Times Advocate, 1984-09-26, Page 12Want modifications to reduce complaints
Groups discuss Burgerfest with view to chang�s
Burgerfest will continue to
be held as long as some
modification is taken.
At a regular meeting of the
planning board, Tuesday, a
lengthy discussion about the
happenings at Burgerfest '84
took place in the village
chambers. Members from the
Chamber of Commerce were
invited and all nine members
of the planning committee
were present.
Chamber president Gene
Grenier addressed the
meeting and continued with
his plans for Burgerfest '85.
There will be the usual bed
and waiter races and beauty
contest, with a slight reduc-
tion in advertising from '84,
he said. The beer tent will be
in the same location as there
is a large investment in the
fence and electrical panel,
provided by the Chamber.
Bruce Woodley told the
group that this year there
were a larger number of com-
plaints with letters to back
them up. Reeve Bob Sharen
quickly assured everyone that
they were not against
Burgerfest, as it's a good
money raiser for the village;
but "we want to stress some
Ed lskauskas asked why
the chamber was so opposed
to moving the beer tent to
another location! It was sug-
gested that a large area of
land in Stephen north of the
village, (night be rented for
the three-day event. Nick
Carter. advertising and pro-
motion chairman for the
chamber, answered
Iskauskas, that they didn't
want to tamper with
something successful.
Mel Douglas, chamber
member, confessed that he
hasn't cared about Burgerfest
for years. although he hasn't
complained, because it brings
in a lot of revenue. He advises
his clientelle to book their
stay fora less noisy time. Itis
Lakeview accommodations
are located east of Gov't Rd.
almostacross from where the
beer tent is located on the
"Would it be possible to
tone down the music to
something of a mixed varie-
ty?" asked Doreen Seguin''
Grenier replied that they plan
to rent the new Legion for
dancing to a hand for an older
The meeting adjourned
with an agreement for all to
get together to make
Burgerfest '85 a better one for
everyone concerned. keeping
in mind about leaving a good
image for Grand Bend.
Remember its only one
weekend out of the whole
season! People do have a
choice and as Grenier ex-
plained the chamber is pro-
viding some good ones.
Present petition
At the Grand Bend council
meeting last Monday night,
councillor Bruce Woodley
presented a petition with over
100 natnes requesting access
to the main beach area for the
boating public.
Joe Nader, PLA member
attending the meeting, told
council that boaters feel like
second class citizens who are
unable to enjoy the main
beach. Many boaters need a
place for their children to
swim close to shore. He went
on to say that the last 200 feet
at the north end of the main
beach could be used as this
area is used less by
"People in boats spend a lot
of money in Grand Bend and
also prolong the season in our
village." Nader commented.
Reeve Bob Sharen said they
would make a decision and
went on to say that wind -
surfers have an area cleared
for thein and are just as
dangerous to the public.
Council will deal with both
issues separately.
Plans to pave River Road
this fall were changed to have
Gov't Rd. done instead.
Village foreman Jack
Stanlake informed council
that it would be better to pave
River Road after the harbour
work was completed, not
before. Stanlake will obtain
prices from Lavis Contrac-
tors. The project is included
in this year's budget. .
In correspondence, Clerk
Dianne Mollard read a letter
from a St. Thomas resident.
who was upset by receiving a
parking ticket this summer.
She was paying the fine
because it was too far to
travel to court. but slated that
there were no signs posted.
Mollard will inquire as to
where the violation took
place. so that others will not
he discouraged in returning to
Grand Bend for the same
In another letter from the
Township of Stephen. they
agreed to help purchase a
new tanker for the GB fire
department, if they could
share the cost. Sharen said
that Bosanquet Twp. do not
want to share any of the cost.
The brief meeting adjourn-
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ed after one hour so council will be at Clara Hamilton's
could finish with an in- home.
camera session.
Coffee Hour
Fourteen ladies were out
for the Bible study at Nita
Sinclair's home, Tuesday
morning in Southcott Pines.
The lesson on persecution
from the Beatitude in Mat-
thew 5:10 was finished, led by
Nita. Doris Peebles closed the
hour with prayer. Next
week's meeting for October 2
Sunday, Rev. Campbell
spoke on Hope from John
19:25-30 at Church of God. If
Peter was quick to defect, he
was swift to re-enlist, but
could Jesus forgive him one
more time. Jesus opened up
the flood gates of heaven. We
too can be forgiven.
Marilyn MacGregor sang a
medley of songs. From Oc-
tober 3-7 the congregation will
mark the 35th anniversary of
the Church of God building,
erected in 1949, under the
leadership of Rev. Glen
Rev. Vince Guerra, former
drug addict and gang
member in New York city,
will be the guest speaker He
is married to Ruth, daughter
of Rev. Beach.
United Church
On Sunday morning,
Robert Southcott was the door
PIONEER BAKING — Grades 3 and 4 pupils of Grand Bend Public School are learn-
ing the art of breadmaking from Mary Morrice. Holding some of the ingredients
for the whole wheat loaf ore Derek Twynstro, John walker, Heather Steckle and
Lisa Turnbull.
and district news
Lynne Desjardine
Gemologist instructs
WI on jewellery care
On Thursday of last week, coloured gemstones as his call, the girls reported on
the Grand Bend Institute met topic and told the group that their breakfast recipe and
in the United Church base- many gems come in many "Breakfast Bingo". Then
menta They opened with the varieties of tones and from they broke up into pairs and
singing of the Institute Ode, many countries. A few are did their body fat
followed by the Mary Stewart Russia, South Africa and composition. -
Collect. President, Nola Canada. A discussion of diets and
Taylor, presided for the Mike told the ladies that Canada's Food Guide follow
business. hard and soft gems should be ed. We learned that for
It was decided that the In- kept separately and should be teenagers, it is better to con-
stitute would supply coffee wiped clean after each wear- trol our weight by exercise,
and cookies for those atten- ing. Of course, they should be rather than severe food
ding the music concerts this cleaned and checked by a restrictions. A good will,
season. A bake table will be jeweller occasionally. so they teaches you new, improved
set up for the Farmer's can be handed down to grand- eating habits. Then we made
Market on Saturday, October children and become freezable sandwiches for our
heirlooms. school lunches, filled pita
Donna Lovie thanked Mike bread pockets with various
on behalf of the group and fillings of our choice.
everyone examined trays of The meeting ended with a
gems. hostesses for lunch sampling of split pea soup and
were Ahn Russell. Donna corn chowder.
Lovie and Millie Desjardine. Press Reporter - Linda
The next meeting will be on Allister.
October 18 at 7:30 with the 4-11 Bridge Play
members as guests. Wednesday evening, Ev
Horton and Joan D'Argent
won first place in the
duplicate bridge. Madelon
Wilson and Mary Ferguson
won second.
There will be no Howell
movement tonight but play
will continue next Wednes-
day. October 3.
19 members answered the
roll call by naming a piece of
heirloom or a piece of
treasured jewellery that they
Doris Bestard and Norma
Walper were named to be
leaders of a smocking class
and then Ann Russell in-
troduced the guest speaker,
Mike Anstett, gemologist,
from Anstett Jewellers.
Miketravels all over to buy
and bring back these
gemstones which are set by
their own goldsmith. Ile chose
Meeting Two
On Monday September 17.
the "Sensible Snackers" held
their second 4-11 meeting at
LoreenGill's home. President
Tracy Soldan chaired the
meeting and Tania Johnson
read the minutes. For roll
TREE PLANTING — As a bicentennial project many municipalities are planting of-
ficial trees. Grand Bend deputy -reeve Harold Green and clerk Dionne Mollard fill
in the soil around the white pine planted in the resort.
GOOD ��r�r,; NEWS!
greeter at the United Church. The seven daughters of
Rev. Peebles topic was Mrs. Jessie W:'lz, Kitchener,
"Micah's Message" with feel- staged a Lirthday party on
ing from Micah 4:1-5. Love Sunday for their mother's
justice, love mercy and walk 89th birthday, in the home of
humbly were his closing June Carte. Attending from
thoughts. The children's story Grand Bend were Evan Nan -
was entitled "Where did you Carrow and Lenore Orr. The
get it?" a common phrase by other daughters are Dorothea
children alike. Everything Knights, Windsor; Blanche
has a source, even our Walpole, Kitchener; Mary
thoughts, he told them. Vanholla, Ottawa and Faye
Adella Gable showed her Brock, Bolton.
talent at the organ in the choir Dot and Bill Lenk, Exeter,
anthem "Follow Me" with celebrated their wedding an -
repeated chorus. niversary at the Grand Bend
Personals steak barbecue, held in the
Leaders are needed for the Legion, Saturday night.
Beavers. Leave your name at Guests with Ruth and
registration this Thursday George Crosbie, Southcott
evening if you can help! Pines, were Ethel Baisley,
Adult volleyball will be Winona and Lorne Brooks,
starting at the Public School Hamilton.
gym, tentatively on October 3 Paula and Larry Taylor,
at 8:30 p.m. Brenda and Dennis Mathers
Mrs. Fern Love arrived and Elsie and Leroy Keyes,
home Tuesday, after a two visited with Rev. and Mrs.
week holiday in Ottawa, at Harley Moore, Merlin, on
her son's, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday.
Morley Love and family. Gerald and Lynda Ebel,
A B.I.A. meeting will be Medicine Hat, visited here
held in the village hall on last weekend with friends
Wednesday, September 26 at Betty and John Campbell and
7:00 p.m. family.
Cousins visiting with Mrs. The first fall meeting of the
Susie Devine, Elgin and Elda Grand Bend Lioness will be
Adams last week, were Mrs. on Thursday, September 27 at
Sadie McConkey, Crystal Ci- 7:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to
ty, her daughter and son -in- join at this dinner meeting in
law, Ivy and Elgin Heyward the Oakwood Inn may contact
and his brother Gordon, all any Lioness member.
from Pilot Mound, Manitoba. Elmer Desjardine has
Mrs. Lillian Brown, S.C. returned home after a lengthy
Villa in Lucan, visited friends stay in Strathroy General
in Grand Bend last weekend. Hospital.
* * * * * * * * * *
Times -Advocate, September 26, 1984 Page 11
DONATION RECEIVED — President Keith Crawford ac-
cepts a cheque from Grand Bend fire chief Prosper Van-
Bruaene, to aid the resort Legion's building fund.
Legion steak feed
is huge success
A record crowd of 150 at-
tended the Legion Branch
498's steak barbecue and pub
night. Saturday. Music was
supplied by Marion Horner,
Willis Desjardine, Les Des-
jardine and Earl Stebbins.
The door prize was won by
Marj. Monteith from Sarnia.
Thanks to all who helped
make the evening an en-
joyable one, the cooks and
barbequers George, Todd and
* * 7� 1
On Tuesday September 25
mixed darts started and to-
day (September 26) at 2:00
p.m. the ladies will meet
upstairs, whichincludes lady
members and members'
wives. Dessert and coffee
There will be euchre on Fri-
day, September 28 at 8:30,
cribbage on Sunday at 2:30
and a general meeting on Oc-
tober 1 at 8:30 p.m.
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