HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-07-31, Page 2Page 2 Citizens News July 31, 1980 WHO IS THAT MASKED BIRD? — In addition to their ball club, CJBK radio also brought along their infamous CJBK bird to entertain the fans at the slo-pitch game between the radio station and Bayview Blue Bombers. The bird showed his stuff to Valerie Gingerich and Dennis Estep. Staff photo Laporte clan at Michigan reunion Attending the Laporte reu- nion in Marysville on Sunday (near Port Huron) were John and Lill Laporte and three children. Tony and Marie Laporte and Mark, also Phil and Patty Laporte and their two children. Along with Noel Laporte and Zurich Carmel Sereeaey' daughter, Sister Bernadette of the Pines in Chatham who is spending the week with her father. • Couple Married Congratulations to bride ind groom, Angela and Brad -2lausius (nee Dittmer) who were married on Saturday at it. Peter's Lutheran Church with dinner and reception e1d at the Hensall arena. 1'he couple are to live in Zurich. Personals Anyone interested in going ;o mass at the Rest Home to - lay at 4 o'clock may do so, is Father Mooney from St. Boniface offers mass there 'or the tresidents every first Thursday of the month and sakes communion to those - in :heir rooms who are unable ;o go out to the chapel. The Sweeney family had mother surprise this past week as on Saturday my 2ousin Jim and wife Linda L'ecile and their three little laughters, of St. Clair 3each, Windsor stopped in 'or a visit as they were cam- )ing at Ipperwash. Joe and Dolores Stanton ind family of Troy, Michigan are spending near - y every weekend now at .heir cottage, a little north )f St. Joseph. Leo and Gail Debus and !hildren of Stratford are )resently vacationing for three weeks with her pother, Mrs. Florence )enomme and visiting with •elatives, Mr. and Mrs. )oug Debus, Mr. and Mrs. 'aul Bedard and Mr. ,eonard Debus of the Maple Woods apartments. Edgar and Ruth Willert of klberta have been vacation - ng for the past two weeks vith his parents. Mr. and Ars. Percy Willert and 'isiting with relatives and ormer friends from town. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs and family. They also attended the rurner-Beyersbergen wed - ling on Saturday with recep- tion at the Chalet. Mrs. Louise (Remi) Denomme spent the previous week in London at the homes of her daughters, Marie and Ann and families. Leo and Cecile Meidinger along with son Doug and friend, Audrey Dobson of Burlington spent last week on holidays travelling to Quebec City and going to the shrine of Ste. Anne De- Beaupre. Visitors throughout last week with Mrs. Adella Regier were her children from Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Regier and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Regier and twins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regier and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bastin. Also visiting with Adella this. past week are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Durwlard and Lorne from Windsor. Miss Jinette Jobin, an ex- change student from Chapais, Quebec returned home last Thursday after spending two weeks at the Lucien and Nora Corriveau of the Senior Apartments spent last week at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Rebecca and Ray Geromette in Detroit Michigan. They Skater passes test Debbie Bedard, daughter of Paul and Shirley Bedard has completed two weeks of ice skating at summer school in London, held at Hockey land. As a result she passed herAAn�Ken Fox and first figures 4est also visited with the' former's brother, Fabin Corriveau while there as they hadn't seen each other for sixteen years. Jules and Helen Corriveau of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan were guests on the weekend with Wilfred and Beatrice Corriveau. Bill and Maria VandenBoomen of Holland are presently enjoying three weeks holiday with his brother, Arnold and Coby VandenBoomen and children at RR 2, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Koening j of Detroit spent from Saturday to Mon- day with their sister Anna - Marie and Bill Watson and all attended a family gather- ing on Saturday at the farm of Louis and Cecilia Farwell. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farwell and Mrs. Lawrence McQuillan of Lon- don. Sister Carmel and Sister Clare Farwell of Hamilton and Kitchener spent the weekend at Louis's. Recent visitors with Mrs. Josephine Dietrich was a niece Mrs. Josie Schwarzli from Stouffville. Ont. and a friend, Anna Pserschy. This past weekend guests were her son, Kenneth Dietrich and friend John Germainopp of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger returned me last Thursday from a two week trip out west to see their daughter and family, Helen and Wayne fiorner who live in St. Paul's, Alberta. Also their son Steven Grainjer and friend Bob Mommersteeg are working out their for the summer. John Cooper of Ingersoll is presently spending a week's holidays with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard. Diane Leibold has returned home from St. Joseph'sHospital where she underwent surgery. While Their 'mother was in hospital John Paul and Jeanette spent time with' their grandparents John Paul with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker, Dashwood and Jeanette with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Leibold, Zurich. Really enjoyed taking in the play "Same Time Next Year" at the Huron Country Playhouse near Grand Bend on Monday. I'm also looking forward to sebing "Annie Get Your Gun" in August. Many children enjoyed the magician show at the Township hall last Wednes- day afternoon, which' was sponsored by Huron County Library. Idling wastes fuel and us. ®Ministry Of T anSPOnatbn and Communications OMan, v� Envgv Onid•.0 SECONDS & SLEMS BARN SIDING ANO ROORING $25.00 per sq. (Galvanized) PAINTED: $40.00 per sq. WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL 40 PATIO DOORS, Aluminum, wood clod, double thermal As low os $325.00 4 4 40 HOUSE TYPE STEEL DOORS Prehung with threshhold As low as $90.00/ca. 4 4 4 Also 20 Double Steel Doers as kw as 5170.00/ea. 4 4 4 3' 4' 5' 6' & 8' Thermal Picture WINDOWS 2'x4' 4• Tube Countersunk F,lourescent Fixtures c/w tubes & shades $40.00 each SPICIAL PURCHASE of "Construction Grade" 2" x 4' per lineal feet 19C (Formerly Builder's Salvage) ALL NEW BUILDING MATERIAL "SUMMER" "SPECIALS" BUILDING MATERIALS AT BARGAIN PRICES BAYS BOWS SUMS PICTURES TRIM 15,000 Sheets 4 x 8 Vs" tongue and groove ASPIENITE: Flooring, roofing, siding No. 1 $9.00 per sheet' Seconds as low as $5.00 per sheet Dealers Welcome SPECIAL 9x4x9 ft. utility grade 75c Each 2x4x6 ft. construction grade 600 Each MON. - PRI. 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Visit Our Store FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF * Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties Dairy Store MAIN ST ZURICH PHONE 236-4930 BUSI DIRECTORY Hugh Tom FILSON • and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale servke I-ovincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-083311derton 666-1967 NORM WHITING , LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service Profit By Experience Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER For your printing needs phone ,............ imeS_. Advocate 235r1331 ROBERT WESTLAKE INSURANCE Specializing in GENERAL INSURANCE 236-4391 ZURICH JONN.E. LONCSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 MONDAYS - FRIDAYS 9-5r30 Saturday 9-12:00 Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9-12 A.M. — 1:30-6 P.M. Closed all day Saturday 235-2433 EXETER Don Van Patter • Licensed Auctioneer Antique, household, farm and estate sales Consignments welcome Call collect Zurich236-4547 G.H. WARD & PARTNERS Chartered Accountants 286 Main St., Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-0120 ARTHUR W. READ JOHN S. McNEILLY RESIDENT PARTNER MANAGER RES. ( 519) 2384075 RES. (519) 235-1734 GERALD 1. MERRIER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281