HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-10-03, Page 7• Letter writer says 'very special person' Unknown ho ital auxfliary member clted for compassion Some places have an member of the nitlltary who 9Ualttles of those who make unknown soldier, a nameless represents all the finest sacrifices in order to serve SiGN AT SUNSHINE — A new sign to designate the area of Sunshine has been provided by the Elimville Women's Institute. Shown with the new sign are back, left, Leone Brock, Jean Lynn and Olga Hern and front, Verla Alien, Gladys Buswell, Isobelle Fletcher, Louise Esseryt and Ruth Skinner. T -A photo Ailsa Craig Institute discuss public health By ALICE DICKENS September 5, Riverview Women's Institute met in the Masonic Hall with 27 members and five Jisitors. The topic of the meeting was Education and Cultural Activities. President Lorna Priestley opened the meeting in the usual manner. Roll call was an old-fashioned health remedy of which we heard of many remedies our mothers and grandmothers used. The program which includ- rMary Helen's Unisex Shop - Perin Special 1, September 12 - September 29 $25 (reg. $30.00) Phone 235-0782 69 Thomas Street (Use side door) Tues. Sat. Open Thurs. night It's time to talk business Visit US in the Exeter Area EVERY WEDNESDAY Your Respresntative: BRUCE GAGNIER An FBDB representative will be in your area soon. Come and meet him or her. There is no obligation and no costs and your business can gain a lot from it. If you're looking for financial aid in the form of loans, loan guarantees or evbn selling an equity position in ydur business, come and discuss it with us. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business. And we can provide ieou with direction to get government ssistance, both federal and provin- cial, as well as other vital information. • For an advance appointment, call: (519)271-5650 (Collect) Or Write: 1036 Ontario Street P.O. Box 878 Stratford, Ontario N5A 6W3 L� Banque offre ses services dans les deux longues officlelles. TACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS 40 Federal Business Banque %dMale Development Bank de developpement Canadf ed a film on Public Health Nursing, started off with a general discussion led by our speaker, Joanne Pickering, who distributed a questionnaire. From this we learned the Public Health nurse will visit in your home to discuss fami- ly health neends in every age and stage, visits schools to provide immunization, teaches prenatal classes (with V.O.N.), assists in com- municable disease control, operates family planning ser- vices, and acts as a liaison with hospitals and other com- munity agencies. Joanne works in East Williams and Lobo township. We had the good fortune to have two McGillivray school boys Rob and Randy Whiteford supply some music with their electric guitars. This was enjoyed by all. Continuing her talk, Mrs. Pickering told of a typical day in the life of a public health nurse, telling of some amus- ing tasks a nurse is required to do. Rob and Randy entertained us with a few more musical numbers. Ruth McCallum thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift of money, and presented the boys each with a plate of cookies. The motto "every chore is an opportunity for joy" was ably given by Margaret Wilson. Jean Lee reported the treasurer's report. Alice Dickens read a poem "Cold cure" followed by a contest by Ruth Ross on parts of the body. Winner was Ruby McLean. All were reminded of the Tweedsmuir history tea on September 17. The meeting was closed by singing the Queen and the In- stitute Grace. We all enjoyed a bountiful lunch prepared by Leona tlughes and her committee. All interested persons are invited to attend the Gala Days meeting in the Ailsa Craig town hall on Wednes- day, October 10 at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Annie Cook of Erin, visited recently with Miss Ella Morlock. Mrs. Helen Blair, Kitchener and a cousin of London were recent visitors with Mrs. Ken Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart. Weston spent Sunday after- noon with his mother, Mrs. Christena Stewart. Craigholme. The Craig Lodge are happy to report that 268 persons were fed Wednesday evening at the Masonic turkey and ham supper. The Masonic euchres are starting this Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. in the Masonic hall, and will con- tinue every two weeks. Five tables of euchre were at play at the town hall on Wednesday afternoon with prizes going to Hannah Clark, Murray Carter, Jeay Miller, Nora Ross, Marion Levine and Ann Stewart. President Harold Guilfoyle extended a warm welcome to Hannah who has been absent due to illness. More euchre October 10. their country. Exeter has an anonymous Hospital Aux- iliary volunteer whose actions personify the Auxiliary's primary role in this community. A letter was sent to the Aux- iliary recently in care of the Craft event is extended The popular Christmas Craft Sale at the Lambton Heritage Museum has grown this year into a two-day event, to accommodate the crowds. This event is one of the busiest weekends of the season, with about 3,500 visitors espected to browse and complete some early Christmas shopping. The event draws craftspeo- ple raftspeo- ple from all over Western On- tariok offering leatherwork, pottery, woodwork, quilting, knitting, and homemade seasonal decorations. Lamb - ton County participants in- cluse: Hilda Horoyski with weaving, Pat Pullen with flower arrangments and Mary Finkbeiner with quilting. The emphasis of the sale is on "heritage" crafts, that may have continued from pioneer time, such as nut and cone wreaths. Some artists will demonstrate the skills and patience required in their hobby. Museum volunteers will operate a tea room to make light lunches and refreshments available. The museum will open its doors to the public from11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., both Satur- day, Oct. 13 and Sunday, Oct. 14. For best choice, and to beat the crowds, serious gift shop- pers are advised to come early. Additional information is available from the museum office at 243-2600. Big things in Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY Centralia They really grow things big in this town. Brent Caslick had a potato grown in his garden weighing a little over two pounds. No bragging. I saw it. Tom and I were recent din- ner guests with Mrs. Betty Sutherland, Ilderton following anniversary services at Grace Anglican Church. Mrs. Victoria Scott was also a guest. The senior citizens met in the community centre, Mon- day afternoon for cards. They will meet every second Mon- day afternoon at 2 p.m. All seniors or near seniors are in- vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald, Lucan were Friday dinner guests with Tom and Mary Kooy. We are pleased to report that Maurice is mak- ing a good comeback follow- ing his serious illness in University Hospital. PLAN INDUCTION Rev. Aubrey W. Bell, B.A., S.T.B., recently appointed rector of Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield and St. James' Church, Middleton, will be inducted by Rt. Rev. Morse Robinson, Suffragan Bishop of Huron, October 10. Guest preacher will be Rev. Stanley E. Jay, rector of Trinity Anglican Church, Mit- chell and Sehringville and St. Stephen's, Stratford. South Huron Hospital. It ex- pressed the gratitude of a woman who had been helped and comforted by a member of the Auxiliary during a time of desperate need. The letter, dated July 9, 1984, was read at the Aux- iliary's September meeting by the President Olga Davis. No one at the meeting came forward to say she was the one on duty that Sunday. The Auxiliary would like to know My husband and 1 were at our which of its members acted so summer cottage on Lake compassionately, and pay her 'Huron. It was a beautiful hot the tribute she deserves. The day. We were dressed for the letter follows. beach, working in our yard. Dear Lady, He fell to the ground - cardiac I do not know your name arrest. and you will not recognize 1 was pacing the hospital mine, however, three years corriders still in my beach ago you did me a tremendous clothes - nothing attractive kindness. I want to tell you about me that day to make so - about it. meone want to reach out to It was Sunday, July 19,1981. me - but you did. You stepped out of the gift shop placed your hand on my arm. "I can see you are deep- ly troubled," you said. "Come sit with me." I followed you into the shop. You offered me a chair, made me coffee - all the while talk- ing gently to me. I couldn't take my eyes from you. I thought I should explain - I wanted you to know - but I had no words, no tears, only pain. I suddenly realized you ex- pected nothing from me. You only wanted to make it better. You handed me the coffee - I never drank it - someone came to tell me the coroner had arrived. It was a terrible day - that day my husband died - but now when I remember, I remember the lady who reached out to make it better. I still have no words to ex- press how I feel. I can only say thank you. You are a very special per- son. I love you. Sincerely Marion R. Cook THAMES ROAD SIGN — A new sign at the Thames Road ball park hos been supplied by the Hurondale Women's Institute and installed by the Usborne township staff. Shown with the new sign are Margaret. Strang, Marion Dougall and Fern Dougall. L. SIGN FOR PLUGTOWN — The Kirkton Women's In- stitute has arranged for a sign for the Plugtown area, Shown with the sign are Phyllis Rodd and Christine Eveleigh. T -A photo The OLD SCHQLHOUSE Leaded and Staines! Glass Studio offers courses in Stained Glass for beginners and advanced. Call 237-3373 to register now On Highway 83 West of the Village of Dashwood Tired of Paying Too Much Car Insurance ? or '334 annual Based on 1983 mid sized car Si ,000,000 liability, accident benefits. S100 deductible col. lision $25 deductible com- prehensive and S.E F. 42. Driven for pleasure and up to 5 km 1 way to work Many area residents have already taken advantage of IETNA CANADA'S competitive premiums for careful drivers. For your no obligation quote contact 61eorge 2 7F/oore CANADA 9,,,M,�,, /'i'mh„(}„,ad 414 Main St. S., Centre Moll P.O. Box 1600, Telephone (519)235-2211 Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO r, Knitters Needed t 1 1 Family and Children's Services of Huron County provides wool for volunteers to knit mitts for HURON COUNTY CHRISTMAS BUREAU Please contact: Gen's Sewing Centre Exeter Mall This year in Exeter the HURON COUNTY CHRISTMAS BUREAU is being operated for Family and Children's Services by the Exeter Lioness Club. Coordinator: Laurette Siegner Times -Advocate, October 3, 1984 Page 7 FLOORING if you're looking for carpet or vinyl for a small +area or an entire house • SAVE TIME • SAVE MONEY • SEE US FIRST Do it yourself or hove our Installer Ed Alton do it for you 355 Main St„ S., Exeter 235-1990 MAKE A DATE TO LOSE WEIGHT WITH WEIGHT WATCHERS Attend 12 consecutive weekly meetings, and get our 1985 Engagement Calendar, free. You've got an appointment to keep — with a slimmer trimmer you! Our Quick Start ' program will help you lose weight quicker than ever before. Written especially for ~ Weight Watchers members, the Calendar gives you weekly menu plans, exciting new recipes, hints for holiday eating, a personal food diary and tips from Jean Nidetch, the founder of Weight Watchers. So don't wait another day to join the Quick Start program from Weight Watchers. You'll get a free copy of our Engagement Calendar. And a new you WEIGHT to be proud of every day of the WATCHERS' year. 1QuIckStart FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-265-9291 Exeter Legion 167 William Street Mon. 6:45 p.m. Centralia College of Agrkvltvral Technology Ontario Ministry of Agrimrltvre and Food ALL CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS MANAGEMENT OF FARM BUSINESS PROGRAMS (NO CHARGE TO REGISTRANTS) SWINE MANAGEMENT STRATFORD - Board Room, OMAF, 413 Hibernia St., Stratford December 4 - February 26/85 (Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. -10:30 p.m. CLINTON - Board Room, OMAF 20 King St., Clinton November 28/84 - January 9/85 (Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) (omit January 2/84) SHEEP MANAGEMENT LUCKNOW - Lucknow & District Community Centre November 28/84 - February 6/85 (Wednesday evenings 7:30 - 10:30) p.m.) MITCHELL - Town Hall, 169 St. David St., Mitchell November 20 - December 18/84 (Tues. evenings 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FERGUS - Board Room, OMAF (For Beginning Farm Assistance Program) December 1 1 , 13, 18 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. STRATFORD - Board Room, OMAF, 413 Hibernia St., Stratford November 15 - December 13/84 (Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) WINGHAM - Farm Information Centre, 317 Josephine St., Wingham November 26 - January 17/85 (Mondays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) DUNGANNON - Agricultural Hall, Dungannon November 27 - January 17/85 (Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. HOWICK - Howick Community Centre November 28 - January 17/85 (Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) CENTRALIA COLLEGE - Huron Hall November 29 - January 17/85 (Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) INTRODUCTORY FUTURES WINGHAM - Farm Information Centre, 317 Josephine St., Wingham November 15 - December 20 (Thursday evenings 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.) CENTRALIA COLLEGE - Huron Hall November 26 - January 14 (Monday evenings 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.) UNDERSTANDING AGRICULTURAL MARKETING WINGHAM -Farm Information Centre, 317 Josephine St., Wingham November 7 - December 12 (Wednesday evenigns 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.) WOMEN'S FARM MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RELATIONS AILSA CRAIG - Craigweil Gardens Ocober 9 - April 2 (Tuesday evenings 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.) ONE DAY WORKSHOP Fee for day is 510.00 (including lunch) EVERYTHING YOU KNEAD TO KNOW ABOUT MAKING BREAD Centralia College, Room 110, Middlesex Hall Saturday, October 20 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. THE PLEASURES OF YOUR FOOD PROCESSOR Centralia College, Room 112, Middlesex Hall Saturday, November 3 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. TO REGISTER FOR THESE COURSES: Phone Continuing Education, Centralia College (228-6691) or your area OMAF Office - 4:00 p.m.) Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food