors, Sandra Datars
and Lyn Gaiser.
Seniors at Friedsburg
Friedsburg Days have
come and gone and the
Senior Citizens had a large
and beautiful display of
various crafts including
quilts etc. Ms. Barbara
Mcisaac with ticket no. 385
drawn by Michael Rader
won the quilt; Miss Brenda
Parsons with ticket no. 33
drawn by Amy Rader won
the cushion.
Miss Edna Willert ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Jackgon, Mitchell,
visited the Harry Hayter
turkey farm and called on
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader
last Tuesday.
Mrs. Jessie Rader and her
granddaughter, Julianne
Rader, Grand Bend recently
spent a week at Ottawa with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rader and
family who brought them
home and vacationed here.
Corporal and Mrs. Scott
Boyle, Ottawa, are
vacationing here with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Boyle and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Desjardine.
Carl Wein and Lee,
Hamner, are vacationing
with Mrs. Hilda Wein and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rader
and Ben, London, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Rader.
Elizabeth McGregor and
her girl friend, London,
spent the weekend with her
grandmother, Mrs. Hilda
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
Eckstein, Maplewoods
Apartments, Zurich, spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Pfile.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Koessel, Lansing, Michigan,
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Pfile.
Rev. and Mrs. Wm.
Schatz, Pittsburgh, Penn-
sylvania, and Ms. Lomita
Callfas, Sarnia, vacationed
with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Beef day at
Cattlemen and consumers
can get an insider's look at
the beef industry at the
Southwestern Ontario Beef
Day on August 28, at the
Ridgetwon College of
Agricultural Technology.
"It's the first time in two
years that we've held the
Beef Day program to update
producers about new
production ideas and discuss
the coming year," says John
Forsyth, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food beef
cattle specialist.
The one -day program,
Alternatives for the
Eighties, starts with
registration at 1. p.m.
Visitors are required to pay
;2 to attend the program
only, and $5 to attend the
program and beef dinner.
TRICKS THRILL KIDS -- Rossini the magician kept Zurich children amazed and roaring
with laughter with his wit and unbelievable tricks at a magic show held Wednesday at the
Hay Township Hall, Zurich. The show was sponsored by the Huron County Library and
Outreach Ontario. Staff photo
Citizens News, August 7, 1980
Huron farm and home news
Page 15
Centralia bean day
When friends get together
for good times, food is
always part of the fun.
Is entertaining ever more
frustration than fun for you
— or more preparation than
participation? If so, you may
need some of the new party
food ideas in "Food For
The 4-H Homemaking Club
Project will be offered in
Huron County this fall. Some
of the recipes are Tacos,
Cabbage Rolls, Pizza,
Crepes, Chicken Cacciatore,
and Chinese Style Pork.
Entertaining with energy
conservation in mind is
stressed throughout the pro-
ject. Members learn how to
determine the cost of energy
used by. various small
appliances in making the
mouth-watering recipes.
They also become familiar
with the important features
of each appliance.
So, for good eating, lear-
ning, and fun besides, come
out to "Food For Friends".
We are presently looking
for volunteer leaders for this
program. The requirements
for forming a club are that
there are two adult leaders
and a minimum of four
young people. Membership
age is 12 to 26 as of
September 1st, 1980. If you
would like to get involved,
contact Grace Bird or
Loralee Marshall at 482-3428
or Zenith 7-2800. Leaders
workshops begin on August
21 in the following locatiglns :
Walton - August.21-22; Clin-
ton - August 28-29, August 23
- September 6, September
13-20; Exeter - August 2647;
Wingham - September 9-10;
Gorrie - September 11-12,
Grace Bird & Ldralee
Marshall, Home Economists
for Huron.
Bean Day 1980
Centralia College will
again host a Bean Day on
Wednesday, August 20. You
will hear talks on weed con-
trol, problem weeds and new
bean varieties. There will
also be a discussion on seed
quality. Don Littlejohn from
W.G. Thompson's will talk
about coloured beans. As in
other years, Charlie
Broadwell will give an up-to-
date report. The tours start
at 10:00 and will be repeated
in the afternoon. A snack
booth will be available on
the grounds.
4-H conferences
More than 60 4-11
agricultural club members
from Bruce, Grey and Huron
Counties will be par-
ticipating at the Regional 4-
H Conference held at Cen-
tralia College of
Agricultural Technology on
August 12th. 13th and 14th.
This three-day conference,
sponsored by the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food, brings 15 -year old club
members together, to build
leadership skills. self con-
fidence and enthusiasm for
the 4-H program.
The conference
programme focuses on one
part of the theme - Me, You
and Us - each day. The first
day is devoted to developing
self confidence. Com-
munication with others is
the theme of the second day.
On the final day. groups par-
ticipate in non-competitive
games to build a teamwork
There are also plenty of
recreational activities and
opportunities for serious dis-
cussions on current issues
such as urban sprawl, the
corporate versus the family
farm, and the role of the
rural youth in the'
agriculture community.
Another aim of the con-
ference is to stimulate in-
terest in post -secondary
education. The conference is
held at Centralia College to
give 4-H members a chance
to experience campus life
and to tour a post secondary
The conference also gives
15 -year olds a chance to dis-
cuss their plans with 4-H
members of ,the same age
and learn how the 4-H
programme can help them
achieve their goals.
Delegates for the conference
are selected on their interest
in agriculture. the 4-H
programme and their
leadership qualities. Atten-
ding from Huron are: Helen
Jacobs, R.R. 1. Zurich;
Karen McMichael, Box 70,
Wroxeter; Ron Godkin, R.R.
1, Walton; Lisa Thompson,
R.R. 5, Wingham; Sandra
Datars, R.R. 1, Dashwood;
Caroline Mulvey, R.R. 1,
Clifford; Rob Stafford, R.R.
1, Wroxeter; Cheryl Cann,
R.R. 3, Exeter; Jacquie
Robertson, R.R. 2,
Bluevale; Jim Saldivar,
R.R. 5, Seaforth; Tom
Menheere, R.R. 4, Seaforth;
Melanie Scott, R.R. 1,
Belgrave; Meribeth Scott,
R.R. 1, Belgrave; Greg
Hoggarth, R.R. 2, Kippen;
Ken Siertsema, R.R. 3,
Blyth; Kevin Clark, R.R. 5,
Goderich; Bruce
Boneschansker, R.R. 1,
Ethel; Karen Haist, R.R. 2,
Centralia; Paul Gingerich,
R.R. 2, Zurich; Wayne
Marshall, R.R. 6, Goderich.
Len MacGregor, Exten-
sion Assistant.
Have you disposed
of your empty
pesticide containers?
Along our roadsides we oc-
casionally see a stream bank
or ditch cluttered with
pesticide containers. These
containers are the respon-
sibility of the person who has
left them exposed to the en-
vironment. Any problems
such as contamination by
leeching into the stream or
direct contamination fall
back on the owner.
The person leaving these
containers on the roadside is
also liable to prosecution for
improper disposal of con-
tainers. Pesticide containers
must be either punctured or
broken and buried in at least
50 cm. of soil away from the
water table or water course.
Another comment we
should consider in referring
to the local watering hole is
while filling the sprayer, the
suction line flow from the
tank, the spray operator is
responsible. If the water
course is contaminated, the
Director of Pesticides Con-
trol, Ministry of the En-
vironment, must be notified.
Containment and clean up
are the responsibility of the
person who has con-
taminated the water course.
Ann Steeper will be work-
ing in my area during the
month of August. out of the
Clinton Agricultural Office.
Bruce Lobb. Pesticides
Control Officer.
Don't eat more of any
food than is necessary - ex-
tra food, even the healthy
kinds, turns into fat. Fat is
both unattractive and un-
Tht, Pop "t41;,)t
12 x 30 oz. bottles plus tax & dep. $4.63
Pop 12$
x 24 oz. bottles plus tax & dep. 3.83
Blade or Short
Rib Roast
Fresh Boneless
Ham Roasts
'/a Ib. Beef
Fully Processed
Hip of Beef
500 grams
85 to 90 Ib. Ib.
Inquire about our Total
This Week's Special
(Fully Processed)
Sides of Beef Ib. $ .63
Open 8 to 6 Mondayto Sat.
Friday till 9 p.m.
Laporte Meat Market
Main St