HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-07-03, Page 71 Captain Buckley By BUD STURGEON Summertime is ISeach party time. As the holar grows late and the campfine dims you huddle clog to hear the tales oft told, What is a ghost? Is it a living entity or only Imagination? Is it the breeze that began . blowing off the lake . that chills the bones and sends shivers down your spine'or is. it the story? / Well sit close and listen because nobody is going out into the darkness to get more fire wood now. There was a wild and windy tempest brewing on Lake -Huron late one, night in the year 1882. The three masted schooner, Malta, Seniors do travel Dashwood Senior Citizens have been very busy lately. Last week was Senior citizens week and they were guests at Huronview for luncheon and program. Wednesday, was a special one day trip when with McNaughton Tours of Ilderton they visited Prudhomme's Tivoli's Miniature world and the Rockton Lion Safari. Playhouse guests Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, Exeter; and Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker •_ were guests of the Playhouse executiv Thursday evening. Hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Don Waters, Parkhill, they - had dinner at the Village Inn and were escorted to the Country Playhouse in the vintage cars where they saw the 50th anniversary production of Noel Coward's classic comedy " 1Private Lives" , which they enjoyed very much. They also saw the parachute jumpers come down beside the playhouse. The two couples who had celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversaries earlier - Dashwood Mrs. Irwin Rader this year, had a delightful evening. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke and Susan. Brampton, were visitors with Milt Haugh last week. Parents, grandparents and friends attended graduation exercises at Stephen Central School for the Kindergarten classes Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Mrs. Anna Messner and her daughter, Anna Wissing, London, have returned home following a trip to eastern Canada and the New England States. They were accompanied by her brother Max Wagner and his wife, Martha Reinheim, West Germany. Lorne Genttner is a patient in University Hospital, London. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader were Friday evening guests at Centralia with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lynn, Chris and Shawn, on the occasion of Chris's second birthday. Saturday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker and Wayne were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, Zurieh, and Mrs. .Barbara Ten 4ck, Kitchener. Gordon Kraft is able to be home from Hospital. which . had sailed from Chicago was beginning to flounder in the heavy seas. Captain. Buckley and the crew searched the shoreline in vain, looking for __the harbotir lights that would guide then to safety. • The waves dashed higher and the - wind rose to a scream. Through the blackness of the storm a light was s tted at last! Wheeling the ship to portside they headed for shore. Without warning the schooner suddenly heaved and the timbers groaned as 'she ran a hore just south of the Signal oint at Bayfield. Word of the • accident spread quickly through the village and the - local fishermen and gentlemen of the . Orange Lodge raced towards the beach to attempt Golden Gliics P What weather we are having to startoff the July 1st holiday. There will be a great many disappointed people who have planned vacations for this week. On Monday evening we were pleased to have Mrs. Lenora Turkheim and her music pupils ` to present a piaho and organ recital for the residents. We thank them for taking. time out to en- tertain our people here. Residents who were � out visiting during the week were Mrs. Margaret Pfaff, Mrs. Ruby Hoggar, tl , Mrs. Isabella Jones, Mrs. Beatrice Overholt, Miss Cecil McLeod and Mr. James. Clarke. Vacation time or not, we are still busy in the craft room and are still interested in receiving odds and ends of wool for knitting or for rugs, also narrow ribbon, seam binding and bias tape. Friday evening bingo was played followed by refresh- mentS. We welcome Mrs. Losetta Fahrner to the home. She is a former Crediton resident. The Sunday evening chapel service was con- ducted by Rev. Keith Gonyou of the - Exeter Pentecostal church. A REMINDER OF THE CAPTAIN -- One of the visible reminders of the good ship Malta which succumbed to heavy seas many moons ago is the ship's rudder, salvaged by a Bayfield cottager. Does Captain Buckley'Innow it'sthere? photo by Bud Sturgeon • Citizens News, July 3, 1980, Plage 7 haunts Bayfield? a rescue. The Captain and crew of ten and a parrot were saved, but the once proud `Malta' was left to her untimely fate where she laid. They say the soul of a sea captain never ,leaves the ship. The wreckage remained intact for about another 70 years, save for the timbers and furnishings salvaged by the local people. The hull floated out and broke into two sections which even- tually disappeared from sight in the early 1950's. Until that time the 'MiIta ' had become a very popular swimming spot, but with the disappearance of the wreck so 'went the adjacent sand bar and the beach that had built up around it. The erosion of the lake bank soon began. - For the next period of twenty odd years, the ruins of the schooner were often spoke of but never seen. Then one evening in 1974' with a stiff offshore breeze blowing it happened. A couple of local boys spotted the old rudder wedged in between some rocks' in the lake. The family eventually salvaged it, and placed it in a cement base, facing the south, at the entrance to their property in Bayfield. Since that time many eerie tales have been told. On dark stormy nights the -Captain of the Malta has been seen - standing by the rudder, facing 'Southwards and Let's run around together. shading is eyes as though - searching for someone or something. Was it fate that the rudder was found that night in 1974 _and . released the Captains soul from the ,depths of the lade, '"or had parts of the wreck often surfaced and gone unnoticed? What does the ghost of the Captain search for? Is he eternally destined to stand guard at the rudder through every storm?' That night, ninety-eight years, ago, the Orangemen were having a dinner in T.J. Marks hall (abovewhafs now Graham'sstore). It has been told that the Captain of the .Malta had seen these lighs and believing them to be the harbour lights of Gqiierich steered his boat towards them only to find the watery grave at the end of Delevan Street. When the wind howls does he come up from the beach to search for these lights still? Possibly there was a light or fire on the beach that night as well. The fire flickers for a moment and you wonder if it was the breeze off the lake or if the Captain had just passed by. Did you hear the waves splash too? I wonder if it was only your imagination or if the Captain • was trying to lift another piece of the wreckage from the depths of the lake? The moon eases behind a cloud and only the coals of the fire remain. Quickly you scamper up the steps from the beach into the safety of your homes as the thunder from the approaching storm rumbles 'in the west. The lightning flashes outside. Was that the Cap- tain staring in? Maybe he is searching the village for the lamps, cooking utensils and other furnishings that were taken from the schooner as souvenirs. Where . did that piece of driftwood that you brought home last 'summer come from? Listen to the wooden shingles clatter on the roof. Is it only the wind or is the Captain trying to tear them loose? When the Malta was pillaged after its demise the mast& were made into shingles and they were put on Bayfield homes. Those that have seen the "ghost" of the Captain standing by the rudder on a night like this believe he is now satisfied that part of his "Malta" has been preser- ved. But one never knows for sure unless you care to step outside and meet him face to face. Our roper imparts will have your appliance in tip top ate fast. Coll -us to. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF - VARNA"' DOWNTOWN VARNA" 412-7103 TBoi�nsr Outdoor power equipment... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OP- takes the work 1 out of yard work 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8661 Plus A Complete Line of Accessories 4 1 ON THE SPOT FINANCING AT BANK RATES MT. CARMEL PHONE 237-3456 CO UNTRY RNERS OPEN MON. - SAT. 10-10 SUN. NOON -6 &ma NWY 83 DASHW000 EXETER MT CARMEL CORSE Tilt HURON RD 1 5 COUNrRV CORNER SIGN LUCAN II TO LO140ON. GRANO 8/NO N W 1