HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-09-12, Page 221
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Real Estate and antiques for Lewis
and Elnora Raycraft (moved t o
Lucan). Approx. '/s mi. North of
Clandeboye on East side of No. 4
Sat. September 22 at 12 o'clock
• REAL ESTATE: consists of approx. one acre lot
known as Lots 17 and 18, plan 180, small 1
F. • frame cottage, workshop and storage shed,
• good well.
TERMS 10%. Balance in 30 days, subject to a
• very moderate reserve bid. Property to be of24
8 fF.ered at 1 o'clock.
ANTIQUES, ETC: large amount of antique
a tools, some furniture, i.e. chairs, cupboards,
• tool boxes, crocks, dishes, 1 year old sump
pump, electric water heater, tap and dies, etc.
FE TERMS: cash, Lunch available.
= =
Bud McIver
Ontario Auction Ser--'-- =
a 227-4111, Lucan 8
Page 10A
Times -Advocate, September 12,1984
16 f or Sole
WOOD - $5.00 a top, cut your
own. Phone 236-4640. 36-38'
long. Asking $600.00. Phone
235-1497. 36tfn
PROPANE refrigerators. Eight
used Servet, medium to large size.
Some used pans. Propane kitchen
ranges. Special on new
refrigerators. Abraham Martin,
Linwood. (519) 698-2289._37x
machines. Quality tools, lowest
prices. Bandsaws, table saws,
jointers, planers, metal/wood
lathes, many more. Free
catalogue: Busy Bee Machine
Tools Ltd., 18 Basaltic Road,
Concord, Ontario. L4K 1G6. Ph.
(416) 738-1292. 37x
GARAGE SALE - Sat. Sept. 15,
%: mile north of Ailsa Craig
(Queen St. N.) 9-5. Paint,
clothing, glasses, hair dryers,
small organ, books, chesterfield
and chair, :085 Ferguson tractor,
two furrow plow, harrows, two
snowmobiles. 37c
16 For S(lle
Ducharme Orchards
RR 2 Zurich
236-4755 or
three point hitch; small trailer;
dump trailer. Phone 237-3724
Triebner's Machine Shop. 36tfn
HAY - 3rd cut standing alfalfa
and timothy, 21 acres. Yielding
over 106 bales per acre first cut.
Available Sept. 15 -20th. Phone
293-3153. 37:38c
STROLLER, car seat, winter
down -hill skis and boots, ladies
size 8. Phone 229-6787. 37'
PiNG-PONG TABLE - one fold -
up, one 5000 BTU Sunbeam
kerosene heater in excellent con-
dition. Phone 235-1885 after 5
p.m. 37c
For Rent
Two bedroom apartment in fall, 1984
$328.00 per month includes heating,
cable TV, stove and refrigerator.
Phone 5D Realty Ltd.
c/o Joe Darling
235-2208 for application
Building Lots
For Sale
Darling Subdivision
65' frontage with 125' depth. Ful-
ly serviced on paved street.
Builder available. Last chance
before spring 1985
$19,500 each
Machine Shop
We also service and repair small
engines and tractors
(Including diesel)
Open 6 days
1 concession north of Exeter
Real Estate Auction Sale
School house property to be held for Lily
Waghorn, 1 V. miles east and '% mile north of
Kippen Ont.
Monday Evening 24 at 7 p.m.
Property known as Part of Lot 18 and Part of
Lot 19, Concession 3 London Rood, Survey
Tuckersmith Township. Lot size 165 x 132 ft.
more or less. Property consists of brick school
house w/basement converted to home with kit-
chen cupboards, 3 piece bathroom, oil furnace,
electric water heater. Grounds are well kept
with mature trees surrounding the property.
TERMS: 10% down evening of sole, balance due
in 30 days being offered subject to a very
reasonable reserve bid. For information and
viewing of property phone
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
Clinton 482-7898
Evening Auction Sale
Antiques, Limoges, Bridal Wreath dishes, fur-
niture, appliances etc. to be held at the Hen-
sall Arena Hensall Ont. for Mrs. Alma Horton.
Wed., Sept. 19 at 6 p.m.
Admiral square model fridge. Maytag clothes
dryer, Admiral 30 inch electric stove 4 yrs. old,
floor model stereo, Singer portable -sewing
machine, vacuum cleaner, Kerosene heater
(new), antique dresser w oval mirror, sectional
antique bookcase w glass fronts, fancy anti-
que dresser, fancy antique bonnet chest
w/mustache pulls, 2 door washstand, ward-
boke w /drawers, hall tree, dining table w/2
leaves, 4 matching chairs and hutch, mantel
clock, wicker rocking choir, wicker arm chair,
modern chesterfield and chair, chrome table
and 4 chairs, cord table and 4 chairs, 2 con-
single beds, 4 matching pressback
chairs, '. size bed w mattress, bedroom suite
single steel bed w/mattress. Knee hole dresser
and stool, single door wardrobe, lorge pine
blanket box, gramophone working, records, 2
trunks, pressback orm choir, 2 copper boilers,
oil Tamp, red gloss window pane, humidifier,
electric train, 30 years old, Kerosene light,
mogazine table, plant table, 20 inch fan, 4 gal.
crock, G.I. Lazier Picton C.W. with blue bird,
swivel rocker, sod iron, lamps, pictures and
frames, linens, some bedding, large electric
roasting pan, electric heaters, fruit jars, clothes
rock, books, pressure cooker, side board bot-
tom, some crocks, picnic cooler, candy jar
w/silver lid, gos lawn mower, hond tools,
( Limoges, Bridal Wreath dishes, 5 cups, 8
saucers, 1 egg cup, 1 platter, 7 diner plates,
1 veg. dish, 2 pickle dishes, 7 fruit dishes, 7 tea
plates, 6 bread and butter, 3 cereal bowls, 1
small bowl, jam dish and saucer, 1 salt and
pepper, 1 celery dish, plus much more.
Richard Lobb 482-7898
16 101 S(lle
URINE -ERASE guaranteres
removal of urine (dog, cat, peo-
ple), stains, odors, from carpets,
regardless stain age. Free
brochure. Reidell Chemicals
Limited, Box 7500, London, On-
tario N5Y 4X8. 37x
WOOD FOR SALE. Truckloads
of slabs and edgings from our saw
miU. R.S. Dungey and Sons Ltd.
348-8477 Mitchell. 50tfn
WOOD - $45.00 cord, New Venice
Corp. Grand Bend. Phone
238-2281. fitfnc
cloths. Check it out. Dial The
Village Store, Centralia. 228-6886.
Budgie, Canary, Finch, Cockatiel.
Also Hamster food. Pat's Pet
Shop, RR 2 Dashwood. 1 mile
west of Dashwood on Highway
83. 26tfn
Open 9 a.ni. 8 p.m.
Closed Sundays
29t fnc
FINDLAY STOVE, in good con-
dition.Phone 228-6485. 37:38c
TEXT BOOKS - First year college
Basic Business. Phone 235-2815
after 6 p.m. 37tfn
TIRES - Two 12-15 LT Cat Track
S200.00; one 10-15 LT Tracker
AT S60.00; Two G60-14 LX 120's
$60.00; Two S70-14 LX 120's
$50.00; Three H78-14 snowtires
S50.00. Phone 235-0496. 37:38c
MOTORHOME, 23' Travelmate,
all steel frame, 460 Ford, dual
wheels, one owner, excellent con-
dition, 22,500 miles, S16,000. Also
small Yamaha street bike, 6,000
miles $225.00. Phone 235-1483.
GOALIE SKATES, size 7, worn
once, $20.00. Phone 235-0737.37c
CHICKENS - Oven ready, heavy
chickens. 6-9 lbs. $1.35 Ib. Phone
228-6825. 37:38c
PURE CIDER & Apples. Davies
Cider Mill and Orchard. Conces-
sion 4, Biddulph. From Exeter,
turn left at Mooresville's sideroad,
straight ahead four kilometres.
Phone 227-1142. 37-43c
GARAGE SALE - Kitchen ap-
pliances, lamps, books, plus
numerous other articles. Partial
proceeds for Exeter Encampment
and Canton I.O.O.F. 57 Anne St.
Exeter. Sale starts 9 a.m. on Sat.
Sept. 15. 37'
sleeps 8, fridge, stove, sink, closet,
two tables, cabinet, $1500.00.
Phone 262-2610 after six and
weekends. 37:38c
Janome, privately. All different
models. Call 235-1725. 37'
UNIFORMS - pant suit and dress
type, white, pink, blue, peach and
one maternity. Excellent condi-
tion. Sizes 3-6. $20.00 each. Phone
234-6303. 37'
fery. Phone 235-0387. 37c
YARD SALE - Furniture, small
appliances, dishes, some antiques,
no clothes. 20 Sherwood Cres. Ex-
eter. Saturday, Sept. 15. 37'
TENT TRAILER, Explorer with
mattresses, screen door, and at-
tached add -a -room, hydro
hookup. Phone 235-2122 after 5
p.m. 37x
WOOD SHAPER with /2" spin-
dle, % h.p. motor and moulding
head, variety of high speed steel
and carbide cutters, ball bearing
collars, excellent condition. Phone
235-2122 after 5 p.m. 37x
FRESH LAMB — the ideal treat.
Get one now for your freezer and
he ready to treat your family and
guests royally. CaII Bill Batten at
235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc
YARN — Discount Prices,
Beehive Brands, Ron's Health
Centre, Hensall. 32i Inc
17 Wanted To Buy
AREA. 3 or 4 bedroom house.
Apply in writing to Box 1 t8P, c/o
Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter,
Ont. NOM ISO. 33ifn
downdraft preferably. Phone
262-6409. 37:38c
18 Wanted
NEEDED: Farm families to host
International Agricultural trainees
April -November. Must provide
family atmosphere, room and
hoard and training allowance.
Write: Dan Hanson, Itox 1454,
Ridgetown, Ont. NOP 2(0. 37x
Moving West
284 Eastern Ave.
Sat., Sept. 15
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Antique furniture,
chairs, tables, wash
stands, dressers
and household
Sat., Sept. 15
67 Main St., Lucan
19 Properly For Sule
Exeter, currently zoned
developmental, limited access.
235-0302. 17tfnc
12'x52', one bedroom in excellent
condition. S7500.00. Phone
243-2713. 24tfn
BRICK, semi-detached, in view of
South Huron Hospital. Each half
contains 3 bedrooms, dining, liv-
ingroom, kitchen, full basement,
electric heat, front porch and
garage. Phone 235-1066 or
234-6420. 31 tfn
3 BEDROOM all -brick bungalow
in quiet residential area. Full base-
ment, built in dishwasher and car-
port. Spacious rooms, immaculate
condition. For more information
please call 235-1072. 37:38c
63 ACRES, 40 workable, 23 bush,
house, two barns, garage, all in
good condition, backing onto
river, Highway location, Crediton.
Viewing by appointment only.
Phone 234-6447. 37-40'
4 BEDROOM HOUSE, new sub-
division. Phone 236-4230.37:38c
20 Property For Rent
modern residential area. Phone
235-1706 evenings. 37tfn
STORE FOR RENT, main floor,
144'x21' two basements 114'x21',
modern front and rear entrances,
warehouse with 650 sq. ft.,
available mid October. Sid Card
(519) 842-4123. 37x
20 ACRES. Crediton area. Phone
234-6701. 37:38c
GRAND BEND, 3 bedroom
home, $275.00 per month plus
utilities. Yearly lease, no pets,
references required. P. Warner
238-2391. 37c
TWO BEDROOM apartment.
Phone Clinton Community Credit
Union Ltd. 235-0640. 34tfn
GRAND BEND - one bedroom
furnished apartment on river.
Phone 238-2180. 36:37'
ZURICH -available Dec. 1, 1984.
Two bedroom upstairs apartment.
Fridge and stove included. Call
236-4320. 36tfn
apartment, Exeter ,heated,
available Oct. I, 1984. Art Gaiser
236-7753. 36tfn
21 For Rent
portable cement mixer, Power
Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form
ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau,
Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 5t
auditorium for rentals including
weddings, meetings, banquet
room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available.
Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000.
8t fn
23 Wanted To Rent
HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc-
ed acres in Exeter area. Must have
ample water for small livestock
operation. Two-year lease or
longer preferred. Apply stating
location, rental and length of term
available to Box BAX, The Exeter
Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45tfx
RESPONSIBLE working couple
looking for house in Exeter -
Dashwood area. References
available. Phone 262-2138.33tfn
26 legol Notices
Notice to Creditors
and others
In the Estate of
Retired Falmer, Deceased
All creditor and others having
claims against the Estate of
Maurice Baldwin Morgan, late of
the City of London, in the Coun-
ty of Middlesex (formerly of the
Township of McGillivray, in the
County of Middlesex), Retired
Farmer, deceased, who died at the
said City of London on or about
the 21st day of June, 1984, are
hereby notified to send full par-
ticulars of their claims to the
undersigned Solicitors for the Ex-
ecutors on or before the 28th day
of September, 1984, after which
last mentioned date the assets of
the said Estate will be distributed
having tegard only to claims which
have then been received.
Dated at St. Marys, Ontario, this
23rd day of August, 1984.
Waghorn, Stephens
& De Young,
Box 610,
St. Marys, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
In the Estate of
BEER, deceased
All persons having claims against
the estate of Hilda Henrietta Beer,
late of the Village of Hensall,
County of Huron, who died on or
about the 17th day of February
1984 are required to file par-
ticulars of same with Elmer D.
Bell, Q.C. Solicitor, Exeter, On-
tario, by (he 22nd day of
September 1984 after which date
the estate will be distributed hav-
ing regard only to those claims of
which notice has been received.
Elmer D. Bell, Q.C.
Solicitor for the executors,
Exeter, Ontario
In the Estate of
Late of the Town of Exeter, in the
County of Huron, who died on or
about the 14th day of July, 1984.
Creditors and others having claims
against the above estate are re-
quired to file full particulars of
such claims with the undersigned
on or before September 28, 1984,
after which date the assets of the
estate will be distributed having
regard only to the claims then
Little & Evans
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
28 Auction Sales
WEDNESDAY, September 12, 10
a.m. at Orval McLean Auction
Centre, Lindsay. Gladys Thorn
Estate, Bobcaygeon. Very large
sale, antiques, collectibles, fur-
niture in rough, fine oak furniture,
9 piece walnut dining set, Royal
Doultons, China, glass, jewellery,
clocks, contents from doctor's
century home. (705) 3242783.36x
Aitchesen Electric & Plumbing Ltd.
RR 2, St. Pauls, Ontario
* Residential, commercial, industricol
Electrical wiring and plumbing
• Jacuzzi Jet and submersible pumps
Submersible pumps for 3" wells
Repairs and most makes of pumps
Soles, Service and Installation
• Water softeners and filters
For estimates and service
Phone Jack Aitcheson, 393-6551 or
Ron Webber, 229-8293
"Over _35 years of Quality Service-
* Excellent Large Estate Sale *
* Antiques, household, some im- *
* plements. For the estate of the late *
* Bruce Wright Strathroy Ont. - on *
* County Rood 39, 1 mile west of *
Strathroy - Middlesex County. *
On Friday Sept. 21,1984 *
* at 9:30 a.m. in the morning *
* This is one of the largest antique *
* sales to be held in Southwestern *
* Ont. The Wright family have been *
* collecting for over 40 years. *
. For information or viewing call *
♦c Bill Robertson 245-0979
*Viewing: Sat., Sept. 15, Sunday loth,*
♦c 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- *
ANTIQUES ETC. glassware, dishes, 2 buggies
* in good shape, old wood stoves, some pot *
* bellied, real nice, wooden and metal beds, pine
* cupboard, wash stands, platform scale, old
steel hand pumps, steel wagon and implement
Irl wheels, tin implement seats, silverware,
* numerous bottles all kinds and colours,
• dressers, choirs, desks, cream separator,
trunks, crosscut saws, small antiques, cream
• and milk cans, old Chev pickup ? as is, hand
* tools, boxes nuts and bolts.
• burner electric stove, refrigerator, deep freeze,
* automatic clothes dryer, wringer washer, elec-
tric grandfather clock, flat to wall cherry what-
* not, 2 buffets, bull front china cabinet glass 3
* sides, 8 piece antique bedroom suite made in
* Strathroy, furniture factory when it first
started, real nice, beauty shop equipment.
• IMPLEMENTS ETC. Oliver Super 66 tractor, 1959
• row crop, New Idea 7' mower, old grain binder,
* corn binder, tedder, 2 furrow pull plough,
* bench grinder with motor, old pedal horse shoe
vice, old railroad drill, doors, windows, scrap
iron, cost iron, etc.
* This is just a partial list. Plan to attend. Lunch
* wagon, terms cash. Clip for reference. Last cd.
* Executors or auctioneers ore not responsible
for accidents sole day.
Tom Robson High Filson
* 666-1967 666-0833
Denfield Ontario
* ******************
* Ensilage
* Roadways
* Cobmeal
Phone Mike Hartman
******** ***********`A'
* Estate Clearing Auction
* Of farm machinery. grain, granary
* For the Estate of
* Mr. Jack Coddington, Lot 20,
* concession 14 Downie Twp.,
* 4 mi. N. of. St. Marys,
* just west of the river
* Sat., Sept. 22 - 12:00 noon •
MACHINERY: Leland 344 diesel tractor,
Cockshutt 35 gas tractor, N.H. 616 harvester,
1 row corn head and hay head, N.H. super 25
blower and pipes, M.F. 72 pull type combine,
Owatana 29 self propelled swather, J.D. 4 row
ploteless planter with insecticides, Gehl mix -
all, M.F. No. 10 baler, tubular bale elevator,
flat racks and wagons, Case 1 row harvester,
shelter on wheels, Dion forage box with roof
and wagon, older'forage wagon and box, Gehl
forage box hardware, 12' silo unloader, two 3
pt. h. 3 furrow plows, two 3 pt. h. cult., sub
soiler, double chain elevator, M.F. crimper,
stalk chopper, J,D. weeder, J.D. mower,
trailer with dump, N.H. crimper, Cockshutt 73H
2 row corn picker, large post hole digger on
wheels, packer, snow blowers, gravity bin and
wagon, 36 plate disc, M.H. side rake, grain
auger, tedder, J.D. drill, Int. drill, bale stooker,
cutting box, old spreader, 12 x 38 duals, truck
blade, walking plow and stuffier, sap pails and
spiles, posts, wire, electric welder, air com-
pressor, 3 pt. h blade, 3 fur, drag plow,
* Franklin stove, large electric motor, horse and
* pony cutter, tools, many useful articles.
* Westeel Rosco steel grain bin, quantity of mix-
* ed grain.
* VEHICLE: 1978 Ram Charger, 4 wheel drive.
Selling as is.
* TERMS: cash sale day. Booth
* Hugh Filson Auctioneers Tom Robson
* 666-0833 666-1967 -
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Auction Sale
Of household furniture and misc.
Sat., Sept. 15, 1984 - 1:00 p.m. sharp
145 Thomas St. Exeter Ontario for
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dreyer
T.V., 12" B&W T.V., stereo cabinet, 2 pc.
chesterfield suite, 2 vinyl recliners, swivel
rocker, hostess chair, two coffee tables, end
tables, floor and table lamps, oil painting, 3
piece bedroom suite, 54" bed complete, 2-39"
beds complete, antique bed, chest of drawers,
vanity and stool, china cabinet, set of four
chairs, table and four chairs, chrome rocking
chair, one small and one large games table,
Inglis 5 cycle washer (3 months old), Speed
Queen washer spin dryer, Bradford dryer, Gib-
son 2 door fridge, Westinghouse air condi-
tioner, two dehumidifiers, Singer sewing
machine and stand, Electrolux vacuum cleaner,
elec. broom and floor polisher, Osterlizer
blender with two jars and stainless steel and
one plastic, G.E. food processor,Sunbeam mix -
master and blender attachment, popcorn pop-
per, elec. fry pan, kitchen utensils, several col-
lector plates such as Butterfly Magic, Be My
Friend, The Bedtime Story, The Skating Lesson,
Cradle of Love, Little Miss Muffet, By Myself,
Ballerina's Dilemma, Stop and Smell the Roses.
88 pc. set of dishes J.G Meakin (England), 6 pc.
setting of stoneware (27 pcs.), 8 place setting
Ironstone (England) (Pat. Rose garden), set of
8 glasses and pitcher, 12 crystal tumblers, odd
glasses, several pieces of flatware, jars and
sealers, patio set, chaise lounge and lawn
choirs, 26" Rambler mens bicycle and kickstand
(used only once), Craftman jigsaw, 3/8" elec.
drill, small drillpress, elec. grinder and stand,
elec. gluegun, Black and Decker hedge trim-
mer, weed eater, lawn seeder, lawn roller, two
weed sprayers, garden hose, some hand tools,
snow scoop, 18' alum. extension ladder, 6'
alum. stepladder, wood stepladder, 50' and
100' ext. cords, steel utility cart, 30 gol. plastic
barrel, 15 gal. oil drum, dart board and darts
and many other items.
Norm Whiting, Auctioneer
For further information call
235-1964 .or 2i8-1931
Auction Sale
Six school buses, '/4 ton van, for Huron Board
of Education, Tools, furniture, appliances for
Dorothy Kipfer plus additions at Richord Lobb's
Auction Barn, Clinton Ontario.
Sat., Sept. 22 at 10 a.m.
See next week's paper for full list.
Richard Lobb, 482-7898
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Estate Auction
Implements, real estate, furniture,
many antiques, 100 acre farm.
On Saturday, Sept. 15th 10:30 a.m.
in the morning
For the Estate of the late Mrs.
Violet Harlow, lot 1, concession 9,
Fullarton Twp., Perth County on
County Rd. 17, 41/2 miles east of
Fullarton Village, 8 mile north of St.
Marys lust off County Rd.
FARM 100 acres more or less of clay loom, 11/2
storey frame home, 4 bedrooms. Bank barn,
2 outsheds, small silo and drilled well, selling
subject to moderate reserve bid. 10% down
balance in 60 days.
IMPLEMENTS Old Pontiac sedan yr. ? as is, 7
ft. New Idea mower, Int. 32 plate double disc,
M.H. binder, 4 bar siderake, Allied bale
stooker, Int. hay loader, Allis Chalmers 3 pt.
14"-16" plough, old wagon, 2 old (Noxon)
drills, Cockshut 30 tractor, A.C. standard trac-
tor and loader, Cockshut manure spreader,
Goodison 28" x 48" thresher with shredder,
horse cutter, rubber tired wagon and rack, 2
extension ladders, 2 walking ploughs, fanning
FEED 1500 bales hay, 200 bales straw.
FURNITURE antiques, refrigerator, 4 burner
electric stove, deep freeze, cupboard, old kit-
chen table and 4 chairs, Happy Thought wood
stove, wicker chairs, arm chairs, antique din-
ing room table and 5 choirs, RCA colour TV por-
table, large flat to wall cupboard glass doors
on top, old dishes and glassware, pictures, mir-
rors, antique wooden beds & dressers, nursing
rocker, treadle sewing machine, high chair,
cane bottom chairs, rocking chairs, old antique
organ, mode in Bowmanville, organ stool, both
in excellent shape, chesterfield and chair, wall
magazine racks, antique Good Cheer wood
stove, small antique stands with drawers drop
front desk and chest combined, gunstalk chair,
trunks, antique beds, small glass front
bookcase, commode chair, oil burner, old
washstands, antique chest of drawers, antique
oval small table, antique settee, antique por-
table metal gramaphone, antique baby cradle,
spool bed, antique sofa, bedding, pillows,
blanket boxes, old quilts, old drop leaf table
real nice, part of toilet set, old antique wooden
washing machine, old crocks, wagon wheels,
oxen yoke, some glassware and china.
Numerous misc. articles, terms cash. Executors
or auctioneers not responsible for accidents
sale day. Lunch wagon. For information -
Robert K. Clarke, 104 Blanchard St., Mitchell.
Phone 348-8985, Harry Waghorn, St. Marys
Tom Robson
Hugh Filson
Auction Sale
Of pool table, dairy, meat and
vegetable coolers, office furniture
and equipment, household fur-
niture and misc. items, on
Wed., Sept. 19 at 1 p.m. sharp.
Just east of No. 4 Hwy. on Vanastra
Rd. 2 mile south of Clinton, 1/8 mile
east on Vanastra Rd. For Mr. Russ
Archer, Vanastra Ontario.
POOL TABLES 1 Brunswick, Gold Crown 6 x 12
table, United 4 x 8 table.
MENT AND FIXTURES 2 Seeburg juke boxes
(excellent condition), Zenith Allegro wedge
stereo and speakers, cassette tape player, 1,
16 ft. and 1 , 20 ft. Hussmans meat cooler, 1,
20 ft. open top Hussman meat cooler, 2, 20 ft.
Hill vegetable coolers, 3 compressors, (2, 3,
71/2), 3 pass water cooling condensors, 4 door
dairy case, 1, 8 ft. meat cooler, complete hot
water boiler, To heat 7000 sq. ft. building, 2
electric check out counters, 1 plywood check
out counter with cigarette rack, metal display
stand, triple stainless steel sink, (commercial),
double stainless steel sink, cash register, Clem -
co office desk and choir, typewriter desk, left
and right handed secretary desks, 2 office
choirs, several typewriter tables, several stu-
dent desks, (wooden and metal), small safe,
several light fixtures, fireplace insert, 60 amp.
breaker, elec. panel, several pot lights, T -bar
ceilings, several alum and wooden doors and
frames, louvre shutters, bundles of trim, 2
Salamander construction heaters, 2 natural gas
space heaters, several elec. fan forced radiant
heaters (new), hair dryers (new), photo
copiers, adding machines, typewriters.
ITEMS. 2 pc. chesterfield and love seat, (like
new), vinyl chesterfield and chair, recliner
chair, swivel chair, pine and iron coffee tables,
2 square coffee tables, 2 wood tables and
several table tops, china cabinet, 3 stacking
tables, wine rack, plant stands, 2, 39" maple
spindle beds complete, 1, 39" spread and sham
set, and 1, 54" set, linens, drapes, mots and
bedding, wooden play pen, 9 x 15 new rug,
Westinghouse 30" range, '/: wooden barrel,
laundry tub, bath tub, mud sink, chimney
cleaner, serveral ski car top carriers, wood
wheel barrow, several hunting knives and jack
knives with leather cases. Boys 3 speed bicy-
cle, Bolens snow blower, many other items.
Terms Cash.
For further infnrmotion contact
Norm Whiting. Exeter
Phone 235.1964 or 233-1931