HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-09-19, Page 13Eight Queen contestants Wide variety of activities planned for 1984 Exeter Fair The focus will be on corn for the 1984 edition of the Exeter Fall Fair set for the Exeter fairgrounds this coming weekend. The fair will be officially opened Friday night at 7:30 p.m. by Ken Patterson, chair- man of the Ontario Grain Corn Council. Following the opening ceremonies, area municipal officials will engage in a corn eating contest. Featuring the entertain- ment program Friday night in the South Huron Rec Cen- tre auditorium will be Earl and Martha Heywood. The Heywood's who are natives of the Exeter and Zurich area will also be in the parade Saturday noon and ap- pearing at the Rec Centre Saturday afternoon. Earl started his career with the Earl Heywood Serenade Ranch Boys radio show on CKNX in Wingham which was very popular in the 1950's. His latest recording which is available only in cassettes is actually the original sound tracks of the Serenade Ranch show. During the Friday night show, Miss Exeter Fair 1984 will be crowned by last year's winner Alice Dietrich. At the same time winners in the various Queen and Princess contests for baking and sew- ing will be announced. The fair queen crown is a new one provided by Ellison Travel. Saturday's events get underway early in the morn- ing with an Arabian horse show at 9 p.m. followed by a youth and amateur owner horse show at 10:80 a.m. and the 4-H horse and pony com- petition beginning a half hour later: At 1 p.m. a full afternoon of activities gets underway in the Rec Centre auditorium. In addition to entertainment by the Heywoods, the South Huron District High School student council will present a puppet show and fashion show will be sponsored by Perry's Orginlals. Alto on the program will be films on the corn industry and craft demonstrations on corn husk flowers, quilting and rug hooking. At 4 p.m. an auction sale will be held of the first three prize winners in four divisions of baked goods. Going on the auction block will be the best chocolate cakes, homemade bread, old fashioned apple pie and muf- fins made with grated rutabagas. The best chocolate cake in the local fair will be entered in the national Robin Sher- wood birthday cake national contest and a chance to win a trip to Sherwood Forest in England - Outdoor demonstrations Saturday will include a corn shelter, corn cutter and corn planter and auto extrication methods by the Exeter fire department. The feeder calf club sale will be held at 3 p.m. Satur- day afternoon with 13 prized animals up for auction. Saturday night, Country Born will provide the music for the annual fair dance. Sunday afternoon the Ex- eter Kinsmen and Optimists clubs will be sponsoring an auto and recreational vehicles show. Saturdays' parade will form at the SHDHS grounds, and head west to the corner of Gidley and Andrew streets, then south to Huron west to Main Street up to Victoria and to the fairgrounds. LORI KERSLAKE SH Junior farmers Ames - Serving South Huron, North Middlesex September 19,1984 ��� � �yr, ;.yf r1�11^i :q t� i1 �. •.• • • KAREN JOHNS Bayfield Rec Sales dvocate & North Limbton Since 1873 PagelA Focus on Corn feature of women's and male sections By Mrs. Mac Hodgert President, 11'omen's Division Come one, come all - This is Exeter fair week - Bicenten- nial year 1984. Corn, one of the staple seeds first sown by our ancestors, is the focus pro- duct mentioned in several specials in the Homecraft (Ladies and Men division!. All articles for indoor com- petition are to be in the showroom before 12 o'clock noon on the first day of exhibi- tion September 21 and remain there until 4:30 second day of the fair, September 22. In the foyer is the flower section. See this colourful display. There is an arrange- ment suitable for Bicenten- nial year, an entry for men only - a green potted plant. Many enticing specials on pages 57-59 inc. If Jay Camp- bell mentions frost temperatures, cover your out- door blooms. The Home Department has new specials. One is 'Busy Bee" - a piece co-ordinating ensemble. The quilts make a great showing bring your hand made articles - afghans, sewing, knitting - bring them all - we'll be happy to display them. In the Junior sewing department a skirt and a quilted article are special features. Fine Arts and Crafts have a section "Focus on Corn". Hope you have fun moulding the husks into beautiful pieces of art. For the woodworking hobbyists, enter your projects into this enlarged section no. 25 and note the special on page 6. Junior Arts and ('rafts have specials in Calligraphy-, corn and related snapshots in ad- dition to the 10 sections in class 55. The Organization. Women's Institute and 4-11 displays add interest and create conversa- tion. Much work goes into these exhibits. you'll enjoy them. A brand new class for this year No. 63. namely -On- tario's Bicentennial Special" is on page 82 Bring your items for section • 1 15; and add to this furnished kitchen. There may he some things you cherish and we'll be hap- py to show them. Are you artistic' Try your frac hand in painting and s:: itching see page 61 And bring your favourite prints and pictures. Show them, we like to see them There is space in the amateur and ad- vanced categories. A special educational fruit and vegetable class on page 80 features three staple fonds and their by-products: pum- pkin, corn, potato Sit awhile Saturday after- noon in the auditorium. Tea and cookies will be served by Exeter Brownies and Girl Guides. Entertainment at various times by Martha and Earl Heywood. films on corn and a puppet show. Demonstrations on corn husks, rug hooking, and quilting, and dried flowers. Time to see the activities our pioneers enjoyed. Don't miss the fashion show at 2;15 p.m. by Perry Originals. The Domestic Specials on pg. 74 to 79 inclusive are wor- thwhile. Breads, pickles, jams, pies, cakes. muffins and more, they're all here. 1 Bring your goodies to the fair. The prize winning baked goods will be auctioned at 4 p.m. Saturday. Proceeds donated to Huron County Christmas Bureau. Golden Agers look for class 62 on page 81. There is no en- try fee. There are ten sections to ente•' your hand work and a flower special on page 59 for a houseplant. I'm looking for many entries. Congratulations will be in order for our new queens of Baking, sewing, arts and crafts and flowers, and to the princesses of jr. baking and sewing. The junior baking princess receives a brand new crown, also, chosen and donated by Dorothy Balsdon. There will be a new queen of Exeter Agricultural Socie- ty picked Friday evening of the fair. Alice Dietrich our queen for 1983-84 represented us well. We are proud of you! The new queen will wear a spanking new crown donated by Ellison Travel. Be sure you have your ticket on the ladies draw. First prize is a quilt, quilted by the ladies; second prize, an afghan; and third prize a needlework picture framed in a hoop. Draw at the fair dance Saturday. Thanks to the community for the volunteer help, dona- tions and gifts. Your support is appreciated. Sincere thanks to all. See you at the fair. President's message By president Gord Jones On behalf of the board of directors of the Exeter Agriculture Society, I would like to invite everyone to at- tend the Exeter Fair this weekend. Gates open Friday night at 6:30 with the official opening at 7:30 o -m. The theme this year is "Corn" and many attractions are planned including a "Corn Eating Contest" involving local government representatives. Regular features include "Queen of the Fair Contest". crowning of the Sewing. Bak- ing, Flowers. Arts and Crafts Queens and Princesses and local talent. Friday night's program will be highlighted with Earl and Martha Heywood formerly of CKNX Winghatn. New features Saturday are the Arabian horse Show. Canadian Goat Society Show. a display of antique corn equipment in operation and a different parade route. Pleasenote that all parade entries are to assemble. at the high school parking lot. Don't miss the feeder calf club auction at 3 p.m. An auc- tion sale of prize winning bak- ed goods at 4 p.m. gives pro- ceeds to the Huron County Christmas Bureau. A dance concludes the day with the band "Country Born" - A Car and Recreational Vehicle Show organized by the Exeter Kinsmen and Op- timist club is planned for Sun- day afternoon. See you at the fair. Crop results Results have been released in the white bean and soy- beans division of field crops for the Exeter Fall Fair. White Beans: Don Kerslake 87; Raymond Cann 86; Tom Triebner 83; Passmore Farms 82; Bruce Shapton 81; Brian Pym 79; Brad Cann 78; Pete Tuckey 77; Cliff flicks 76; Gerald Johns 75; Bevan Shapton 74; Ilugh Rundle73; and Ken Oke 72. Soybeans: Murray Dawson 95; Pete Tuckey 90; Alan Rundle 88; Alan !tern 87; Rene VanBruwaene 86; Passmore Farms 85; Ernie Miller 84: Gerald Dearing 83; Brad Cann 82; Bob Parsons 81; Jim Morlock 81; Emerson Penhale 80; Howard Pym 79; Raymond Cann 78; Rohl Down 76 and Ken Oke 74 TO ENTERTAIN Recording star Earl Heywood and his wife Martha will perform at the Exeter Fair Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Included in their program will be acts of magic. T -A photo MICHELLE DURAND Concept II JACQUI COTTRELL Royal Trust and Real Estate LISA BOONE MacLean's CHERYL DOWSON Ellison Travel IRENE BRAND Ironwood Golf Club JAYNE HENDRICK Coalman Real Estate OUR SALE OF THE SE We're celebrating our 10th anniversary by offer- ing what we feel are the best values you'll find anywhere on quality men's fashions. We have just received several shipments of our new fall selection. Chose from the largest selection in the county at prices we guarantee you won't beat anywhere. Sale Ends Saturday Doorbuster Harvey Woods Socks (irregulars) 3 pr. $695 Harvey Woods Underwear (irregulars) $699 3 pr. New for Fall Tweed Para Suede Blazers Up to size 50 Now Sport Jackets $149.95 Reg. to $175 20% off Sale $99" to 1110 $119" t0 $139's Cord Sport Jackets Reg. $9995 $149.95 Sale Open Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00 SWART M'AN'S OF EXETER ti