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Pa • e 6A Times -Advocate, November 14. 1984
LEGION SPONSORS — Kathleen Petch and Sheri Morley accept their certificates
from Chuck Howard of Legion branch 498, for their poster and essay entry about
Remembrance Day.
Plans outlined at GB council
for private operation on beach
Peter Becker, owner of a out his new bath house pro -
property fronting Main St., posal to all the members. He
approached council for a site plans to provide an improved
plan amendment at Monday beach service for the patrons
night's meeting. of the Grand Bend beach.
Stating that he has brought Helm has considerable ex -
his parking lot portion up to perience with beach services
standard with "A" gravel, in both Canada and the U.S.,
etc. Becker is concerned giving him background to
about a complaint that some take on such a project here.
vehicles overhang onto the He feels that by private enter -
sidewalk along Huron Street, prise running things on the
thus making a hazard for beach like the public an -
pedestrians. nouncement service for one,
Reeve Bob Sharen sug- it will receive more support
gested that Becker install two from the public than a village
rows of curb stops to prevent operated system.
this blockage of the sidewalk. Clean rest room, shower
Councillor Dennis Snider and change facilities, check -
got up and sketched a plan of ing service, float rental ser -
the lot, showing the required vice and a soft drink outlet
fence needed at the back of are a few things he plans to
the property along King St. In provide. Helm plans to
addition to the required fence, operate from 10:30 a.m. to
a new entrance off King 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and
should be intalled near the one and one half hours later
centre of the 84' back lot line. on weekends, providing half
Council agreed to amend hour after for cleaning.
Becker's site plan agreement His proposal will be respon-
as long as he complies with sible for the daily operations
these three requirements and of the bath house as well as
will finalize it at the next polite service to the beach
meeting. patrons, while the village
Head lifeguard for the obligation is to provide
village, Bruce Helm, handed P U.0 telephone and in-
surance expenses. Helm add-
ed that the advantages of this
proposal is it can be renewed
annually, the village will
know their financial position
prior to the season and
hopefully reduce their loss in-
curred by the previous bath
house operations.
Helm made the suggestion
that with the money saved on
the project, the village could
hire an additional lifeguard.
Snider ended the discussion
by assuring Helm it was a
good proposal and council
would let him know their final
answer by the first of
In other business, the
village received their bill
from lawyers, Donnelly &
Murphy, for the Fraleigh
parking lot account in the
amount- of $2,062.00. Deputy -
reeve Harold Green said he
would like to see these ac-
counts paid by the owners in
the future when a OMB hear-
ing goes through.
Sharen wishes to join other
municipalities in a recycling
program for newspapers and
clean cardboard boxes. He
POETRY/POSTER WINNERS - As part of the Remembrance Day service at GBPS
legion member Bob Hedley congratulates Brad Page and Keith Crawford on their
first place efforts.
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Delegate Selection Meeting
of the Lambton Progressive Conser-
vative Association 8 p.m., Friday,
November 23, 1984 at Wyoming Legion
Kathi VanDenheuvel, Sar-
nia, spent the weekend with
her grandmother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Norris of Grand
Cove Estates.
Over 550 were served at the
United Church annual turkey
supper Wednesday evening.
Bill Thomas reported that
twenty-one birds were carved
for the event.
Paddler John Boyles
canoed through the pipe in-
stalled recently in the
Ausable River for the new en-
trance unto Hwy 21 from
Southcott Pineg.
Community condolences to
the family of Tom Baird who
died on the weekend.
Mrs. Susie Devine, Elgin
and Elda Adams visited on
Sunday in London with Pat
and Lanny Scrimegour,
Angela and Jeff.
Irene Desjardine spent the
weekend woth her daughter
Brenda and George Couchuyt
in Merlin.
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Church women elect;
Legion plan activities
Sixteen ladies answered the
roll call at the WCG meeting
at the Church of God, Thurs-
day. An election of officers
was held. Marion Steckle will
continue as secretary -
treasurer; Millie Desjardine
as missionary -education
director, Susan Rumba') as
spiritual life director and Ver-
na and Barb MacGregor will
handle all hospital flowers
and treats.
Deanna MacGregor led the
study on "we need each
other." Marion Sharrow,
from Skills 'n Quills,
Dashwood, demonstrated
how to make Christmas
On Friday night, around 90
people enjoyed the annual
Thanksgiving - supper with
proceeds going to help the
starving in Ethopia. Gift
,presentations were made to
Otto and Cracia Wassink, and
Paul and Jacqueline
Romanoff, who were married
this summer. The youth and
children played games in the
school gym while the adults
cleaned up.
Pastor Campbell spoke on
"A champion of Freedom"
from Acts 15, wherein Peter
after his vision, realized that
legalism in Christianity must
go. Freedom must come in.
Of course, freedom carries
responsibility. Glenda Des-
jardine sang "The Saviour is
. Branch 498 Dates
On Surday Nov. 18, there
will be a Gray Cup celebra-
tion at the Legion from 1:00
p.m. until evening. A general
meeting will be held on Mon-
day. Dec. 3 at 8:30 p.m. Dec.
5 the ladies will decorate for
Christmas, Dec. 8 will he a
Christmas dinner at 7:00 and
on Dec. 14 the annual turkey
shoot will take place.
Bob Chapdelaine shot a
high score of 180 Tuesday at
the mixed dart league and
went on to win first place with
partner Marg Hedley.
Bonnie Humphrey and Les
Desjardine won the high
scores at euchre on Friday
evening, with Winnie Gill and
Alex Russell winning the low
Tom Humphreys claimed the
door prize.
A hearty thank you to
everyone for the food dona-
tions at the Remembrance
Day service on Sunday.
Kings Defeat llderton
Coach Paul Vincent and
manager Norm Eagleson like
to see a variety of goalgetters
and their team showed them
that this week.After an exhibi-
tion game in Lucan on Friday
night, the pee wees met llder-
ton on Saturday afternoon.
Jason Desjardine led the
scoring with the first hat trick
of the season. Billy Jennison,
Brad Page and Trevor Vin-
cent added singles to end the
second period 6-0. Assisting
these marksmen were Page
with three, Jennison, Kevin
Eagleson. John Timmerman
and Shannon Desjardine with
one each.
In the third period, llderton
got on the scoreboard with a
breakaway goal. Eagleson
notched two quick goals in a
row with Shannon and Shaun
Glavin adding singles to end
the game 10-1. Page and J.
Desjardine assisted on both of
Eagleson's marks. The team
travels to Strathroy on Mon-
day night.
Coffee Hour
There were 16 ladies out to
the Bible coffee hour Tuesday
at the home of Minie Curts.
Gwen Campbell led the
summary on the past few
months' study. From the
Beatitudes some thoughts
were -- you either go ahead in
life or back. It is better to try
and fail, than not to try at all.
Happiness depends on people
and circumstances: but joy
depends on God and cannot be
Gift Ideas
suggested that an organiza-
tion such as the Cubs/Scouts
could gather the material and
store it in the works dept. un-
til its sold.
Snider has an interested
party wishing to purchase the
old mail boxes from the old
post office building. Some will
be kept for the new senior
housing unit and the rest will
be for sale after he negotiates
with the purchaser.
Lavis Paving Co. are doing
a good paving job on Govern-
ment Rd. along the beach
area which was badly broken
up. Foreman Jack Stanlake
said the work will be com-
pleted early this week
weather permitti-ng. The
mess on Sauble Road will
have to be cleaned up by the
contractors there at the new
seniors complex.
ARRA THE MAGICLOWN — In the new Board of Educa-
tion program "Colours" Abra performed some magic
acts with chinese wands and disappearing handker-
chiefs. Here is the finished colourful faces of students
Jenny Bumstead, John Walker, and Christina Shepherd
with painter Abra (Paul Parsons) the Mogiclown.
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