HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-11-21, Page 9Bishop Our parish had the Sacra- ment of Confirmation for grade seven and eight pupils administered by Bishop Ger- vais of Windsor on Tuesday evening, November 20 follow- TimesGervais confirms grade seven and eight pupils at�St.wBoniface ed by a reception in the school gym. Members of the K of C (4th degree) were honor guards. We are also having 40 hours on Sunda November 24 ti Tuesday November 27. Fr. Jerry Grant will preach the devotion. The CWL ladies of St. Boniface met November 13 with 24 ' : - 1 Our : for A HELPING HAND - The grade 8 students helped the smaller ones when Zurich Public School went skating. Jason Harburn gets help with lacing his skates from Glenn McBeath. 1 IN TOMATO SAUCE, WITH PORK, IN MOLASSES WITH PORK LIBBYS BEANS the evening, Mrs. Lori Erb of Godertch, gave an interesting talk on pro life and showed a touching film 'The Girl on the other side of the Tracks". The president thanked all those who helped in any way to make our bazaar such a success. Donations from the proceeds were sent to mis- sions in Peru and to Ethiopia there will be a box at the back of the church after Mass on Sunday for items to be sent to the Family and Children's Services to aid families in need at Christmas time. A day of recollections will be held at Mt. St. Joseph's in London, March 22. They have facilities for sixteen ladies to attend. Plans are underway for our Valentine Parish Dance to be held February 16, 1985. Our next meeting will be December 11 in the form of a pot luck supper. Door prize was won by Mary Jeffery. Our League is invited to a penny sale at St. Peter's parish hall, St. Joseph on November 27 at 8:00 p.m. and also to a penny sale in Exeter, sponsored by the CWL of Precious Blood held on Wednesday, November 21 at 7 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Ad- mission only 800 with lunch. Everyone welcome. The Catholic Rural Life committee meet in London on Saturday at St. Peter's Seminary. They are planning 4o sponsor a seminar on December 8 at Kings College in London beginning at 9:30 a.m. Guest speaker will be Mr. Vince Rossiter of Nebraska. Mr. Rossiter is in the C.R.L. in the United States, and is president of a small bank and has been active in preserving agriculture for many years. Admission for the day is 35.00 with lunch provided. Golden Agers meet Zurich Golden Agers met Monday, November 12 in the town hall with 29 members present and two visitors. President Gen. Doyle open- ed the meeting. Secretary Verda Beecher read the minutes of the October meeting. Edith Hohner treasurer, gave her report. Pictures were shown by Gene Creces of the trip he and his parents Richard and Yvonne Creces enjoyed last January, to the island of Tutuila, Pago-Pago where John Creces is stationed with the Lyndon B. Johnston 14 oz. TIN 2% EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK 2385 TINS ml FOq " ASSORTED VARIETIES NINE LIVES CAT FOOD 170 g -F1011: TINS1 i FOR ALL FLAVOURS NEILSONS FAMOUS 2L CTN. ICE CREAM CREST REG. MINT OR GEL TOOTH PASTE 100 mL TUBE HABITANT SOUPS 8 ozsii3. T1NS 4 LIBBYS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. TIN 990 MACARONI & CHEESE g PKGS KRAFT DINNER 225 . FOR 794 ALL PURPOSE ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 2.5 kg BAG 199 MARTINS PURE APPLE . JUICE 48 oz. TIN 1..19 Tropical Medical Centre. John is 'a medical technician at the Hospital. Everyone en- joyed the pictures. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the November group. Family Christmas Mrs. Lydia Regier held her annual family Christmas par- ty at the Dashwood Com- munity Centre on Saturday, November 17 with 175 members of her family attending. Lydia has 11 children (all were present), 69 grand- children and 74 great- grandchildren. Everyone en- joyed being together for the day, visiting and having fun. A delicious smorgasbord sup- per was had by all. Santa Claus came and paid a visit to all the children. Personals Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Marie Durand and Lorne Klopp, patients in Victoria Hospital, Marcella Dietrich who is now in South Huron' Hospital, Exeter, and Peter Deichert also in the Exeter Hospital, who is also celebrating his 95th birthday on Wednesday, November 21. Ann Willert is home from the hospital. CASE OF 24 - 280 mL TINS OF REGULAR COCA- COLA OR SPRITE CAFFEINE FREE GREEN GIANT PEAS, CREAM CORN, CUT BEANS 10 oz. TINS • VEGETABLES OR 7 oz. CORN NIBLETS .2 TI) 1 FOR YORK FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS FROZEN 1 kg PKG. 1.99 COUNTRY OVEN N% MINE MNEAT, 1N% ORIOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT BREAD 675 g 79° COUNTRY OVEN 450 g RAISIN BREAD 1.2S DE SLYTYLE fRESH 395 9 f COFFEE RING f.89 HALF PRICE! t/2 PRICE PHOTOFINISHING OFFER 8 X 1 5.99 SPECIAL . ENT Re. ` '2.99 5•'X7 ENLARGEMENT Reg '3.10 SPECIAL '1 55 PRICE OFFER APPLIES TO COLOUR Lin NEGATIVES ZES 11A 0 DISC 35 mm ER EXPIRES DEC 1. 1984 SI IOUo 0.44 TOP 14 :000 L004 A r F CI C F SSORTED HEINZ 126 mL BABY FOODS REG460 XCEPT MEATS PRICE ORK , kg ASPICY TINY CUT CARROTS 2.99 WESTONS NNAMON A PACK BUTTER HORNS/39N MIKA CREAMED COTTAGE HEESE 9 ti A IV SOFTENER DOWNY 2 LITRE 3.59 ORY 400 g REGULAR g's BAR SOAP 149 mows 170 g CANADIAN SNOW CRABMEAT 3.99 Special Prices In effect Wednesday, Nov. 21 ti» closing Saturday, November 24. YORK FROZEN FANCY PEAS OR CORN 1 kg PKG1.99. McCAINS FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 355 mL TIN 1.29. LIBBYS RED KIDNEY BEANS 14 oz. TIN 590 "D„ - uCi, - "AA" OR 9 VOLT SIZE DURACELLS BATTERIES 1 MRS. SMITHS FROZEN APPLE CRUMB OR REG. . APPLE PIES 2.59ARDI0O9 ASSORTED VARIETIES ROBIN HOOD WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS PACKAGE OF 8 59 PUDDIN0GKG. CAKE 25 g P 69° QUICK, TENDER ROBIN HOOD PIEMIX CRU540 gST 1.39 COUNTRY HARVEST ASSORTED VARIETIES CRACKERS 250 g 1.19 ASSORTED VARIETIES DELMONTE PUDDINGS oz. f.89 VACUUM PACKED SANKA 369 g 3.99 POPULAR CARNATION COFFEE gMATE 5002.49 DIET SPRITE CAFFEINE FREE SPRITE CAFFEINE FREE DIET DR REGULAR COCA-COLA 750 mL BOTTLE 49° REG. OR MARSHMALLOW CARNATION 260 tINSTANT HOT CHOC. OR 120 g LITE STYLE f.79 COCKTAIL, PEACHES, PEARS. DELMONTE "LITE TASTE" FRUITS FANCY 14 oz. TIN 119 ROASTED SALTED ZEHRS PEANUTS 1.49 CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFAST 3.79 PLUS DEP SCHNEIDERS GOLDEN BASKET CHICKEN BREAST FILLETS 350 g 3.89 WESTONS FRESH BAKED CRUSTY BREAD 675 g 890 5 VARIETIES CRACKERS WESTONS THINS 300 g 1.19 ASSORTED FLAVOURS GAY LEA SWISS STYLE YOGURT 175 g TUB 59° ASSORTED VARIETIES LAYS OR RUFFLES NIGHLINER FROZEN FISH IN BATTER OR FISH STICKS or FRIES 700 g PKG. 3.19 HIGHLINER FROZEN 1 15. PKG. HADDOCK FILLETS 3.19 SCHNEIDERS GOLDEN BASKET CHICKEN BREASTS STICKS OR BALLS 3a. 3. 69 1000'S OF TEAMS. CLUBS. ORGANIZATIONS. CHURCHES. ETC. HAVE BEEN ASSISTED BY OUR SAVE -A -TAPE PLAN ARE YOU PARTICIPATING' ASK FOR DETAILS CREAM OF SHRIMP CREAM OF SCALLOP CREAM OF OYSTER souIpsR tO oz- 129 TIN SCHNEIDERS GOLDEN BASKET CHICKEN CUTLETS 350.3 69 E ASSORTED VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS CHEESE STICKS 227 g 1.99 WESTONS CNOCOLATE CREA0M PKG. ROLLS 28 g 115 WESTONS FRESH SESAME CRUSTY BREAD 675 g g90 LOAF POTATO PKGCHIPS 200 g . 1.29 5 VARIETIES CANDIES WILL-O-PAKS 200 PKG. 129 INFANT COFFEE 227 g 6.19 IMTTERED WALNUT PEANUTS 4 HONEY TOASTED ALMOND NEILSONS COUNTRY CRISP 169 SEE COUPON BELOW 255 g PLUS MARK GIFT WRAP FOIL WRAP 120 ROLL 199 PLUS MARK 5 ROLL RIBBON 100 FT 149 DOM GLO DELUXE GARLAND NOMA BRAND COLOURED BULBS INDOOR OR OUTDOOR . PLY . 20 FT PACKAGED 199 PKG OF 4 69" 1 NOMA MINI -LIGHT SET STRAIGHT LINE SET 20117E SET 189 ANCHOR HOCKINGSCr,r,:., MICROWAVE .CO,I MACK qC, OVENWARE eranv.rs •01/•,•• ••., V. 99. PLUS MARK JUMBO ROLL GIFT 300 ROLL 199 WRAP NUN. Ol0 STRAND ICICLES 1000 STRANDS P110 49# BDual Gl0 SNO SPRAY 10 or WHITE NOMA MINI WREATH OEC041A 13041 159 EACH 189 CLASSIC MAX 2 AM/FM/SW 3 -ay power .yefem A C 0 C 12 volt detachable spool. or sworn. 4 speakers 24.2 SOR Touch tap• dock m.chordem, molal tape capeedy STEREO RADIO CASSETTE 140 RAINCHECKS ON THIS ITEM THESE $PICIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: VACHONS 12 CARAMEL OR HALF MOONS PACKAGE 1.179 LAUNDRY DETERGENT CHEER 2 6 LITRE 3.,, SEE COUPON BELOW VALUABLE COUPONS WITH THIS COUPON SAVE! DDTTERED WALNYT, PEANUTS S HONEY TOASTED ALSIONO NEILSONS 255 G PKG COUNTRY CRISP ONE COUPON REOUIRED PER PKG 0 OFF COUPON EXPIRES DEC 1. 1984 } ti SAVE A• 40' Thiscoupon Is worth 40t off ; the retell prke of ono 3 Chow 2 - 6 Ittre spas. 3 C••••••••••14 .-., or 1 tem. N..a*Mr EI M bee. 11/141 7M.. Ma.koN ,/o. 21/84 J 441.4.4144.41.4‘4441414‘41414W a.. HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER MONDAY, TWSOAY t AMM IDAY 14 PeM. T111YRlliAY a FRIDAY 144111 P.M. IIATYIOAY 8484 P.M. Miss Wendy Oeach, Kit- chener spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch. Mrs. Donna Klopp spent a few days in Toronto last week visiting' with her daughter, Diane Klopp. Happy Birthday to Martha Klopp celebrating her birth- day on Saturday the 24th. And to Jody Durand who celebrated one last week. The lucky winner of 'Guess the weight of a Giant Bologna" contest held at Don's Store in Hensall recent- ly was Coby Vanden Boomen, who received a nice dinner ham. Also the winner of the $500.00 jackpot at the Bingo in Zurich last Thursday was Nancy Quinn of Exeter. There have been good crowds com- ing out from various places with lots of winners throughout the night. The next one will be held on the 29th. Mrs. Cecilia Farwell is spending a few days this week with her daughters in London. Congratulations to Bob and June Fisher who celebrated their 28th wedding anniver- sary on Saturday. An unexpected and mischievious evening turned out to be the case for Paul and Heather Kropp on Saturday. It began nicely with a Klopp family dinner at Hessenland in honor of Martha's upcom- ing birthday. On return home they were "surprised" to see many of their friends and relatives were there all ready to greet them (hiding that is). A few pranks and jokes and the house all decorated with toilet paper etc. all were part of a fun night shivaree. The evening ended with cards, visiting and lunch. A shivaree was also given recently for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohner by relatives when they celebrated their 45th anniversary. Guess they always get you sooner or later! Plan to bring the kids to see "Santa" at the Tenderspot store in Zurich this Thursday and Friday night from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., November 22 and 23. Mrs. Viola Ducharme is spending some time visiting with her daughter in London. A belated "Welcome to town" is extended to Mrs. Doris Deichert who recently moved into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Deichert on Goshen St. North. Mary Ducharme spent a few days over the weekend with her daughter, Gail and Randy Oke in London helping with new baby Brenden. (Last week's paper should have said, he was their se- cond grandchild, not grandson.) Huron South WI meet in Hensall The fall board meeting was Under new business - Elim- ville is to look after fair prize list, rent for church hall to be $10 and mileage rates were set at .18t kin. both ways. District fees to remain the same as well as C.S. Bursary. Mrs. Alex Hamilton reported on the Centralia Col- lege award and it was moved that Huron South District pre- sent a silver tray as award in 1985. Mrs. Hilda Payne, district curator, is to attend a curator's workshop. Huron South to host the county rally in 1985. Final plans were made for the spring district annual. Upcoming dates to remember: November 21 - Crediton W.I. anniversary. December 5 - Kippen East W.I. anniver- sary. December 5 and 6 - "Christmas at the Lee". May 16, 1985 - District annual. June 16 - 20 - National Convention. October 7, 1985 - County rally. October 30 and 31 - London area convention. held in Hensall United Church Fellowship Hall, November 13 for the Huron South District Women's Institute. After repeating the Ode and Collect president Dolores Shapton welcomed the members and read a poem "Let's Produce". The roll call was answerred by all. Eight Branches giving an idea for a programme oriented for youth. Reports were given of area convention and county rally and by all standing comn:iit- tee conveners. All branches are to receive a copy of bylaw re: presen- ting "District Life Member- ships" - before the District Annual. Brenda Love moved that the District Life Membership committee be set up permanently. Birthday parties at Huron - view were discussed and several branches stated the month they would take. Final plans were completed for the catering on December 1. UWO creates advisory position Alan Adlington, Acting President of The University of Western Ontario, has ap- pointed Ms. Louise Tamblyn to the position of Adviser on Sexual Harassment for the University community effec- tive November 12. In creating the new post, UWO is im- plementing a policy based on the Report of the Task Force on Sexual Harassment, September, 1983 and approv- ed by the Board of Governors, April, 1984. Adlington also named Pro- fessor Jay Haaland as Ms. Tamblyn's alternate in keep- ing with the Tas:. Force's recommendation that the ad- visory service provide "a range of services to meet the needs of both men and women clients". "We're not putting the ad- visory service into place because of a high or increas- ing incidence of sexual harassment but because our policy explicitly states that the University does not tolerate sexual harassment in any of its constituencies," Adlington said. "While Western has had few formally documented complaints of sexual harass- ment, far from being compla- cent, the University will have the person and the mechanisms in place to take immediate steps if and when allegations are made," he said. Ms. Tamblyn, a BA and MA (English Literature) graduate of Western, has been the University's Foreign Student Adviser since 1977. She has experience in social work, general counselling, and has worked as mediator for foreign students in dealing with their home govern- ments, sponsoring agencies, and faculty and staff at Western. As well, she has done extensive work in creating and implementing programs in cross-cultural communications. A group of eight ladles en- joyed getting away for a few days rest last week at the cot- tage of Shelia Tiernan up north at Stokes Bay. Among them was Maxine Peters from town along with others from the Grand Bend area. Last Wednesday, Alida Rau, Zurich, and Betty Grenier, Joanne and Joe Bengough and Carol Luther all of Hensall, attended the funeral of a cousin in Tilbury. Several couples from town spent the weekend in Peter- borough and helped Doug and Joyce Armstrong celebrate their 25th wedding anniver- sary at a party on Saturday night. Relatives going were Bob and June Fisher and fancily, Ross and Linda Fisher and family, Rick and Debbie Fisher and Mrs. Verlyn Fisher. Some friends also attending were Leo and Cecile Meidinger and John and Helen Consitt. Marc and Cindy Gelinas and two children, London spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas Sr. From the Lions Den The second last meeting held on November 5 had i7 members and four guests pre- sent, with guest speaker being Lion John Paff of Wellesley who also inducted a new member, Doug Turkheim. It was moved that the Lions Club help out the Chamber of Commerce with the Santa Claus Parade coming up on Saturday, December 15. Various members atten- ding inter -club meetings held recently in Vanastra, Bayfield and Huron Park. The club was happy to recveive a box of sign letters from Dave Gelinas that they can use on their sign at the arena. The new phone books are to be delivered this Saturday, November 24. A turkey bingo is planned for December 5 to raise money for Santa Claus day. Geta Head 1 Start on Christmas Cake Flour / Iv 8.35(2.5 kg.) XRice Flourtii 1.'15 (5008.) tl Bakingtl A Powder 1.49 (500 g.) h 1 Baking Soda fj i69t(5OOg.) Cornstarch t 794 (500 g.) •jf Ginger in Syrup 3.35 Ib. Light Fruit Mil 1.49 Ib. Deluxe Fruit Mix • 5.09 Ib. White Raisins kCurrants If Dates All candied• fruit for Christmas cakes Mon.- set. 9 - 5:30 Closed Sunday HELPER - Jennifer Morrison got help from Danny Weigand when Zurich Public School students went skating. ergeson. Apiaries Hwy. 114 botwoon Honsalh i Zurich k 236-4979 • u 1