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Times -Advocate, August 1, 1984
FIRE CLAIMS CLINCHERS At 8:20 a.m. on Saturday, firemen were summoned to fight a fire at the once well-
known fast-food booth Jack & Dins, now Clinchers. Attending the the ladder are volunteer firemen X. Booger-
mons, L. Whiting and G. Desjardine, as smoke and flames engulf the .main street area.
Should be the best
The monthly- meeting of the
P.L.A. was held Saturday
night at the municipal
building, where everyone at -
tending thoroughly enjoyed
the guest speaker Laurie
Mannell. giving his "scat-
tergun attack'•.
Nan F'reele, president,
opened the meeting and Mae
Piggott conducted new
business after the minutes.
A Canadian by birth. serv-
ing 40 years on different
boards. commissions etc. in
Oakville. 1annetl likes to
preserve trees. the ent•iron-
ment, historic buildings and
mankind itself. Ater 18 years
on the Municipal Contractors
holding resort back?
Association board he moved
to Grand Bend and lives in
Southcott Pines where he en-
joys this village very much,
but declares that it can be and
should be the greatest tourist
attraction in the area. But
why isn't it'' Laurie Mannell
walks around in Grand Bend
with "an axe in one hand and
a horn in the other."
Economic Grand Bend in-
cludes the north from the
water works. south to the
Pinery Park and east to the
Huron County Playhouse.
says Manned. YOU. thecom-
munity, are anybody and
everybody that invests in this
village. (;rand Bend is within
• Brand Nate
Carpeting and
• Benjclmin Moore
• Wallpaper
• Sundries
• Vertical Drapes
floor fashion
HWY. #21 238-8603
three hours drive of a poten-
tial three million people from
all directions.
This village has the finest
beaches, a great provincial
park with ski trails for winter
sports, one of the best, small
museums in Ontario with
good management and
displays, a good zoo and one
of the largest one -day flea
markets anywhere. "We've
also got an excellent operated
theatre. excellent water, good.
roads, fire department and
we've got one helluva lot of
nice, people''. -
Planning! A tourist town is
unique and has to be planned
accordingly, states Mannell.
The businesses can't get
together; there's more
fighting in Grand Bend than
in Lebanon!! This fiction has
destroyed the economy of this
When talking to over 40
'businesses people, Mannell,
explained that only half of
them have read the study
which cost $5000.00. informing
what is wrong here. One third
of them say there is no
business on the highway.
there are too many senior
citizens; 50 percent say that
if Oakwood packed up and left
it would be a better village:
and two thirds of the business
people say that Grand Cove
Estates should be evacuated.
The boaters are of no use to
this community and 60 per-
cent of the business people do
not shop in Grand Bend. Th('y
do not even support their own
fellow businesses!
;Mannell believes that one
main improvement would be
to get rid of the parking lot on
main beach, and make it all
beach with an enclosed pool.
get rid of the hath -house. and
rebuild it with clean
bathrooms, a sauna and a top
floor with a control tower.
where liveguards have visual
inspection of the water and
sun shop
,ter •,r. int. ,,n ,,ur enure rceular .tor) ut
yu,rlrtt hr,rnd name Sl•ooktkear
( \1 \ , Pao. Starr. h,'ret or ( alrtornra,
Isar,•. lematt..
1.0\ \nnc. O I'.
Nothing Held Rack - .Shop Lull
for hest selection
20% ,. 50%
Of 1 Regular Pikes
Hundreds of fashion suits M
S;r,saf, ..Sandcasrlc. ('ole of California. Christina.
(4cruer, f)anskin, Speedo. Ocean Pacific
Al I SA1 E;S I -/NA/
)ecn ? 1)a , •t ((ccA 10 am - 9 f m
the sun shop
R1 MAIN STREET — (:RANI► REM) 23R-2511
every swimmer in it.
Everything for the children
has been taken away; There
are no amusement parks with
bumper cars and things for
kids to enjoy any more.
What made Grand Bend
famous was the great dance
floor! Why not rebuild a new
one, with a fine dining room
and have a gambling centre
on the next floor. People could
park on a new lot developed
out on Hwy. 81, and take the
provided transportation into
the core area, Mannell went
on to say.
He said that the highway 21
should have stores from the
lights to the Pinery Park; like
the Christmas Place, fine
restaurants and motels now
existing. but many more.
From Beach 'o' Pines to the
park are 3000 trees and two
old gravel pits. Why not
develop this land to benefit
Grand Bend`'" There could be
a Canadian Tire Store to the
north by the new Warner Auto
Marine property and I could
go on and on," declared
"Basically". concluded
Mannell, "there are two ne-
cessities needed here: No. 1.
Training --people to serve the
public, and No. 2 Know grand
Bend --when a tourist asked
directions, all employees
should be able to direct them
right to the door.''
Mr. F'reele, a resident of
(:rand Bend, stood up and
thanked Mannell for giving
us a vision and showing the
conflict in the village. Ile
quoted the old cliche "united
we stand. divided we fall". 11
appears that 90 percent of the
business people prefer the
in othe business. Joe Nader
announced that the old equip-
ment for cleaning the beach is
beyond repair. Ile is looking
into designing a new machine
at a much lesser cost than the
$17,000.(0) one proposed by
\piss Ugh contest
On July 21, fifteen girls and
their two leaders from the
(;rand Bend Girl Guide Com-
pany. ,joined up with the
Forest Guide Company. al
('atop Dahina for a four day
camp in Rock (;len. After the
camp was set up, they all en-
joyed a swim in the pond. The
girls cooked most of their own
meals on open fires. which
was a new experience for
most of them.
There was something for
everyone. from the nature
walks. stalking and trailing.
to crafts, songs and games
On Sunday afternoon. a water
Olympics was held. topped off
with a Miss Ugly Contest
which was enjoyed by all
After a nature walk through
Rock (;len. the girls cooked
lunch on tin can stoves and
then proceeded to the water
('amp was closed up on
Tuesday morning with a mid-
day flag ceremony and finals
farewells for the summer.
Mixed vcgies
Last week the Grand Bend
14-11 club, "Mixed Vegies"
met for their fifth and last
meeting for this project.
Landscaping with trees and
flowers was the topic. The
meinhers discussed how
these features give character
of the home. Rockgardens
were also discussed. The girls
were told about the exhibiting
of vegetables and how to
prepare the exhibit.
instructions were given on
how to judge the exhibits for
their Achievement day M he
held in August- By Erika
One 'of three local blazes
Shortly after 8:00 a.m. on
Saturday the Grand Bend
volunteer firs, brigade were
summoned to fight a blaze at
Clinchers, downtown. Three
people escaped from the bur-
ing booth after being awaken-
ed by a neighbour, who ran
across to the local police sta-
tion to phone the fire
Arriving at the scene,
firemen found the 50 -year-old
booth engulfed in smoke and
flames, already gutted by the
fire. Firemen kept flames
from spreading to nearby
areas, leaving scorched pat-
ches on the Bavarian Nut
booth a few feet just to the
west of Clinchers.
Speculation is that the fire
originated in the grill area,
due to faulty wiring. Pro-
prietor Randy McClinchey
met with his insurance agent
early Sunday morning to
evaluate his loss.
Previous owners, Jack and
Din Wilmore, Stratford. were
up on the weekend and
couldn't believe what they
saw happened to their once
famous "Jack & Dins".
The clean operation of Clin-
chers will be missed, but
McClinchey hopes to be open
for business this weekend if a
trailer can be situated on the
same site.
The second alarm rang
after 1:00 p.m. the same
afternoon, when the fire
brigade rushed to the Iiar-
bour building at the end of
River Road. A boat was
refueling when a hose rup-
tured at the nozzle, blowing
gas over the cruiser, touching
the motor.
The firemen condemned all
the hoses, thoroughly washed
the entire area and extensive-
ly flushed water over the boat
to dilute the gas' A mechanic
was summoned from Warner
Marine, who brought some
special cleaning agents and
restored the boat to running
A third alarm rang out .a
Iter 11:00 p.m. that night.
when the trucks rushed to the
FLOPSY - Bouncing
around the Parish Hall Fri-
day, to the enjoyment of
everyone, was Flopsy
(Doug Campbell) the
Clown. He joined the final
celebration of the Vaca-
tion Bible School.
guts well-known
Mullard Line, just east of the
village. Huge straw bales had
ignated and firemen kept
flames from spreading on the
nearby farm.
Surprise ending
Over 40 children
registererd and attended the
Vacation Bible School held at
the St. John's Anglican by -
the -Lake Church and parish
hall last week.
Helping out with the groups
from pre -kindergarden,
kindergarden, primary, niid-
dlers to juniors were Mrs.
Donna Lovie, Sandra
Stanlake, Susan Rumball, Ed-
na Mennel, Marlene Desjar-
dine, Miss Carol Peebles,
Marion Steckle, Kathy Vin-
cent, Nita Sinclair and Irene
Special music was provided
by Betty and Laura Camp-
bell, while Janet Kobe and
Doug Campbell organized the
games. Crafts were very well
done and were headed by
Jackie Schottroff, Doris
Peelbes and Kathleen Sutton.
Joan Dargent was in charge
of the kitchen.
The Couples Club of Grand
Bend United made and
brought cookies each day for
snack time. Rev. R. Peebles
thanked each of these people
and special thanks to Mrs.
Laye and Mrs. MacGregor
( Parkhill) for the delicious
cake and cup cakes served to
the children and their parents
on Friday to conclude their
A big hand was given for
Cory and Chistopher, the two
puppets who amused
everyone immensely, run by
John Campbell and James
While enjoying the cake.
Flopsey the ('town bounced in
making the day complete and
everyone left with a happy
feeling. •
Visitors during the week
with Mrs. Rosie Grigg, were
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Grigg,
Kitchener; Russell end Helen
Grigg, Strathroy; and Mrs.
Lillian Brown.
The U.C.W. will be holding
their annual bake, craft and
vegetable sale on Wednes-
day, August 8 at 2 p.m. on the
church lawn, main street.
On August 4 at 10 a.m. there
will be a lawn and bake sale
at the Anglican Parish Hall
sponsored by the Anglican
Church ladies.
Legion members and the
community extend their
syumpathy to Mrs. Vilda
Clark and family, for the loss
of Buster Clark. Sunday. Ile
was a well-known Grand
Bend resident.
On .one of those decorative
flags displayed throughout
Grand Bend and along
Highway 21 is the name rides.
Where are the rides asked a
small child last week?
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Desjardine last week
were Mr. and Mrs. George
Lewis and their son and
daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Lewis of Vancouver
B.C. They called on relatives
at Grand Bend, Dashwood.
Walton, Exeter, Lambeth and
Strathroy. On Thursday even-
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Leeland
Desjardine entertained 16
relatives in their honour.
Attendance up
On Saturday, the legion
1 1
Mt. Carmel
Lsmaw= I. Is . os . J
Branch 496 held their second
summer streak barbecue and
pub night. A good time was
had by all 140 who attended
and the new addition was
opened up to set up more
tables until the crowd dwindl-
ed later on. ,
Door prizes were won by
Betty Smith, John Carson and
Vern Fischer. Bob Hedley
thanked those responsbile for
helping to make this event
the success it was; and for all
donations brought in. "Ran-
dy" entertained on the piano
for the happy hours from 4:30
until 8:30 which everyone
Church of God
Family night was held Fri-
day, with a ball game at the
public school and a barbecue
On Sunday morning, Pastor
Campbell referred to Peter as
a remarkable man whom God
used tremendously. After the
discouragement of many
leaving Christ, the disciples
said "to whom shall we go?"
"You have the words of eter-
nal life".
In the evening, two sets of
slides were shown; one of the
missions around the world
and the other Global Partner-
ship with God, which
celebrates its 75th year of
Missionary Board of the
Church of God.
United Church
Joan Eagleson greeted
everyone Sunday morning at
this outdoor service. Special
music was supplied by Mrs.
Roberta Walker.
"You cannot hide from
God" was the meditation
topic based on the scriptures
taken from Psalm 139:1-12,
wherein Rev. Peebles asked
"What are we here for?"
He asked for progress re:
the conference coming up.
Guilt causes us to run away
and hide, and in life we do
keep running away from God.
The Biblical examples of the
prodical son, Jacob and
Adam all tried to run away,
but they finally all came to
grips with themselves. Sit
dow n and evaluate your pro-
blems an ask God for help,
stated Rev. Peebles.
and district psi
Lynne D.sjardit»ur
Colonials continue streak,
Ausable team follows suit
The Grand Bend Colonials
with three second half goals
scored an impressive 4-0 vic-
tory over St. Columban this
week in London and district
first division soccer play.
Tony Mennen led the Col-
onials scoring attack with a
pair of successful shots. Scor-
ing in single fashion were
Alex Harregatte and Greg
Ryan. Barry Bauer was in
goal to record the shutout.
The Colonials were in Lon-
don last night, Tuesday to
meet the German Canadians
in League Cup semi-finals
and will host London Croatia
in regular league play Sunday
at 4 p.m. at the West Williams
The Grand Bend Ausable
league team is well on its way
in defending their six aside
tournament title as they
defeated Mount Brydges 17-3
and the Exeter Driller 10-6.
The tourney continues Satur-
day at West Williams at 9:30
a.m. -
Peter Donaldson scored
four times, Colin Kobe scored
twice and single goals were
added by Darrell Demeers
and Corey Oleruk as the
Grand Bend mosquitos blank-
ed Ilderton 8-0. a
The peg wees will be in Ex-
eter tonight, Wednesday to
meet Exeter II and the
squirts travel to Denfield for
a Thursday contest.
'0 Come, 0,
Park yoursel#- by the campfirein an Ontario
Provincial Park. Provincial Parks are inexpensive,
and there's sure to be one conveniently close to you.
So don't miss out. — Come, park yourself.
1r r
®,Ans, l N
iAIP/,rpt/ . PGde4P. 0
For more information write: )
Ontario Havel — Parks, Dept. N.D., Queen's Park, lbronto M7A 2E5.
Mir w..
1-800-268-3735 ;
Open 7 Days A Week 10-6:
11/4 Mlles South of Grand Rend an Hwy. 71
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