HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-08-29, Page 20E }'uyu 8A 1 ii :, A.lvu.ute, August 29, 1984 place your classified ad quickly and easily just phone 235-1331 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count os one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 wbrd $3.25, 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 94 per word, minimum $1.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $3.25 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $2.75 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1'/, inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - $1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $3.25, 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Nc',..es - 20 words $3.25, each additional word 104 IN MEMORIAMS - 53.00 plus 154 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words 53.25, each additional word 104. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS -- 30 Words $3.25, additional words 54 each. SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays. Phone 235-1331 L Equipment Sales and Service Company requires Service Technician Experience in service not a must Are you * mechanically inclined? * self starter? Will train right person. Send resume to: Box 1241, Exeter, Ontario Amor HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. requires Full time feed mill lead hand responsible to feed mill foreman feed mill operation experierice required shift work involved In confidence please send resume along with expected salary to: Atten: Larry Shapton Hensall District Co-operative Inc. Davidson Drive, Hensall, Ont. NOM 1X0 Replies must be received by Aug. 31, 1984 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sjports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 \Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 3 Situations Wanted FATHER & SONS Painting. Roofing, Eavestroughing, Yard Work, Tree Trimming and Removal. Free estimates. 228-6310. 24t Inc 3 Situations Wanted MOTHER OF one will babysit in her home. Monday to Friday. Ex- eter area. Phone 235-0955.35:36c EXPERIENCED Mother will babysit in my home on Columbia Drive, Huron Park. Phone 228-6774. 35* HANDYMAN willing to do odd jobs painting, carpentry etc. Reasonable rates, free estimates. Phone 237-3740. 32.39c EXPERIENCED MOTHER will babysit in my home in E.ucan, any shift. Can give references. Close to playground. Call Nancy 227-1022. 33-39c EXPERIENCED MOTHER of one will babysit in my home. Albert St. Exeter. Phone 235-1102. 34-36c MATURE FEMALE with ex- perienced as receptionist -secretary new to area seeking full time clerical position. Please call 228-6436. 34:35c WILL BABYSIT in my home weekdays. Phone 262-3509.34-36c MOTHER OF TWO, will babysit in her own home. Located on no. 4 highway between Exeter and Lucan. Phone 227-4667 anytime. 35:36' RELIABLE MOTHER will babysit in my home. Shipka area. Phone 238-5075. 34:35* r,v` South Huron Rec. Centre Invites applications for the following: South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY REQUIRED By South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped for its central offices located in Dashwood, Ontario. Experience with computers and word processing a definite asset. Responsibilities also include Executive Secretarial skills, office Management and procedural functions. This position will commence tentatively in late Oc- tober 1984 and will be a full time posi- tion. Interested persons may send resume outlining education, qualifica- tions, work experience and other per- tinent details to: Personnel Department, South Huron and DAMH Box 29 Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1NO Applications close September 14, 1984 i 1 gymnastics supervisor 3 gymnastics instructors For a 20 week youth gymnastics pro- gram. Please submit written applica- tions by Fri., Sept. 7th, 1984 to: Lynne Farquhar Rec Director South Huron Rec Centre Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S0 0 VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Requires PART-TIME HELP Municipal experience an asset but not essen- tial. Duties shall include typing, general office d uties, and bookkeeping. The position will be for 3 days per week and full time during holi- day periods. Salary negotioble, depending on qualifications and experience. Appliconts to apply in own handwriting, giv- ing experience, education and resume of qualifications, including references. Applications will be received by the undersign- ed untiil 4:00 p.m., September 14th, 1984. Dianne Mollard Clerk -Treasurer Village of Grand Bend 4 Ontario Street, Box 340 Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO A rea Salesperson One of London's largest horse improvement companies hos doubled its present location. WE NEED more sales to accommodate this growth. WE OFFER: • Solid Vinyl Siding • Aluminum Siding and Roinwore • Pre -finished Hardboard Siding • A Complete Window Package • A Complete Awning and Enclosure Package • Product Warranties • 5 year Customer Service Contract • Unlimited Promotional Material • Some Leads to be supplied • Pors . which we feel are the best in the industry (25°. lower than some) • A sales market within a 75 mile radius of London experience preferred but not essential - extensive training where required • For your confidential interview call: Aluminum Associates Mr. Ron Erickson, Sales Manager 453-6400 r 4 4 Help Wanted TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional Transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (4161 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 560-3351. Member B.B.B. 158-x BABYSITTER IN CREDITON. In my home for one 16 month old child. One or two days per week. 7:00 a.m. to 5:0() p.m. starting September 4. Phone after five 234-6396. 3.31 fx ARE YOU THINKING 01 REAL ESTATE? Your best op- portunity is getting the hest train- ing available. If you are aggressive and want more out of life than just a job, you may qualify. We have a complete training program (ab- solutely free) for a few hand pick- ed people. You need not be licenc- ed but willing to get one. For more exciting details, write to Box no. 1 19P, Exeter Times Advocate, Ex- eter, Ontario NOM ISO. 33-36c LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER. Younger person. Duties include general housekeeping, good home, all conveniences in Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. Apply Box 346, (irand Bend. 34:35c BABYSITTER preferably in my home for a four year old. Older children in school. Would like sit- ter to take 4 yr. old to nursery school two days a week. Call after 4 p.m. Call 235-0194. 34:35' BABYSITTER wanted for 3 yr. old girl in Hensall area. Tues. -Fri. beginning Sept. 5 to March. My home or yours. Phone 262-3449 or 235-0410. 35' BABYSITTER WANTED My home. 2 yr. old 8:30-5:30. Mon. - Friday. Light housekeeping. Phone 235-2367 after 5:30.35-37c CURRENTLY available: 2 management training positions in this arca. These positions include company benefits and manage- ment opportunity for those who qualify. Ask yourself, "Where will be in 5 years if I continue doing what I do nosy?" Are you current- ly earning 520.000, 530,000, 540,000 per year? Would you like to deal with business and profes- sional people, where 50 percent to 75 percent Of your time is involy- cd in servicing established ac- counts in the insurance field? For those who qualify, your profes- sional career opportunity will start with 3 weeks of intensified sales training. If you are sports mind- ed and bondable and would like to work with an organisation that is No. 1 in its field, call Jess Neale, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. today or tomor- row. (416) 922-7992. 35x Nowak Eavestrtorgklmgs Cleaning & Repair Service Seamless trough five colours Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck Available Ken McCann 234-6401 Jack Glavin 237-3707 4 Help Wanted WANTED: Licensed Mechanic. Also body repair matt, for a General Motors dealership. Ex- cellent wages and benefits. Apply to Doug Purdy, Highview Pontiac Buick, 137 Water St. N., Cam- bridge, NIR 5S9 (519) 621-3681. 35x CASHIER - Darling's IGP. in Ex- eter - Full time cashier required. Apply in person to Doug in Ex- eter. 35c GROCERY CLERK - Darling's IGA in Lucan - full time grocery clerk for stocking shelves and truck unloading. Apply in person to Charlie in Lucan. - 35c HELP! \Ve are looking for sales help in our shop for a short term. \Ve require someone daily Mon- day to Friday, Sept. 4 to Oct. 5. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have this time available please phone us at 238-83(X). Havasu Trading Post, Grand Bend. 35' SOMEONE EXPERIENCED in lawn maintenance, landscaping, tree trimming, has driver's licence, is reliable. Heavy lifting involved. Approximately 40 hour week 'till November. Phone 236-4479 from 6-8 p.in. 35e PEOPLE: TO HARVEST broc- coli. Call 229-6759 between 8 p.nr. and 10 p.m. 35e BABYSITTER OR DAY CARE: for 4 year old. 5 days a week. Rep- ly Box 121M, Exeter Times Ad- vocate, Exeter NOM ISO. 15:36c ('LEANING LADY, one day per week. Pinery area. Phone 238-2681 after 6 p.m. 35c 5 Business Opportunities FREE-: 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute, 265 A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Decorating Call (416)977-3929 today. 35x LEARN 1-0 prepare tax returns Floor Sanding & by correspondence. Write U & R Tax Schools, 207-1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Man. R31- 2116 for free brochure. 35x 6 Services Pat's DOG GROOMING and BOARDING Phone Dashwood 237-3779 _ _- 26t In BILL'S REPAIR SERVICE * Repairs on all makes of T.V.'s and radios. * Repair and installation of antenna systems. Call 235-2187 29t fn CUSTOM COMBINING sheat, beans, or corn. Phone 234-6398 or 234-6371_ 29tfnc STORAGE * Cars * Boats * Machinery, etc. 24' door 14' clearance Call Jack Taylor 229-6472 34tfn MR BLOCK clients niay receive service from July 30 to January 1985 by contact Vera Brand, Box 153, Forest, Ontario, NON 110 or phoning 786-2191 or 294-6641. 31tfn DON HEYWOOD Painting & 6 Services MINNIE'S MAID SERVICES Personal home cleaning Everything from top 10 bottom Call and inquire 235-2855 181111 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill 1)as N cdnesdas =;v lVS££i£R*sa DASHWOOD 237-3677 Let Jack Do It All types of plumbing.,!,•r & heating - ?;, ;} .lack's Plumbing & Heating (Jack Mayer) 246 William St., Exeter 235-05$1 Refinishing PH: 235-2914 Free Estimates 331121 SUMMER SUPER Special. Custom spreading liquid manure with Terragator. Prices as low as 56.5(1 per 100(1 gallons. Call for quote, Lo -Dell Agri Services Ltd., 225-2340. Offer expires September 21st. 32-35e 6 Services TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 131 EXETER CAB 24 hour service radio dispatched Phone 235-2110 If no answer phone 228-6812 49 Simcoe St. Exeter 23ttn CECIL R. SQUIRE Sales with Service Supplying a full line of Repair Shop Equipment Some people find our Services Helpful PH: 235-0465 Rowe Electric & Plumbing RR 1 Woodham • Rural - Residential Commercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Rowe 229-6284 235-0906 Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry News homes, additions and renovations, roof- ing, aluminum and vinyl, siding and soffit, farm buildings. Architectural Drafting Floor plans, elevations, etc. RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. • CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS UFFI Removal • Aluminum Siding Soffits, fascia Eovestroughs • Shutters • Awnings • Replacement windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff tea" Ron 234-6711 Products 234-6224 L' 6 Services CUSTOM SWATHING and big round hales. Call Pete or Doug Case 235-0197 or 235-1648.24ttn CUSTOM ROUND BALING Trucking and Combining Lawrence Becker 234-6486 24-39c Windows Door Cupboards Drywall & Repairs Give Harold a call for a free estimate IDCONTRACTING 235-0941 "Qualiii' Workmanship at a Reasonable Price" DAVEY CONSTRUCTION • Houses • Additions • Sheds • Siding • Roofing • Renovations • Free Estimates Van Haarlem Construction 235-2210 For all your renovation needs New Homes, Aluminum Siding Eavestroughing Specializing in Quality Custom made replacement windows Call for a free estimate Phone Keith Davey 235-1944 after 6 p.m. • REDI-MIX CONCRETE CALL US FOR All Types of Concrete Work Reds -Mix Concrete and Formwork • Precast products dealer • Mangers • Slats • Steps • Curbs McCANN Medi -Mix INC. Dashwood 237-3647 Exeter 235-0338