Times Advocate, 1984-12-19, Page 37Unit 11 Christmas meeting Unit Ii held their Christmas meeting December W. Mona Alderdice welcomed every one and opened with a poem "That Time Again". Roll call was answered by fifteen TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-4381 or 236-4560 0`'caeaAaaAoseaAsC>oAratamAoAeacamAoAr,AocamAraAdacu..• a 2 1 3 a a a a The Christmas spirit reigns all a y over the land. Hope it fills and warms z your heart with happiness. For your treasured patronage, sincere thanks a II a y DONALD C. JOYNTti INSURANCE 6 a Main St. Hensc II a 1 C') t'', t%, C`,= C'>' OG OG t%a i1d n sea c') t)© Clea c>Q OG Gea Cu) Sa OHOLY NIGHT May the blessings of His love be yours the whole year through. The Birch Tree Hensall Warmest wishes and many thanks ore coming your way. Have a Merry Christmas from the man- agement and staff at J .d MERCL 1Y LINCOLN NENSALL MOTORS LTD. w.«.t. &y. torp.., LINCOLN M...,.,6w« HWY. 4, Hltt'4SAul 262-2604 members by giving a name we use so often at Christmas. Each member brought in canned goods to be given to the Roth Home. January 28. 1985 is Huron Perth presbytery. Helen Drysdale had the devotional and opened by singing "While Shepherds Watched '!'heir Flocks by Night". The scrip- ture was Luke 1-: 46-55. The theme means gladness. Ilelen stressed we can give gifts in so many personal and prac- tical ways other tttatl buying gifts for all ages A play ''What Child Is This'. was presented by Eleanor Mansfield, Kav Mock. Shirley MENSAL!. & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 262-3206 Arena Activities Dec. 19 to Dec. 25 Wednesday Moms & Tots . 10:30- 11:30 a.m. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. No minor hockey Thursday Hensall Juveniles vs Mount Forest Juveniles 8:15 9:45 p.m. Friday Figure Skating 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Hensall Old Timers 7:45 - 9:15 p.m. Saturday Minor Hockey 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Power Skating 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Old Fashioned Skating Party 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $1.00 & .50C Sunday Public Skating 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Rec Hockey 6:00 - 11:00 p.m. Monday Arena dosed Tuesday Arena dosed Ad sponsored by Bailey's Heating Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 Wednesday No moms and tots Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Thursday Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Friday No Figure Skating Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Saturday Minor Hockey 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon FREE Public Skating 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. (sponsored by Legion) Children's Christmas Dances Pres -school to Gr. 4 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Gr. 5 to Gr. 8 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. $1.00 per child Sunday Public Skatir, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Hensall Juveniles vs Drayton Juveniles 2:45 - 4:30 p.m. Rec Hockey 6.00 11 00 p.m Monday . Arena closed Tuesday Arena closed sponsored by DIVISION OF GERBRO INC McAllister. Moha Alderice and Jean Wareing. This was very much like our everyday living, leaving many good thoughts with us The money from uur pro- ject jar is to be sent to our Blind Mission and in place 01 Secret pals we are going to buy or make articles of clothing for a layette to be sent in the bale next tall Mona had another Christmas poem and we had our ex- change of gilts and the names were revealed Rev. McDonald showed a film "Christmas. Take It Per- sonally '. Mona thanked everyoia' for taking part. Dianne (:et-s1enkorn presented Kay Mock. leader for the past year with a gill. Kay thanked everyone and replied she enjoyed doing it. The January meeting was discussed.: The ineel ing clos- ed with a paper bag lunch along with a cup of tea serv- ed by Joyce Pepper and Eleanor Manstiel(1 Queensway news Monday was ('raft Day at (Queensway. and in keeping with the season, we decorated our Christmas Tree. Shirley Luther led our ('hurch service on Tuesday afternoon. Asa Deeves Id our third Advent Candle while we sang carols about the birth of Christ. On Wednesday afternoon we watched an interesting movie entitled "Living Jungle". On Thursday afternoon the ladies baked a birthday cake for the birthday on Friday. Bill McKenzie was our only birthday Mrs. Roobol from Ilensall helped serve the ice cream and cake. Sunday was a very special day at Queensway. Our families joined us for a Christmas dinner - Rev. Stan McDonald, Henall United ('hurch, was our Master of Ceremonies, Col) Armoraal. Irvine Amoraal and Coby Amsing provided a delightful afternoon no) n of dramatic c and musical enterainment. We'd like to thank our families for making the day a beautiful one by sharing Christmas ‘with us. We'd also like to thank the staff who worked so hard to make the day possible. Personals %1rs. Larry Uyl has return- ed from Stratford Hospital. following surgery. We wish her a speedy recovery. 3 Jr. and Mrs. Mile Alunr'oe and ('hris of Whitby and Mr. and Airs. Arthur Dark and Hark of Lucas visited over the weekend with their mother Airs Eric Munroe and also \vith their lather Mr. Eric Munroe in Parkhill. Rev. McDonald attended the funeral on Tuesday 01 his cousin Leslie Crozier ot Ethel. On Tuesday evening he received \word of the death 01 another cousin Harold An- nelle. The deceased are son and son In-law of his aunt. M s Etta of iJstowel SHUT -1N BASKETS -- Mattie McGregor, Ladies' Aid president Margaret Hoggorth and post president Dorothy Taylor packed boxes for shut-in members of Carmel Presbyterian congregation. FAMILY DAY Among those attending the Christmas entertainment and dinner at the Queensway Nursing Home on Sunday were Aso and Gertie Deeves, (left), daughters Edna Johnston and Ida Baker, Frank Baker, Keith Weber and Elgin Johnston. Annual general meeting The Annual general meeting of the Hensall 1 shed ('hurch Women was held on Monday. December 3. It was reported that the new choir gowns for the .Junior choir would cost it reasunahle amount and it \was decided to have 12 to 15 made. A new union Jack would be purchas- ed for the church sanctuary. The Annual meeting at Huron Perth Presbytery will be held in Winghanl on .January 28: six delegates to attend. The budget for 198.1-85 was presented by Miss :[nary Hensall Bantams Hensall Bantams squeaked by Exeter 7-6 to continue their win streak. I lensall opened the scoring in the first period by Rob 'Taylor assisted by. .nim Dickins. Two minutes later Exeter tied it up. 4Wayne Scotchmer assisted by ('hris Ingram and Jim Dickins opened the scoring in the se- cond period.. Fifty seconds later Exeter again tied it. Ex- eter then caught fire and scored three -more goals. Going into the third period down 5-2. Jim Dickins from Rob Taylor started Hensall on their come back. Two minutes later .Jason [manse fired one past the downed goalie. The boys picked up the pace and .Jim Dickins assisted by Rob 'Taylor and Brian Moir lied up the game .Jason (manse from John Rooseboom scored and ('hris Campbell. A minute •later with a minute and a hall lett in the game Exeter put one past Rob Wareing. The boys play again December 22 in Clinton 0 111 $ rJ Happy Holidays Yuletide bells ring out their message of good cheer to all our wonderful patrons. 1 rOn) 1)i,lnn(' and !.lures The Flower Basket Hensall • frier -iris Hove the very Merriest g Christmas. Many thanks KNIGHT !ELECTRIC Hensall, Ontario 262 2319 We're hoping this will be a worm, happy holiday . . . filled with lots of cheer( Our gratitude for your kind support. June, Barry, Greg, Vic Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd, HENSALL afti tots von tom arc( tom armor*. atm arm tom tom cry uoti vim tom e _'Dosy „0 3' Goodwin and \vas accepted. and alter discussion. 11 wa, decided to purchase a photo- copier for use at the church. The loos(' collect inn for the evening. for African relief. wits 10 be made up to s2(nl Letters re Iheclosing uI the ,John Iiobarts School Mr deal .tai;,..ti.eni(►r- students \‘I ,,,- discussed and \lrs Dianne -Gerst('nk()rt) informed all. that letters in This regard may. be picked up at the (''lower Haskel to be sent to Bette Stephenshon "!'here is also a box for donations tor ex pensos tor I his crusade The Memorial Fund ot the (.('A%'. is to be looked unto b\ .,1rs. Shirley AIc2Ilister and Dlrs. Audrey Christ le. President. Joyce Pepper - opened the General meeting with a poem followed by Mrs. Helen Scane' ' (hn canduc't ed a 1evol iona I. The program \t as con- ducted by 1l rs 1orothy Brinlnell Airs \'era Russ placed several ('hristluas tunes on the piano and Rev Stan A(cl)onald \t as the speaker Ile showed a film that reminded us that the greatest gilt we can give at Christmas I11)1(' Is ourselves Courtesy remarks vert' given by \fes Dorothy Parker min Airs Audrey (•hustle. Rev Mut ►)maId condu(•led the Installation of Officers and then .Joyce Pepper was presented with a Lite Membership and a gill in ap preciation..Jowce expressed her gratitude. Officers elected were: Past President, .Joyce Pepper : President. Belva Fuss: Secret a ry. Grace Drunr- mond: Treasurer. Kilda Payne: Stewardship and Finance. :Mary Goodwin: ('ornmunicalions. Dorothy 13rint nel l: 1,eadership and Development. Dianne Gerslenkorn: World Outreach, Kay Mock; ('hurch in society. Audrey Christie: C'hr'istian Development. Shirley M1cAllistcr: In-('hurch committee. Marg ('ole: Nursery. Susan Stoll: unit Leaders: 1'nit I. Audrey Christ ie: 1'nit 2. Mona Alder - dice. 1'nit 3. Dorothy Parker and 1'nil 4. Nan Britton. 110ch lollowed- Carmel Presbyterian Rev. Kenneth Knight COD - ducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian ('hurch on Sun- day with Miss Carolyn Love presiding at the organ and leading the choir in She ser- vice of song. The Choir \will tx' assisting in the Carol service al ('11 ven }'resbyterian ('hurch, Exeter. Sunday December 23 at 7:30 p.m. Times•Advocate, December 19, 1984 Page 13 NOTICE I Parking on the Streets of Hensall bet- . weer 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. is prohibited and Council has authorized strict en- forcement of this and all other provi- sions of the parking by-law. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" • FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales & Service to Most Makes) • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For Farm & business) •WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES •WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor & Outdoor Use) •GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 tlaPPy•hofi- day wishes to all our won- derful cus- tomers. We 1 - 4njoyed ser v - Y= rng you. Keith and Dorothy Vollands Meat Market Hensall 5 C•. . 1t - b l' u le fide "4' ' ti, g NIP reettinqs i',i igria / Skating through this t; - happy season with lots g .. ���i� of holiday cheer, joy C Cand good times for alt! May your days be filled • ifi s with Christmas spirit, g r 1 i:. >$'� peace & love! Thanks! 1 C O H Hurondale Dairy HENSALL 262-2712 04o Am oocuss Aa cum No no 00 ons CM!: t1Q no co csa no aei3 CO-OP1_111111 _ , per. �,��!'��J n� 'sgKEET______11LO \T s To cherished old friends and valued new friends, we would like to take this opportunity to wish our friends and patrons all the joy, the hope and the happiness of Christmas. May the meaning of the holiday be deeper, its friendships stronger, its hopes brighter, as it comes to you during the New Year. c7l'IERIZjI CHRISTMAS &AGHAPPY ANEW °YF,AR, HENS Closed Dec. 25 - 26, Jan. 1 ALL DISTRICT CO.OP INC. Hansell Zurich Sseforth eruceflold 464-3002 436-4393 327-0770 402.9643