HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-10-24, Page 13Most of work to be done this fall
Times -Advocate, October 24, 1984
Page 13
MP reports all harbur work to be c.nspl.t.d
At the regular harbour
meeting last Wednesday
evening, Sid Fraleigh MP, at-
tended to advise the commit-
tee that all phases of the south
basin work project will be
There was some concern
about the pilings being
and district newer
Lynne Desiardine
HARBOUR TO BE FINISHED — MP Sid Fraleigh views the harbour plans with Chair-
man Harold Green and Shirley Mitchell at a meeting in the village last week. Fraleigh
announced that funding is available to finish all three phases.
At the local churches...
At the Bible Mountaineers
last Wednesday, the following
children have received their
arm bands; Jeff Bumstead,
Jodi Desjardine, Richard and
Kenneth Desjardine.
On Saturday night in the
lower auditorium, 65 people
enjoyed a barbecued pig
prepared and served by Gord
and Judy Vincent in a
generous act of hospitality.
Pastor Campbell spoke on
"A God of Miracles" on Sun-
day morning from Acts 3.
Peter reached out to the lame
man believing a miracle
would happen and it did.
Many of us are willing to take
a chance with everything ex-
cept God. He is still a God of
SUCCESS COMPLIMENTED — Elaine Hagarty, touring
consultant for the Ontario Arts Council, goes over the
season with sec. treasurer Ted Jackson at a meeting
last week. Ms. Hagarty offered her support and best
wishes to the GB Concert Association, and was ex-
tremely pleased with the efficiency and success of the
organization, not only for the upcoming Youth and
Music series, but overall. The concerts debut tomorrow
evening at 8:00 p.m.
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�`eTg�tt we doitrightat Orr
Lucille Vincent sang the
Guest speaker
Door greeters last Sunday
morning at the United Church
were Diane Rice and Millie
Kane. Welcomed to this ser-
vice and to the pulpit was Mr.
Gary Wilcox, former OPP of
Sarnia. His lesson, while the
Pastor attended the anniver-
sary service in Wyoming, was
entitled "He Walks With Us",
taken from John 10: 1-18.
Flowers around the pulpit
were placed in memory of
Mrs. Elva Walper by her hus-
band Lloyd and son Donald
Catholic news
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Relouw, who
will be celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary, and
congratulations W Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Lecker on their
25th wedding anniversary
next weekend. This is the kind
of stability and fidelity to the
marriage vows that is so
needed today. God bless both
couples and thank you from
the rest of us for your good
Remember in your prayers
those who are sick and in
hospital, especially Richard
Rader and Bill Bishop.
The church is planning to
build a bricksign near the en-
trance. If there is any
parishioner who does this
kind of work, please submit a
price to Father Morrissey for
further details.
Father Morrissey was the
celebrant at all weekend
masses. In today's gospel
Jesus' answer to the
Pharasies, shows us that we
owe allegiance to both church
and state. Like the Christians
in the past, many today find
themselves caught up in a
tyrannical government of the
right or the left, and must
heed the example of St.
Thomas More, martyr to the
Huron Perth County R.C.
Separate School Board re-
quires a dedicated person to
teach religious education to
the mentally retarded, at the
trainable retarded schools in
Huron -Perth counties. The
person must have transporta-
tion and a pastoral reference.
See Father Morrissey if
Final Clearance Sale
50% off
All fall merchandise
Starting Thursday, Oct. 25
until Sunday Nov. 4
Thank you for your patronage
Looking forward to serving you in March, 1985
Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.
till 5 p.m until November 4th
1'/, miles south of Grand Bend on
Highway No. 21.
Phone 238-2818
m6PF2 rads
fashion boatigae
EXECUTIVE CHOSEN — The GB Lions club elected their new 1984-85 executive at
their dinner meeting in Oakwood last Thursday. Seated (from left to right) are Rick
Gagnier, District Gov., Jim Hoffman, president; and John Stephens, Council Chair-
man. Back row: Don Fraser, past-pres.; Bill Thomas, treasurer; Gary Orchard, 2nd
vice; Judd Bumstead, Lion tamer; Doug Riddell, 1st vice; Frank Allister, secrtary;
Prosper VanBruaene, Liontamer; Don Finkbeiner, Director; Paul Johnson and director
Steve Kadlecik, Golden editor. T -A photo
Rhythm exercises are
demonstrated to WI
The GB Women's Institute
met last Thursday evening in
the UC Sunday school rooms.
President Nola Taylor presid-
ed for the business portion.
Brenda Love and Clara
Hamilton will attend the con-
vention on November 1 and 2,
and Secretary Ann Russell
presented Sharon Miller with
her past president's pin.
Sixteen members answered
the roll call on whether they
or any family member have
been a 4-H leader. Several 4-H
members, leaders and some
mothers present set up a
display of articles made in re-
cent clubs, whichpt'aved to be
very educational and well
The Institute are spnsoring
a bus trip to Kitchener
market and St. Jacobs on
November 21. Anyone in-
terested in going please phone
Doris B. 238-2754 or Laura D.
Catherine Junker, Public
Relations officer in charge of
this program, introduced
Gina Fischer, who
demonstrated rhythm exer-
cises. She explained how to do
them correctly, so they would
tone and shape your body.
Gina invited anyone to come
and watch her class at the
Anglican Church any Tues-
day evening at 8:00 p.m. Her
next class is on Tuesday, Oc-
.Lober 30.
Speaker Sb r`ln Miller,
gave a talk on how to co-
ordinate a wardrobe. She told
us the things you love to wear
JAWS OF LIFE — Demonstrating this self-contained
hydraulic cylinder, are firemen Larry Taylor and Jack
Stanlake. Firechief, Prosper VanBruaene, commented
that the $3600. cost is to be shared one-third each by
GB village, Stephen and Bosanquet townships. Below
are the results of what the cutter blades con do to car
wreckage when trying to free trapped people.
are the ones to concentrate
on. Try to organize this group
and then set up a budget to
buy only things that will co-
ordinate. For example, buy a
shirt -type blouse that can be
used as a jacket. Norma
Walper acted as model while
Sharon demonstrated the dif-
ferent accessories to dress up
an outfit. In conclusion
Sharon announced that she
will be teaching a course,
sponsored through Lambton
College, at the Anglican
church in January '85.
Donna Lovie presented
awards from the Institute to
the 4-H girls, followed by the
"Did You Know" about 4-H
topics led by Brenda Love.
The meeting was adjourned
with a social hour and Lunch
served by hostesses Verna
Lovie, Doris Bestard, Brenda
Love and Nola Taylor, who
also won the lucky cup draw.
removed, leaving this area
vulnerable as outlined in
Phase I of the Spriet Study.
The relocation of new stone to
the area will be worked out by
the contractor who submitted
the lowest bid. No problems
are foreseen, added Mr.
Faleigh, who said the harbour
committee will have to
receive final approval from
Mr. La Salle al the Dept. of
Public Works. The project
should be completed in its en-
tirety, except for the board-
walk, this fall.
Peter Warner attended this
meeting to discuss his lease
with the Village of 200 feet of
dockage along the east bank
of the Ausable River, known
as the former Love Docks.
Mr. Warner wishes to
renew his lease for five, but
perferably 10 years, so he can
erect new docks in that area.
Chairman Harold Green com-
mented that the village needs
more dockage space and
wondered why they are leas-
ing theirs out to private
Warner will be advised
within 10 days of the Commit-
tee's decision in the matter.
His present lease expires Oc-
tober 31, 1984.
Legion Branch 498
Dart players, where have
you been on Tuesday nights?
Everyone is welcome for the
mixed league. Lou Hamilton
and Harold Smith played first
place with Marg Hedley
shooting 156 for the high
Friday night at the euchre
Judy Roane and Verne
Fischer won the high, with
Betty Gurnell and Janet
Chambers with the low. Jack
Gurnell won the door prize.
Music with tapes and lunch
will be served at the
Hallowe'en party on October
27. Admission is $1.00. The
general meeting will be on
November 5 at 8:00 p.m.
Hot dogs and hot chocolate
will be provided for the
Beavers, Cubs, Guides and
Brownies after the November
11 services.
Sensible Snackers
The fifth meeting of the
Grand Bend No. 1 4-H club
was held in Loreen Gill's
home on October 15. The
members answered the roll
call in the form of a review
question asked by each
member. The answer was
given by a partner.
Women to sports was
discussed, followed by each
member sitting down and
stretching to find out their
level of flexibility. Each per-
son's results proved to be
satisfactory or above.
A discussion on fuel for
Savin s
in stock
on all
Wallpaper Book
Vertical grapes
HWY. #21 238-8603
sports and fitness, calorie -
makers, carbohydrate
loading and Athletes and their
needs followed. Plans were
made for their meet and some
good pre -game food. Linda
Allister, a senior member,
read her special project on
Anorexia Nervosa.
Macaroni, cheese and
tomato was prepared and
tasted by everyone, followed
by an apple crunch sundae.
President Tracy Soldan
closed the meeting.
Betty and Art Haist have
returned home after a week's
holiday at the World's Fair in
New Orleans and then to
Memphis, Tenn.
Over 30 ladies enjoyed the
demonstration by Carol
Miller, from Millers' Barn,
Mitchell, last Thursday in the
GB library. She showed how
to stencil on surfaces such as
wood and walls with a varie-
ty of materials, for a pleasing
Irene and Clarke Kennedy
enjoyed their vacation in the
northern country at their
friends cottage last week.
The Parkhill Leafs peewee
hockey team, coached by
Paul Vincent, played a pre-
season back and fourth game
last Saturday ending in a 4-4
tie with Lucan. Scorers for the
Leafs were Trevor Vincent
with 2, Jason Desjardine 1
and Brad Page with 1.
There will be no church or
Sunday school next Sunday
October 28, as it's anniver-
sary at Greenway. The Flet-
cher brothers will provide
special music at the 7:30 p.m.
'Ptak -
Shrubs, Perennials, Trees
Planting, Pruning and Patios
R.R. 2, Box 7
Grand Bend
After 6:00 p.m.: 243-2090
Notice to
Grand Med property Oween
IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 and 15 of
The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1980, c. 379),
IN THE MATTER OF an application by the
Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend
for approval of its Restricted Area By-law
IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this
Board by the Honourable Claude F. Ben-
nett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing on a request by Jack E. Davis on
behalf of Richleigh Investments Limited
for consideration of the following part of
Amendment Number 2 to the Official Plan
for the Grand Bend Planning Area:
Those lands described as port of Lot 405,
Plan 25 in the Village of Grand Bend
Minister's File No. 38 -OP -0147-2
points Wednesday, the 21st day of November,
1984 at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in
the morning at the Council Chambers, Town
Hall, 4 Ontario Street, Grand Bend, for the
hearing of all parties interested in supporting
or opposing this application.
If you do not attend and are not represented
at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your
absence and you will not be entitled to any fur-
ther notice of the proceedings.
In the event the decision is reserved, persons
taking part in the hearing and wishing a copy
of the decision may request o copy from the
presiding Board Member, or, in writing, from
the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you
when available.
DATED at Toronto this 16 day of October, 1984
D.G. Henderson
6048 of 1983
The purpose of By -low 6048 is to implement the
Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the
Grand Bend Planning Area. Amendment A2
removed the "Environmental Prosection"
designation of the Official Plan from many pro-
perties which, according to an engineering
study prepared for the Ausoble-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority, are no longer located in
the floodploin. These properties were
redesignated to other land uses. In one case,
a property was added to the floodplain by the
engineering study and accordingly, Amend-
ment A2 redesignated it to "Environmental Pro-
tection". This By-law implements Amendment
No. 2 by rezoning the affected properties in ac-
cordance with the new land use designations
of Amendment No. 2.
This By-law generally applies to land abutting
the Ausable River and Lake Huron in the village
of Grand Bend. The Location Map and Schedule
"A" shows more particularly the land affected.
By -low 6048 of 1983 conforms to the Official
Plan of the Grand Bend Planning Area, in ac-
cordance with Amendment No. 2.
Dionne.Mollord, Clerk Treasurer
Village of Grand Bend
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