HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-12-12, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, December 12, 1984
Christmas. dinner
Lucan Revival Centre held
their annual Christmas din-
ner Tuesday evening in the'
Fellowship Hall of the church.
After everyone enjoyed a
most delicious turkey dinner
capably cooked by Mrs.
Pauline Eizenga, the Ed
Butler family presented a
skit. Based on Rev. Roger
Mason only getting 3 channels
on his T.V., that keep interfer-
ing with each other's recep-
tion, Ray, Wendy and Abner
Butler read very conflicting
directions on how to do baby
care, car care, and cooking.
The diners than sang
Christmas carols while Mrs.
Lorraine Armitage played the
Rev. George Hazeen,
pastor of Ailsa Craig Com-
munity Church, told that so-
meone had given him a button
saying Jesus is the Reason for
the Season. People associate
Christmas with what they
celebrate it for, while Chris-
tians remember the birth of
Jesus Christ. Matthew 1:21
says His name shall be called
Jesus. J stands for
When we are justified in
God's sight, it is just as if we
had never sinned. E stands
for the emancipating Jesus
who sets free from sin. S is for
the sanctifying Jesus who sets
us apart for His service. U
stands for the unity of Jesus
to all who will come to Him.
S speaks of the satisfying
Jesus who fills the need in
people's lives.
Mrs. Jana Lyn Rutledge ac-
companied herself on the
piano as she sang We Were
the Reason. Mrs. Rutledge
then did a satirical skit on
how people, the media,
socialites, etc, would react if
the birth of Jesus were today,
interspersed with thoughts of
how Mary and Joseph felt
during the birth of Jesus. Rev.
Hazeen closed in prayer.
Variety show
Christianview Bible College
presented a musical variety
show in Lucan Revival Centre
Friday evening. Miss Twila
Duthie capably acted as
Master of Ceremonies. •
The Christian Hillbillies,
complete with washboard
played by Mrs. Margaret
Murray, guitar played by
Miss Wendy Robertson. and
banjo played by AL•. Nello
St. Pat's bazaar
Sunday. St. Pat's mini -
bazaar was held after the
11:00 a.m. Mass. Baked
goods. hand -made items. and
Christmas goodies were
available to all.
The December ('.W.L.
meeting will be held this
afternoon in the form of a pot
hick luncheon in the Mini -Hall
at 12::30 p.m. The lunch will be
folio we'd by a business
meeting and ' arranging
Christmas baskets for our
parish shut-ins.
A free babysitting service.
sponsored by the K.('
members. will be held Salm
day, December 15 allowing all
parents of the parish to do
their ('hris(rnas shopping
Games. snacks, lunch and
movies will be provided for ail
St. Pat's Young People
have elected their new ex
ecutive for the '84-'85 year
and they. are President -
Jotrn Straahnan, Vice -prey
Karen Toonders, Secretary
Chris Giesen. 'Treasurer -
A;reg (aesen and committee
members Kathy Keymer,
Carla 11c.\darm. !leather Gar.
diner. Monica McCarthy and
Carla (a1►alb o
Couples meet
The Comptes' Club of Lucan
('noted Church enjoyed the
fellowship of their annual
('hrishnas supper and pro-
gramme (in Thursday even-
ing at the ('porch.
Follow mg a delicious meal.
outgoing president Wes
Stanley announced the new
exec'r►sir.1In' 1985 They are
as follows Presidents - Bob
and Helen is tterson, \'ice•
President. Gordon and
Marion Finals. Secretary
.liar and Bernice 1ax'kyer.
Treasurer Ed and Freida
Nlelanst►n \ir Brown then
led in a sen vice of dedication
tor• the new leaders
Couples in charge of the
programme• for the evening
were Tom and Marion Bari
Dennis and Mary- Maguire
and (;orrj and Marion F'roal'
time nl carol singing wa-
billnwed by a Christmas war
ship service on the therm.
-'dope'' Highlight of the
evening was the exchange of
small gists. each aerial'
parried by an original poem
written by the giver
Romagnoli, played lustily and
sang. When the Saints Come
Marching In
Robert Bourque and his
wife Sharon sang Dancing
Heart. with Mrs. Bourque
playing the piano. Mr. Nick
and Margaret Murray sang 1
Know, I Know, while Mr.
Murray played his guitar, and
Margaret strummed her
Valerie Skilling rifled
through a box of junk. while
she told Mr. Tony Abbott junk
was something you kept for 10
years, then threw out 2 weeks
before you needed il. Later
Miss Skilling played the part
of a careless kid showing her
dad her report card. Ile told
her she could not have
cheated on it, because it was
so bad.
While Mr Romagnoli
played his guitar Mr. Murray
sang Jesus, Sweet Jesus. Miss
Skilling accompanied herself
on her guitar while she sang
It's All Over Now. With Miss
Wendy Robertson playing the
piano, the trio of !Mss Robert-
son, ive io 1. r' iKnolr. and
Miss Nola t3mek sant; Thy
Word is a Lamp Unto My
• Accompanied by Mrs.
Kirkey on the piano. Mark
Kirkey sang Jesus. You're
My Best Friend.
i\fiss ~kitting told that the
('hristianvi•w Bible College
students were presenting the
variety show to rape money
to help finance the cost of
printing the College Year-
book. After a short intermis-
sion when everyone enjoyed
refreshments in the
Fellowship Hail. Miss Skilling
introduced Nils, Nola Buck as
the Yearbook editor
Then Hiss Skilling played
her guitar, v•Ili Mrs. Murray
strumming her tivashbord
while they sang and ad lith
ed Share Your Testimony Ac
eornpanieef by N1r Romagnoli
playing hos guitar. the trio of
'.1r. Romagnoli. Miss Duthie.
and :Miss Robertson mean
ingfully sang V\ here Could f
While Mr Romagnoli sang
the story of front seat. back
seat, Mrs Murray played a
fast driver going his own way
in the fronl sealt. Then when
he decided to lel the Lord do
the driving. she gut in the
back. and slowed down
Miss Nina Brick. an Indian
from 1(estig niche. Quebec.
said an Indian found it hard to
understand the Bible written
as it is She then read Psalm
1. the way an Indian would
understand it
While \1r Romagnoli
played he. guitar. dark Fox
sang What Child is This'' Mrs
Kirkey sang We. are the
Reason. accompanied by
Moss Roper' .or play ing the
While the offering was be-
ing taken for the Yearbook.
Mr Murray commended the
students for the fine program
ENROLL BROWNIES A number of Brownies were enrolled in the Second Lucon
Pack, Tuesday night. Back, left, leader Tawny Owl Beth Cowdrey, centre, Amy
Hardy, Jennifer Corless, Miranda Doner, Vanessa Garrison and Julie Chittenden.
Front, Sarah Cublert, Andrea French, Mero Barr, Shelley Wyatt and Jennie Malone.
T -A photo.
Snowy road conditions
cause number of accidents
Sno%(- road conditions were
responsible for accidents in -
% est igated this week by of-
ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provin
Mil Police.
Heavy snow on Middlesex
road 23 caused a 7:40 p.m. ac-
cident involving vehicles
driven by Todd Stocks, Kit-
chener and Ronald McFet
ters, RR :3, Granton. Con-
stable Craig listed darnages
al S2.nnte,
\t tie 211 p mi. a ;ehie-le
driven by .fames Harrison
swerved in loose snow on
Highway 4 and struck .
trailer which was Ixir►g haul
ed by a vehicle driven by Paul
W'ilhams, Port Elgin
Damages were set at $1,250
by Constable Hassall.
One hour later on Mid-
dlesex road 23. deep snow
caused a yehi -Ie driven by
Frances Kintner, St. Marys
to swerve into the path of a
vehicle operated -by ( partes
Brindley, Goderich ('on -
staple Craig estimated
damages at $4.500.
Also. Friday, a snow vehi-
cle operated by Christopher
Yule. I:uean was involved in
an au( ident with a vehicle
driven hyGayleRiley, Lucan
00 Concession 4 of Biddulph.
Thursday at 4 p.m. a vehi-
cle driven by Daryl Baynton.
Palmerston slid on the slip-
pery roadway of Highway 4
9nd entered the ditch. Con-
stable Briggs listed damages
at $1.t;90
Only 15 minutes later on
Concession ti 7 vehicles drive n
by Catherine DeBlnek, RR 2.
Dent ield and Martin Sigma r.
London collided and damages
were listed al $1,800 by ('un-
stable Briggs.
The same day at 4:30 p.m.
vehicles driven by Frederick
Wilson, Lucan and George
Davies, London collided on
Ilighway 4. Constable Briggs
set damages at $800.
Sunday al 6:10 p.m. a vehi-
cle operated by Ron McPher-
Pot luck supper
for UC women
1.11ca0 fouled Church
Women held their annual
Christ rias pal Tuck supper
a nd progrr►nmc al the
Church Wednesday evening
(crests were present frorn
Trinity Anglican Church.
Lucan Rev iv al ('entre. SI
.lames Anglican Church.
('la rule'hoy e. ('la ndeboye
United C'hurc'h and from
Meadowcresl Homes
Following a delicious sup
per. the group sang
Christmas carols. then en
joy ed several Christ ma s
games \1en►hers of the Dor
cos Unit presenter) a skit.
"Angel's F:. View . sug-
gesting the wonder and
amazement nl the Ifeavenl\
(lost that th. Father wnulel
send fps dearly loved Son lo
he horn at Bethlehem for the
salvation of mankind
Donna \'anarenthals led in
a'wriexl 01 worship consisting
of carols, Scripture, special
music, and readings which
reflected upon the events of
the firsl Christmas.
Following the departure of
the guests, President Mabel
F'roats chaired a brief
business meeting during
which Mr Brown installed
the new executive for 1985
Don. i I ions were approved for
the 11 and 5 fund and the
General fund of the church, as
well as for \Toho ('allege and
Hie Women's Community
outgoing president Mabel
Eroa's N As presented a ith a
beautiful pla+le inappreciation
for her faithful and capable
service over the past two
years :\ meeting of the new
executive was called for
December 27 at 1 .30 p.m. in
the ('.F: Wing of the Church
son, London struck a deer on
[lighway 7. Constable Wilcox
estimated damages at $1,800.
At 7:30 p.m., Sunday
vehicles driven by Gerald
Mason, RR 1. Lucan and
Elizabeth Smith, RR 1, Ailsa
Craig collided on Highway 7
and damages were set at
$2,200 by Constable Wilcox.
Poem from
Students in Mrs Notts
class and Ms. Walker's grade
three class visited the
dinosaur and Innuit displays
at the London Regional
Children's Museum,
December 6.
Students were involved in
creative writing when they
returned to school. A story
written by Chris Revington, a
grade three student,
describes his dream.
.\ly Dream
One night 1 had a dream. I
went into Dinosaur times. a
Brontosaurus stomping after
me and i went into a cave, i
peeked, to see if any
Dinosaurs were around and
there weren't any so i carne
out Behind a rock a Tyran-
nasaurus Rex came thunder-
ing after me, so I climbed up
a Palm tree with a huge rock
and he saw me climbing. Ile
scampered to the tree and he
shook the tree and 1 came
tumbling down with the rock.
it fell out of my hand and
knocked hien out WHEW!
Then 1 went to the seashore
and there stood a gigantic
Diplo Docus eating plants
from the ocean floor.
A flying Dinosaur swooped
clown and almost dug his
claws into me. 1 don't know
how close it was but i1 was
close. WHEW! Lucky 1 have
a security bag with me to
keep me safe if I get hurt.
What an adventure dream i
by Chris Revington
Approve zoning change
Council bean of hydro corridor
Ontario Hydro represen-
tative Jim Shewchuk attend-
ed Tuesday's Lucan council
meeting to ask for village in-
put in the upcoming studies to
determine the location of the
proposed power transmission
line from the Bruce power
station to London.
Shewchuk said his group
favours the Bruce to London
short route. When asked by
reeve Norm Steeper if it
would be close to Lucan he
replied, "It could be
somewhere between
Highways 4 and 23 if we ex-
tend from the existing
transformer station at
He said strips of land vary-
ing from 220 to 250 feet wide
would be needed to build the
transmission line with six or
seven towers in each mile.
The high power wires would
be 55 feet in the air.
Luan Hydro commissioner
Rudy Engel asked about sell-
ing power to the United States
to which Shewchuk replied,
"It's no secret that we have
surplus power. By selling
some of this we have kept our
rates down about five percent
for the past six years."
He continued, "These lines
can power both ways and
when the Woodstock lines
were down during the 1982
tornado we relied on our inter-
connections with Michigan to
serve the Woodstock area
On the compensation of
land used for these lines, the
Ontario Hydro rep said, "We
will seek easements or rights
of access. We will pay com-
pensation based on property
values at 75 percent of value
of each acre of land with
separate renumeration for
Revival Centre
In the absence of Mrs. Lor-
raine Armitage, Mrs Amelia
Graham played the piano for
the Sunday morning service.
while Mr. Rick Thornton led
the singing.
Rev. Roger Mason
ministered from James
4:11-12. concerning not judg
ing Christians. Judging is one
of the greatest failings of the
Christian church. 11 is too
often done hastily in bad
evidence one has heard, not
based on facts.
Judging usurps Cod's
authority. James warns
believers not to speak against
one another behind their
backs in a derogatory man-
ner. To speak against another
Christian violates the law of
God. in essence saying the
law is not worthy of obeying
Christmas Concert
Lucan Revival Centre Sun-
day School presented "What
Can 1 Give to the King''" Sun-
day evening Perched on the
piano, while Mr- Carole
Buller played it, Miss Vicki
Sumner sang the 1 heme song.
What ('an I Give la the King.
opening the program. Several
Magi discussed studying the
stars telling when the King of
the Jews was to he born. They
had prepared grtts to bring to
one who they said would
change the course of history
Angel Nirs. Marlene Thornton
s.inr! I \1 ill Shine. 1 W ill Sing.
\arrator Nat ha n St a hle
read of the stale of Israel
0 ..•n .!esus was burn
Joseph. plated by Doug
Butler. and Mary. played by
Marti Butler. Talked of their
conning marriage. and Joseph
left An angel Gabriel. Abner
Butler. aPpear'ed to Mary. an-
nouncing she would hear
Jesus. the Saviour of the
world. conc•eiveal by the Ilob-
spiril. Wary sings 1 Will,
Magnify the Lord. Joseph
muses on what to do about
Mary being pregnant. Gabriel
appeared to him, assuring to
marry Mary, as hairy was
from God the holy Spirit
Joseph sings Thou Shalt call
His Nanie ,!esus
A Lucan Christmas ('oneert
sponsored by the Optimist
('tub and under the direction
of Beulah Hardy will be held
al the Lucan Arena, Thurs
day, December 2o.
Various entertainment has
been lined up for this
Christmas program. Choirs
from each of our churches
will he present with
Christmas Carols galore
along with members from the
Sweet Adelines. Medway's
Brass Band and much, much.
Please plan to attend this
festive event Tickets are free
but you must have a ticket to
be admitted. You may get a
ticket from any church or
contact any Optimist
member. -
IRISH OF YESTERYEAR — The Lucon Irish hockey team of 1950.51 held a reunion
as port of the Luton Cup Challenge tournament on the weekend. Back, left, Neil
McRarin, Wilmer Scott, Jack Baynes, Bob Riddell, Harvey Revington, Don Revington,
Bob Murray, Jim Freeman, Harry Herrly, lock Hardy, George Young Herb Stret
ton, Norm Hardy, Ross McRoberts and BiII Hodgins. Front, Ron Stevenson, Leroy
Revington, Glenn Revington, Joke Barnes, Jock Elson, Pete Chisholm, Doug Hind -
marsh. Ivan Hearn, Vic Neil, Glenn Robinson, Fred Revington and Bill Smith.
T -A photo
Michael Armstrong looked
after the -props. while John
Armitage, looked after the
sound, assisted by Rick
Thornton doing the lighting.
ar.d David Ross the camera.
Rev. Mason invited everyone
to • come down to the
Fellowship Hall for
refreshments, then closed in
valid* iu nyuro 15 now col-
lecting the same information
that was included in an
earlier study which was re-
jected. They will be updating
(he level of information, iden-
tifying preferred locations
and comparing the best op-
tions for another assessment
application in September of
Commissioner Engel
asked if the present CNR
line could be used and was
told, "That's in the study, but,
we are concerned that it
passes through larger builtup
areas. We try to stay in open
More public meetings will
be held in March along with
sessions with Middlesex coun-
ty groups of all descriptions.
Westminister township plan-
ner Brian Tuckey represents
the county.
In other business:
Approved a request from
Haskett Funeral Home for a
zoning change to central com-
mercial on the properly at 223
Main street.
Agreed to allow the
Shamrock hockey school to
use the facilities of the new
Scout -Guide hall and have the
solicitor prepare a lease
Appointed Dan Scar-
borough as the village's chief
building official after comple-
tion of a three month proba-
tionary ► • riot.
Losers received awards
in the Lucan Cup, Sunday.
his award from Doug V
All members of the Lucon
from Molson's as 'B' finalists
Above, Cecil Nickles receives
once. T -A photo
Friendship club
Fifty members of the
Bryanston Friendship Club
gathered at the North Star
Restaurant at Elginfield,
December 5 at 12:30 p:m. for
their Christmas dinner.
Santa's helper from the
Bryanston-Birr Optimist club
arrived and presented the
ladies with a Christmas cor-
sage and the men with a
Following the delicious
meal, all returned to the
Christian Education Room of
Bryanston United Church for
their meeting.
Audrey McRoberts thanked
the committee, Hector and
Isabel Robinson, Victor and
Ada Smith, Hope McRoberts
and Meryle Dann for making
arrangements for the day.
Audrey read a poem. The
Good Old Days of Christmas.
Ada Smith was in charge of
the singing of Christmas
carols, with Muriel Cobleigh
at piano.
Happy birthday was sung to
those with December bir-
thdays - Mary Cooper.
Wreatha Burnett, Bill
Hodgins, }lope McRoberts
and Ada Smith. Happy an-
niversary was sung to the
Robinsons who were 48 years
married that day.
Minutes of our last meeting
were read by Frances
Mardlin who acted as
Seniors plan
for Christmas
Members of the Lucan Sun
shine and Busy Buddies held
their weekly meeting on
Thursday, December 8. Mar
Kooy played the piano for the
singing of O'('anada which
opened the meeting.
"Get Well'' cards were
signed and sent to Eleanor
Darling and Lawrence Flirtzel
who are both in the hospital
President Ffarry announced
that eight or nine would enter-
tain at the Lucan Arena,
December 20 and also at Bid-
dulph School for their
Christmas concert to be held
December 12 at 7:30 poi
iva Hodgins gave a report
of the Scouf-Guide meeting.
Mary Kooy. Marion and
Harry Noels thanked
metnhers for cards they
rccei ved .
Games of euchre ended the
meeting and winners were •
ladies high - Wilma ilesse's,
ladies lone - Margaret Carter,
ladies low - Verna Dowdall.
gents high - Joe Carter. Lone
hands • Tom Kooy. gents low
Adrian Bax ('raft prize win-
ner was Mabel Needham.
secretary in absence of Greta
A new card table was
presented to the club from the
Optimist club and a card of
thanks is to be sent in ap-
preciation. Several members
who are on the sick list in Nur-
sing Homes are to be
remembered at Christmas.
The president closed this
part of the meeting with a
poem Holiday Wishes then
turned the meeting over to
committee with Ada Smith as
A Christmas quiz contest
was conducted by Ada Smith
and Isabelle Robinson follow-
trhby a reading Christmas In-
t rlude by Isabel Robinson.
e remainder of the after-
noon was spent playing
euchre and crokinole. Prizes
going . to: euchre Carman
Hodgins, Milton Cooper and
Lloyd Elliott for men, Marion
Hodgins, Mary Cooper and
.lean Elliott for ladies;
crokinole winners, Isabel
Robinson and Fred Trudgeon.
We all sat around the card
tables which were decorated
for Christmas and the com-
mittee served a dainty lunch
of Christmas cake, cookies
and tea.
The next meeting will be
held Wednesday, January 2,
1985 at2pm.
Decided,not to participate
in Local Government week
scheduled for January 14-19,
Instructed clerk Ed Melan-
son to inform Stephen
township that the village was
not interested in a proposed
area municipal landfill site.
Received a letter of con-
gratulations from Irving
Lodge concerning the con-
struction of a ramp at the
public library.
Approved a motion to pro-
ceed with the Hardy
municipal drain.
Agreed to provide 40 village
pins to winners in the Lucan
Challenge and 50 pins for the
OHA Junior "D" all star
game scheduled for the Lucan
arena on January 12.
Presented a plaque of ap-
preciation to former chief
building official Frank Goring
for his efforts while a village
employee and for various
community activities.
United Church
Advent services continued
Sunday rnornin 5C Lucan
United Church with the
lighting of the second Advent
Candle symbolizing God's
Gift of His Son. Leroy and
Nancy Maguire acted as
welcome committee for the
morning. and Linda F'roats
read the Scripture lesson.
The choir led in worship as
they sang. "What Child is
This''" John Macdonald took
children's story time. Ile
reminded the boys and girls
about little Albert who was
left out of the game because
he was too little. The Bible
tells us to treat others the way
we would like to be treated. It
pleases God when we are kind
to smaller children.
Marj Park gave the last
Minute for Mission talk for
the year. She announced that
about 70 per cent of our M and
S. objective for the year has
been reached. She mentioned
various ways in which aid can
be sent to famine victims in
Africa through the United
"}lis Name - The Mighty
God' was Mr- Brown's ser-
mon theme. "Our Christian
faith claims that Jesus is the
Mighty God.- said Mr.
Brown, "tor only God could
redeem mankind. vanquish
death and triumph over
Flowers in the sanctuary
were from the luneral of the
late Mrs. Myrtle Baynes. The
sympathy and prayers of the
congregation is with her lov-
ed ones, and with the family
of the late Mrs. Rachel Tuke
Coming Events
Senior choir practices
Wednesday at 7:30 and Junior
choir Thursday at 7:00
Prayer and Share F'ellowship
meets Thursday. at 9:45 in the
C.E Wing.
Next Sunday at 11 . 15 is
Christmas Family service
with special music and a
Christmas story. The Sunday
School concert is scheduled
for 7 p.m. that evening with
participation by each class.
'175 Main St.,
Cabbage Dolls
& Kids $18.50
Rock Shirts
$ 10.00
Assorted novelties,
dolls and accessories
Citizens AM/FM Ghetto
Opon 9 - S Mon. - Sot.
Model Railroad
Open House
for the month of
Mon. and Wed. evenings, 7 - 9 p.m.
Sundays 3 - 5 p.m.
"The Irish Lucan Line"
Randy Paul, 326 Beech St., Lucan
Door prize to be drawn New Year's Eve
for a model train starter kit. Courtesy
of Broughdale Hobby and Photo,