HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-11-07, Page 20Page 18 Times -Advocate, November 7, 1984 11,'1 Sole FREEZER - 15 cu. ft. Sears Cold - spot (recur, almost new S300. "Sharp" reel-to-reel tape recorder $35. Phone 471-0790 after five. 43tfx FIREWOOD - C a8 235-2850 after 43-46c HAND SMOCKED for you. Custom •design to suit your in- dividual taste and colours. Phone 262-5315 Linda Traquair. 44:45c OIL FURNACE, 7 yrs. old. tank humidifier all accessories. Very good condition. S300.00. Call 237.3481 after 5 p.m. 44:4Sc ATARI 400 with 16k. includes taperecorder with Frogger game, Baja Buggies game. Cartridges in- clude Star Raider, Pac-man, Gorf, K-razy, Shoot-out. Phone Dan 235-1663. 45c BRIAN'S SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to cars, trucks, chainsaws, snowmobiles and motorcycles Pioneer & Husgvarna Chainsaw Sales & Service BRIAN KIPFER Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3322 Kerosene Kerosene Kerosene Bulk at Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. 228-6638 16 For Sale WOOD - $45.00curd, New Venice Corp. Grand Bend. Phone 238-2281. 8tfnc BARGAIN VALUE on wiping cloths. Check it out. Dial The Village Store. Cenualia. 228-6886. 261 fn Visscher Farms • APPLES Macs & Ida Reds $7.00 bushel ORDER AHEAD BRUSSELS SPROUTS KALE Also available potatoes. onions squash, red & white cabbage 3 MILES WEST OF EXETER ON HIGHWAY 83 Open 1-ri. and Sat. Only Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 237-3442 441fnc TEXT BOOKS - First year college Basic Business. Phone 235-2815 after 6 p.m_ 37tfn FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454.38tfn FIREWOOD, dry mixed hard- wood, delivered. Free kindling. Leslie Cudmore. 235-1267.38-50' WOODSPi !ITERS, heavy duty. 3 point hitch models starting at 5250 to $455. Witch is SI15 off regular prize. Also one used gas model sold for $2000 new, selling 51000 or hest offer. Call Tom Roberts a: 262-2224 after 8:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays.42-45c (kit Me O&M • Low overhead • Low prices See us betore you buy 0 MATHERS MOTORS 136 MAIN ST. N., EXETER 235-1525 TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 20, 1984 from Electrical Contractors for Electrical. Mechanical and General Trades Work at the Court ftouse, Goderich, Ont. re Computer in- stallation. Plans, Specifications and Tender tcrrns may be obtained from the undersigned. A certified cheque or bid bond will be required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.G. HANLY Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron, Court House Goderlch, Ont. N7A 1M2 Tel. 524-8394 (Area 519) 75 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS STATION WAGONS AND 4 X 4's 22 1980-83 Fords, Chevs, Plymouths 10 1978-82 Aspens, Volares Fairmonts; 6 cyl. 5 1978-81 Station Wagons 4 1978 Suburbans and Vans with seats 1 1978 Ram Charger 4 X 4 1 1976Chev', ton 4 X 4 1977 Ford 'i. ton 4 X 4 with plow 14 1977-80 ' , & ' . ton pickups & crewcabs 1 1976 GMC 1 ton wrecker 7 1974-78 1-4 ton cab 8 chassis and dumps 1 3 axle tag -along trailer 8 Van bodies and utility bodies MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 Milos East of Hanover on Hwy 4 or 4 Mlles West of Durham on H• ry. 4 Phone 1-369-3136 16 For Sale HONEY FOR SALE. Good no. 1 extra white. 901 per pound. W. Ross Apiaries. Brucefield. 482-3296 or 482-7173. 44:45c STOVE for sak. I only used it for a year. It is in good condition. I am asking 5175 for 0. Call bet- ween 11-4 235-0464. 44:45c MOVING SALE - Large oil fur- nace - electric furnace - 2 electric welders - caster wheels - grade 11 bolts 51.00 a Ib. - used single phase motors. all in working order, price - used steel reduced to 201 a Ib. Many more iterns too numerous to list. L. Hamilton Machine Shop. 20 Nelson St. Ex- eter 235-1655. 44tfn STEEL BUILDINGS - several unclaimed maintenance free, at huge savings. Phone (519) 439-4573. 45c RCA MOVIE DISC PLAYER, good condition, will consider best offer. Asking 5200.00. Phone 237-3354. 45:46c BOX SPRING & MATTRESS, with steel frame double. Excellent condition. 5150. Call 238-8382. 45:46c AQUARIUM - fifty-five gallon. Asking 560.00. Phone atter five. 238-2450. 45c POSTER BED, double. complete, like new 5300.00. Call 262-3408. 45c COAT - brown persian Iamb, mink collar and cuffs. Size 16.45" long. Excellent condition. Phone 235-0394. 45:46c CHILD'S SLEIGH, small tricy- cle. S15.00 each. Phone 235-1945. 45* HOCKEY JACKETS - 516 up. Jerseys - 510 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket , Works. Toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your Ire catalogue. 455 WARNING - WAIT. This ad may save your $ Money 5 on your next building purchase. Three quonset buildings available at unbeatable prices. No gimmicks. Call Bob at (416)486-5149. 45x HOME ViDEO catalogue. All titles copyrighted. Colourful boxes. Call toll tree 1-800-663-6555 or write On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey. B.C., V3W 2N5. 45x STEREO - Beginner's Set. AM - FM, 8 track, recorder and turn- table. Phone 235-2373. 45c HENS - white one year old 75c each. Good for soups and stew;. Phone 237-3484. 45c . TELEVISION - 26 inch RCA col- oured. 5250.00.'Phone 235-1454. 45:46c BASEMENT SAi.E - chrome kit- chen set; Underwood typewriter, barbecue set, set dinner dishes, table lamps. Christmas decora- tions, card table and chairs, snow scoop and scraper, other misc. items. 153 Thomas St. Exeter, 235-1602. 45* SOUND MOVIE CAMERA and Projector, Super RXL, 5250.00. Twq boys navy blue suits, how ties and white shirts, sizes 10 and 12, two pairs black leather shoes sizes 4 and 6. All new $100.00 complete or 560.00 each. Phone 235-2453. 45c SOFA BED and chair, two coffee tables, black and white T.V., col- our T.V., brooder heat lamps. pig feeders. Phone 237-3740. 45c FOUR FOOT BAR, leather padd- ed with stereo and turntable plus psychedelic lights. Phone 235-1034 evenings. 45c APPLES. Snows. Macs. Sweets. Delicious, Spartans. Greening.. please bring containers. Mc('ly- monl Orchards, Varna. one mile south. 482-3214. 45c Ray's Carpet Installations Carpet & Cushion Flooring at reasonable prices Phone 235-0739 or 235-0679 16 For Sale Budget Rent A Car Low daily and weekly rates Special weekend rate Friday 6 p.m. to Monday 10 a.m. S59.95 including 200 free km's. Hensall Motors Ltd. 262-3331 YARN - Discount Prices. Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfnc ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nib. Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 301tnx FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your fancily and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 2Rtfnc 17 Wanted To Buy HOMI IN CRLDI ION OR AREA. 3 or 4 bedroom house. Apply in writing to Box 118P, c: u Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter. Ont. NOM ISO. 33tfn HAY FOR HORSES, old hay in good condition is O.K. 262-6903. 44:45c STUDENT'S DESK, good condi- tion, reasonably priced. Phone 235-0350 or 236-4483. 45-47' 40-50 FOOT TV TOWER, anten- na and rotor. Will take down. Phone after 5 p.m. 237-3520. -- -- 45-47c BUNK BEDS and little boys skates, size 7 and 13 good condi- tion. Phone 235-2404. 45c USED EXERCISE BIKE in good condition. Please call 235-2536. 45• USED EXERCISE BIKE in good condition. Please cll 235-2536.45` 18 Wanted QUALIF,ED DEALERS: 1867 Confederation Log Homes require additional dealers, highest com- missions paid. Contact Mike Mur- phy, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. KOM 1AO, (705) 738-4131. 45x 19 Property For Sale BRICK, semi-detached, in view of South Huron Hospital. Each halt' contains 3 bedrooms, dining, liv- ingroom, kitchen, full basement, electric heat, front porch and garage. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420. 31tfn HOUSE FOR SALE - One storey, two bedroom ranch style home with attached carport. Angel stone brick siding, new roof in 1982, full basement, electric heal. fireplace in living room, hardwood floors, sewer hookup. Lot size 65-125.4. Located on Marlborough St. Ex- eter, Ont. For inspection contact Ted Jones. Phone 235-2415 after 6�.m_ - _ 41tfx BEGINNER or retirement hor»c tor sale. 1 block from main street. Located in good residential area. Nice private yard, attached garage, full basement, low taxes and heating costs, excellent con- dition, priced to sell. Phone 235-0432 before 8 a.m. or after 5. 451 fn 20 Property For Rent GRAND BEND, one bedroom apartment unfurnished except for fridge and stove. Call after 6 p.m. 238-8656. 40tin APARTMENT - luxury adult one bedroom, Maple Arms. Siose, fridge. free laundry included. ground fluor. 235-242(1. 41 it'll COSY ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, located in centre of Hensall. Ideal for senior. Electric heat. sun - porch, yard. 262-1205. -44-46c TOV4'NHOI'Sl' for rens. Sinrcor St. Phone 236-4230. 44:45c HOUSE - Grand Bend. 3 bedroom on river. Available im- mediately. Phone 235-1142 or 238-5188. Ask for_eireg. 44.45c EXETER - one storey, 3 bedroom Krick house, carpeted throughout, corner lot. fool shed Asarlable immediately. Phone 235 1964 or 235-1931.4411n THE PGA NATiONAI Palm Beach Gardens 1londa, 2 bedroom. 2 hath, dub cottage tor rent. Fully equipped. Day. 235-0710. evenings 218-8842 45-47 Bad Rad? Radiators Repaired, Recored or New Canadian Tire 235-0160 tempo an 1101 20 Property For Rent ZURICH - available Dec. 1, 1984 Two bedroom upstairs apartment. Fridge and stove included. Call 236-4320. 361 f rc GRAND BEND, 3 bedroom home, S275.O0 per month plu, utilities, yearly lease. no pet., references required. P. Warmer 238-2391. 4Otln COUNTRY HOUSE for rent with 3 out buildings and spacious yard. Located approximately 4'.': miles west of Hensall. Inquiries handl- ed discreetly. Rent quite negotiable. Call 262-5282. Ask for Ann_ 45:46c TWO STOREY 3 bedroom house. fridge, stove and dishwasher in cluded. Close to downtown area. Asailable immediately. Rent 5350.00. Apply in writing to Box 7P Exeter Times Advocate, Ex- eter, Ontario NOM ISO. 45' FARM HOUSE 3 bedroom. 6 mules east of Exeter, S175.00 mon- thly. Phone 229-8804. 45c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corrivcau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 5t THE "O1.D TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8tfn DRY STORAGE SPACE. 60 feet x 30 feet x 14 feet high. Available January 1985. Phone 237-3404. 44-47* INSULATED BUILDING 2400 sq. ft. 16 ft. high ceiling, Exeter area. C'aI 11-666-0878. 44-46c 23 Wanted To Rent I HREE BEDROOM l-.AR\1 HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must hase ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45tfx RESPONSIBLE COUPLE with 1'/: children wishes to rent house or apartment by Dec. 1. Call 262-2648 before 6 or 348-9227 after. Ask for Bob. 44:45' IMMEDIATELY or by Dec. 1 - 1 bedroom or bachelor apartment in Exeter. Would also consider a Town House. Phone 235-0770 before 5 p.m. Ask for Owen.45c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Anna Lafrieda Kew, Deceased All persons, having claims against the estate of Anna Lafrieda Kew, late of the Township of Hay. County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of July 1984 are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Q.t.'. Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario, by the loth day of November 1984 alter which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice ha. been receival Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. Solicitor for the executors. t.seoer. Ontario NOM ISO 43-45c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Lsiate of Melvin John Schlundt, Deceased. All persons basing claims against the cslalc ot• Melvin John Schlundt, late of the Village of Dashwood, County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day or August 1984 arc required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Q.('. Solicitor, Exeter, On- tario, by the lOih day of November 1984 after which date the estate will be distributed -has - ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. Solicitor for the administrator. 1 xcter. Ont.trio NOM ISO 4145. Daily Rentals Example Chevy Celebrity, air conditioned Only 24.95 per day 26 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of Alice Rearl Baker Late of the Village of Zurich in the County oI Huron. who died on w about the 17th day of March, 1984, must be filed with the under- signed personal representative on or before the 16th day of November, 1984; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate basing regard only to the claims then til- ed. Dated this 17t1_, day of November, 1984. Eva Helen Fahner P.O. Box 877, R.R. 1 Grand Bend, Ontario Administratix 43.45c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ella Gertrude Hern, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Ella Gertrude Hera, late of the 1 own of Exeter, Coun- ty of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of September 1984 are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell. Q.C. Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of November 1984 after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. Solicitor for the executor., Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO 43-45c 27 Tenders Wanted SALE BY TENDER 1 he following property. being Parts of Lots 471 and 474, Flan 376, Town of Lseler known as 60 Sanders St. W. is offered for sale by tender . (1) Tender to be accompanied by cheque for 5 percent of the pur- chase price. (2) Tenders shall be received by Elmer 1). Bell, Q.C., 417 Main St. Exeter, Ontario up to and in- cluding November 9th, 1984. (3) Highest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. (4) if tender accepted, sale to be completed 30 days from accep- tance of lender unless otherwise agreed by the purchaser and the vendor. Usual terms as to search of title and adjustments. (5) Cheques accompanying lenders will he returned if tender tan accepted. Executors estate Ella Gertrude Hern 43-45e exeter ATTENTION FARMERS WE NOW PAY $15.00 TO $50.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS, HORSES AND STOCKER CATTLE OVER 500 LBS. CALL PROMPTLY A LOT DEPENDS ON THE SIZE AND CONDITION OF THE ANIMAL (FRESH) LOCAL CALLS - 482-9811 TOLL FREE -1-800-265-7029 SOWS, PIGS AND CALVES PICKED UP "FREE OF CHARGE" (Autopsy available by local vets) FOR FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE WE HAVE RADIO EOUIPPED TRUCKS IN YOUR AREA EVERY DAY - 7 DAYS A WEEK PLEASE CALL PROMPTLY HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. CLINTON, ONTARIO LICENSE -963-C-84 GOOD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE "Call us first you won't have to Call anyone else - TENDER FOR SNOW REMOVAL Tenders will be received by the Village of Ailsa Craig until 12:01 noon, Friday, November 9th. 1984- tt the following for the 1984-85 season. (I) For the plowing of streets. (2) For snow removal as required. Specifications for Snow Removal- (i) 2 trucks - must have al least 8 yd boxes with operalors. (ii) rubber tired loader - muse has e at least 1'--: cu. yd. bucket svilh operator or (iii) snow blower with operator The above tender will be on an hourly rale. 1 owes( or apy tender not necessarily accept cd. Envelopes to be clearly marked "SNOW TENDERS" Box 29, Ailsa Graig. Ontario. NOM IAO. 44:45c Weeds get tougher Weeds are harder to control now and that situation is ex- pected to worsen says Huron County week inspector Joe Gibson. Gibson presented his an- nual report at the November meeting of Huron County Council. "The face of farming has changed from mixed farm- ing, whereby crops and pastures, etc., were rotated. to one of continuous cash cropping. We now have weeds that are far more difficult to control than we have had in the pas and they are going to get worse," said Gibson. The weed inspector said custom operators and rentors are the biggest spreaders of these weeds. A request to add weeds to the noxious list was turned down by the provincial ministry of agriculture and food. Gibson reported. 27 Tenders Wanted FUEL TENDER Fuel tenders will be received by Ole Ailsa Craig Community Centre Board, P.O. Box 29, Ailsa Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 until 12:00 noon, November 9th, 1984. 1 -or the supply and delivery of fur- nace oil fur the Comm urn' y 11011, Main Street. All tenders 10 be clearly marked -FUEL TENDER" Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 44:45, R.: CLASSIFIED ADS',! fy PAY OFF ! s� Call 235-1331 -Wanted- Person to share driving to downtown Lon- don area. Mon. - Fri. Working hours 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Inquiries call 235-1599 or 235-1168 after 5:30 p.m. Elizabeth Court Apartments 1 bedroom available December 1st Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St., Hensall. Ontario PH: 262-2846 However, it was noted that the agriculture and property conunittee will be introducing a model weed control bylaw which individual munici- palities will have the option to adopt. Some of the weeds that are causing problems are Velvet Leaf, Proso Millet, Jerusalem Artichoke, Collsfoot, Jimson Weed, Nightshades, Nutsedge, Redstraw, Giant Ragweed, Resistant Lamb's Quarter and Pigweed. "Weeds we never heard of five years ago are comm- monplace today. A farmer will have to plan his crop rota- tions around what weeds he has to be able to control them. The weeds are calling the play," said Gibson. Special Odds 'n' Ends for small jobs Discontinued lines of shingles Excellent selection of colours • Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. 228-6638 / GOET"I LER 's OF DUBLIN A STORE FULL OF BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE On the Main Street of Dublin 345-2250 Free Delivery Professional Car Cleanup Peggy Hay Complete or Partial Jobs Free Estimates Call today! EXETER MOTORS 235-1100 Main St. North Let Jack Do It All types of plumbing - !' . & heating Jack's Plumbing & Heating (Jack Mover) 246 William St., Exeter 535-0581 Auction Sale 46 antique mantle and kitchen shelf clocks, 8 old pocket watches, 60 antique oil lamps, fur- niture, glassware etc. to be held at Saltford Valley Hall, Guderich Ont. for Mr. Earl Mclll- wain of Goderich. Wed., Evening Nov. 21 at 6 p.m. See next weeks paper for full listing. Auctioneer Richard Lobb, Clinton 482-7898 g tISEA 11311:1bV2 ‘.COME ONE ! X Tax Registration Properties The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith will accept tenders until November 30th at 4:00 p.m. for 4 parcels of land in Vanastra Park. Parcel No. 1 - frame structure in excess of 10,000 sq. ft., including 3 acres of land, paved parking and swimming pool. Present zoning Institutional. Deposit of $5,000.00 in cash or certified cheque. Parcel No. 2 - frame structure; 3 level in ex- cess of 8.000 sq. ft., approx. 1 acre of land. Presently zoned Institutional. Deposit of $2,000.00 cash or certified cheque. Parcel No. 3 - frame structure. 3 level in ex- cess of 8,000 sq. ft.. approx. 1 acre of land. Presently zoned In- stitutional. Deposit of $2,000.00 cash or certified cheque. Parcel No. 4 - 82' x 93' residential vacant lot - Zoned residential. Deposit of $1,000.00 in cosh or certified cheque. Tenders must be accompanied by o develop- ment plan and security deposit. Parcels will be sold on an "os is- basis. Lowest or any deposit not necessarily accepted. For more information or viewing of proper- ties contact. Jack McLachlan, Clerk -Treasurer The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith GMB 117, RR 5, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 482-9523 COME ALL !! Auction Sale Ai- ' Wed., November 14 at 6:30 p.m. • r at the �r - iiderton Masonic Hall, Ilderton -.'<, Including several nice chino cabinets, drop front desk, sets of 4 oak dining room chairs, mirrored dressers, marble top buffet, large ,1' mahogany chest of drawers, pine sideboard, '• set of 4 Queen Ann style chairs, old cook stove, X vanity, antique German Vienna wall clock, i;) gingerbread clock, old Flo Blue china, Carnival kfigure, glass, 6 cranberry glasses, Staffordshire g , 4 Amercian Neon Beer signs, oak wardrobe, (ci4.� carpets, gold pocket watch leaded glass win- dows. brass wore, china and glass. collection () of origin-tl oil paintings - The Fourteen .Stages (� of the Cross" in solid oak frames, circa 1860. t`l Far too many items to mention here. See you ,% Wednesday in Ilderton. Auctioneer Garry Goodfellow XTerms cash or cheque only with I.D. -) Refreshments available and deliveries v arranged. Phone 293-3461 Auction Sale Antique furniture and glassware, appliances, household effects, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Acution Barn Clinton, Ont. for Miss Bess Grieve of Seaforth Ont. and the Estate of Lily Waghorn. Sat., Nov. 10 at 10 a.m. Viking upright freezer like new, Frigidaire clothes dryer, Gainaday modern wringer washer, G.E. 30 inch Contessa electric stove like new, Zenith black and white portable TV on stand. Heintzman upright piano, Willis upright piano, dehumidifier, 2 piano stools w glass ball feet, corner china cabinet. fancy bonnet chest w/spooled front, good condition, walnut flat to wall cupboard w/spooled front in excellent condition. flat to wall cupboard painted, antique highbow chest of drawers, an- tique chest of drawers w/refinished, antique bed and two chests of drawers, carved back upholstered settee w/2 matching side chairs, ROSEWOOD DESK VERY SPECIAL, caned seat chair, knee hole desk w/drawers, gate leg drop leaf table, hall table w/drawer, 46 inch long hall table, magazine table, step table w inlaid leather top, old record cabinet, round dining table w/centre pedestal, good chesterfield. mantle clock, upholstered choirs. wing chair, blanket box, 3 chicken coop choirs, 3 oak office chairs, electric sewing machine in stand. 20 gal. crock, odd pressback choirs. 2 gun stock type chairs. Bentwood chairs. Lady Charmain Royal Doulton figurine. 8 silver napkin rings, eight place setting of Elite Limoges dishes, Beleek sitting pig, eight Royal Crown Darby cups and saucers , some plates and 2 pitchers. 3 pieces of Wedgewood, cranberry basket dish, crystal glassware, 19th Century glass rolling pin, 4 water pitchers. covered compote. bross candle stick holder, brass and good silver pieces including fea pot and large Covendish, silver tray, Axminister rug 8" x 12 ft., 2 - 18 in. x 25 in. rug. 26 x 51 in. rug, beige rug 6 x 12, beige rug 9 x 12, plus our usual large offering too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH. Auctioneer Richard Lobb dew 482-7898 411.1. r-