HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-08-29, Page 17Potluck at Northcrest; Couples Club enjoyed A bounteous potluck dinner Was enjoyed by over 20 residents on Thursday even- ing at the Northcrest Hothe. Miss Bonnie Finlayson, Walton visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Irene Finlayson. Mrs. Jessie Armstrong at- tended a family gathering at the home of her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don Flear, Grand Bend, prior to her grandson and wife Scott and Monique leaving to take up residence in North Bay. Shawn and Chad Chipchase. Clinton spent a day with their grandparents Ernie and Olga Chipchase, and enjoyed a round of golf. Mrs. J. Hogg, Stratford visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. McKnight and also with Mr. and Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Jean Wilson and sister of Caledonia visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper. Couples Club The couples club enjoyed dinner -theatre on Thursday evening when dinner was en- joyed at the Manse with Sharon and Doug Kyle and Stan McDonald as hosts. Following dinner the group enjoyed "Country Hearts" at b - the Blyth Theatre. The next Couples club meeting will be held on Thursday September 27. United Church Robert Gackstetter was the soloist at the United Church on Sunday morning and led in the worship of music by sing- ing "Builders" and "Come and Praise The Lord our God' . Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of "All This Pain and Suffering, It Doesn't Seem Right". He spoke of the ac- cidents, the suffering both physical and mental, but the Christian faith shows us that God shares our suffering of physical pain, the agonies of bereavment, the separation from loved ones. We do not understand, but the Christian believes that a loving God will work out His purpose and we are to trust when we cannot see. The ushers for the service were Doug Kyle and Al Cor- bett. Following the service the congregation enjoyed lemonade and cookies at the side of the church with Dorothy Parker as host. Queensway news Again the beautiful weather was taken advantage of by the residents when they were BEST SHOTS AT KIPPEN — The annual Kippen Gun Club shoot was held Sunday. Above, Terry Caldwell presents the Murray Baker Construction A championship trophy to Jack Billings and Bob Dunlop gets the Hyde Brothers runnerup award from Bob Caldwell. T -A photo ALL VARIETIES OF TAB, SPRITE, OR COCA-COLA 750 mL 4 BOTTLES FOR PLUS 30c BOT TLE DEPOSIT McCAINS FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 355 mL 1111111 ASSORTED VARIETIES HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS 200 y PKG. I/ 9 ASSORTED VARIETIES JELL•° INSTANT PUDDINGS 113 q PKG 48 oz SIZE 4(X) c, WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK 1.29 POST CEREAL BRAN FLAKES 99° A PLEASANT BLEND MOTTS CLAMATO JUICE ONE LITRE f.89 ASSORTED VARIETIES ZEHRS COOKIES 450 9 139 ASSORTED VARIETIES GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 2$ toot TINS KERNEL CORN 7 oz PKG. OF 8 WESTONS APPLE SNACK BUNS f.39 POPULAR JOHNSONS BABY POWDER 400 g 2 39 • ASSORTED VARIETIES MISS MEW CAT FOODS 170 q ;1 TINS FOR ASSORTED LAURA SECORD 4'S PUDDINGS .. YOGURT PUDDINGS 20 oz. YOGURT 500 g CTN WESTONS MEALTYME HAMBURG OR WIENER ROLLS 2799` SCHNEIDERS SOFT STYLE MARGARINE 1 Ib. TUB 69' ASSORTED SWISS STYLE GAY LEA YOGURT 175 g TUBS POPULAR JOHNSONS BABY SHAMPOO 350 mt 2.89 ALWAYS POPULAR MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNERS 225 9 990 PKGS FOR INDIVIDUAL WRAP REG, OR THIN SCHNEIDERS CHEESE SLICES PROCESSED 500 9 299 2 VARIETIES FINAL NET ULTRA HOLD 225 ml 2.89 outside for walks. On Tuesday a picnic to the Morrison Dam Park near Ex- eter was enjoyed by the residents. In the evening the Lakeview Conservative Men- nonite•Youth were in to sing for the residents. The music was certainly enjoyed by everyone. Moving into the new wing continued this week. We are dining in the spacious new dining room, and making use of both the activity room and beauty salon. Thursday mor- ning the residents celebrated the grand opening of the ac- tivity room with a swing bowl- ing and crokinole tourna- ment. A movie was shown in the afternoon which rounded off another active day. The pace was slowed on Friday as the residents spent a quiet relaxing day reading books on loan from the library and taking walks in the sunshine. Personals Mrs. Hazel Corbett spent last week holidaying with Mrs. Evelyn Flynn at Silver Lake. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned home after visiting with her son and daughter-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke at Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes have returned from a pleasant vacation in Eastern Ontario. They visited with many relatives and friends in Maberly, Perth, Westport and Millbrook and Orino. They wenton the cruise through the Thousand Islands, visited Fort Henry and took the guided tour through the fort. They then visited in and around Plum Hollow and Lake Aloyda and Smith Falls. The Hensall District Hor- ticultural Society will com- mence their fall meetings on Monday September 10 at Hen- sall Public School. Mrs. Jean Wilson and sister of Caledonia visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Pep- per and called on Mrs. Alma Horton. Amber Rebekah Lodge will begin their fall meetings on Wednesday September 5 at 8 p.m. Mr. Gerald Flynn and Mrs. Evelyn Flynn visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien and family at Brigden. Mrs. Flynn will spend a few days holidaying BUY ONE CTN. GET ONE CTN. FRE NEILSONS FUDGESICLES 7735 • Ob. REGULAR OR DIET STYLE MINUTE MAID -/ Mitt ORANGE SODA c 750 mL BOTTLES.1r9 PLUS 30C DEP FOR READY CUT MACARONI, SPAGHETTINI, SPAGHETTI CATELLI PASTA 1 kg PKG 99` REGULAR, WINTER FRESH OR COLGEL GATE TOOTHPASTE SAVE 51 00 0 100 mL 99 TUBE UNSCENTED REGULAR OR SPICE MENNEN SPEED STICKPLUS 75 9 2.29 "D" OR "C" SIZE "AA" OR 9 VOLT SIZES DURACELL BATTERIES PER CARD 2.59 FINE QUALITY ZEHRS KETCHUP ONE LITRE J CASE INOF 2U4TE . 280 MAmL ITINDS ORANGE SODA REG. OR DIET OR ALL VARIETIES OF COKE, TAB OR SPRITE 699 UNICO SUNFLOWER OIL 1.99 750 ml CATELLI PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1.19 25 137 PURE GRAPE WELCHS JAM OR JELLY 500 ml SWEET MKSIXED PICKLES YUM YUM 1)5 BABY DILL S ONE LITRE • GARLIC • NO GARLIC OR POLSKI OGORKI BICKS DILL PICKLES ONE LITRE 1.99 NEILSONS FINE QUALITY SOUR CREAM c ml PLASTIC FOOD WRAP HANOI WRAP 60 ERSONS JERSEY CHOCOLATE MILK 1 L 1.29 2'. EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK 160 ml 39 1.49 1.89 READY TO USE GRANDMA MARTINS PIE SHELLS 340 q 159 WESTONS FRESH RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL 1.29 340 q ,.89. 3 VARIETIES BICKS RELISHES 1.19 375 mL JAR COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS SCHNEIDERS TASTY SAUSAGE ROLLS 500 q 2.69 CARNATION INSTANT 2 VARIETIES BREAKFAST 13 4 oi 189 CAVENDISH ASSTED. VARIETIES FRENCH FRIES 1 kg SCHNEIDERS FAMOUS FOR QUALITY LARD oR SHORTENING 1 FRESH BAKED WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS PKG OF 8 79? THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 139 SAVE -A -TAPE PLAN Can assist the organization of 99t Ask our your choice store manager for b details COUNTRY OVEN FRESH BLUEBERRY PIES 14 z SITE f.89 OATMEAL. CHOC. CHIP. OR PEANUT BUTTER CHIP COUNTRY OVEN COOKIES 450 q f.69 POSTS HONEY COMB CEREAL 4(x)9 2.29 TANG ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 13 oz PKG 1.59 4 s PKG. OF 3 WELCHS GRAPE DRINKS 99' 750 ml PILAF, CHICKEN. CHINESE INSTANT DAINTY RICE 350 q 99° TURKEY. BEEF. CHICKEN PORK. SIM I MONET. OR IIEEFSTE1t SCHNEIDERS MET PIES 149 250 q 2 VARIETIES HONEY OR REGULAR SCHNEIDERS BUCKET or CHICKEN '1510 q 4.89 COUNTRY OVEN FRESH BAKED WHITE BREAD HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER 675 g 10AVFS IN LIGHT TEMPARA BATTER BLUEWATER FISH 700 q 119 SCHNEIDERS FINEST QUALITY MOZZARELLA OR COLBY CHEESE ‘1,c).,.?, Q. C 2133 FRICO BABY GOUDA CHEESE 2.59 zehrs fine markets of rirTe foods MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 14 D.M. THURSDAY i FRIDAY 1440 D.M. SATURDAY 1113114 P.M. 1 Times -Advocate, August, 29, 1984 Page 5A inner -theatre evening with the O'Briens. The Three Links Seniors will meet on September 11 at 6:90 p.m. for a pot -luck din- ner, followed by their fall meeting when the officers will be installed. Miss Pamela Sangster returned to her home in Tim- mins after spending a week 's vacation with her mother Mrs. Janeth Sangster and family. A most enjoyable evening was had at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Corbett on Tuesday of last week when several friends of Mrs. Don Ridley gathered to honour her on her departure from Elizabeth Courts. A social time was en- joyed when the guest of honour was presented with a gift, for which she expressed sincere thanks. Refreshments were served, with best wishes from all. The Rldleys were one of the first tenants in Elizabeth Courts, making many friends. They are tak- ing up residence in Exeter in September. We wish them the best. TOP VETERAN SHOOTERS— Jamie Caldwell presents trophies to the winners Har- rison Schoch and Bert Mahaffey in the veterans class at Sunday's Kippen Gun Club shoot. The trophies were donated by John Anderson and Bob Baker. Kippen girl at Ringette camp By Margaret Hoggarth Tara Savage, daughter of Mark and Penny Savage recently returned from a week at Quanahar Provincial Ringette camp in Haliburton. While there, apart from lear- ning about the game of ringette, Tara enjoyed the sports of kayaking, canoeing and windsurfing. Mark and Penny Savage and sons Andrew and Aaron spent last week at Jay Lake campgrounds near Minden. They enjoyed a canoeing trip in Algonquin Park as well as a visit to Mark's parents Audrey and Stan Savage in Ingoldsby. On their trip they had the misfortune to hit a deer north of Bancroft which caused minor damage to their van. Al and Margaret Hoggarth accompanied by Al's mother Ruby Hoggarth of Zurich at- tended the Greene Picnic on Sunday August 26 at St. Christopher's Beach, Goderich. 4-11 News On Saturday August 25 the Huron County Poultry Club held their Achievement Day at Bayfield Fair. Both Com- mercial and Fancy members brought their eggs and birds to be judged. All members did very well and look forward to next year's club. On Sunday August 26 the Huron County Poultry Club wrapped up their club with their fourth annual picnic held -at the home of leader Barry Cleave. Club members swam in the afternoon and enjoyed a lunch in the evening. All club members were present along with guests Tim Mayhew, Gayle Harrison, Cherryl Smith, Mike Heykoop and Karen Rodman from the O.M.A.F. office. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales & Service to Most Makes) •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For Farm & Business) • WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES • WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor & Outdoor Use) GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 I-IENSA LL Civic Corner Bi -Annual Community Lawn Sale Flea Market & Bazaar 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sat., Sept. 15, 1984 ATTENTION: Service Organizations, Church Groups, Individuals, Neighbours, Antiques Craft, and Produce Dealers. WHY: To reserve a table for the first Bi -Annual Community lawn Sole, Flee Market and Bazaar in Hensoll, sponsored by the Hensall Parks Board, Saturday, September 15, 1984, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. WHERE: Hensel! and District Community Centre, in the Park (weather per- mitting) or on the Arena Floor. HOW: For table reservations, complete the following: TEAR OFF HERE I/We ,_.wish to reserve Organizations, Individuals, Etc, table(s) (approximately 3 feet by 10 feet) at $7.50 each. Number Amount Enclosed: $ FORWARD by September 1, 1984 to: Mrs. E. Oke, Secretary Hensall Parks Board Box 279 Hensall, Ontario NOM 1 XO 1