HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1980-07-03, Page 3an.«n.ww.. July 3, 1980 Hensall congregation worships at lake There was an exce at the An United Church Open Service and picnic hel Sunday, at Stanley Towns Park on the Bluewater way. The service, arran by the Worship Comm with George Parker chairman, had Rev. McDonald conducting service with Bob Heywood leading in the ministry of music. The service opened. with a spirited hymn sing and the congregation enjoyed Mr. Heywood _ __sharing - his eilent former Class -mates at a nual miscellaneous shower at her Mr home and Miss Jane Pollock d on Hensall bridesmaid en - hip tertained at her home High- assisted by her mother Mrs. ged Ken Pollock for a ittee miscellaneous shower. as Honour choir leader Stan The Hensall United Church the Choir and their Families expressed their appreciation and bade farewell to their choir leader, Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey on Thursday evening with a banquet at the Pineridge Chalet. After a lovely meal, Don Travers, president of the choir, spoke a few words of appreciation and. Joyce Pepper, secretary, presented Mrs. McCaffrey with a book of music. Mrs. McCaffrey spoke words of appreciation Hensall Bertha.MoGregor musical talents through the witness of song. Scott Jesney and Randy Parker were the ushers. Prizes were given during the afternoon. Don and, Cathy Geiger won the prize for the largest family present. Audrey Christie for the nearest birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cook for the nearest anniversary. Randy Parker was the champion heavyweight for the day and Audrey Christie the champion lightweight. Pearl Shaddick was the most youthful person present and Kay Elder won the prize .for guessing the exact number of jelly -beans in the jar. Randy Parker won the prize for the men's shoe kicking contest and Joanne Pepper for the. women. Linda Gerstenkorn's group won the Soy -bean contest and the bluebird/group won the let's stick together contest. All youth won a prize with Scott Jay in charge of the youth group and Janice Bisback and Cathie Geiger in charge of the children's games. Barbara Gackstetter conducted a candy scramble. Everyone went home feeling the Sunday School and Church picnic was an ex- cellent success and looking forward to nexear's. Bride- elect honoured Miss Sylvia Bell bride - elect daughter of Mrs. Edith M. Bell was honoured with several bridal showers. Mrs. Allan Crerar and Mrs. Robert Taylor arranged a Community shower held in Carmel Presbyterian school room. Lindan Vandenburg, Forrest held a miscellaneous shower; Mrs. Beth Jennison, Grand Bend entertained See Hensall on trip Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke of Zurich returned from a pleasant holiday in England and while there, Mrs. Oke who is the village clerk of Hensall visited Hensall ' in Yorkshire County, England and had the opportunity of meeting Mrs. Scott who is clerk of the Parish Council. The council plays a small part in their local govern- ment which is under district Council in Selby and which is similar to our village council here. It is a rural community with a population of about five hundred. They had only one small variety store. New homes are being built as a new coal mine is opening also a power plant outside the village. It is very similar to our Hensall and one can understand why the Petty's coming here as pioneers would desire to name our village Hensall. to the choir for their work and dedication during her time as leader. Mr. Harry Horton also spoke a few words. Following the meal, everyone went to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Topp in Exeter for a social time. At the same evening, the choir also presented one of their members, Gail Travers and her husband George Shaw with a wedding gift. Change Anniversary The official board of the Hensall-United Church met on Monday evening, at which time they decided to change the anniversary from spring to fall for 1981. An outline of theservices for the year ending June 1981 were outlined by the worship committee and Barbara Gackstetter reported for the FREEZER SPECIAL IIENSALI. FAIR 113EEIF YOU CAN ORDER A SIDE, HIND, FRONT OR LOIN OF HENSALL FAIR BEEF AT OUR REGULAR (RICE (Prot) hindS 1 89 of hoof lb. • blade or shoulder beef steak Maple Leaf sweet cured cottage rolls Swifts sliced bacon ends Swifts Eversweet bacon our own head cheese sliced Maple leaf chicken loaf lb. Ib. Soo grm pkg. (Prot) front IA S 11 of beef Ib. • 9 S 1 .39 1.29 494 6.1 .09 79( X1.49 liquid Lax detergent 500 mL dont. ■ 79 powdered Sunlight detergent 6 litre box P5 as Total w,pose cleanser 159 650 mL cont. Christian development committee giving the outline for the Christian education and fellowship activities coming up. Village Clerk Graduates Mrs. Betty Oke, Clerk of the Villageof Hensall graduated from Fanshawe College on Friday with- a public administraton diploma. Her three sons Bradley Oke, London, Randy, Kevin Zurich, ac- companied their father Don to see their mother graduate. Celebrate 45th anniversary Good friends and neigh- bours mean so much, especially to Irene and Ernie Davis when so many honoured them at the Open House given them by their daughter Kay and her husband Rob for their 45th wedding anniversary on Wednesday June 25th. Helping Kay with the arrangements was her sister-in-law Mrs. Robert Leppington. Mrs. Eileen Rannie poured tea in the afternoon and Mrs. Jeanette Turner did the honours in the evening. Personals Mrs. Alice Ferg and Mrs. Gladys Coleman returned home following a pleasant trip to the Thousand Islands. The wedding Reception held in Hensall Community Centre on Friday honouring Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Corbett who were married in Dash- wood Church on Friday was largely attended. Mrs. Corbett was the former Miss Elaine Hendrick a daughter Page 3 of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrick of Dashwood. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Primeau of Seaforth and on Sunday, Mr. an Mrs. Wayne Payne of London visited. SCHOOL'S IN The children of Hensall Community are busy this week attending the Vacation Bible School being held in the United Church. The general public are invited to the closing exercises on Friday morning at 10:30 a.m. AL'S. MARKET HOURS: Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues., Wil., Thurs., & Sat. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 262-2017 HENSALL BETTER BEEF CUT BETTER By The Sea chunk light tuna 6.5 oz. tin hea lettuce prod. of U.S.A. Canada fancy - Libby's tomato juice 48 ff. oz. tin Canadian process cheese food Black Diamond single thins 8oz.Pk9. 9 TeeyPebe Nabob Tradition ground tea bags coffee 1 Ibvac pact Dao Pkq 89 0172 ■ ■ frozen concentrated reOular a pink Sen M lelnOnade 12 1/2 n. oz. coot 2 assorted flavours Quench crystals 6149ill 99 al0 ■ !69 fancy NIkMM's apple sauce 19 fl. 55 oz. tin 1111 hot dog, fpm, hamburg or succi Rose relish 12 fl. 55 oz. jar ■ MCLafeftS breed & butter pickles 29 oz. jar II 32 II. assorted flavours unsweetened Treesweet juices 6x 139 6 fl. tins■ Good Host iced tea mix 24 oz. tin Uncle Bens wigwam rice cat or dell teed Glad 239 4549 pkg .89 2 15 of tns . 4 golden yellow bananas prod. of Honduras 3Ib. 99( Connors smoked seafood A 9 snacks ■ 92 g tin soaves assorted coburs nandr pack facial ossoo 2 pkgs o1100 .89 pkg 0161' .49 2 100 p size al89 34710369os1ze1.69 Stoll assorted coburs =we pkg oft() 149 assorted frOZen w CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Monday - Beef Tuesday - Pork AL'S MARKET Phone - 262-2041 or 262-2017