HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-11-21, Page 19LEGION HELPS NEW HALL -- At a recent meeting Lucan Legion branc 540 presi- dent Gordon Clubb presented a cheque of $500 to the new Lucan Scout -Guides hall. Accepting the cheque are group committee chairman Dale Froats and building chair - mon Dave Barr. The building will be officially opened on November 24. ucan Families attend Invest 17 eager Beavers Dave Mawdsley opened the Tuesday night beaver meeting and welcomed parents before 17 young kids were invested as eager beavers, at Lucan Public School. They had been prac- ticing their motto, promise and law during beaver meetings and at home since the beginning of October and A.D.C. Ted Peckham had the honour of investing them while their families and leaders looked on. Following the boys ceremony, new leader, Lori Bartley was also invested. Action songs and games were led by leader Terry Mawdsley for all to take part in. Scott Chatterson and Ryan Thomas had taught their moms the song and actions to "Have you ever been fishing" after a previous meeting and the two boys and their moms led everyone in this fun song, in- creasing the speed each time it was sung. The invested boys and leaders had their pictures taken before everyone was served cake which had been appropriately decorated for a beaver investiture by leaders Terry and Chris. The closing ceremony followed with each beaver receivin his registra- tion flash and card. Beavers is thriving again this year in Lucan with 44 boys registered. New leaders, Chris Schlatzler, received her wogglefor completing her Woodbadge 1 course in Clin- ton on Nov. 3 and 4th weekend. She thoroughly en- joyed the course and has lots of new ideas and enthusiasm to share with her colony. Colonies B and C received a warm welcome from seniors at Craigholme, Ndvember 9, when they arriv- ed to sing songs and share their friendship with the folks there. The boys recognized many familiar faces from Lucan. All the beavers are looking forward to the opening of the new Scout -Guide Hall Sat., Nov. 24. Pancakes are being served from 11 to 1, so don't forget moms and dads to have brunch at our new hall. Deer accidents for third week For the third consecutive week, a deer was involved in one of the accidents in- vestigated by officers of the Lucan detachment of the On- tario Provincial Police. It occurred Monday at 11:40 p.m. when a deer ran onto Highway 7 in the path of a vehicle driven by Johannes Nibourg, Ailsa Craig. Con- stable Vance set damages at $800. The same day at 4:15 p.m. a vehicle driven by Kathey Vereyken, R.R. 3, Lucan struck an unattended vehicle on Main street of Lucan. Damages were listed at $900 by Constable Hassall. Sunday at 9 a.m. a vehicle operated by Erma Weernink, R.R. 1 Kirkton caught fire and completely burned at Elginfield. Damages were estimated at $6,500 by Con- stable Lang. Vehicles driven by Anthony Murphy and David Tennant; both of London collided at 11 a.m. Friday on Highway 4. Constable Hodge listed damages at $3,900. SELL WREATVS Muriel Kennedy, Sue Wilcox and Christmas crs at the weekend Lucan craft show 1pe Novelties 175 Main St., Lucan On Special Cabbage Kids & Dolls S18.50 Citizens Walkman AM/FM cassette recorders Snap together models Tools 5. 2 Edie Burt are shown with their and sole. T -A photo 7II(fllI (J/Oil To the Lucan Fire Department for their quick, effi cient response to the fire at my home. Special thanks to Bill Damen. Sandra Burgess nnnnnnnnnnnnnmmnnnmm�nnmmmnnnmmltrunnmm�nnnnunnnnnunuul Lucan Legion Branch 540 Free Fun Darts Tournament Sat., Nov. 24 2 p.m. and every other Saturday until spring when we wind up with a free dance. Date to be set later. If you fancy yourself a dart player, drop in and show us what you can do. Everyone welcome... ask for Larry IuntnnnnlnMlnnnnulluutnnOmllnnuinmm�unnnnnmiuninnimnnnnnnninulnt Wmnepeg. Five years planning ends Times -Advocate, November 21, 1984 Page 7A New Scout -Guide hall to open Saturday Five yearsot planning, fund- raising, negotiations and hard work by Lucan Scouting and Guiding will bear fruit Saturday when Ev McCrim- mon, Provincial Commis- sioner for Ontario, Boy Scouts of Canada, and Anne Miller, Trillium Area Commissioner, Girl Guides of Canada, cut the symbolic ribbon to open the "Pow Wow Place" - the new Lucan Scout/Guide Hall. They will be joined by other UCW finalizes Snowflake bazaar "His Name is Wonderful" was the first in Rev. Brown's series of Advent sermons at Lucan United Church Sunday morning. 750 years before Christ's birth, the prophet Isaiah, living in perilous times, saw hope for the world in the person of the coming Messiah whom we celebrate at Christmas as the Christ of Bethlehem. This person would be "the wonderful one", the prophet said. And so Jesus proved to be in every respect. He was wonderful in His miraculous birth at Bethlehem, and still today we discover Him to be wonderful as we allow Him to be born in our hearts. He was wonderful in His life as He demonstrated His compas- sion, power and wisdom in meeting the needs of those around Him. Beth Miller and Ruthanne Curtis formed the welcome committee for the morning. Alden Walker read the Scrip- ture lesson and the choir led the congregation in worship as they sang the lovely an- them, "Nearer still nearer." Flora Robertson had an ob- ject lesson for the boys and girls as she showed them a pair of binoculars and ex- plained that they help bring far away objects close. The Bible is like a pair of binoculars, she told the children, for it brings Jesus close. We can hide it in our hearts by memorizing parts of it, so that even when we do not have a Bible near, its truth will be with us always. Jane Forster and Sue Barr took the children hour for their Junior Congregation time. Coming Events Prayer Break continues Wednesday at 12 noon for all who can meet to pray for our nation, our community and our churches. The special ex- panded Christmas -Choir will practice Wednesday at 7:30 this week and the regular choir. at 7:00. Please note the change of hour. All who would like to par- ticipate in our Christmas music and in the Lucan Op- timists' Christmas concert are invited to come and prepare. At 8:30 that evening, the E: riendship Unit meets in the C.E. Wing. They plan to work at crafts fdr the Bazaar. Thursday at 7:00 the junior choir, for boys and girls ages 7-12, practices at the church in preparation for Christmas WI topic on BC firs "Douglas Firs of B.C." will be the topic of the Lucan Women's Institute meeting, Wednesday, November 28, at 2 p.m. at the home of Flora Robertson, Elm St. The roll call will be to name a tree and tell for what the wood is used. Pennies for Friendship - give a penny for each ornamental shrub on your property. Isobel ffaskett, convener for Agriculture and Canadian 'Industries will be in charge of the program and Marion Lee is the refreshment hostess. All women are welcome. Seniors hear of Block Parents The November 15 meeting operted with all singing 0 Canada with Muriel Cobleigh at the piano. President Harry Noels introduced Carol Hardy who spoke regarding the Block Parent Program. She stressed the need to have more people participating. Harry announced a Clinic for the Hard of Hearing, November22, from l0a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Shillalagh. A euchre party to -night in the Mini Hall at St. Pat's at 8 p.m. 3 Another Euchre in the Parish Hall at St. Georges' Church. London township. November 16 at 8:15 p.m. A letter was read from the London Home Economics Association asking if we would like a speaker on Nutri- tion Fitness and Youth during March, Nutrition month. Ed Dowdall thanked all for cards received after the loss of his brother. Percy Williams thanked everyone for the card 0, received during his illness. In lieu of the Christmas gift ex- - change a donation of $154. Iwas made to the Food Bank. A vote was taken to -day and }tarry announced the seniors would hold their meetings in the new scout hall after this month. Get well cards were signed to be sent to Maurice Mac- Donald and Greta Gibson. Euchre resumed with prizes going to Ladies High - Mary Davis, Ladies Lones - Mary Hooy. Ladies Low - Lela Ab- bott, Gents High - Harry Noels, Gents Lones - Tom Kooy, Gents Low - John Loyens. Oil painting continues with much interest. Craft prize went to Verna Ibbotson. Fire calls Omitted from last week, Sunday, November 11, at 8:30 the Lucan voluteer fire department was called to the scene of a car fire at Elginfield. This week on Wednesday, at 12:30 they answered a call to the home of Mrs. S. Burgess, Main Street South. where damage in the living room resulted from a fire in a chesterfield el+ -. events. Please note the change of time to 7 p.m. The U.C.W. invites all to attend the Snowflake Bazaar Satur- day December 1, 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A light cafeteria style lunch will be available as well as crafts, baking and delicatessen and white elephant items. Women's group at Revival Centre . The Women's Ministries of Lucan Revival Centre met Wednesday evening in Graham Chapel of the church, with president Mrs. Nola Murray in charge. Mrs. Carole Butler played the piano while she led chorus singing. Mrs. Murray asked the ladies what they would like to do if they had the time, money and no hindrances. Most would like to travel, some to take Bible School courses. Mrs. Murray led a discus- sion on Exploring your poten- `ial of the Ministering Woman. Ephesians 4:23 and Romans 12:22 stress the renewing of the mind. This is using the potential to help others, in creative ways. The sum of using one's potential brings one to holiness, 2 Peter 3:18. Rev. Roger Mason presided over election of officers for the coming two years. Elected as president was Mrs. Marlene Thornton; vice president is Mrs. Cathy Mason; secretary -treasurer re-elected by acclamation Mrs. Ruth Meszaros. Board members elected were Mrs. Shirley Mason, and Mrs. Lin- da Ropchan. The new board starts its ministry in January. Bowling Inter -Town - Wait - Lucan 25 - Exeter 5, Janice Capitano 280-764, Helen Hardy 269. Men - Lucan 301/2 - Stratford Mike's 2 - 17tt, Brian Ankers 266-1192, Don Watt 297-1177. Monday ladies - May Mur- phy 284-675, Deb Thompson 253-674, Joyce Sovereign 258-671, Sue Wilcox 240-655, Pam Smith 255-630, Chris Hogan 255, Carlene Goos 240, Pat Riddell 232, Linda Hib- bert 231, Ann Gilmour 224, Donna Hodgins 222. Tuesday juniors - Stephen Snider 317, Sandy Hyde 211, Angela Perry 192, Tabatha Perry 173, Ed Vankerkoerle 169, Shelly Decaluwe 168, Chris Sleaford 155, Jason Woytowitch 148, Pam Greenlee 143. Colleen's • Sue Heffernan 327-672, Ann Craig 257-651, Diane Rummell 222-614, Nadine Hickson 283-609, Tan- ny Vanderhoek 240, Alice Hodgins 250. Lori Quinn 240, Sheila Hodgins 231. Medway - Peter DenOtter 228, Corrie Duynisveld 221, Vera Giardin 211, Dave Smith 208. George Adams 202. Senior citizens - Gord Higgs 220, Verna Dowdall 177, Henry DenOtter ;69, Alf Riley 167, Lillus Clatworthy 164, Alex Young 163, Frank DeBlock 163. Wednesday bantams Peter Gibson 157, Lindsay Dick 142, Jeremy Jemec 136, Ken Cowie 129, Laura Culbert 113, Melissa Damen 109, Ken Pescod 105, David Damen 105. Kevin Moore 104. Wednesday mixed - Rick Freeman 366-681, Garry Melvin 241-646, Buddy Ap- pleman 240-645, Dennis Carty 234-639, Pat Ryan 258-637, Donna Evans 207-600. Ruth Ann McRobert 213, Wilma Freeman 207. Thursday men - Larry DeCaluwe 285-774, Carl Dunlop 303-715, Bob Graham 270-704, David Smith 282-688, Jim Smith 253-688, David Mawdsley 269-681, Kevin Lightfoot 248-688, Don Watt 247-669, Basil Short 278-663, Steve Davis 295-654, Ron Densmore 224-654, Frank Goldschmidt 244-653, Doug Ffalladay 242-650. Friday mixed - Harold Smith 245-711, Wayne Smith 239-684, Darlene Fevery 337-635, Ron McLeod 250, Sharon Martens 227, Barb Gage 226, Tony Martens 209. Sunday mixed - Gus Latulippe 248-696. Cheryl Smith 259-693, Lenore Latulippe 249-629. Giena Tripp 237-626, Bruce McKichan 256-624. Andy McIntyre 231, Sharon Halla - day 226, Nancy Dowson 225, Dorothy Gaiser 202. Scout and Guide officials, politicians, parents, senior citizens, Lucan Co-op Nursery School organizers and the boys, girls and leaders of the Lucan Scbut/Guide move- ment for a colourful ceremony slated -for 2 p.m. at the site in the Market Square park. In order to thank those who have helped make the hall a reality, the Scouts and Guides are having a pancake and sausage brunch at the building beginning at 11 a.m. All friends of Scouting and Guiding are welcome to at- tend. There is no charge for the meal, but donations will be accepted to help defray costs. The official opening will commence with a colorful flag break and balloon release, followed by short remarks andethe ribbon cut- ting ceremony. A "time cap- sule" containing mementos of the day and the construction of the hall will Mso be filled for later placement in the en- trance foyer. The scheduling committee has completed the task of en- suring that all groups are ac- commodated. No existing group must change meeting times to be housed in the hall. A second Guide company which will be formed by split- ting the current crowded company will meet on Thurs- day nights, starting in the new year. For convenience sake, the St. Patrick's School Beaver 'Colony will continue to meet in the school, but will use the hall for special meetings and activities from time to time. Thanks to the generous response of Lucan and area to the October fundraising blitz, the building committee feels they Will have enough money to complete the building with no long-term finaneial han- dicap. About $6,000 has been raised so far and some return calls have yet to be made. A mail appeal to businesses in the area is now starting to generate generous donations as well. Anyone who was missed by the blitz and would like to help out with the hall, can leave their donation with any leader or at the TD Bank in Lucan or call 227-4006 to ar- range a personal visit and pickup. Along with financial aid, many individuals and businesses have helped enor- mously with donations of time and materials to make the hall a reality. Everyone associated with the hall would like to thank these people as well. It is expected that, had everything been charged at full trade rates, the building , would have cost well over $125,000. While the total cost is not yet firm, it appears that it will be well under $100,000. Principal funding for the project has come from the federal government in the form of $65,000 capital works grant, the Village of Lucan through a donation and use of land, manpower and materials, local service clubs and special interest organiza- tions, individuals and the Scouts and Guides through various fundraising programs along with the October blitz. The public is especially in- vited to attend the opening festivities this Saturday and to see what their support of the Lucan Scouts and Guides has created for the young peo- ple of the community. The building will open for inspec- tion after the 2 p.m. opening ceremony. LUCAN BEAVERS INVESTED - A number of new members were recently invested into the Lucan Beavers Colony. Back, left, leaders Lori Bartley, Ted Peckham and Chris Schlatzler. Third row, P.J. Williams, Jamie Riddell, Danny Maguire, Jeremy Cornish, Ryan Thomas and Scott Chatterson. Second row, Nathan Rollings, Andrew Martens, Brent Williamson, Nick Donaldson, and Corey Smith. Front, Jeff Butler, Mark Heffernan, Brandon Reed, Craig Williamson, Marty Mitchell and Jason Daubs. T -A photo. AND IN THIS CORNER.. A defenseless child. One of the thousands of children in our prov- ince subjected every day to perhaps the most brutal of all crimes - child abuse_ Professionals, working with or treating young people, have a legal duty to report suspected cases of child abuse to their local Children's Aid Society or Family and Children's Services. But more importantly, we all have a moral duty to report suspi- cions of child abuse. A respon- sibility we all share - to ensure that every young person in Ontario enjoys a childhood free from neglect or abuse. Give a kid a fighting chance. Report child abuse. Ministry of Community and Social Services Frank Drea, Minister William Davis, Premier Ontario Write for the free booklet"Chtid Abuse Preventu 1n;' c/o Ontario Centre for the Prevention of Child Abuse. 700 Bay Siret't.Toroniu, ( )nt4tnu M7A 1E9. 1.