HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-11-28, Page 17Biddulph refuses minor hockey request Biddulph township council has turned down a request from the Lucan Minor Hockey Asociation for financial aid for township residents par- ticipating in the Lucan PrCogram. Council discussed the re- quest for $15 for each of the 74 boys registered and decided against because the township already subsidizes the Lucan Community Centre for 37 per- cent of their annual deficit and consider this their con- tribution to minor sports. Council members also noted that other organizations also use this facility and at present maintain their own financial structure. The tender of Hodgins and Hayter, being the lowest of four received was accepted for construction of the Langford municipal drain "D". The accepted figure was $2,385.30 plus $25 for each private dram connection. One tile dram loan applica- tion in the amount of $20,000 was approved. Five building permit ap- plications were received and instructions given for the is- suance of same. They are to Meadowcrest Residence Inc., addition Coex- isting building; Calvin Haskell, two lean-to's; Bill Heenan, built-in porch; Seelster Farms. a barn at Lot 11, Concession 7 and a run-in shed at Lot 11, S.L.K. Concession. Attending the meeting and making a presentation from the Middlesex Board of education were director of education Stu Toll and area trustee Bob Benner. Toll advised council that the major difficulty being en- countered by the Middlesex board was no different than most boards in the province, namely that the province is insisting that certain pro- grams be implemented while at the same time reducing the grants paid to the boards to carry out these programs. The director explained that in 1972, the province paid 68.1 percent of the total education budget while Middlesex ratepayers contributed 28.6 percent. In 1984 those figues have changed to 44.3 percent for Middlesex municipalities and 53.3 percent by the province. He added that this shifting of the responsibility for education from the shoulders of the province of Ontario to the shoulders of the ratepayers of the various municipalities was the primary reason that educa- tion taxes seem to continual- ly be on the rise. Reit WI1ei to We wish you the best for a successful opening in your new location in Exeter. Knight Guard Security Systems R.R. b2, Lucan. Ontario NOM 210 Res: (519) 237-3426 T Bus: (519) 227-4387) CUT RIBBON FOR NEW HALL - Official ceremonies hall. Shown in the ribbon cutting ceremony are Trillium District Guide Commissioner Anne Miller, Cathy Rob were held Saturday to open Roestenberg, Ontario Scout Brady and Laura Duskoscy. the new Lucan Scout -Guide Commissioner Ev McCrinnon, T -A photo News from Revival Centre Sunday morning Mrs. June Quillan played the piano, while she and Mrs. Lorraine Armitage sang My Wonderful Lord. Rev Roger Mason spoke from Mark 5:25-34. This lady had a real physical problem. Each of us has some pro- blems. This lady sought an answer to her problem, in all the solutions she could find. But this only made her condi- tion worse, taking her money. When she had exhausted her human resources, she heard about Jesus. Her search was one of desperate faith. Seeking Jesus, she decided if she could only Con,ra1u/a1ioni to on the opening of your new movie outlet in Exeter Dashwood Lock & Key Keys Made Locks Repaired Brad Barnes Box 68, Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO Phone 519-237-3426 PROFESSIONAL SECURITY CONSULTANT J T T T T T T T T T T T T * reach Him, and touch His gar- ment, she would be healed. Hearing about Jesus' healing gave her the desperate faith that does not resign to defeat. She was persistent in the face of obstacles. She sneaked in- to the crowd to touch Jesus' garment. Rev. Roger Mason Sunday evening spoke from Joshua 6:1-6, concerning the method of conquering the enemy stronghold of Jericho. Our Jerichos can be persistent habits, we need victory over. Or an unsaved loved one holding out against accepting Jesus. Or it could be false thinking. It could be a mar- riage problem. These enemy strongholds need to be pulled down by God's power. How do you deal with enemy strongholds? First important thing is obedience to God. God gave implicit intructions to Joshua that had to be carried out to the tetter. This plan of God would take courage and faith to follow. The Israelites had learned by then that no mat- ter how strange God's com- mands are, they first must obey God, then they would understand why, as Hebrew 11:30 says. Upcoming events - Satur- day December 1, the Young People are holding a beans T T T and wiener dinner to raise money to help the starving people in Ethiopia. Time from •11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tickets adults $4. and $2 for those under 13 years of age. Call Kim Bedford. December 9 - Sunday School Christmas Concert, 7:00 p.m. Claude ye Next Sunday, December 2 is White Gift Sunday at Clandeboye United Church. Gifts will be sent to the Salva- tion Army in London. Sugges- tions are canned goods, as well as gifts for boys and girls 12-15 years of age. Mrs. Hazel Cunningham returned home on Monday from a three week visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Marion and Doug Gollinger in Duncan, B.C. Helen Hewitt, Listowel was a Tuesday visitor with her mother, Edie Worthington. Sunday visitors with the Hodgins family at Shadyside Farm were Laurel Hodgins, Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Marie Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hodgins, Neela and Kate, all of London. Peter, Laura and Jeffrey McLean of the 12th Lobo Township and Murray and Iva Hodgins of Lucan. Sunday evening visitors were OSCARS FOR EXETER! Add a FREE MEMBERSHIP to your Christmas List It's the gift with the best reception. A great way to save on family entertainment during the holidays and all year round. Buy now or renew your $40 Oscars membership before January 1 -and get one membership FREE! The perfect gift for you and your friends! Remember we honor all existing video club memberships. OSCARS -Your First Choice in Home Entertainment First t� introduce the easy -to -carry, easy - to -hook-up rental video cassette player (sfor those who don't '1 6 have a VCR. Here they � GDeAcadetnv police he Natural Orearnscape the EmPtt t Strikes Ba c k Vie P51atfightet Lost Rain Conan theOsttoYet paedea o Rewind. Remote controlled Telefunken VCR $549 Remote controlled Quasar VCR $549 For one week only First to introduce Video Guide -the book that puts movie selection at your fingertips. And the new edition is just_int, First to get new releases - no one gets them faster. Also ask about our Listen for Pleasure cassettes at lust $13 95 each Times -Advocate, November 28, 1984 Page 17 Lucan bowling Inter -town - Ladies: Lucan 1814 St. Marys 11',2, Marg Young 254-623, Jan Capitano 213-602. Men: Lucan 28, Bowl- ing Mor 20, Bob Atkinson 300-1244, Jim Burt 269-1135. Monday ladies: Lorraine Mosurinjohn 254-705, Sue Johnston 249-682, Carlene Coos 234-655, Helen Patterson 292-645, Joan Finkbeiner 224-635, Muriel Kennedy 256-620, Ellen Vanderloo 223-607, Beulah Storey 262-605, Helen Rodgers 257, Linda Webber 236. Tuesday juniors: Angela Perry 247, Jeff Bond 219, Terry Evans 170, Pam Greenlee 160, Tabatha Perry 160, Stephanie Sandison 153, Sawn Kraft 150, Gerry Roestenberg 144. Colleen's: Lori Quinn 256-692, Norah Cowie 251-659, Kay Appleby 262-677, Vi Miller 232-619, Desta Hock 240-617, Sharon Halladay 265, Betty Murphy 228, Debbie Wonnacott 226, Marg Carroll. Medway: Tom Weiss 327-707, Doug McNair 298-635, Jack Heaman 232, Elaine McNair 222, Graw Rush 221, mary Carmichael 212, Janet Heaman 211, Mary Hastings 210. Senior citizens: Gord Higgs 199, Harry Noels 229, Helen McDonald 218, Charlie Grieve 211, Henry Denotter 206, Jean Miller 206, Hilda O'Connor 203, Frank De Block 197, Marian Noels 192, Lillus Clat- worthey 189. Wednesday bantam: Craig Williams 165, Ken Cowie 140, Ken 'Pescod 139, David Damen 124, Frances Mawdsley 125, Peter Gibson 119, Melissa Damen 109, Pat- ty Pescod 104, Beverly Dauncey 103, David Wilcox 103. Wednesday mixed: Bob Pipe 246-691, Bill Dixon 256-669, Larry Smith 287-625, Bob Cornish 253, Rose Max - Leona and Bill Morley, Zion. Ralph Lynn is still rounding up cattle after several head broke out of his barn at Clandeboye, Saturday after- noon. Four head are still at large, three were cited by plane in the river hills near Brinsley. Another is missing after running back through the Hodgins Biddulph farm- land and being chased and frightened by a couple of horses that were out on pasture. T While you're in, take a look at Oscars' complete selec- tion of Quasar and Tele- funken VCRs and Lloyds audio equipment, all at highly competitive prices. PRICES MOVIES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday/Monday Friday/Monday VIDEO CASSETTE PLAYERS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday/Monday Friday/Monday well 235, Pat Ryan 235, Lynn Smith 228, Dennis Carty 226, Ruth Ann McRobert 221. Thursday men: Kevin Lightfoot 277-764, Brad Taylor 295-749, Wayne Smith 259-725, Jeff Park 262-705, Harold Smith 282,-696, Jim Burt 277-695, Al Gillan 2731694, Larry De Caluwe 271-683, An- dy McIntyre 282-668, Dave Mawdsley 255-666, Brian Ankers 271-655, Don Mills 272, Paul Hodgins 269. Friday mixed: Lynn Smith 282-742, Jim Gage 300-700, Bob Smith 291-700, Brenda Smith 235-614, Harold Smith 272, Sherrie McRobert 259, Dave Smith 251, Marlyn Smith 228. scores Russ Smith 228, Eve Smith 225. Sunday mixed: Jim Smith 345-817, Andy McIntyre 274-718, Cheryl Smith 293-702, Gus Latulippe 256-691, Bill Dixon 257-668, George Wilson 242-660, Glena Tripp 281-656, Charlie Elson 300-647, Bruce McKichan 262-630, Ron Mason 227-615, Nina Knee 246, Brice Harris 235, Linda Davis 216. amiummiammaiiir QuickStaN� ...It Midis Quick Start! It's the fast- est Weight Watchers program ever. And it's a proven success ...because hundreds of thousands have tried it and lost weight quicker in the very first weeks. It's simple and sensible, with appet- izing, easy -to -follow menus. We're accepting en- rollments now for the Quick Start Program. So, call Weight Watchers today. Hurry! All you need is Quick Start, and you'll really take off. WEIGHT WOOERS' RS` Enroll at any meeting Registration and First Meeting Fee S18 00 S7 00 weekly thereafter Senior Citizens and Students Registration and First Meeting Fee S9 00 $4 00 weekly thereafter New Member Registration Times FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-265-9291 Exeter Legion 167 William St. Mondays 6:45 p.m. MilnitiminimmintQuickStart Mir GRgN� OPEN Nope jN Hrith a November 3� G 017 VcR per Sate acid; s and equipm ent Come and say hello CLUB MEMBERS Two for $4.00 Two for $4.00 Two for $4.00 Two for $4.00 $3.00 each $4.00 each $6.00 each NON-MEMBERS $10.50 plus 1 free movie $10.50 plus 1 free movie $10.50 plus 1 free movie $10.50 plus 1 free movie $12.50 $12.50 $20.00 $ 6.00 each $ 6.00 each $ 6.00 each $ 6.00 each $10.00 each $10.00 each $14.00 each $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $15.00 $15.00 $25.00 Prices are subject to 7% PST. HOURS Monday to Thursday Friday Saturday ZEHR'S PLAZA EXETER 235-2685 10:00 am -6:00 pm 10:00 am -9:00 pm 10:00 am -6:00 pm MasterCard and VISA accepted. * * * * * * * *