HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-08-08, Page 11Barbecue success at Granton church At Granton United Church the Rev. Bruce Pierce was in charge of the Sunday morning worship and entitled his measage "How Can We Know God?" First of all let us try to understand what God is like. God is Almighty and we are morally weak. God told Moses to tell the children of Israel, "The God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and Jacob" had sent him to take the Israelites out of bondage. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Har- die celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary on Sunday August 5. An open house was held in the Masonic Hall from 2-4 p.m. when some 270 people offered their congratulations. Later a family dinner was held in the United Church. Guests were present from Detroit, Dallas, Texas, Wayne Michigan, Sault Ste. Marie, Dundas, Sauble Beach and many other points in Ontario. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late Mrs. Michael Taziar (Josie MacDonald) of RR 1 Granton who passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Wednesday August 1. al► Ml$. 1. SUMMON A successful beef barbecue sponsored by ' St. Thomas' Anglican Church was held in 'the Granton Community Park on July 25. Over 400 tickets were sold. Combined Lucan United Church join- ed with Clandeboye congrega- tion Sunday to continue a series of joint summer ser- vices. These services are be- ing held at 10 a.m. each Sun-' day throughout August at Clandeboye United Church with Rev. Brown in charge. Brown took his text from the Book of Proverbs, "The Fear of the Lord is the begin- ning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom." He pointed out that the knowledge spoken of in this verse is based on God as the source of all things. Such knowledge is essential if life around us is to make sense, and if we are to come to saving faith in Christ. But this knowledge, if it is to be of value in our lives, must lead to a relationship with God. This happens as we come to Him open and trusting, in a spirit of repen- tance, and with the deter- mination to live daily a life of personal trust and commit- ment to Him. Not all respond in this way to God. Some repress and re- ject His truth. Scripture calls them "fools" and points out that God's way of dealing with them is to "give them up" to their own evil ways. GRADUATES - Ken and Rita Moor are very proud to announce the gradua- tion of their daughter Pamela Ann at the June 2, 1984 Convocation from the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, with the Degree, Bachelor of Education. Pamela is presently attending Althouse College to fur- ther her studies in special education. 32c In exchange By Jane Holden In May, 1984 students from the age of 13-18 applied to S.E.V.E.C., the Society for Educational Visits and Ex- changes in Canada. Three of 44 -applicants were from Lucas in the Middlesex County -Trois Rivieres Ex- change, Paula Hodgins, ('aroline Shumba and myself. The trip itself consisted of a 12 hour busride from Med- way High School to Polyvalente St. Ursules in Trois-Rivieres. Quebec. All 44 of the exchange students ner- vously anticipated the mo- ment when, at last, we would meet our twins. Many day trips were taken to show us more of the beautiful province we were visiting. These trips included Quebec City. La Ronde, Mon- treal, an amusement park, and parc Mauricie. July 16 we returned home and on July 19 our twins arriv- ed in Arva. Some of our ac- tivities in Ontario consisted of a day spent in London, Canada's Wonderland and Marineland. .luly 31 there were mixed emotions alt our twins got on the bus to leave for Quebec. 1 would recommend the ex- change program to anyone who would enjoy the challenge of speaking a se- cond language, meeting new people and visiting new places. Ailsa Craig By ALICE DICKENS A group of adults boarded an air-conditioned mini bus on Tuesday morning. The first stop was at the famous Aylmer market. From here the group dined in downtown Aylmer, after which they en- joyed a stroll through the pretty park in St. Thomas. All went on a shopping spree in St. Thomas before returning home with Reuben Gingerich as the chauffer. This was another pleasant outing convened by the Craigwiel Activity Centre committee. During the business of the Happy . Gang seniors on Wednesday afternoon, presid- ed over by president Harold Guilfoyle, a card was signed by 17 members for Belle Stevenson (who is in hospital), also one for Mrs. Laura Chapman (who moved to London recently). Now seniors are planning to visit the Montrose, Michigan seniors next month. Following the business, pro- gressive euchre -was in play ...with prizes going to: high, Lorraine Neil, Joe•Carter; lone hands, Janet Rose, Ger- tie Hodgins; low, Kay Sirrip- son and Helen Smith. Next euchre is August 15 at 1:30 p.m. Just for children (those from five years to 12 years old) will enjoy "Music just for fun" with Rodney Brown on August 13 at 2 p.m. at the local library. Recent visitors with Alice Dickens were Mary Davis and Mrs. Maurice Mac- Donald, both of Lucan, ac- companied by cousin Mrs. Alexia Atkinson of Craigholme. THE KOPS PARTICIPATE - Taking part in Saturday's parade at Fun Days in Gran- ton as a Centennial entry were Allison Anthony, Juanita Kop, Ben Kop, Angie, Nixon, Trudy Kop and Eleonora Kop. ' T -A photo. R Lucas 811111111114. For Scout -Guide building Times -Advocate, August 8, 1984 Page 11 Oovornor.Oonera 1 invited to opening The village of Lucan has issued an invitation to Canada's Governor General Jean Sauve to attend the of- ficial opening of the new Scouts -Girl Guides building which is now under construction. A tentative date has been set for the official ceremony for October 6. Reeve Norm Steeper in an- nouncing the invitation to the Governor General said, "It's rather an unique situation we have here with the Boy Scouts of Canada, the village and the feder.,l government combin- ing on the project." In 'Tuesday's regular Revival Centre Sunday morning Mrs. Carole Butler acted as pianist, while Mrs. Judi Ross led the song service. They taught a new song from Daniel 2:20, Blessed be the Name of God. To enable the Sunday School workers to partake of communion, the ordinance of communion was served after the song worship ime,T1,11 service. Rev. Roger Mason r ministered from Isaiah 53:4-5, the sufferings of Jesus Christ on the cross. These verses say He bore our grief and sor- rows; His punishment was for our peace; and He was wounded for our transgressions. We receive seven benefits from Jesus' sufferings on the cross. We receive physical healing for our sicknesses because Jesus took them on Himself. Second benefit is inner heal- ing, for the mind and emo- tions. Also Jesus bore the judgement of our sins on the cross. Another is the reconcilia- tion to God when Jesus was pierced for our transgressions and rebellion. Jesus died so we could again become a friend with God, living for Him. Sunday evening Mrs. Carole Butler played the piano while she and Mrs. Judi Ross led in singing Blessed be the Name of God. Mr. Leonard Evans, guest speaker, from Houston, Texas, and Great is Thy Faithfulness, before speak- ing. Mr. Evans said it is as we humble ourselves and wor- ship God that we draw near to God. Christians need to get back what is rightfully ours, our Christian inheritance of peo- ple coming to God. God looks after His own, but if we don't belong to Him, we can't ex- pect His care. Because of care for us, Christians should be worshipping God. In Romans 8:14 we learn we are children of God, when we are led by His Spirit. When we worship God He gives us wisdom in living our lives. and district news Susan Cook 227-4911 Five vehicles involved in Highway 7 accident One of the four accidents in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police involved five vehicles. It occurred Friday on Highway 7 in the turn lane to Highway 23. Drivers of the vehicles involved were Meredith Silver, Lanson Zuefelt and Edward Park- ington, all of London, J. Marie Blais, Windsor and Dale Cook, Lucan. • Two person sustained minimal injuries and another suffered minor injuries. Con- stable Marshall set damages at $21,500. Monday at 10;15 a.m. vehicles driven by Donal Rid- dell, St. Marys and Oliver Grigg, Lucan collided on the Wellburn sideroad. No in- juries resulted and Constable Wilson estimated damages at 53.000. The same day at 7:30 p.m. Constable Chapman set damages at $800 when a vehi- cle driven by Heather Blay, RR 1 Lucan, left the roadway of Concession 4-5 when mak- ing a turn and slid into a hydro pole. Wednesday at 7:35 a.m. vehicles operated by Rob Ramage, Chesterfield, ditiathk. MARY AND HER LAMB - - Corie Anderson marched as Mary with her little lamb in Sr•tirufay's Fun Days parade at Granton. T -A photo. Aii5uncement Mr. Charles Dosa Denture Therapist Will Open A denture therapy clinic September 5, 1984 451 Main St. Exeter Barn burns cause unknown The Lucan volunteer fire department answered a call to the farm of Bernard Avery, 4th of Biddulph, about 4 a.m. Friday morning, August 3, when the barn was destroyeta by fire of an unknown origin The Granton volunteer fire department was also on hand under "Mutual Aid". Missouri and Sharon Pastuck. London were in collision on Middlesex road 16 at the Adelaide sideroad. Constable Wilson listed damages at 58,000. PAIR OF HARES Appearing as rabbits in Saturday's Granton Fun Days parade were Kim and Kelly Jones. T -A photo. Romans 12:1-2 exhorts us to present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice unto God. We belong to God. It is important to spend time with God so we can fit iti with God's people. Hebrews 13:15 stresses to of- fer sack itiee of praise to God continually. Psalm 103 is a psalm of praise to God. Instead of let- ting our bodies do their desires, we sacrifice in offer- ing praise to God. Because Christians will spend eternity in praising God, we need to• spend time worshipping God here. Upcoming events - August 10 at 7:30 p.m., College and Career Fellowship will hold a corn roast at David and Judi Ross' farm. August 20-21 is Kids Cam - pout '84, at David and Judi Ross' farm. Family Night is going to be held at the farm August 21. Lucan Revival Centre Auxiliary The Women's Auxiliary met Wednesday evening in Graham Chapel, of Lucan Revival Centre. President Mrs. Nola Murray led a discussion on counteracting the destructive forces of anx- iety, worry and fear,, from Philippians 4:6-7, and Mat- thew 11:28. While Mrs. Carole Butler played the piano, Mrs. Judi Ross led in chorus singing. Mrs. Debbi Sanders, as guest speaker, spoke about spiritual clothing, from Ezekial 16:8-12. Belpre anyone can put on clean spiritual clothes, one has to go to Isaiah 12:3 to find the water of the joy of salvation. Once a person has been washed by the living water from Jesus Christ, as in John 7:37, God puts on him the robe of righteousness, the garment of praise, and the fine linen of the Holy Spirit, with a meek and quiet spirit. The jewellery is the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Then the Christian needs the armor of God to live a Christian life. Finally God gives the Chris- tian a crown of life. WAYNE W.P. DONEY, D.D.S. Announces the Opening of his office for The General Practice of Dentistry at 151 Main Street P.O. Box 179, Ailsa Craig, Ont. Office Hours NOM 1 AO Telephone By Appointment (519) 293-3625 Evenings available meeting of council, Dan Scar- borough was named the village's new building official on a probationary basis for a period of six months at a starting salary of 5125 per month, effective September 1. The Tuddenham municipal drainageworks has been giyef final bylaw readings and tender calls have been set out. A meeting has been set to discuss the Hardy municipal drain with the drainage engineers and affected pro- perty owners for September 6. Some council members are expected to attend the annual summer tour of the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority scheduled for August 23. Clerk -treasurer Ed Melan- son reporting for the planning committee said the next draft of the official plan update had been received. The tender from Corbett and Young for phase 2B of the Francis street construction in the amount of 52,650 was accepted. Permission has been given to the Lucan United Church Women to borrow 10 picnic tables from Market street park for use at the 1984 Lucan Fair. As the result of a request of the Lucan branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, the week of September 16 to 22 will be declared Legion Week. Activities at the Legion will begin Saturday, September 15 with the annual pork barbecue followed by a parade to the Lucan Revival Centre, Sunday morning. Open house will be held Monday and Friday with a visit from Parkwood Hospital patients, Tuesday; a seniors euchre party and pool tourney, Wednesday; a Legion vs firemen slo-pitch ball game Friday and a Put- ting on theRitzdinner, Satur- day to wind up the big week. Ready booth for seniors Members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups are reminded of the co-operative crafts, etc. booth at the Lions Club Fair on August 17, 18 and 19, and are asked to have their contributions at the booth between 3 and 4 p,m. on the 17th. If a "pick-up" is necessary, please, phone 227-4916, or 227-4714 during the forenoon. More tickets for the quilt draw are available from Agnes Hotson 227-4916, and all stubs must be in before the draw on Sunday evening. SKATING CLOWNS - Heidi Hayden and Chris Jones appeared as skating clowns in Saturday's Fun Days parade in Granton. T -A photo. B 1 ST RATES GUARANTEED TO $60,000. YEAR S YEARS No Foos - Raton Sub act To Cho Contact ABC ANNUITIES 53 WEST ST., GODERICH CALL 524-2773 (Collect) v BFFA builders EiuY! Shop Where The urid ng Centr� Values NATURAL GRAY PATIO STONES 18x18 . . $2.09 24x24 .. $3.39 24x30 .. $3.69 Delivery available for liminal charge Insulated siding Aluminum 8" Climatic Woodgrain Siding White, Almond, 100 sq. ft. 8" Plain Hollow -Back Siding White, Almond, 97 sq. ft. 8" Plain Vertical Siding White, 129.2 sq. ft. $13195 $10695 $14395 Fascia, Soffit and All Accessories Available Q Hunter Douglas Canada Limited -A..,.,n•A 11 w,/, f l..,.ln 1, Men -of. SEE OUR MAXI BARNS! These babies are really big, 10x12 *479.00 12x12 $499.00 12x16 8599.00 Complete with walls. root, shingles. floor, trim end all hardware. ESCLAD VINYL SIDING 8' Horizontal Woodgrain. White or Ivory (97 sq h ) Vertical Woodgrain. White or Ivory (97 sq n l Perforated or Plain Soffit (97 sq fl ). Woodgrain Fascia OF CANADA LIMITED Adrian aeownpIps tiuppllad by: IMPERIAL PLYWOODS Easy to install -never needs painting 10' Gutter 10' Downpipe Elbows Drop Outlets Brown White 9.19 7.69 10.69 8.95 2.59 2.15 4.79 3.99 MULCO BLACKGUARD DRIVEWAY SEALER 4 Gallons Coal Tar Base Easy to Apply - Gas and 011 Resistant_ Gives your driveway a smooth, satiny -black finish. - $1149 PER PAIL INTERIOR/EXTERIOR WHITE LATEX PAINT Dural 2345 4 Litres 20 Litres Dur.il FROM DURAL PRODUCTS LTD. PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL AUGUST 18. 1984 iiYards ToSwim You GODS, EXETER, MITCHELL, LONDON, STRATIIROY, WATFORD, TILVIOPOSURO EXETER 131 Thames Rd. West 235.1422 1