HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-09-19, Page 15Riddell claims TimbreII action compromises Federation
The reputation of the On-
tario Federation of
Agriculture is being com-
promised by the present
Limited has put up $23,000 in
money for the Market
attle Division, Royal
Agricultural Winter Fair, of-
ficials of The Fair announced
today. The sum is the largest
amount of money donated in
this country for a cattle show.
Hockey superstar, Bobby
Hull, will present the grand
champion market steer
award. The prize money will
be divided among the nine
open steer classes, the two
carcass classes and the three
group classes.
The Royal will be held
November 8 through
November 17, Royal Col-
iseum, Exhibition Place.
Minister of Agriculture
claims Huron -Middlesex
MPP Jack Riddell.
"Farmers across the pro-
vince - indeed all Ontarians -
will, l aih sure, share my con-
cern that an independent non-
political organization such as
the OFA is being used by the
Minister for his own personal
and political purposes," he
Riddell continued, "The
primary purpose of the Agri -
food media tours sponsored
jointly by the OFA and the
Ministry of Agriculture is an
attempt by the Minister to
enhance his foundering image
in the farming community.
Why else would he totally re-
ject, as he has done, the
legitimate request that Op-
position Agriculture Critics
should accompany the tour.
"If the purpose of the tour
is truly to promote the
agriculture industry on On-
tario, why would my presence
and that of the other Opposi-
tion Critic, hamper that ob-
jective? What is the
Minister's hidden agenda? It
is all too clear. Political and
personal ambition.
"The presence of represen-
tatives from all three political
parties would undoubtedly
enhance the credibility of the
tour, and would add to the ex-
pertise which is so vitally
necessary in dealing with the
very fundamental and serious
problems which confront our
"In refusing point blank to
permit Ontario's legislative
agriculture critics to accom-
pany the Agri -Food tours, the
Minister is identifying the
project as nothing more than
a political exercise, designed
to distract attention from his
abject failure to address the
The new Kongskilde plows.
Designed and built in Canada
for your farm conditions.
• 1 •
problems of Ontario's
agriculture industry.
"The Minister does a
disservice to all the farmers • manipulation o1 the Ontario intend to meet with those
in this province with his Federation of Agriculture is a farmers who have been serv-
political games, of which this particularly crass example. ed with notices of foreclosure
a 1 One last question... Does he by their banks?
Flrsihlhts cath a choice of interchangeable fully automatic trips or
e , nomrc.+t double spring trips
New and innovative oval
bridge design adds main
frame strength while
minimizing deadweight.
A standard retractable
rear bottom lets y,w
keep plowing in very wet
or very dry soils.
Easy adjustments
let you fine-tune
furrow width from
12 to 18 inches and
adapt to your tractor
wheel settings.
Efficient ho5tom
design -
Sharp approach betocen
the share point and the
Iandside, give good
penetration and Cass
pulling for high
performan: e.
Available in fully
mounted, semi -mounted
and trail plow models with
many more feamres.•
Pomo. and lendsrdes arc
reversible 1.0 longer Irk
11,., ori. err made „t .15
rcpla:rahle somp''0
h,r more esonomt.al
In•turrow tail wheel adds
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plowing close to fences.
,4 vet 100 years of plow design experience goes into every Kongskilde plow.
'Features may car, by model.
Sales and Service - Repair
Phone 236-4934 236-4321
22 Main St.. Zurich
TOP LAMB — Stephen Township termer Gerald Dear-
ing, RR 1 Exeter, showed the top market lamb at the
Western Fair. The animal was purchased by Norwich
Packers for a price of $10 a pound.
Seeking candidates
for conservation title
The Huron Soil and Crop
Improvement Association is
looking for landowners and
tenants who have managed
their farms to conserve soil,
water, and other natural
resources through various
conservation practices. The
Soil and Crop Improvement
Association is recognizing
such individuals with the Nor-
man Alexander Conservation
Award. Established in 1980,
the award named after Nor
man Alexander for his work
in conservation has recogniz-
ed individuals John Hazlett,
Don Lobb, Whyte Brothers,
and Bert Visscher.
Agents For
Bean Producers
Marketing Board
We Are
0/ 1/ I \/)//V,
*White Pea Beans
3Pits -
EQ( 7P.111:,VT
I PPR1:•(7:1 TED. 1). If •E 11111. STRIVE TO
1/ I.171/Ill: FOUR RETURN
1.S Ifl:11.11'F_INTHE PAST.
( 519) 232-4449
(519) 232-4447
The Great Canadian
Bean Company Inc.
R R 1, Aliso Craig
Ontario, Canada NOM 1A0
The Association is current-
ly seeking nominations for the
award and over the next
several weeks will be visiting
nominees to select the reci-
pient of the award in 1984.
I know there are many
deserving individuals in
Huron who could be
nominated for the award. If
you know of someone in your
area, I'm sure that individual
would be honoured to be
Nominations must be
received over the next couple
of weeks, since selection for
the award is done in
We would be pleased to
receive your nomination at
the Clinton Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food
Brian Hall, Farm
Management Specialist
lets award
Tenders for the Lagerwerf
drain from L.H. Turnbull
and Son Ltd. for $5960.00 for
the open portion and Robin-
son Farm Drainage for
$13,563.00 for the closed por-
tion were accepted by
McGilliv ny Township Coun-
cil at the September meeting.
Council approved the pur-
chase of a hot water pressure
washer for the road depart-
ment and a water pump and
generator for use by the
water department.
Plans for a sign at the
Township office were approv-
ed. The sign, to be placed
near the parking area adja-
cent to the road, will note the
year in which the township
was incorporated and the
location of the offices. In ad-
dition a white pine com-
memorating the bicentennial
will be planted.
Building permits for the
months of August and
September totalled
Construction projects on
concession SWCR, concession
four and Ptsebe sideroad are
nearly completed.
A grant to the North Mid-
dlesex Minor Hockey Associa-
tion was approved on the
same basis as other
The Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing have sug-
gested to council that
McGillivray Township
change to tax payments on a
quarterly basis. Council have
opposed the suggestion but
may be forced to consider this
proposal for the 198.5 taxes.
Council were advised that
in order for any ratepayer to
receive the farm tax rebate
they must have paid 60 per-
cent of their property tax.
This change from 50 percent
to 60 percent was made after
this year's tax bills were set
Colored beans g e t
'82 subsidyp Y a ment
Agriculture Minster Ralph calculated to be $372.56 per
Ferguson has announced a tonne.
$4.5 million stabilization pro- "This means producers are
gram for the 1982 colored entitled to a deficiency pay -
bean crop, just prior to leav- ment of $200.88 per tonne,"
ing his post. Ferguson said.
"Because colored beans are
marketed individually by pro-
ducers, delays occurred in
getting the market informa-
tion needed to determine
whether assistance was
"However, now that we
have established a deficiency
payment, the federal govern-
ment is making every effort
to see producers get money as
quickly as possible," the
Minister said.
Claim forms will be mailed
before the end of September
to producers. Forms will also
be available in offices of
Agriculture Canada's
Regional Development
Branch, Food Production and
Inspection Branch and the
Farm Credit Corporation,
provincial extension offices or
directly from the Agricultural
Stabilization Board.
Colored beans receiving
this assistance include pintos,
black turtle, white and red
kidney beans, cranberry and
great northern.
"About 1,200 producers,
mainly in Ontario, Manitoba
and Alberta, faced depressed
prices for their 1982 crops,"
Ferguson said.
"This was caused by weak
export demands and surplus
supplies- on international
markets that drove prices
down world-wide."
A support price of $573.44
per tonne was calculated by
the department's
Agricultural Stablilization
Board. This represents 90 per-
cent of the five-year average
market price adjusted for in-
creases in production costs.
The average price for col-
ored beans in 1982 was
Times -Advocate, September 19,1984
Pogo 3A
BRINGING IN THE BAKING — Bertha McGregor (left)
and Dorothy Parker bring some baking to the Rebekahs'
booth at the Hensall community sale.
The Westeel-Rocco
Agri -System —
designed to
grow with
your needs
Your new Area
Dealer for
Storage and Hop-
per Bottom Bins
Call us for all your
material handling
and storage needs
Dougall Construction
Exeter 235-1281
You Can Deal With Confidence
Deliver your White Beans to
Ken R. Campbell & Sons Ltd., Seaforth Ontario
Howson & Howson Ltd., Blyth Ontario
Hutton Farm Supplies, Wellburn Ontario.
Are also white bean receiving satellites for Thompson's
Fast - Efficient - Service
New for Fall 1983 from Thompson's
Own Nyland Seed Research Division
Insist On
• Purity
• Top germination
• Disease free
Augusta Seed Wheat
Houser Seed Wheat
For increased yields and winter hardiness
Sow the above varieties and be sure
Fredrick Seed Wheat is also available
For larger growers "Bulk Cert Seed" is available
Custom Fertilizer Spreading
Soil analysis: Fertilizer recommendations film a
qualified staff
- gam
Hensall Mitchell Granton Ailsa Craig Port Albert
262-2527 348-8433 225-2360 . 293-3223 529-7901