HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-11-14, Page 23THE TOWNSHIP OF HISSERT Snowblowllfng. - Landflll Sita Tenders will be receiv- ed until noon, 20th November, 1984, by the undersigned for blow- ing snow of the Township of Hibbert Landfill Site. Lot No. 22 Concession No. 9. Lone to be opened by 9 a.m. the First and Lost Satur- day of January, 1985, and the lost Soturdoys of February and March, 1985. Please quote Make, Size and Type of Machine, and price per hour. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Charles Friend, AMCT. Clerk. Township of Hibbert Dublin, NOK 1E0 16 For Sole ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211 USIID FURNITURE - chester- fields and chairs, diningroom suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators, ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse, Exeter, !235-1964. 28t WOOD FOR SALE. Truckloads of slabs and edgings from our saw mill. R.S. Dunnpy and Sons Ltd. 348-8477 50tfn WOOD - 345.00 cord, New Venice Corp. Grand Bend. Phone 238-2281. 8tfnc BARGAIN VALUE on wiping cloths. Check it out. Dial The Village Store, Centralia. 228-6886. 26t fn MOVING SALE - Large oil fur- nace - electric furnace - 2 electric welders - caster wheels - grade 11 bolts $1.00 a Ib. - used single phase motors, all in working order, '/ price - used steel reduced to 20e a Ib. Many more items too numerous to list. L. Hamilton Machine Shop, Hwy. 83 W. Ex- eter 235-1655. Come and see us and receive your free gifts.44tfn Notice of Intent Council of the Township of Tuckersmith will be considering a Property Stan- dards By-law for the whole of the Township of Tuckersmith at a Special Meeting on December 4th, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. The proposed By -Low may be viewed at the Municipal Office. Any comments should be received by the Municipal Office in writing prior to that date. J.R. McLachlan Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith Tax Registration Properties The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith will accept tenders until November 30th at 4:00 p.m. for 4 parcels of land in Vanastra Park. Parcel No. 1 - frame structure in excess of 10,000 sq. ft., including 3 acres of land, paved parking and swimming pool. Present zoning - Institutional. Deposit of $5,000.00 in cash or certified cheque. Parcel No. 2 - frame structure, 3 level in ex- cess of 8,000 sq. ft., approx. 1 acre of land. Presently zoned Institutional. Deposit of $2,000.00 cash or certified cheque. Parcel No 3 • frame structure, 8 level in ex- cess of 8,000 sq. ft., approx. 1 acre of land. Presently zoned In- stitutional. Deposit of $2,000,00 cash or certified cheque. Parcel No. 4 - 82' x 93' residential vacant lot - Zoned residential. Deposit of $1,000.00 in cash or certified cheque. Tenders must be accompanied by a develop- ment plan and security deposit. Parcels will be sold on an "as is" basis. Lowest or any deposit not necessarily accepted. For more information or viewing of proper- ties contact. Jack McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith GMB 117, RR 5, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 482-9523 t, 1 Or `.411e TEXT BOOKS - First year Baric Business. Phone 23c54-31.11487; after 6'p.m. 37tfn FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 23&8454.38tfn FIREWOOD, dry mixed hard- wood, delivered. Free kindling Leslie Cudmore. 235.1267.38.50' RCA MOVIE DISC PLAYER, good condition, will consider best offer. Asking 5200.00. Phone 237-3354. . 45:46c COAT - brown persian Iamb, mink collar and cuffs. Size 16. 45" long. Excellent condition. Phone 235-0394. • 45:46c HOCKEY JACKETS - 516 up. Jerseys - 510 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. 46x HOME VIDEO catalogue. All titles copyrighted. Colourful boxes. Call toll free 1-800-663-6555 or write On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C., V3W 2N5. 46x TELEVISION - 26 inch RCA col- oured. 5250.00. Phone 235-1454. 45:46c DINING ROOM TABLE with six chairs, seat and back upholstered 5250.00. Phone 235-2155.45:46' APPLE JUICE 51.25 gallon; no. 1 Ida Red aples 55.50 bushel; on- ly available until Nov. 19. Please bring your own containers. Dix- on's Fruit Farm, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, 293-3043. 46c SLOWEST PRICES EVERS Surplus inventory by Quonset building manufacturer being sold at sacrifice prices. Won't be undersold. No gimmicks. Serious only call (416) 663-5323. 46x WOOD & METAL working machines. Quality tools, lowest prices. Bandsaws, table saws, jointers, planers, metal/wood lathes, many more. Free catalogue; Busy Bee Machine Tools Ltd., 18 Basaltic Road, Concord, Ontario. L4K 1G6. Phone (416) 738-1292. 46x FINALLY IT'S HERE... The perfect Christmas gift for Ontario travellers. "Big Red" the street atlas of Ontario, in compact book. form, contains over 300 street guides to Ontario towns and cities, with mileage indicators and highway guide. "Big Red" is the Good Buddy of anyone who uses Ontario roadways. Order before Nov. 30th to insure delivery before Christmas. Get $350 worth of street guides, all in one compact library -sized book. Easy to read, fits glove compartment. All for only S29.95 plus sales tax and $2 shipping. Money back guarantee if not completely satisified. Call (416) 239-5553 or (416) 239-8405. Credit cards accepted. Or send cheque or money order to Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas St., West, Islington, Ontario M9A 1131. 46x MOULDED FIGURE SKATES, ladies 9; hooded hair dryer; new waffle iron and coffee Percolator; solid oak flooring (never used) bl. vinyl bean bag chair. Call 235-0124. 46:47' OVEN DRESSED ROOSTERS, ready for freezer. 9-10 lbs. Phone 236-4236, 46:47' SPRAY MOTOR - snowblower, blows 6 ft. patch, good condition, or will trade for a single auger. Amphicat all -terrain vehicle. Phone 237-3723. 46:47' COMPLETE SATELLITE SYSTEM installed. 52100.00. Phone 236-4790. 46tfn Elizabeth Court Apartments 1 & 2 bedroom available Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St., Hensall, Ontario PH: 262-2846 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO AND -OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the direction of the Supreme Court of Ontario, United Co-operatives of Ontario (UCO) has called a series of meetings of various classes of Creditors for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the Plan of Arrangement as more particularly described in the Information Circular dated November 5, 1984, prepared by UCO. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said meetings of Creditors will be held on Thursday, November 29 and Friday, November 30, 1984, as follows: Class of Creditors Holders of Member Debentures & Member Capital Investment Certificates Windsor Grain Terminal Bondholders Residual Creditors Date Time Location Thursday, 10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel Nov. 29, 655 Dixon Road 1984 Rexdale, Ontario Ballrooms A,B,C. Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Elgin Room Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Elgin Room Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Ballrooms A,B,C. Skyline Hot& 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Elgin Room DA TED at Toronto, this 71h day of November, 1984. United Co-operatives of Ontario 15/ City Centre Drive Mississauga, Ontario 1.54 344 For further information 1-800-387-9332 please telephone... 1-800-387-9336 Thursday, 2:00 p.m. Nov. 29, 1984 Thursday, 3:30 p.m. Nov. 29, 1984 Depositholders, Holders Friday, 10:00 a.m. of Promissory Notes Nov. 30, and Trade Creditors 1984 Institutional Lendors Friday, 2:00 p.m. Nov. 30, 1984 JACKET - Norwegian Blue Fox. Ideal Christmas gift. Phone 228-6810. 46c DINING ROOM TABLE with six chairs, seat and back upholstered 5250.00. Phone 235-2155. 46• GARDEN OR TOOL SHED, 8 feet x 8 feet. Apply 152 Nicotine Ave. Lucan or phone 227-4697. 46tfn POOL TABLE, accessories and rack. 51"x96"x32" high. Like new. Phone 229-6506. 46c SNOWTIRES - AUTOPER C78X13 white wall. 4 ply polyester on 5 stud Dodge Dart wheels. (550.00 for pair or best offer) Phone 238-2635 or 238-2663. 46:47• REFRIGERATOR - 15 cu. ft., 30" electric range, Krug corner china cabinet, 18 feet of kitchen cupboards. Phone 235-2493 even- ings. 46:47c APPLES Mac, Delicious Spys Open Saturdays No. 4 Hwy. at Crediton Rd. Frank Sawyer 42tfn SNOOKER TABLE 5'x10', new cloth, 51200.00. Call weekends 238-8537. 43-46c FREEZER - 15 cu. 0. Sears Cold - spot freezer, almost new 5300. "Sharp" reel-to-reel tape recorder $35. Phone 471-0790 after five. 43tfx FIREWOOD - Call 235-2850 after 6 p.m. 43-46c LACK OF SPACE, everything to be sold. Saturday, November 12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rugs, drapes, tool shed, bunk beds, double mat- tress and springs, dressers, adding machines, other misc. items. Very reasonable. 102 St. Lawrence Ave., Huron Park. 46c FIREPLACE artificial with logs and electric heater. Phone 235-0206. 46;47c ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30t fnx FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfnc 17 Wanted To Buy HOME iN CREDiTON OR AREA. 3 or 4 bedroom house. Apply in writing to Box I18P, c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont. NOM 130. 33tfn HOUSE DESK, good condition, reasonably priced. Phone 235-0350 or 236-4483. 45-47' 40-50 FOOT TV TOWER, anten- na and rotor. Will take down. Phone after 5 p.m. 237-3520. 45-47c 1 / Wanted !,, Buy ONE SHOWER STALL with taps and shower had included. Call 262-2826 anyt4ne. 46:47c 19 PI ()petty For Stile BRICK, semi-detached, in view of South Huron Hospital. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, liv- ingroom, kitchen, fell basement, electric heat, rrur porch and garage. Phone 235-1066 or 234-M20. 3ltfn BEGINNER or retirement home for sale. 1 block from main street. Located in good residential area. Nice private yard, attached garage, full basement, low taxes and heating costs, excellent con- dition, priced to sell. Phone 235-0432 before 8 a.m. or after 5. 45tfn 20 Property For Rent GRAND BEND, 3 bedroom home, 5275.00 per month plus utilities, yearly lease, no pets, references required. P. Warner 238-2391. 40( fn APARTMENT - luxury adult one bedroom, Maple Arms. Stove, fridge, free laundry included, ground floor. 235.2420. 41 t fn COSY ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, located in centre of Hensall. Ideal for senior. Electric heat, sun - porch, yard. 262-3205. 44-46c EXETER - one storey, 3 bedroom brick house, carpeted throughout, corner lot, tool shed. Available immediately. Phone 235-1964 or 235-1931. 44tfn THE PGA NATIONAL Palm Beach Gardens Florida, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, club cottage for rent. Fully equipped. Days 235-0710, evenings 238-8842. 45-47c COUNTRY 1-jOUSE for rent with 3 out buildings and spacious yard. Located approximately 41/2 miles west of Hensall. Inquiries handl- ed discreetly. Rent quite negotiable. Call 262-5282. Ask for Ann. 45:46c FARM HOUSE 3 bedroom. 6 miles east of Exeter, $175.00 mon- thly. Phone 229-8804. 46c 3 BEDROOMS, large living room and kitchen, dining room. Apart- ment in house on 25 acres with three stall barn and pond. 293-3147. 46c SELF-CONTAINED 2 bedroom apartment with appliances, not suitable for pets or children. Mature people only. $225.00 plus utilities. 98 King St. Hensall. Phone 262-2939. 46tfn 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, newly renovated, new kitchen cabinets, built in dishwasher, carpeted, open pine staircase. Available Dec. 1st. References required. Apply Box 696, Exeter, NOM ISO. 46tfn ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT. Available January 1st. Phone Jack Taylor after 6 p.m. 229-6472. 46tfn ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT in Lucan. $225.00 per month. Stove, fridge and utilities paid. 227-4034 or 227-4406. 46c NEWLY RENOVATED OF- FICE, good location, 235-1341 days and 235-1706 evenings.46tfn THREE BEDROOM older home within 1'/ blocks of main corner. Phone 235-0537 after 5 p.m.46' 21 For Rent ROOM FOR RENT and share kit- chen. Phone Mike 235-0389. 46:47c Estate Auction Of appliances, antiques, furniture, misc. items to be held 3/4 miles south of Russeldale on Highway 23 on Wed., Nov. 21 at 11:00 a.m. HOUSEHOLD Kenmore 30 inch electric stove, Coronado fridge, Admiral B & W portable TV, old style chesterfield suite, matching oak washstand and dresser, spooled four poster bed, oak rocker with cane inserts, press back arm chair, co& oil lamp, clocks, several washstands, wicker fern stand, Singer treadle sewing machine, small electric appliances, pots and pans, bedding, copper boiler, steamer trunk, lanterns, etc. MISC. Cooey 22 rifle, cross -cut saws, old blacksmith vise, barn jack, electric motors, skil saw, electric drill, jig saw, Stewart cattle clip- per, old blacksmith drill press, snow fence, etc. MOWERS Snapper 8 hp riding mower (6 mo. old), 31/2 hp gas mower. Prop: _Estate of the late Don Willard Auctioneer: Douglas Jacob 271-7894 or 393-6214 Ontario Government Tender Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the District Manager, 435 Grand Ave. West, Box 1168 Chatham Ontario N7L 3Z4 until 1:00 p.m., November 30, 1984, for the dismantling and removal and/or removal of the following frame buildings at Pinery and Ipperwash Provincial Parks. 13 change houses 2 office buildings 1 residence 1 utility building Tenders will be publicly opened at 1:30 p.m. November 30 1984 at the Ministry of Natural Resources District Office, 435 Grand Ave. West, Chatham, Ontario. The buildings may be viewed on the following dates - November 19, 1984 and November 26, 1984. Please be at Pinery Park main gate at 1:00 p.m. on the above dates. Tender documents and information may be.ob- tained at Pinery Provincial Park Administration Office 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Phone 519.243-2220. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Natural Resources Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister John R. Sloan Deputy Minister 21 tui Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Cali N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. St THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditoriurn for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 28 Auction Sine'-, AUCTION SALE TAKE NOTICE that Gary Rae Eagleson intends to sell by public auction the following horses who are the property of either or both Anthony Davis and/or R. Fran- cis Emerson. 8tftt 10 year old more Triflic Haw lea Brown (barren) Weanling fool. unnamed and unregistered -brown DRY STORAGE SPACE. 60 feet x 30 feet x 14 fat high. Available January 1985. Phone 237-3404. 44-47' INSULATED BUILDING 2400 sq. ft. 16 ft. high ceiling, Exeter area. Call 1-666-0878. 44-46c 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45tfx LAND with option to buy. Phone 234-6456. 46-49c The auction shall be held at Lot 16, Concession 22, Township of Stephen (R.R. 3 Parkhill) on Saturday the 7th day of December, 1984 at 1:00 p.m. This auction is being held in repsect of an indebtedness totalling 51,326.35 arising out of the under- signed's boarding of the said horses and pursuant to the provi- sions of the Innkeepers Act, R.S.O. 1980, C. 217. AUCTIONEER: William Elliot, for further information call Gary Roe Eagleson, RR 3 Parkhill, Ontario 238-2676. 46'47c Things are buzzin' in the WANT ADS Call 235-1331 TOWN OF SEAFORTH -NOTICE- To ratepayers of Seaforth and Tuckersmith Township: NEW SCHEDULE OF HOURS FOR LANDFILL SITE AS FOLLOWS OPEN DAILY Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. OPEN WEDNESDAY 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. OPEN SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 NOON J. FORREST Public Works Superintendent ******************** Auction Sale if Of antiques and household for Mr. John Moon to be held at Ilderton Masonic Hall. Friday, eve. Nov. 23 - 6:30 p.m. Large press side dining room table, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, side board, wash stands, cedar chest, press back chairs, apartment size washer and dryer, cast iron stove (made in Wingham), hutch top, walnut drop leaf table, many antique dishes and glassware, G.E. 24" electric stove, childs iron crib, barbers chair, hair dryer chair, bar stool, 40 box Tots of misc. etc. RIDING MOWER: White 1 155 Yard Boss riding mower (2 yrs. old), hydro static. 11 hp Briggs & Stratton motor, wheel weights and chains, 44" cut, 40" Snow thrower (1 yr. old) will fit White or any MTD. A few good consignments will be accepted. Please phone the auctioneers. TERMS: Cash sale night Booth Auctioneers Hugh Filson 666-0833 Tom Robson 666-1967 NO RD WHITING an Auction Sale Of household furniture, antiques and misc. items. On Sat., Nov. 24 at 12:30 noon sharp To be held in the Hensall Arena Contents from the home of Mrs. Marjorie Windover, Hensall, and the Estate of the late Mrs. Estella Weiner, Exeter HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Chesterfield and chair, chesterfield and 2 chairs, swivel chair, platform rocker, colour T.V., like new, Rogers Majestic TV, console model, stereo (like new), pole and table lamps, small lamp table, Dun- can Phyfe coffee table, end table, foot stool, paper rack, pictures and mirrors, 6 pc. wooden dinette set, kitchen table and 4 chairs, small china cabinet, small buffet and hutch, single pedestal students desiland chair, dresser and matching chest of drawers, 2 chest of drawers, night table, 2 double beds complete, 39" bed complete, Frigidaire refrigerator, 24" electric range, small appliances such as electric broom, iron, tea kettle, toaster, griddle, vacuum cleaner, several dishes, silverware, 8 pc. set of Roger Bros. silverware in case, set of 9 souvenir spoons, steak knives, dishes, pots and pans, linens, blankets, card table, ironing board, lawn chairs, hand and garden tools, alum. step ladder, 2 trunks, many other items. ANTIQUES lg. oak corner wardrobe, cedar chest, drop leaf table, hall tree, small mantle clock, several pieces of china, glass and silver, plus several other items. More complete listing in next week's issue. For information contact Auctioneer Norm Whiting 235-1964 or 235-1931 Times -Advocate, November 141 1984 aaaatwaa 1 Pinery 1 , 1 at Pinery Auction earn 1 on Hwy. 21, 4 miles S., Grand Bend Sunday, November 18, 1 p.m. I 1 We will be selling a large selection of modern, 1 1 antique and new furnishings. See Sat., Nov. 1 1 17 London Free Press for complete listing. 1 1 1 1 Pat Lyon Auctioneer 243-2713 1 1 Good clean consignments always welcome. 1 1 •aaaaaaaasaaraanaaaaiaaaaasaa 1 * ** * * * * ** * ** * * * * *.* * * Page 11A NJ CTI (1 N * Household Auction * For Fred Branston, 124 William St., * * Aliso Craig * * Wednesday Nov. 21 - 1:00 p.m. * * 2 couches with matching choirs, rocker, 2 aA- * * tique tables, night tables, 8 track tape com- * * bination radio and speakers (good working * * condition), tapes, single bed, 3/4 bed, dressers, * pictures, plants, lamps, Admiral colour TV (4 * yrs. old), all kinds of hand tools, vise , * * generator, parts, antique wood stove, roto * * tiller, lawn mower, garden tools, lawn chairs, * * odd chairs, Maple 2 pc. hutch, kitchen chairs, * *love seat, Gold tone Westinghouse no -frost fridge, Westinghouse 4 burner electric stove, * telephone table, chesterfield and chair, elec- * tric broom, dishes, etc. * * TERMS: Cash sale day. Booth * * Auctioneers * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 * * ************* * * * ' * Antique Auction Sale Life time collection of 46 antique clocks, 61 oil lamps, antique furniture, glass ware, collpc- tables etc. to be held at Saltford Volley Hall, Goderich Ont. for Mr. Earl Mclllwain of Goderich. Wed. Evening Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. NOTE: all clocks in good looking condition and working order. CLOCKS 9 O'Gee clocks including New Haven 30 hr., Seth Thomas, Clark and Gilson Co., Jerome, Waterbury, Jerome 30 hr., Ansonia, Seth Thomas 8 day weight. 15 kitchen shelf clocks includes steeple clock, carved and press- ed wood patterns, Lions head and pillar tops, 2 Cuckoo clocks, 14 mantle clocks, including Ingram, Gilbert, Tameside, Chiming, cast iron case, Sessions, pillar clock w/feet etc., small Seth Thomas clock from ship, novelty clock, open wooden gear clock, Sessions eight day cottage clock, cast iron Bugle Girl ornament clock. 8 OLD POCKET WATCHES including railroad watch w/ locomotive on it. 61 OIL LAMPS hanging lamp w/prisms, 8 small gone w/the wind style lamps, 6 Aladdin lamps coloured glass and chrome complete w/shades, brass success oil Tamp w/white shade, Wanger oil lamp w/wind up fan, several fancy ct?mpbnent lamps, good offering of clear glass, finger lamps etc., brackets lamps, 2 hand painted fonts for hanging lamps, decorated spare shade, wrought iron floor stand for oil lamps. FURNITURE piono stool, small bowed glass china cabinet, 2 door antique stand, antique corner desk w/lift top and narrow high back, cherry lift top desk, library table, fancy shelf table, 2 press back chairs, wicker arm chair, bridge lamp, wicker fern stand, two old radios, wooden floor lamp. DISHES AND GLASSWARE ETC. silver pieces including napkin rings, some old colony forks, spoons and knives, collection of 'gait dishes, Germany cocoa pot, depression pieces, mustache cups, shaving mugs, butter print but- ter bowls plus items too numerous to mention. An excellent offering - plan to attend. TERMS CASH , Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 4 0 4 $ Large Auction Sale Antiques, modern appliances, guns, water bed, six inch planer, household effects to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton Ont. for Mrs. Lillian McKellar plus other consignors. Sat., Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. Westinghouse frost free fridge, Maytag automatic washer, Gibson 24 inch brown elec- tric stove in good condition, chest freezer, fan- cy small wood burning stove, floor model hi fi, Xonex component hi fi w/8 track player and record player, 2 microphones, antique flat to the wall cupboard, old kitchen cabinet, oval wooden dining table "w/fancy legs and two leaves, press back highchair, antique childs potty chair, wicker arm chair, 44 inch hall table, gun stock chair, drop leaf wooden table, open washtor.d w/drower and towel bars, round chrome table and 6 chairs, treadle sewing machine, trunk, bridge lump, card tables, six matching wooden choirs, four matching wooden choirs, oddchoirs, two bedroom suites, recliner chair, modern floor lamp, several chests of drawers, small table w/drower, com- ponent oil lamp, bedding, linens, curtains, pillows, fancy work, 2 kitchen cabinets, 9 x 12 corpet, 2 plywood wardrobes, 2 curling rocks, copper boiler, 3 gal. crock, fruit jars, lots of books, lawn ornaments, electric drill, stainless steel double sink, 26 ft. wooden extension lad- der, 2 small crocks, HALCYON WATER BED 60 INCHES WIDE 2 years old used very little, but- ter prints, shaving mug, wooden ladle, ironstone covered bowl, washstand, six inch planer, 2 electric motors, pictures, bookcase, buffet, butter churn, Kenmore wringer washer in good condition, Sunbeam electric rotisserie broiler, IBM executory, gallon clay jugs, par- tial set of Marigold pattern dishes, brass wall plates, baking cupboard. GUNS Stevens 770 12 gauge pump w/ad- justable choke, 2 flat to wall tops, the Lugi United arms company Belgium 12 gauge ham- merless double barrel side by side, Iver Johnson' single barrel 12 gauge, Hopkins and Allen single barrel 12 gauge, Mossberg 22 model 1466 bolt action repeater, four power telescope sight. FAC required to purchase guns. Plus many items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb Auctioneer Clinton 482-7898