HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-12-12, Page 31Leave your wallet
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ATTHILL – Bill, Mary Lou and
Drew lovingly welcutne Mallory
Catherine into their family. She
was born Nov. 28 at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Special thank
you to the doctors and nurses of
the third floor and Dr. Peter
Johnston. 50c
BEAR – Ted and Sheila welcome
with love Derick Edward, born
Monday, December 3, 1984,
we ing 8 Ib. 5 oz., a brother for
. Proud grandparents are
Don and Audrey Bear, London
and Lloyd and Eileen Willert,
Dashwood. Also great grand child
for Leonard and Vi Bear, Boat
Lake, Attie McKnight, Victoria
and Flossie Willett, Dashwood.
EASTON – "Jared Douglas" ar-
rived Nov. 18 weighing 7 Ib. 14 oz.
His proud parents are Doug and
Jan. Carl and Lois Turnbull and
Don and Jean Easton are very
happy grandparents. 50'
ERVINE – Tony and Dianne
( nee Okei are happy 10 announce
the birth of their daughter Sarah
Louise, on Tuesday, November 27
at Queen Victoria Hospital,
Adelaide, Australia. A sister for
Jeremy. 50c
HARBURN – Laverne and
Elaine are pleased to announce
the safe arrival of our first child,
Kristen Elaine, born December 6,
1984 at 8:35 p.m. at St. Joseph's
hospital, weighing 7 Ib. 2 oz. Pro-
ud grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Adrian Timmerman, Kippen
and Mrs. Madeline Harburn, Hen -
sail. Special thanks to Dr. B. P.
Mitchell and third floor nursing
staff. 50c
McCANN – Pat and Lynne are
pleased to announce the safe ar-
rival of Patrick Faber, born on
November 20, 1984. A new brother
for Jeff, Denis and Kristopher. A
new grandson for Jean Faber and
Noreen McCann- Sone
MERANI – Born to Azmina and
Esmail Merani, a boy Karim, 8 Ib.
11 oz. on 10/12/84 at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London. Thanks to Dr-
Steciuk of Exeter. Dr. Fellows
and staff at St. Joseph's. Sone
TEMPLEMAN – David and
Karen are happy to announce the
birth of their daughter, Lindsay
Elizabeth, is St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, on Monday,
November 16, 1984 weighing 6 Ib.
10 oz. Prould grandparents are
John and Roberta Templeman,
Stafte and Harry and Marg Knott,
Carlingford. 50c
Oswald and Margaret Coppin of
Grand Cove Estates, Grand Bend,
Ont., celebrated their 50th Wed-
ding Anniversary December 1,
1984 with their family and friends
in Toronto at the Renaissance
Hotel, with 60 in attendance. A
lovely party. Happy Anniversary
to the Coppins'. 50c
There is still time to enter the
Tuckersmith Sesquicentennial
Quilt Contest. Call 482-3326 before
December 31, 1984. 50.51c
GILL – At South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Saturday, December 8,
1984, Stanley Gill, of Grand Bend,
in his 69th year. Beloved husband
of Esther (Parks) Gill. Dear
father of Janis (Mrs. John Fit-
zgerald), of RR 1, Grand Bend
and Peter Gill, at home. Dear
brother of Mrs. Ella Patterson,
Mrs. Edna Noonan, Miss Irene
Gill, Phyllis (Mrs. Roy Hanlon)
and Mrs. Helen West, all of Grand
Bend, Joan (Mrs. David Leigh),
of Markham. Predeceased by
three brothers Edward, Hector
and Aldon. Also loved by 3 grand-
children; Jack, Kenneth and
Elizabeth. Rested at the T. Harry
Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood. Funeral service at St.
John's By -The -Lake Anglican
Church, Grand Bend on Tuesday.
December 11. Rev. J. Sutton of-
ficiated Interment in Grand Bend
Cemetery. Memorials to South
Huron Hospital, Exeter would be
appreciated by the family. Mr.
Gill was Supervisor of the Depart-
ment of Highways, Exeter -Grand'
Bend (Stratford region) for 29
years, served on the first school
board in Grand Bend and a
charter member of the Grand
Bend Legion (R.C.A.F.) and a
member of the Masonic Lodge.
Parkhill. 50c
Exeter United Church
James at Andrew
Loy Associate
Mr. Peter Snell B.A.
Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
Sunday, December 16
11 00 o.m. Morning Worship
Mr. Peter Snell
11:00 o.m. Church School
Courtesy Car
Mr. Norm Ferguson
Nursery Facilities Available
Sunday. December 16
7:30 p.m. Sunday School
Christmas Pageant
Everyone Welcome
Reformed Church
Huron Street East. Exeter
Sunday, December 16
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 o.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
Come and Worship with us
Caven Presbyterian
Phone 235 2243
Mr Robert McIntosh
Sunday. December 16
11 30 a m Morning Worship
11 30 o m Sunday School
All Grades
Everyone Welcome
Lutheran Church
Sunday. December 16
9 30 a m Sunday School and
Bible Study
11 CO Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Lutheran Church
Andrew and George Streets
Sunday. December 16
10 30 o m Worship Service
9:30 Sunday School and
Bible Study
Exeter Christian
Reformed Church
Moin St. North
B.A. M.Div.
Phone 235-1723
Sunday, December 16
10:00 a.m. - Morning Service
Sundoy School -(Preschoolers)
2:30 p.m. Afternoon Worship
Sunday School (Grades 1-4)
Nursery Available
both services
Story Hour
10:00 a.m. Thursdoys
Everyone Welcome
Listen to
The Bock to God Hour
Radio Program - Sundays
"My Best Friend"
CKNX Diol 920 - 10:30 a.m.
CHOK Diel 1070 - 7:30 a.m.
Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3)
-'Conceived by the Holy Spirit"
9 30 o.m. Sundays
United Church of Canada
Miss Idella Gobel. A R.C.T.
Sunday. December 16
9 45 o.m. Sunday Service
9 45 o m Sunday School
Nursery Available
Every Thursday is Teen Group
All ore Welcome
The Trivitt
Memorial Church
Main of Gidley Exeter
Sunday. December 16
3rd Sunday in Advent
11 15 o.m Service includes
Children Pageant
7.00 p.m. Service of lessons
and Carols of
St Johns by -the -)oke.
Grund Bend
Wednesday December 19
7 00 p m. Service of lessons
and Carols at Trivitt
Both choirs in attendance
at both services
Celebrating 125 years
Serving Christ
Baptist Church
187 Huron 5t. W., Exeter
Pastor Don Boyd
Sunday, December 16
9:45 o.m. Family Bible School
11 :00 a.m. Morning Worship
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Visit us soon
WILHELM – At Victoria
Hospital, London on Saturday,
December 8, 1984, Gladys Leona
(Kenney) Wilhelm, of Crediton, in
her 70th year. Beloved wife of the
late John (Jack) Wilhelm (1962).
Dear mother of Gerald and Ray,
both of Crediton. Dear sister of
Pearl (Mrs. Charles Glanville), of
Crediton, Ruth (Mrs. Carl Stire),
Mrs. Jean Schwartzentruber,
both of Exeter, Roy and Gordon,
of Stephen Twp. Predeceased by
sisters; Helen Sims, Dorothy
Bender and brothers; Cliff and
Milton. Loved by granddaughter
Caroline (Mrs. Ron Voogel) of
Winterburn, Alberta. Rested at
the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons
Funeral Home, Dashwood.
Funeral service on Tuesday,
December 11, 1984. Rev. Brian
- Elder officiated Interment in
Crediton Cemetery. 50c
1 wish to thank Dr. Englert, the
nurses of South Huron Hospital,
the Senior Citizens for the get well
cards and Lodge No. 67 for the
fruit basket and my family and
friends for their visits, while I was
a patient in South Huron Hospital.
William Westlake Sone
Thanks to St. Jude for favor
J. 50*
To my family, friends,
relatives, Hensall Legion and
Auxiliary, Carmel Church, a very
sincere thanks for your visits,
cards, flowers and gifts 1 receiv-
ed during my stay in South Huron
and St. Joseph Hospitals, and
since returning home. Thanks
also to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Harris,
Rev. Knight, Rev. McDonald and
all nursing staff of both hospitals.
Mona Campbell 51c
1 wish to thank my family,
relatives, neighbours and friends
for cards, treats and flowers
while a patient in South Huron
Hospital. Special thanks to the
nurses and staff of the Hospital,
Dr. Gans, Dr. Read and Rev.
Carrie Willis 50'
I would like to thank my family.
friends, neighbours and parish for
their prayers, cards, gifts and
visits during my stay at Univer-
sity hospital. Your thoughfulness
is greatly appreciated and will
always be remembered.
Mary VandenBoomen 50'
The family of the late Maurice
MacDonald wish to express their
sincere thanks and appreciation
to relatives, friends and
neighbours for their beautiful
floral tributes, donations and food
during our recent loss. Special
thanks to Clarence and Bill of C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home.
Your kindness will always be
Helen, Howard, Joyce and
families 50c
I would like to express my
sincere thanks to friends.
relatives and neighbours for
cards, gifts, phone calls and visits
while a patient in Stratford
Hospital and recovering at home.
Thanks to Rev. Matheson, Dr
Hussey and all who assisted with
my surgery, special care and sup-
port given me by the nurses and
attendants. Wishing each one a
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
Ken Duncan SOc
Coming Events
BINGO – Every Tuesday even
ing at Vanaslra Centre, RR 5 Clin-
ton, 8 p.m. First regular card
11.00. 15 regular games of 120
each, 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot
1200 must go. Admission
restricted to 16 years and over.
5, 1985. What a great Christmas
gift Call Lion Dick Jongkind at
the Times -Advocate for your
ticket now. 235-1331. 49tfn
UNiT – invites you to attend the
Expectant Parent Education
Classes being held Health Unit of-
fice. South Huron Hospital, 'Ex-
eter commencing Wednesday,
January 16, 1985. The cost if 1.5 00
The next series of classes will
'begin the week of March 25, 1985
For pre -registration or further in-
formation, please call the health
Unit office at 235-1014 S0:51c
UNiT – invites you to attend the
Adult Health Guidance Centre,
held at the Health Unit office,
South Huron Hospital. Exeter on
Tuesday. December 18, 1984 from
1:30 - 330 p m for • ► t Health
Serveillance. 21 Foot Care, 3
Anaemia Screening. 4 • t'rine
Testing, 51 Blood Pressure 50c
Ql'1NCENTENNIAL -- Valentine
Dance choosing King, Queen,
Prince and Princess, start of
beard contest Seaforth and
District Community ('entre.
February 15. 1985 Orchestra
Whiskey .lack ')0c
"WANTED Entertainment
Groups Klompen Fees( program
May 17 and 18. 1985 - interested
groups for Friday night program.
limited number of vacancies.
deadline January 31/85 Clinton
Klompen Feest, Box 1961, Clinton
NOM 11.0, 482-9732 '- 50c
VICE – Friday. December 21 at
the Christian Reformed Church
7 30 p m. Everyone welcome 50c
GRAM -- "Step/Teen" will be of
fered in Clinton by the Huron ('en
ire for children and youth,
Thursdays 10 a.m. 12 noon
January 10 - March 14 Cost 115.00
per person or $20 0 per couple, in -
materials. For more infor-
nformation. Contact the Centre al
482-3931 50,51c
EUCHRE PARTY – at Shipka
Community Centre, Wednesday,
December 12. 8:15 p.m. Prizes
and lunch. 50'
We would like to thank all our
friends and neighbours for the
beautiful sympathy cards, visits
and telephone calls received
following the death of a dear
brother Maurice MacDonald.
Special thanks to Rev. Peter Der-
rick who was by my side when 1
most needed him. Your
thoughtfulness will always be
Tom and Mary Kooy 50c
To all the Senior Citizens and
Executive 1 express my sincere
gratitude for support during my
term of office as President of the
Club. To all the clubs who helped
in any way to make our seniors
feel welcome. Special thanks to
Legion for use of hall and the
ladies for serving our delicious
Christmas dinner. The Lions Club
for a dinner and euchre, our
heartfelt thanks. May the joy of
Christmas be felt in all our hearts.
Mildred Thomson 50*
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to
relatives, friends and neighbors
for memorial donations, the
beautiful floral arrangements and
cards and food received during
the loss of my loved one Valera.
Special thanks to Rev. Clayton,
Kipfer, Rev. Barbara Laing,
pallbearers, the UCW of Emanuel
United Church, Zurich for serving
lunch after the funeral and Harry
Hoffman, Bob and Jim and
Organist Mrs. Gertrude McCrae
and also the Nurses at South
Huron Hospital. Your kindness at
this time of sorrow was deeply ap-
preciated and will always be
Urban Pfile 50c
We would like to express our
sincere thanks and appreciation
to our relatives, friends and
neighbours (or their many acts of
kindness during the loss of my
husband Gerald, our son and
brother, and son-in-law- Your
many beautiful floral ar-
rangements, donation and food
brought to our homes were very
much appreciated. Our thanks to
the ones who took care of
everything the night of the acci-
dent, to the ladies of the Goshen
Church for the lovely lunch,
O'Connor Funeral Home, to Rev.
Brown and Father Pluta for their
kind words, to the pallbearers,
flower bearers and honourary
pall bearers. Special thank you to
Joanne Middleton who stood by
my side and gave me much
Elaine Armstrong, Floyd and
Jean Armstrong and family,
Garry and Maxine Merner and
family. 50'
HAIST – in loving memory of our
dear parents, Irene Louise Haist
who passed away one year ago,
December 12, 1983 and Wellington
Ray Heist who passed away
January 29, 1970.
Their memory is as dear today
As in the hour they passed away.
Till memory fades and life
They live forever in our hearts
The years may wipe out many
But this they'll wipe out never.
The memory of those happy days
Which we all spent together.
Lovingly remembered by their
famil 50'
COTTLE – In loving memory of
a dear wife, mother and grand-
mother Nora Cottle who passed
away December 13, 1979.
Every day in some small way,
memories of you come our way.
Unseen, unheard, yet always
Still loved, still missed and very
Lovingly remembered by
Alvin, Ross, Leona, Art, Lois and
families. 50'
HEYWOOD – In loving memory
of a dear husband and son, Ray-
mond Bedford Heywood, who
passed away Dec. 11, 1983.
Those we love don't go away
They walk beside us every day
Unseen, unheard but always near
Still loved, still missed and still
very dear.
His ..vile Alice and Mom and
Dad. `� 50c
HEYWOOD – In loving memory
of my Dad and Grandfather, Ray-
mond Bedford Heywood who
passed away one year ago
December 11, 1983.
So many things have happened
Since you were called away.
So many things to share with you
Had you been left to stay
I never had a chance to say good-
bye to you
Perhaps it's just as well.
1 never could have said good-bye
To the Dad I loved so well.
If I could only make one wish
And know it would come true
I would telephone to heaven
And ask to tack to you.
Lovingly remembered and sad-
ly missed by daughter Sandra,
son-in-law Bill and grandson
Allan Raymond, "I love you
papa". 50e
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A MOVEABLE FEAST — Sherri (left) and Susie Ferguson admire the gingerbread
house their mother Rosemary made. Everything is edible but the reindeer, the
snowman and the smoke in the chimney.
MOH reports concerns
Alcohol abuse and family
violence are two areas of con-
cern being monitored in the
county by the health
In his monthly report to
Huron County Council Thurs-
day. Medical Officer of
Health Dr. Harry Cieslar ex-
plained that his department
will become involved in these
two increasing social pro-
blems in the coming months.
Cieslar has been active in
the field of alcohol abuse with
other county agencies and he
hopes that the health Unit.
hospitals and the Centre for
Children and Youth will
recommend a comprehensive
program of identification,
referral and counselling ser-
vices. He suggested funding
would be available through
the Ministry of Health.
Alcohol abuse is prevalent
in Huron ('ounty and Dr.
Cieslar told council that a
comprehensive education
program is needed to make
people aware of the dangers
"Alcohol abuse is a major
problem in Huron County and
most deaths by accident,
about 50 percent, are
associated with alcohol,-" he
said. "Ten percent of the peo-
ple in the county abuse
alcohol and it is a major
health hazard. Our role would
be one of identification and
referral with counselling ser-
vices provided by other
agencies -'
Dr Cieslar indicated that a
more detailed proposal on the
alcohol abush program will
follow Ile hopes that it will be
a comprehensive program
that will educate adults and
school children.
Another problem addressed
by Dr Cieslar was that of
family violence, a problem he
says is "extensive". Ile told
councillors that one incident
study suggests that there is
violenc• in more than 10 per-
ercent of families.
"We're trying to get
statistics on the problem but
right now we don't really
know the extent," he explain-
ed. "Children get a role model
from their parents and in
most cases a child will see 35
violent episodes before the
mother will leave that
Public awareness . and
education programs will help
combat the problem Dr.
Cieslar suggested adding that
early identification was a
good start.
"To stop the violence may
require use of the court
system and the laying of
assault charges,'1 he said.
Dr. Cieslar said there was
no data available linking the
incidence of alcohol abuse
with family violence.
Increases for
social services
Some major rate increases
were effected into the social
services rate structure ad-
ministrator John MacKinnon
told Huron County Council
A family of four will now
receive from $676 to $721 mon-
thly plus a $90 heat allowance
while a single welfare reci-
pient will be receiving $275
per month plus the heating
Dependant children of reci-
pients will receive an average
7.5 percent increase instead of
a 4.5 percent increase in their
portion of the family's
allowance. The increase will
translate into an addi'ional $4
per month per child.
While the gena
assistance caseload deer s-
ed by over 11 percent for
figures compared to Ocotber
1983, the numbers will swell
as unemployed seasonal
workers require assistance.
MacKinnon told that the
number of cases in October
increased by eight over the
previous month and indicated
that the welfare rolls were
likely to increase until spring.
"There was about a 39 case
Perth Plowmen
The Perth County
Plowmen's Association will
further its 1988 International
Plowing Match plans at its
annual meeting.
The meting will be held
Tuesday, IDec. 11 starting at
t p.m. at the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food
building in Stratford.
Plowmen secretary John
McKay said there are no
plans for a large contigent
from Perth to attend the On-
tario Plowmen's Association
annual meeting next
February, but there are plans
to be made.
No site for the '88 match has
yet beet chosen.
increase in November and
December may be even
higher," he said.
r(.,*.\ BARN
Friday, Dec. 14:
Music by
Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Sat., Dec. 15:
Music by
Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
No Blue Jeans Phrasal
*roue Reservations Wo/conte
Huron Park
Coming Events
Dec. 13
McLean & Mclean
$6 advance tickets
Dec. 14, 13
Dec. 20 & 21
Dec. 22
Christmas Party
Santa's coming to the
Dec. 27, 28, 29
Bluegrass Festival with
Dixie Flyers
Times -Advocate, December 12, 1984
Page ))A
Eve Rock
Party with
Pressure Point
Leave your car at
The Recreation
Centre in Huron
Ticket includes:
* Transportation
* Food
* Party Favours
* Entertainment
S40.00 per person
$75.00 per couple
Limited number of
tickets available. Pro-
ceeds to Stephen
Township Hockey and
Recreation League
Arena Committee.
Not responsible for Toss
of articles or accidents
day of program.
228-6439, 229-6883
','l/` South Huron
Rec Centre
'^ Arena
Wednesday, Dec. 12
Usborne Public School
2:00 - 3:45
Precision 4:00 - 5:50
Exeter Minor Hockey
Assoc. Games
6:00 - 9:50
Canadian Tire
10:50 - 11:50
Thursday, Dec. 13
Moms and Tots
10:00 - 10:50
Moms and Tots
1:00 - 1:50
Figure Skating
4:00 - 7:50 '
Ringette 8:00 - 8:50
AIA 9:00 - 9:50
Rec League
10:00 - 11:50
Friday, Dec. 14
Shinney 9:00 - 10:50
Figure Skating
4:00 - 7:50
Mohawks 8:00 - 10:50
Saturday, Dec. 15
Exeter Minor Hockey
Assoc. Games
8:00 - 6:30
Ringette 6:30 - 7:30
Exeter Minor Hockey
Assoc. Game
7:30 - 8:50
Sunday, Dec. 16
Precision 9:30 - 10:30
Hawks 11:00 - 12:30
Exeter Minor Hockey
Assoc. game
12:30 - 2:00
Public Skating
2:00 - 3:30
Exeter Minor Hockey
Assoc. games
3:30 - 6:50
Sponge Puck 7:00 - 8:50
Monday, Dec. 77
Figure Skating
4:00 - 9:30
Molting Hawks
9:30 - 10:50
Tuesday, Dec. 18
Moms and Tots
10:00 • 10:50
Moms and Tots
1:00 - 1:50
Exeter Minor Hockey
Assoc. Games
4:00 - 7:50
Rec League 8:00. 11:50
Guess W o's 18?
Ha 1 1 Birthday
RkTo all residents and
former residents of
the Township of'
Applications will be
received for a patrons
list to be included in the
Township of
Tuckersmith History
The $15 fee will entitle
the patron to have his
name included in the
I patrens list and the,
copy of the proposed
Apply in person prior to
January 15, 1985 of the
Municipal Office.
J. R. McLachlan
Clerk Treasurer
Township of Tuckersmith
RASING RlaPali11r11
Centre Mall
Exeter, Lower Level
Well Dad you're 39
and still "Looking
Jibs 4011r alba
Happy Birthday
Love Vicki
Daily Specials and a
great menu all week
We cater to:
Banquets and Parties
For reservations call
( iulgrat(rldtiuns tO Martha Wilmer Pfaff on (heir 251!)
wedding anniversary Irani
,Marilyn and Allan, Bruce and Robin, !oAnn and
Joseph, Glenn and Missy and Steve.
A reception is being held in their honour December
14. for more information call 235-0496 or 237-3397
Christmas Pageant
"A Miracle Happened
at Christmas"
Will be staged at
Community Bible
on Sun., Dec. 16th
at 7:30 p.m.
(Corner of Adelaide and
No. 7 Highway)
( °m(' and Experience
When in London on
Business, Pleasure or Shopping
You Can Relax and Enjoy Dining
With two wood burning fireplaces, and
a tremendous choice of entrees, we of-
fer you a difference in dining - on the
north bank of the Thames, just over the
bridge, No. 1 York Street in London
Fully licensed -- (519) 672-0111
Trivitt Memorial Church
Says TIIANK YOU to Exeter for help in
raising funds sufficient to restore our
o rga n -
To say it In music and song we offer:
Mr. Allan Carverhill in recital before
and after the traditional service of
Lessons and Carols
Wednesday, December 19
beginning at 7:00 p.m.
,Trivitt's choir and that from St. John's
Grand Bend will provide the song.
Mr. Carverhill, retired organist of All
Saints Hamilton now directs St. John's
No admission charge.