HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-09-19, Page 16Page 4A Times -Advocate, September 19,1984 Three Links Seniors begin fall season with pot -luck The Three Links Seniors met on Thursday evening, September 11 and opened the new season with delicious pot luck supper. Following the supper, vice-president Aldeen Vol and presided for the meeting in the absence of president Hilda Payne. Rosa Harriss installed the new of- ficers for the coming year. The treasurer gave her report and the quilt commit- tee announced the quilt had been sold. Mabel Shirray reported on the shuffleboard and thanked all who had helped get it ready for the season. The meeting concluded with singing "The Queen" after which euchre was played with Mabel Shirray and Alice Ferg in charge. Winner were: Ladies' first, Nellie Riley; Ladies' second, Myrtle Sherritt; Men's first, Ruby Bell; Men's second, Dick Taylor; Lone hands, Elsie Carlile. The Fall Rally will be held in the Dashwood Community Centre on October 4 at 1 p.m. Lost Heir, crokinole and euchre will be played. There will be a registration fee of $1.50 lunch provided. Please bring Club dues to Rally. Hensall U.C. Hensall United Church was filled to capacity on Sunday morning when Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject "Bap- tism Helps us to Worship". Alf Ross greeted the con- gregation and Rod Parker, Tim Rowcliffe, Bill Stebbins and Hans Gerstenkorn were the ushers. Belva Fuss led the congregation in the ministry of music on organ. During the service children were received through the Sacrament of Baptism. Being received were Brenden Keith Buchanan, son of Kevin and Heather Buchanan; Erin Michelle Campbell, daughter of Wayne and Pat Campbell: Cecelia Marie Corbett, daughter of Steve and Janine Corbett and Kevin Charles Dickens son of Wayne and Karen Dickens. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in honour of the marriage of Gary Alderdice to Janet McIntosh; and in loving memory of Gail Sangster, placed by her mother and family; and in loving memory of John Peters, placed by his parents and family. Unit 11 Unit 2 of Hensall United Church met with Mary Good- win presiding and opened with a welcome and prayer. Dorothy Corbett gave a thought-provoking devotional on "Our Leaning Places". We tend to lean on our excuses in- stead of standing tail, bearing our full weight and living life to the fullest. Roll Call was answered with a current event of in- terest, one was a recent letter from Dr. Bridgeman in Zaire who had received Hensall UCW's parcel of baby clothes, etc. Kay Mock reminded us of the General UCW meeting October 1 when we will have a guest speaker from Five Oaks on Leadership Develop- ment. October 11 is the Regional UCW meeting at Zurich. Helen McLean brought CHAMPION BAKING — The Hensall Hi-Lites, winners of the B champion girls slow pitch, had a baking booth at the Hensall community sale. Shown (from left) are Kelly Vanstone, Michelle Dayman, Louise Allan and Marg Vanstone. LOTS OF CHOICE -- Sharon Kyle (left) 011ie Cooper and Mary Jacobe display some of the items for sale at a booth at Hensall's community sale. Flower Arranging Course at The Flower Basket Hensall Ontario Starting 1,st week of October For 6 weeks $ 10.00 plus supplies Evenings only 262-2446 Closed for holidays Sept. 22 to Oct. 2 Kippen reflections by Helen Steiner Rice on the highlights of her personal life and career. Each member received a rose and a Helen Steiner rice poem to take home as a reminder of this author's poems and faith. Elva Forrest brought us many interesting pictures and highlights of their recent trip to Dawson City. Kay Mock and Grace Drummond served a delicious lunch. Carmel Presbyterian Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted worship in Carmel Church on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. his text taken from Mat- thew 7:1-2. Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you; because God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and He will apply to you the same rules you apply to others. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ. The flowers in the church were in memory of Miss Gail Sangster and John Peters. The ladies of the Church are invited to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich on Tuesday, September 18 at 2 p.m. PCW The PCW of Carmel Presbyterian Church met on Monday evening with Mrs. Winnie Skea in charge of the "Workshop" on promises. Mrs. Eleanor Thomson read the Scripture and Kathy Bell led in prayer. Dorothy Taylor gave the message on "Women's Participation in Africa" which was most in- teresting. Business followed. Tuesday October 9 the Fall Rally will be held at St. An- drew's Church, Stratford, with meeting at 2 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m. followed by candlelighting at 8 p.m. and Communion Service. Members were reminded of the bazaar on Saturday November 5. A letter was read from Marlene Taylor opposing the closing of the Robart School for the deaf in London. Eleanor Thomson and Marg Hoggarth served lunch. Queensway News In the past week or two we have been pleased to have several people make Queensway their new home. Moving into the resthome have been Mary Hodgert, Ex- eter, Jim Price, Hensall, Trudy Raedts, formerly of Barrie and Gertie Deeves, Hensall. Gertie's husband Asa had previously moved to the Home. We welcome each one of them here and hope they enjoy their new home. The highlight of activities on Monday was in the evening when Jim Brand and his wife and several other couples were in to lead the residents in a hymn sing as well as a sharing time after. On Tuesday morning after our daily exercise class everyone had the opportunity to get involved in crafts ac- cording to their own interests. • weddings By Margaret Hoggarth Congratulations to Lori Lovell and Derek Regier who were married on Saturday September 15 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Regier will reside in the Kippen area. We welcome Derek to the community. Garry Alderdice and Janice McIntosh were married on Saturday September 15 in Arkona United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Alderdice will reside in the Kippen area Our community extends con- gratulations to the couple and a warm welcome to .Janice Mr and Mrs. flarold Rothrock of New Castle, In- diana, visited with Mr and Mrs. Emerson Anderson While in the area they attend- ed the Steam Threshers Show HENSALL Civic Corner FIGURE SKATING, POWER SKATING, RINGETTE REGISTRATION WHERE: Hensoll Arena WHEN: Monday, September 24th, 1984 TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Please Note: Some programs have limited registration and are on a first-come, first -serve basis. Come early to register! Please register in person only. For more information contact the Town Hall at 262-2812 or the Arena at 262-3206 P J in Blyth. Kippen W.I. Reminder to the Kippen East Women's Institute ladies to bring their corn stalks to the September meeting on Wednesday September 19 at the home of Thea Wisch. These stalks are to be judged for the tallest. 4-11 news The first meeting of the Kippen 4-11 Fitness Fare club was held at the home of leader Margaret Hoggarth at 7:30 p.m. on Thtirsday September 13. We began the meeting by discussing the re- quirements of the club. The book work was then started, and we later took a break to cook the recipe for the meeting. corn bread with sausages All members par- ticipated in the preparation Club officers were decided. They are as follows: Presi- dent - Tara Savage Vice- president - Diane Vanneste, secretary - Jane Papple, and press reporter - Janet Hoggarth. We sampled the recipe and ended our meeting with the 4-11 pledge_ Our next meeting will be Thursday September 20 at the home of leader Pen- ny Savage at 7:30 p.m. Kippen United Church Pastor Don -Moffat presided in the pulpit of St. Andrew's on Sunday September 16_ Mary Moffat accompanied the hymns at the organ. Pastor Don Moffat's sermon was based on "Pimples? Pressures, and Problems' expounding on the stresses and problems of young people today. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee of Sacramento, California were visitors at the church. Mr. Bownlee's parents were former storekeepers in Kip - pen. They left the area in 1921. They are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary by touring North America. In the afternoon, Rev. Stan McDonald conducted our weekly church service. Along to assist him on the piano was Vera Ross. On Wednesday afternoon a - movie entitled "Morning on the Lievre" was viewed by the residents. A very pictures- que view of this river which flows for 200 miles through Quebec was shown. In the evening several ladies from the Zurich Mennonite Church were in to join the residents in a game of bingo. On Thursday a trip to the London Fair was planned. Due to the rainy weather we never made it to the Fair. Dinner was enjoyed at McDonald's and a round- about drive home through Parkhill and Grand Bend was made. To end off the week's ac- tivities and old-tyme singsong was held on Friday afternoon. Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Jack Lowe who celebrated his birthday this past week. Horticultural (;roup Meets The meeting of the Hensall and Area Horticultural Socie- ty was held Monday night at Hensall Public School with president Mrs. Kathy Mann presiding. Kathy welcomed everyone and read a poem "September". On Monday, October 1a bus trip will be going to the Yarns Tralee, Listowel, touring the cheese factory, lunching at the Stone Crock and travell- ing through the Amish coun- tryside. It will leave Hensall United Church at 8:00 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. Total cost: $21.00. Anyone wishing to go please let Eileen Rannie know by September 20. Guest speaker Penny Wat- son from Country Flowers was introduced by Eileen Rannie. She arranged a "Harvest Basket" and donated it for a draw. She was thanked by Victor Knipp. Several draws were made by Sheila Reaburn. A moment's silence was observed in memory of Don Rozendal, who was an avid hor- ticulturalist. The meeting closed with a poem "A Time For All Things" followed by a plant exchange and refreshments. Personals Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Waterloo spent last Wednes- day with her mother Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the wedding of her grand- daughter Miss Pamela Mickle to Mr. David O'Brien in London at St. Luke's In The Garden, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhodes, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle, Ridgetown were guests last Thursday with their aunt Mrs. Laird Mickle and cousins Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mickle, Exeter. Pallbearers at Gail Sangster's funeral were Julian Bayley, Adrian Bayley, Bill Taylor, David Bannister, Peter Pryde and John Maurer. Flower bearers were Ed Johns, Robbie Sangster, Eric Campbell and Christopher Smitchen. Shawn James Fraser, five week old son of Jack and Lin- da (Keys) Fraser, Maxville, died at Ottawa Children's Hospital, September 8. Sur- viving besides his parents are brothers Mark and Matthew, grandparents Mrs. Mary Fraser, Dunvegan and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys, Hen- sall. The funeral was held September 10 from the Max- ville Funeral Home with in- terment in Dunvegan Cemetery. FOR BLOCK PARENTS — Ann Rose (left) and Susan Campbell display some of the baking at the Block Parents booth at Hensall's community sale. More than 40 people have signed up with Block Parents, which has received a great deal of support locally. .41W-0M3.d%L%k For your convenience The Birch Tree Hensall Will be open Sunday Starting Sept. 30th - Dec. 23rd 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Gifts for all occasions Something for everyone 262-2029 - CO.OP MAKE lifilSfl.ripplICT CO-OP DISTRI PROPANE Pictured with the 7600 gallon delivery truck are Butch Desjardine, Propane Manager and Bob Oesch, Driver PROPANE DELIVERY FOR • Farm Drying • Carburation • Home & Farm Building Heating • Industrial & Commercial Heating Licensed personnel for installations For any further information ask for BUTCH DESJARDINE 262-3002 Everyone welcome to shop CO -OR.. Quality products ... competitivel NENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Hensall 262-3002, 1-800-265-7097 p� p