HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-11-21, Page 29Cookie sale underway
SHDHS students are busy flavours, maple or chocolate,
selling cookies door-to-door and sell for $'i per package.
throughout the area and will The cookies were baked and
continue to do so until Friday, packaged the day before
November the 30th. delivery to ensure freshness.
Students' council vice-
president and resident cookie
expert Liam Brennan says,
"They're probably the best
The student's council took cookies I've ever tasted."
delivery of 713 cases of The campaign is off to a
cookies, Wednesday and half good start and continued com-
were distributed among the munity support would be
students before the weekend. much appreciated by the en -
The cookiescome in two tire student body.
Mourn loss at Centralia
The cookie campaign is
geared at raising funds for
school athletics and functions.
This community was shock-
ed Thursday to hear of the
sudden death of Douglas
Riley. Doug was a man who
was very well thought of in
the village. He was a foreman
at Cook's plant at Centralia
The sympathy of the com-
munity goes out to his wife
Linda and family. The funeral
was held Monday from the
Ball and Falconer Funeral
Home in Clinton. Besides his
wife, son and two daughters,
he also leaves to mourn his
loss his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Riley, Goderich and 10
brothers and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harrison,
Lucan were Sunday guests
with Mrs. Minnie Harrison.
Small Appliance Repair
RR 1 Thedford 243-2628
Have your small appliances repaired
now at Tess cost than replacement.
• Electric Slicers
• Electric Kettles
• Electric Hot Plates
• Electric Hair Dryers
• Electric Processors
• Toasters
• irons
• Coffee Makers
• Fry Pans
• Mixers
Drop off and pick up at
Fisher Hardware, Exeter, Schilbe
Pro Hardware, Zurich, Tieman's
Hardware, Dashwood, Blue Water
Hardware, Grand Bend.
STEPHEN CENTRAL COUNCIL — The 1984-85 student council at Stephen Central
School was elected recently. From the left are treasurer Shane Pfaff, vice-president
Randy Hoffman, president Angela Lonsbergen and secretary Karen McKay..
Women at Dashwood
choose slate of officers
The Church in Society
group of Dashwood UCW
were in charge of the meeting
held on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Hugh Boyle welcomed
members and visitors.
A quartet comprised of
Mrs. Jack Gaiser, Mrs. Harry
Stuart, Gail Shaw and Mrs.
Hugh Boyle favored with the
song "Jesus the Very Thought
of Thee".
The very controversial sub-
ject of 'pornography' was the
theme. The film "Not a Love
Story" was shown with Rev.
Wilena Brown of Varna
leading the session.
A recent study made by the
Task Force of the United
Church of Canada describes
pornography as material that
represents or describes
degrading, abusive or violent
behaviour • for sexual
gratification so as to endorse
and recommend the behavior
as depicted.
Pornography is defacing
the beauty of God's creation
and we as a church group are
urged to take a stand against
A brief business meeting
followed with Mrs. Don
Gaiser presiding.
The new slate of officers for
1985 were presented: presi-
dent Mrs. Don Gaiser; 2nd
vice president Mrs. Sid Neeb;
secretary Mrs. Wm.
Chandler; assistant secretary
Mrs. Aldene Wolfe;
treasurer, Mrs. Mildred
Kellerman; pianist Mrs. Ken
McCrae; card convener, Mrs.
Greta Schade; prayer group
committee, Mrs. Eben
Weigand; group leaders, Mrs.
Mervyn Tieman, World
Outreach; Mrs. Sid Neeb,
Christian Development; Mrs.
Eben Weigand, Stewardship,
Finance and Leadership;
Mrs. Jim Weigand, Church in
Donations will be made to
World Outreach, . War
Memorial Hospital, Care
Canada, Thames Valley
Children's Centre and Town
and Country Homemakers.
The ladies were reminded
of the pot luck supper to be
held in the Community Centre
on November 27. On
December 4, in Zurich for our
"Morning Break" series,
Mrs. Eben Weigand will be
showing us how to make new
Christmas crafts.
The Sunshine Committee
for next month will be Mrs.
Jessie Rader and Mrs. Harry
Hoffman. The meeting closed
by repeating the Mizpah
Saintsbury ladies'
successful event
A very successful dessert
euchre and bake sale was
held in St. Patrick's Parish
Hall, Wednesday with nine
tables playing. At the end of
the 10 games the tallies were
added up.
The winners were: ladies
high Mildred Hirtzel, Cen-
tralia ; mens high Harry
Noels, Lucan; ladies lone
hands Margaret Carter, Ex-
eter; mens high, Iva Blair,
Centralia - playing a man's
card; ladies low, Marion
Bissett, Exeter; mens low,
Nelson Squire, Exeter, lucky
chair, Audrey McRoberts,
Then the moment everyone
was waiting for, Ed Dowdell
Lucan drew the lucky ticket
on a beautiful two tone hand-
made queen sized quilt. The
winner was Maurice Coates,
Exeter. Four consolation
prizes were drawn and win-
ners were: Bonnie Kooy, Cen-
tralia, Mabel Needham,
Lucan, Nadine Bidell, Saint-
sbury and Lawrence Hirtzel,
Eleanor Darling, Lucan
and Mary Davis visited Alex-
ia Atkinson at Craigholme,
Derrick Greenlee visited
his great grandmother Mary
Davis Saturday.
Linda Durnin, Auburn and
Heather MacGillivray held a
belated birthday get-together.
They enjoyed dinner and a
show in London and Linda
stayed with the
MacGillivray's for the
weekend. They were joined
Sunday afternoon by Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Simpson, Nancy
and Daren, London.
Mrs. Agnes Hotson, Mrs.
Eleanor Darling, Mrs.
Charlotte Barker and Mary
Davis attended the "London
Chapter of Sweet Adelines an-
nual show" at Alumni Hall,
London Sunday afternoon and
enjoyed a dinner later.
Church service
Morning service Sunday
was held at St. Patrick's. Rev.
Derrick rector was in charge.
Mary Davis played for the
Rev. Derrick spoke to the
children and took as his text,
1st Thessalonians 5. He spoke
on being faithful and un-
faithful, quoting the verse
from St. James "Faith
without works is dead".
Mrs. Hazel Davis, teacher
took the children down to Sun-
day School.
Walk -about One day we had
a walkabout. Everybody in
the school participated. We
had to find things that started
with the letters of the
aiphabet. Most people got
finished. We had to go outside
to find them. Because it was
very cold some people came
inside to find ideas. It was fun.
Chad, Alex
Remembrance Day Service
- On November 9 we had a
Remembrance Day
Assembly. We had visitors
from the Royal Canadian
Legion from Exeter. Rev.
Sutton talked to us. Room 9
said some verses. One of the
verses was the Red Poppy.
Up on stage Carrie and Gail
said a verse. called Poppy
Day. Others taking part were
Terry Hoffman, Brent Love,
Derek Dinney and Julie
Schade. The program ended
by the Retiring of the Colours.
The flags were taken out of
the gym by the Legion
Jodi Desjardine, Jennifer
Remembrance Day
Assembly - Remembrance
Day was Sunday, November
11. The school assembly was
Friday, November 9. Rooms
nine, four, two and five led the
the assembly. Room nine said
two poems and Gail and Car-
rie read a poem called Poppy
Day. Students from Room two
read stories and from the Bi-
ble. Rooms four and five sang
two songs. The audience sang
two songs. Each class had to
set a wreath at the front of the
stage. Kathy Hendrick and
Michelle Vincent played the
piano. Our special guests
were the Exeter Legion
Members. They were soldiers
in the war. Mothers and dads
came too. Some students
wore their Brownies, Beaver,
Cub, Guide, Cadet, and Scout
Room Nine
The newspaper - Room nine
has been studying the
newspaper. They learned that
some like the London Free
Press are printed daily. That
means everyday. Others, like
the Exeter Times Advocate
are printed once a week.
Newspapers tell us important
things we need to know and
things we are interested in.
We look at thepictures and
the words to get the news. The
information should be about
what is happening now. The
newspaper is divided into sec-
tions such as: local news,
news from across Canada,
sports, weather, want ads,
world news, advertisements,
special sections like food,
money and entertainemnt.
Room nine
White Elephant sale -
November 7, Room four,
grade six had a white
elephant sale. We brought
from home some used junk. It
sold quite well. The prices
ranged from 5e to 50t. We
made $108.80. The proceeds
go towards our class trip to
Hay Swamp. We would like to
thank those who donated and
made this a success.
Christine Glanville, Kim
Gift List
For those hard -to -buy for people, come
and purchase a T -A subscription for $21
(six months $10.50i
Books, Books, Books
Novels, Cookbooks,
Sportsbooks, Dictionaries,
Children's Books
Best Sellers, etc.
YAM, Ms"
424 Main St., 235-1331
LARGE ORDER — Wolfgang Suppon poses beside the 4' by 8' stained glass panel
crafted in his shop at RR 1, Dashwood, depicting o scene of trees, flowers and a
creek in front of a rugged hillside. The panel, the largest ever made in the Old
School House stained glass studio, will be installed on an interior living room wall
in the Clinton home of John and Judy Alilovic.
Grand Opening
Enlargement Color Film
5x7 99t
8 x 10 '3.99
11 x 14 '6.99
16 x 20 '12.99 plus tax
Print & Process
12 exp.
24 exp.
36 exp.
15 disc
Also Home Video
350 Main St. Exeter
235-1792, Beside Soars
'5.99 plus tax
'diger Times
Stephen Central
Thursday, November 8,
Grade seven and eight
students of Stephen visited
Exeter Public School for a
theatre production called
"Love and Work Enough". It
was about women in the ear-
ly 1800's and how they made
friends, cleared land and rais-
ed family, without their
husbands. These actors were
all women and played parts of
men, cows, married people
and children.
Kathy Hendrick
Fund Raising - On
November 5, Lou Donders
came in to talk about fund
raising. Our school fund rais-
ing is of cheese and giftshop
presents. There are also giant
colouring books. This year for
every $10 you make you get
your name in a draw and you
get a choice of your prize if
you win. There are some nice
prizes so I wish every,body
luck. As well the student
council and students will be
winners as we shall have
funds to sponsor the many
school activities.
Kristy Dobson
One day our teacher gave
us a big sheet of paper. We
had to do one or two kinds of
leaves with crayon on our
sheet of paper. We had to fill
the whole page. When we
were done we washed it. We
had to use certain colours.
The colours were red, yellow,
brown and orange. When we
were done they looked pretty.
Rachelle Allen
Snow White - The queen
ordered two huntsmen to take
Snow White into the forest.
They did not want to kill her.
They killed a wild pig and
took its heart to the queen.
Some animals took her to the
seven dwarfs place. She cook-
ed and washed. The evil
queen tricked Snow White. A
prince cameto save her and
they lived happily ever after.
The seven boys in our group
were the seven dwarfs. One
girl was the queen. One was
Snow White. We had two hunt-
smen and the prince. I liked
the play because it was fun.
Steven Hendrick
Showing up is 80 percent of
-Woody Allen
November 21,
Beautiful Eyes
Drop in for your free
eye makeup
Friday, Nov. 30th, 6:00
p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sot., Dec. 1st all day
Rumor's 11
Centre Mall
Exeter 235-0202
We'll Do
the Job
Ready -Mix Concrete
FREE ESTIMATES: Residential. commerical and farm. founda-
tions, floors. slabs, sidewalks, driveways, manure tanks, etc..
form rentals, equipment rentals. -
For guaranteed strength, quality controlled and service call
C.A. McDowell
RedI.Mix Ltd.
Centralia, Ontario
Plant: Exeter, Hwy . No. 83 wast 235-2711
Office: 228-6129 After hours: 228-6780
TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the direction of the Supreme
Court of Ontario, United Co-operatives of Ontario (UCO) has called
a series of meetings of various classes of Creditors for the purpose
of considering and, if thought fit, approving the Plan of
Arrangement as more particularly described in the Information
Circular dated November 5, 1984, prepared by UCO.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said meetings of
Creditors will be held on Thursday, November 29 and Friday,
November 30, 1984, as follows:
Class of Creditors Date
Holders of Member Thursday,
Debentures & Member Nov. 29,
Capital lnvestment 1984
Windsor Grain
Nov. 29,
Residual Creditors Thursday,
Nov. 29,
Depositholders, Holders Friday,
of Promissory Notes Nov. 30,
and Trade Creditors 1984
Institutional Lendors Friday,
Nov. 30,
Time Location
10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Ballrooms A,B,C.
2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
3:30 p.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Ballrooms A,B,C.
2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
DATED at Toronto, this 7th day of November, 1984.
United Co-operatives of Ontario
151 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3A 4
For further information 1-800-387-9332
please telephone... 1-800-387-9336
Be safe
stay well away from fallen wires
Ice storms, high winds, falling tree limbs can bring hydro lines down.
Don't go near a fallen wire ...even a seemingly dead line can be
dangerous. Wam others to keep clear and call (your hydro)
to report the fallen wire.
If the line falls across your vehicle, stay inside until the line is removed
by a hydro crew. If you must leave because of fire, jump clear without
touching the car and the ground at the same time. If there's a live
power line touching your car, putting even one foot on the ground can
be a fatal move to make.
Exeter Public Utilities Commission
Chairman, M.A. Greene
Manager, H.L. Davis
H. DeVries
B.E. Shaw
wry n
%vtr t fa
in the Ministry of Agriculture Boardroom, Clinton
AT 8:00 P.M.
for the purpose of receiving reports and financial
statements for the year ending on September
30th, 1984 electi„g Directors and Credit Commit-
tee officers, appointing auditors: for the purpose
of amending By -Laws and of transacting all other
business of an Annual Meeting. Lunch will follow
the meeting. Door Prizes.
Clinton Community
482-3467 235-0640
as depicted.
Pornography is defacing
the beauty of God's creation
and we as a church group are
urged to take a stand against
A brief business meeting
followed with Mrs. Don
Gaiser presiding.
The new slate of officers for
1985 were presented: presi-
dent Mrs. Don Gaiser; 2nd
vice president Mrs. Sid Neeb;
secretary Mrs. Wm.
Chandler; assistant secretary
Mrs. Aldene Wolfe;
treasurer, Mrs. Mildred
Kellerman; pianist Mrs. Ken
McCrae; card convener, Mrs.
Greta Schade; prayer group
committee, Mrs. Eben
Weigand; group leaders, Mrs.
Mervyn Tieman, World
Outreach; Mrs. Sid Neeb,
Christian Development; Mrs.
Eben Weigand, Stewardship,
Finance and Leadership;
Mrs. Jim Weigand, Church in
Donations will be made to
World Outreach, . War
Memorial Hospital, Care
Canada, Thames Valley
Children's Centre and Town
and Country Homemakers.
The ladies were reminded
of the pot luck supper to be
held in the Community Centre
on November 27. On
December 4, in Zurich for our
"Morning Break" series,
Mrs. Eben Weigand will be
showing us how to make new
Christmas crafts.
The Sunshine Committee
for next month will be Mrs.
Jessie Rader and Mrs. Harry
Hoffman. The meeting closed
by repeating the Mizpah
Saintsbury ladies'
successful event
A very successful dessert
euchre and bake sale was
held in St. Patrick's Parish
Hall, Wednesday with nine
tables playing. At the end of
the 10 games the tallies were
added up.
The winners were: ladies
high Mildred Hirtzel, Cen-
tralia ; mens high Harry
Noels, Lucan; ladies lone
hands Margaret Carter, Ex-
eter; mens high, Iva Blair,
Centralia - playing a man's
card; ladies low, Marion
Bissett, Exeter; mens low,
Nelson Squire, Exeter, lucky
chair, Audrey McRoberts,
Then the moment everyone
was waiting for, Ed Dowdell
Lucan drew the lucky ticket
on a beautiful two tone hand-
made queen sized quilt. The
winner was Maurice Coates,
Exeter. Four consolation
prizes were drawn and win-
ners were: Bonnie Kooy, Cen-
tralia, Mabel Needham,
Lucan, Nadine Bidell, Saint-
sbury and Lawrence Hirtzel,
Eleanor Darling, Lucan
and Mary Davis visited Alex-
ia Atkinson at Craigholme,
Derrick Greenlee visited
his great grandmother Mary
Davis Saturday.
Linda Durnin, Auburn and
Heather MacGillivray held a
belated birthday get-together.
They enjoyed dinner and a
show in London and Linda
stayed with the
MacGillivray's for the
weekend. They were joined
Sunday afternoon by Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Simpson, Nancy
and Daren, London.
Mrs. Agnes Hotson, Mrs.
Eleanor Darling, Mrs.
Charlotte Barker and Mary
Davis attended the "London
Chapter of Sweet Adelines an-
nual show" at Alumni Hall,
London Sunday afternoon and
enjoyed a dinner later.
Church service
Morning service Sunday
was held at St. Patrick's. Rev.
Derrick rector was in charge.
Mary Davis played for the
Rev. Derrick spoke to the
children and took as his text,
1st Thessalonians 5. He spoke
on being faithful and un-
faithful, quoting the verse
from St. James "Faith
without works is dead".
Mrs. Hazel Davis, teacher
took the children down to Sun-
day School.
Walk -about One day we had
a walkabout. Everybody in
the school participated. We
had to find things that started
with the letters of the
aiphabet. Most people got
finished. We had to go outside
to find them. Because it was
very cold some people came
inside to find ideas. It was fun.
Chad, Alex
Remembrance Day Service
- On November 9 we had a
Remembrance Day
Assembly. We had visitors
from the Royal Canadian
Legion from Exeter. Rev.
Sutton talked to us. Room 9
said some verses. One of the
verses was the Red Poppy.
Up on stage Carrie and Gail
said a verse. called Poppy
Day. Others taking part were
Terry Hoffman, Brent Love,
Derek Dinney and Julie
Schade. The program ended
by the Retiring of the Colours.
The flags were taken out of
the gym by the Legion
Jodi Desjardine, Jennifer
Remembrance Day
Assembly - Remembrance
Day was Sunday, November
11. The school assembly was
Friday, November 9. Rooms
nine, four, two and five led the
the assembly. Room nine said
two poems and Gail and Car-
rie read a poem called Poppy
Day. Students from Room two
read stories and from the Bi-
ble. Rooms four and five sang
two songs. The audience sang
two songs. Each class had to
set a wreath at the front of the
stage. Kathy Hendrick and
Michelle Vincent played the
piano. Our special guests
were the Exeter Legion
Members. They were soldiers
in the war. Mothers and dads
came too. Some students
wore their Brownies, Beaver,
Cub, Guide, Cadet, and Scout
Room Nine
The newspaper - Room nine
has been studying the
newspaper. They learned that
some like the London Free
Press are printed daily. That
means everyday. Others, like
the Exeter Times Advocate
are printed once a week.
Newspapers tell us important
things we need to know and
things we are interested in.
We look at thepictures and
the words to get the news. The
information should be about
what is happening now. The
newspaper is divided into sec-
tions such as: local news,
news from across Canada,
sports, weather, want ads,
world news, advertisements,
special sections like food,
money and entertainemnt.
Room nine
White Elephant sale -
November 7, Room four,
grade six had a white
elephant sale. We brought
from home some used junk. It
sold quite well. The prices
ranged from 5e to 50t. We
made $108.80. The proceeds
go towards our class trip to
Hay Swamp. We would like to
thank those who donated and
made this a success.
Christine Glanville, Kim
Gift List
For those hard -to -buy for people, come
and purchase a T -A subscription for $21
(six months $10.50i
Books, Books, Books
Novels, Cookbooks,
Sportsbooks, Dictionaries,
Children's Books
Best Sellers, etc.
YAM, Ms"
424 Main St., 235-1331
LARGE ORDER — Wolfgang Suppon poses beside the 4' by 8' stained glass panel
crafted in his shop at RR 1, Dashwood, depicting o scene of trees, flowers and a
creek in front of a rugged hillside. The panel, the largest ever made in the Old
School House stained glass studio, will be installed on an interior living room wall
in the Clinton home of John and Judy Alilovic.
Grand Opening
Enlargement Color Film
5x7 99t
8 x 10 '3.99
11 x 14 '6.99
16 x 20 '12.99 plus tax
Print & Process
12 exp.
24 exp.
36 exp.
15 disc
Also Home Video
350 Main St. Exeter
235-1792, Beside Soars
'5.99 plus tax
'diger Times
Stephen Central
Thursday, November 8,
Grade seven and eight
students of Stephen visited
Exeter Public School for a
theatre production called
"Love and Work Enough". It
was about women in the ear-
ly 1800's and how they made
friends, cleared land and rais-
ed family, without their
husbands. These actors were
all women and played parts of
men, cows, married people
and children.
Kathy Hendrick
Fund Raising - On
November 5, Lou Donders
came in to talk about fund
raising. Our school fund rais-
ing is of cheese and giftshop
presents. There are also giant
colouring books. This year for
every $10 you make you get
your name in a draw and you
get a choice of your prize if
you win. There are some nice
prizes so I wish every,body
luck. As well the student
council and students will be
winners as we shall have
funds to sponsor the many
school activities.
Kristy Dobson
One day our teacher gave
us a big sheet of paper. We
had to do one or two kinds of
leaves with crayon on our
sheet of paper. We had to fill
the whole page. When we
were done we washed it. We
had to use certain colours.
The colours were red, yellow,
brown and orange. When we
were done they looked pretty.
Rachelle Allen
Snow White - The queen
ordered two huntsmen to take
Snow White into the forest.
They did not want to kill her.
They killed a wild pig and
took its heart to the queen.
Some animals took her to the
seven dwarfs place. She cook-
ed and washed. The evil
queen tricked Snow White. A
prince cameto save her and
they lived happily ever after.
The seven boys in our group
were the seven dwarfs. One
girl was the queen. One was
Snow White. We had two hunt-
smen and the prince. I liked
the play because it was fun.
Steven Hendrick
Showing up is 80 percent of
-Woody Allen
November 21,
Beautiful Eyes
Drop in for your free
eye makeup
Friday, Nov. 30th, 6:00
p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sot., Dec. 1st all day
Rumor's 11
Centre Mall
Exeter 235-0202
We'll Do
the Job
Ready -Mix Concrete
FREE ESTIMATES: Residential. commerical and farm. founda-
tions, floors. slabs, sidewalks, driveways, manure tanks, etc..
form rentals, equipment rentals. -
For guaranteed strength, quality controlled and service call
C.A. McDowell
RedI.Mix Ltd.
Centralia, Ontario
Plant: Exeter, Hwy . No. 83 wast 235-2711
Office: 228-6129 After hours: 228-6780
TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the direction of the Supreme
Court of Ontario, United Co-operatives of Ontario (UCO) has called
a series of meetings of various classes of Creditors for the purpose
of considering and, if thought fit, approving the Plan of
Arrangement as more particularly described in the Information
Circular dated November 5, 1984, prepared by UCO.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said meetings of
Creditors will be held on Thursday, November 29 and Friday,
November 30, 1984, as follows:
Class of Creditors Date
Holders of Member Thursday,
Debentures & Member Nov. 29,
Capital lnvestment 1984
Windsor Grain
Nov. 29,
Residual Creditors Thursday,
Nov. 29,
Depositholders, Holders Friday,
of Promissory Notes Nov. 30,
and Trade Creditors 1984
Institutional Lendors Friday,
Nov. 30,
Time Location
10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Ballrooms A,B,C.
2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
3:30 p.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Ballrooms A,B,C.
2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
DATED at Toronto, this 7th day of November, 1984.
United Co-operatives of Ontario
151 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3A 4
For further information 1-800-387-9332
please telephone... 1-800-387-9336
Be safe
stay well away from fallen wires
Ice storms, high winds, falling tree limbs can bring hydro lines down.
Don't go near a fallen wire ...even a seemingly dead line can be
dangerous. Wam others to keep clear and call (your hydro)
to report the fallen wire.
If the line falls across your vehicle, stay inside until the line is removed
by a hydro crew. If you must leave because of fire, jump clear without
touching the car and the ground at the same time. If there's a live
power line touching your car, putting even one foot on the ground can
be a fatal move to make.
Exeter Public Utilities Commission
Chairman, M.A. Greene
Manager, H.L. Davis
H. DeVries
B.E. Shaw