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Times -Advocate, October 3,1984
More tkan 50,attend bridal shower for TRoad giri
are to ¢lymBz . Wbo were both political and does give us a taste of the Mr. and Mrs. Dartoid Bray in
duties - we ate tode ottGod's rellsious leaders such as John Kingdom here and now but honour of their daughter
be�ttalf. Calf in and William Penn at -
In Matthew 18:15-20 Jesus tempted to create something
calls us to settle our problems of God's KIngdom in the
in the spirit of love. We are world. Penn founded the city
called to have respect for the of Philadelphia.
feelings of others. Great The word "philadelphia"
leaders of the past, people means brotherly love. Love
About 50 ladies and girls at-
tended a bridal shower Thurs-
day evening in the church
basement for Miss Ruth Bray
bride -elect of this Saturday.
To the strains of the Bridal
Chorus played by Mrs. Reg
Hodgert, Ruth was escorted
to a prettily decorated chair
by Mrs. Barry_E. Miller and
Cheryl Ballantyne: Miss
Doris Elford welcomed
everyone and' Mrs Larry
Ballantyne read' "Advice to
the Bride" and "How to
Preserve a Husband".
Deanne and Cheryl Ballan-
tyne sang hvo numbers ac-
companied on the piano by
Mrs. Reg Hodgert which was
much enjoyed. Mrs. Parry E.
Miller read the addrees entitl-
ed "lave Each Da ''to4he
Fullest", Cheryl and Deanne
Ballantyne presented gifts to
Ruth which were taken from
a wishing well.
After opening the many
beautiful and useful .gifts
Ruth thanked everyone and
invited them to her "Open
House and reception. Mrs.
I,.orne Ballantyne conducted
two ig ritests, AU joined in
Mngtlig "For Sloe's a Jolly
Good Fellow". A delicious
lunch was then partaken of
which brought an enjoyable
evening to a close.
Church Service
The regular church service
was in charge of Rev. Robert
Matheson on Sunday morn-
ing. He told the children a
story entitled "Working
Together". The choir sang
''Fill My Cup Lord" accom-
panied by the organist Miss
Agnes Bray. The sermon was
entitled "Taking turns at the
oars (or the way to
Ancient cities of the world
almost always had walls
around them. People
distrusted stangers. Men
were placed in towers along
the walls to watch for danger
and attacks from enemies.
Whenever there was warning
of an attack those living just
outside the walls would be
allowed in for protection and
to help battle the armies
Patu echoes the message of
Ezekiel. As Christians we are
to love our neighbours - to
.have an active role in caring
one for another - to take
responsibility for the welfare
of all alive on this planet. We
AG MINISTER VISITS KIRKTON -- Agriculture Minister John Wise was one of the
visitors from Elgin county stopping Tuesday night for dinner at Kirkton. Above, Doris
Spence, left and Margaret Crago, right, welcome John and Ann Wise.
there are different tasks we Ruth. bride elect of this Satur-
must perform before all peo- day
ple in our world of the Congratulatipns to Mr. and
powe!'less can sense they are Mrs. Rick Parker on the birth
a part of the Eternal of their second daughter. Mrs
Kingdom. Parker and infant daughter
A combined session meet- Megan returned home Mon-
ing will be held Wednesday, day from South Huron
October 3 at 8 p.m. at the Hospital, Exeter.
manse. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ballan-
Communion service and tyne, Deanne, Cheryl and
Thanksgiving Sunda)` will be Jayne visited friends in Burl -
observed on Sunday, October ington, Sunday.
7 at 11:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
The Messengers meeting Bremner, Brantford spent the
will be held on Wednesday, weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
October 10 at 7 p.m. in Elim- Jack Duncan.
ville Church. Mr. and Mrs. William
Sarah and Joey Turford of Rohde attended the 125th an -
Stratford spent the weekend niversary supper of Trivitt
with their uncle and aunt Mr. Memorial Anglican Church at
and Mrs. Ted Kernick and R.E. Pooley Legion Hall, Sun -
girls. day evening.
Many people from this com- Bill and Rhoda played
munity attended Open House several numbers on the violin
Saturday in Exeter United and piano. Then Lorne
Church for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elford, La Verne Rodd, Doug
Johns in honour of their 50th Stephens and Bill Rohde
wedding anniversary. played several numbers on
Many people attended Open the piano, mouth organs, ac
House Sunday at the home of cordion and violin.
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