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Poge 10 Times -Advocate, October 24, 1984
Davis speaks to Brussels seniors
Mrs. Irene Davis, President
of Zone 8, was guest speaker
at the Brussels senior
Citizen's Meetitlg on Wednes-
day, October 17. Her topic
was "The History of the
United Senior Citizens of On-
tario". Many members were
surprised to learn that due to
the efforts and dedication of
the U.S.C.O. the Senior
Citizens of Ontario are so well
looked after today. A
message was given from the
Secretary of the U.S.C.O. "We
have alot to share, now we
can add - we have a lot to pro-
tect." That is a good thought
for all senior Citizens.
Amber Lodge Meets
Noble Grand Eunice
Aikenhead and Vice Grand
Lois Jones conducted Amber
Lodge on Wednesday even-
ing. Following the opening of
Lodge business, Treasurer
Dorothy Corbett gave the
financial report. Mrs. Edith
Bell expressed her sincere
thanks for cards received
when she was ill.
The Assembly President
will make her official visit to
Amber and Edelweiss on
Wednesday, February 6.
Plans were made to drape the
Charter on November 7.
Tickets are available for
the Grand Master's Banquet
on November 15 at Brussels.
Arrangements were made to
entertain a sister lodge in
"Happy Birthday" was
and distrix news
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
sung to Sister Riley.
United Church
Hensall United Church
went back a few years on Sun-
day evening when they view-
ed coloured slides of the chur-
ches activies during the ear-
ly seventies. The monthly
Fellowship Night, sponsored
by the Communications Com-
mittee, was well attended.
Eric Mansfield was in charge
of showing the slides and Mr.
McDonald led the opening
sing -song and worship.
Following the showing, lunch
was served by Lorretta Riley,
Tammy Preszcator, Dorothy
Brintnell and Joanne
Rowcliffe of the Communica-
tions Committee.
Rev. Barbara Laing was
A LESSON — Hensall postal employee Brenda Russell tells the children of Hensall
School how the cancelling machine works. Liz Jay, the nursery school
is at back left.
% -
Hensall District
Open House
Tues., Oct. 30
Thurs., Nov. 1
Come and join our ac-
titivies of the day.
Everyone welcome
New Nursery teacher
The Ifensall Nursery School
has a new teacher. She is Liz
Jay, recent bride of the rector
of Trinity Anglican Church in
Mitchell. Mrs Jay, whose
youthful appearance belies
her self -description of "mid-
dleaged", cites her ex-
perience to prove "someone
in their mid -years can return
to school. "
Mrs. Jay had taught for
three years in a rural school
before marrying and settling
down to raise a family. Once
her children were on their
own, she determined she
Fri., Oct. 26
1 - 3 p.m.
P.D. Day Skating
Sat., Oct. 27
7 - 9 p.m.
Family Hallowe'en
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
New! Moms and Tots
"wasn't going to fold up and
sit down in a rocking chair".
After exploring the shrunken
job market for public school
teachers. she decided to com-
bine two loves, children and
teaching, and aim for a se-
cond career as a nursery
school teacher.
Mrs. Jay graduated in 1982
from the Mothercraft Socie-
ty's intensive, one-year crash
course in early childhood
education and worked at the
Toronto West End Y's
Daycare ('entre for nine
months before being hired by
the Hensall School.
"1 think Hensall is great",
Mrs. Jay said enthusiastical-
ly. "For a small community,
the school is very well set up.
There is more equipment
here than at the Y in
guest minister at the United
Church on Sunday morning
while Mr. McDonald was An-
niversary Minister at the
Dashwood United Church.
Rev. Laing spoke on the
subject of "Discipleship" and
her children's story was about
Ushers for the service were
Glen Slade, Itaye Jacobe,
Chuch Mallette and Tim
The flowers at the front of
the church were placed in lov-
ing memory of Mrs. Tressa
Fletcher, by daughter Sadie
and Harry Hoy and the
flowers on the Memorial
stand were placed in loving
memory of Melvin Carnathan
by his niece Jean Keller.
A very successful Bake Sale
was held by the Sunday
School Staff on Saturday mor-
ning to raise money for the
work of the Sunday School.
Appreciation is expressed to
all who helped in donating
food for the sale as well as
those who came out to the
Carmel Presbyterial
The service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church was
withdrawn for the Caven
Chruch on Sunday, but will be
held on Sunday, October 28 at
10:00 o'clock Eastern
Standard time. Please
note the change of time.
The Ladies' will hold their
Annual bazaar on Saturday,
November 3. Everyone is
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds,
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs.
Sim Roobol visited recently in
the Chatham General
Hospital, where Mrs.
Roobol's brother is seriously
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cud -
more, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Parker and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Keys, Grand Bend
visited over the week -end
with the former's daughter
Mrs. Marjorie McDonald and
members of her family in
Mrs. Ross MacMillan and
Mrs. Brian Collins, both of
Waterloo, spent Monday with
their mother, Mr. Laird
Mickle and aunt Mrs.
Florence Joynt. While here
they took them out for lunch,
which they all enjoyed very
The many friends of Terry
Baker who recently under-
went treatment wish him the
Ory best results and hope he
soon will be home.
Mrs. Chester Earl of At-
wood visited this past
Wednesday with her brother
Rev. McDonald at the Manse.
NEW BOARD — The new directors of Hensall Senior Citizens' Homes Inc. were
elected at the first annual meeting. Shown (back left) are v/p Jim McGregor,
manager Bill Fuss, president Doug Cook, directors Harold Knight and John Baker
and (front) new director Eileen Mclean, treasurer Betty Oke, directors Eileen Ran-
nie and Irene Davis and newly elected secretary Sharon Wurm. Missing: director
Harry Klungel.
Arenaets temporary.assistant
background - and short arms
- are not the most helpful
qualities for someone trying
to master a diesel tractor and
the ice -grooming equipment
Pat Harwood, the new
assistant manager at the Hen-
sall arena, figures she has
spent most of her life in
arenas. She began figure
skating at age three, and has
been teaching that graceful
skill for the past ten years.
The eight-month work
placement in Hensall is one of
Pat's final requirements
before receiving her diploma
in arena management from
Humber College next June.
Until April 31, Pat will be
gaining practical experience
in her chosen profession while
being instructed in ice
scheduling, arena booking,
flooding the ice and cleaning
dressing rooms and
washrooms by arena
manager Rollie Vanstone.
Pat admits she even does
floors and windows.
Though Pat's parents now
live in Grand Bend, she grew
up in Stratford. A city
In hospital
Miss Mary Kinsman who
has been receiving treatment
in Seaforth Community
Hospital was removed to
University Hospital, London,
for surgery. We wish her well.
Wayne Corbett met with an
accident last week when the
ladder he was using slipped
and threw him down onto his
arm. He was taken to Strat-
ford General Hospital and
underwent surgery to place a
pin in the fracture as well as
some grafting. We wish him
a speedy recovery.
Percy Campbell is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London,
following surgery on Friday.
We trust he will soon be home
ARENA STAFF — Recently hired assistant arena
manager Pat Harwood goes over the schedule with
manager Roily Vanstone.
being towed behind, Pat said.
Pat is also coaching both
the Hensall and Zurich figure
skating clubs. She can teach
in English or French, after
spending a year working in
Labrador City.
Pat hopes someday to find
a job combining the positions
of arena manager and recrea-
tion director in a small
In the meantime, Ifensall's
new assistant arena manager
is looking forward to meeting
the people in the community,
and learning the behind -the -
scenes techniques that con-
tribute to a smoothly running
community centre.
Directors elected
at annual meeting
The first annual meeting of
Hensall Senior Citizens'
Homes Inc. was held in the
lounge of the Northcrest
Board treasurer Betty Oke
reported on the corporation's
finances. A statement up to
March 6, 1984, showed final
capital costs of $826,885. This
included $56,485 for land and
holding costs, $595,277 for con-
struction, architect's fees of
$36,812, $24,774 in financing
charges during construction
and $23,279 for appliances.
The balance sheet as of
December 31, 1983 lists total
assets of $961,140. The cor-
poration showed a $511 loss
for the three-month period en-
ding December 31, 1983. Ren-
ting had begun in September,
and many units were still va-
cant. The building was not
completed until March, 1984.
The attractive seniors'
apartment with the unusual
tile roof and special features
like a bay window and patio
for every suite is now fully oc-
cupied, with a list of prospec-
tive tenants waiting for a
A new board was elected,
comprising Doug Cook as
president, vice-president Jim
McGregor, secretary Sharon
Wurm, treasurer Betty Oke,
manager Bill Fuss and direc-
tors Harold Knight, Eileen
Rannie, Irene Davis, John
Baker, Harry Klungel and
Eileen McLean. Wurm and
McLean are beginning their
first term as board members.
Original director Leonard
Hoffman was renominated
but withdrew his name.
Wed., October 24th
7:30 p.m.
Hensall Public School
Everyone welcome
Boy, Have
I Got A Deal
For You •
If you buy a Lennox Pulse high efficiency furnace -- either
natural or propane gas -- from me, I'm not going to give you
a free electronic air cleaner, or a power humidifier, or a com-
puterized night set -back thermostat. I have to buy those things;
how can I give them away? The only free gift you'll get from
me is a $4.50 Lennox hat.
What I will give you is the assurance that y.'u have bought
the best and most efficient gas furnace available, that it has
been installed neatly and properly, that I care about you as
a customer, and that the price you have paid is just what is
necessary to cover the cost of equipment, materials, fair
wages, overhead, and a reasonable margin of profit. I'm still
old-fashioned enough to think that's the right way to do
I'II just leave the silly little game to the silly little people.
Hensall Bill Bailey
We are proud to be your Lennox dealer.
ffttttttt1tt11t1111t1t1ttlttlltttltttttttttttlttttlltttltttttttNlttttltttllttttlttltttltllnitltllltlllllltlllltiltltltlttlltttttltltttttttlt 11111 ltilt 11111 iltit 11111 11111 111111 tt fit?
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Roberts
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Tromp of Sprokers,
N Y., last week and returned
via Albany and the Adiron-
dack Mountains. 'The autumn
colours were at their best.
Rhoda and Stan Reid and
Mrs. Major Woodland, St.
.John's, Newfoundland visited
with Mr. Eric and Shirley
Luther this week.
Hensall Economic Development
AT 7:30 P.M.
At the Economic Development Meeting held in April, you, the
residents of Hensall, nominated members to serve on an Economic
Development Committee to study the development situation of our
Again, your advice and guidance is needed as to the direction that
the Hensall Economic Development Action Review Committee should
continue to take in pursuing the Economic Growth of Hensall.
Your comments and opinions, regarding the results of surveys,
questionnaires, statistical and economical studies that the
Committee engaged in this summer, are important in evaluating our
This is Your Village: Are you helping to make it an even better place
to live?
Anyone wishing to obtain Begonias from the village
flower beds, please contact Kathy Mann, 262-2323
...Make an excellent combination for fall
plow -down and twitch control
For twitch infested
fields, start next years'
weed control program
THIS fall.
A plow -down applica-
tion of fluid fertilizer
AND Atrazine plus an
Atrazine and oil com-
bination next year,
results in a tough one-
two punch on twitch.
For a custom application job you can
count on ...... Cast us today
Ileastill Distriet Co-operative