HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-08-01, Page 13WINNING BABIES — Winners in the baby show at the Zurich Fair were (back left)
up to four months: Michael Groot with mother Pat, first. Mark Soudant with mother
Janet and Kevin Pole with mother Cheryl tied for third. Missing: Randi Lee, son of
Angela and Brad Clausius. Up to eight months winners were (front left) Kendra
Masse with mother Kathy, Meagan Sweeney with mother Carmel and third place
ties Melissa Stire with mother Tracey and Megan Gingerich with mother Marg. Lit-
tle Sarah Stire was not happy with her sister's win.
Attendance, entries up at Zurich Fair
The ZUrich Agricultural
Society's 1984 summer fair
was one of the best in recent
memory, according to
' secretary Margaret Deichert.
The large audience at the
Friday evening performance
proved the switch from a free
talent show to paid admission
for organized entertainment
was a good decision. Kathy
Kenney was crowned Fair
Queen at the dance which
followed. Tim Regier, RR 3
Zurich, won the night's lodg-
ing for two at the Bayfield
Village Inn.
Even though the beautiful
sunny weather kept many
farmers at the controls of
their combines, paid atten-
dance on Saturday was up by
over 300 from the previous
Entries were up in all
categories except ladies' sew-
ing. Not a single quilt was ex-
hibited this year, which is
most unusual. The increased
number of items in the baking
and vegetable classes pleas -
PRIZE BABIES — Winners inthe baby show at the Zurich Fair in the 12 to 18 month
class were (back left) Melanie Weishart and father Ralph, Jon Denomme and mother
Donna and Kassi-JoVoogel and and mother Linda. Winners in the eight to 12 -month
class were (front) Aaron Thomas Doupe and mother Joyce, Joseph Hay and mother
Shelly and Jonathon Glavin and mother Nathalie.
LAST MINUTE CHECK — Gerald and father Stewart Thiel harness up their team
of Hafflingers at the Zurich Fair.
BEAN SPROUTS PARADE Members of the Zurich Bean Sprouts nursery school
T -A photo
participated in Saturday's Zurich Fair parade.
THEME WINNER - The float entered by Fisher's Abattoir in Saturday's Zurich Fair
parade was judged best in the theme cotegory.
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T -A photo
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CANDY MOBILE Appearing with their candy mobile entry in Saturday's Zurich
Fall Fair parade were Paula and Mark Watson.
T -A photo
August 1, 1984
ed the organisers. •
More floats, and more
children, participated in the
parade. Organizers of the
heavy horse show reported a
greatly increased number of
entries. The quality and quan-
tity of sheep contributed to an
excellent sheep show.
A large display of exotic
poultry drew a steady stream
of interested observers
throughout the day.
Parade prizes were handed
out to Wade Suplat for best
comic costume, followed by
Dennis Willert, Shawn La
Porte and Mark Crane. Best
fancy costume prize was won
by Bryan Denomme, with
Doug Willer! as runner-up.
Winners in the theme float
were Fishers Abattoir (1);
Zurich Fair (2) and the OPP
The Zurich Advance took
first prize for best bicenten-
nial float,- and N.R. Ait-
chison was second. Top
honours for fancy float went
to Jason Neeb, Anita Bedard
Ames -
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
and Jessie Keenan. Jeffrey
and Sara Ducharme were se-
cond, and Mark and Paula
Watson third.
Best comic float was
entered by Cam Rader and
Joey Gelinas, Lorraine's
Crafts came first in the
business float category,
followed by Ducharme Or-
chards in second place, and
the Zurich Women's Institute
in third. The Zurich Nursery
School entered the best club
Best riders on a horse were
Adrian Brand, Lisa Vanden
Broeck and Scott Merner, and
best riders on ponies were An-
drew and Steven Geiger.
First prize for best
decorated bike went to Heidi
Martin, Tracy Martin and
Valerie Gingerich. Other win-
ners were Jamie Hoy, Dana
Rowan and Allan Jeffrey.
Winners in the decorated
trike category were Melissa
Rowan (1), Pamela Crete (2),
Mike Masse (3) and Doug
Ducharme (4).
Winning arm wrestlers: up
to 140 pounds, Derek McKin-
non, Dan Regier, 141-160,
Fred Ducharme, Doug
Ducharme; 161-180, Jeff For-
rester, Mike Clarke; 181-200,
Ron Oesch, Ray Weido; 201
and over, John Coleman,
Fled Eiders.
Ladies' champion was Val
Minhinnick, and Elaine
Clarke was runner-up.
Jan Soudant was over-all
winner in the domestic
science division, and Laura
Pepper came second.
Tilly Hartman and Diane
Miller, both of Bayfield, had
the difficult task of choosing
the most winsome babies
from the 21 entrants in the
baby show organized by Bon-
nie Schenk. Winners were: up
to four months, Kendra,
daughter of Kathy and Ken
Masse, Huron Park; Meagan,
daughter of Tracey and Larry
Stire, Dashwood, and Megan,
daughter of Marg and Rick
Gingerich, Zurich, tied for
& North Lambton Since 1873
Huron Farm and Home news
New wheat varieties evaluated
The present wheat harvest
is being watched with a lot of
interest. Last fall, three new
varieties,.Augusta, Franken-
muth and Houser, were
planted on a large acreage.
These three varieties are tak-
ing over from the once
popular Fredrick.
The main concern about
these varieties is how do they
yield? The Ontario research
indicates that for Perth and
Huron counties, Augusta and
Houser are the highest
yielding with Frankenmuth
the next and Fredrick the
lowest. This is in research
Last year, the Perth and
Huron Soil and Crop Improve-
ment Associations collected
on-farm yields comparing
these varieties. Although
there were only eight farms
where these varieties were
compared last year, the on-
farm yields tended to agree
with the research trials.
- This year, these two Soil
and Crop Associations intend
to again summarize on-farm
yields of different wheat
varieties. If you have any
weighed yield comparisons of
wheat varieties harvested
from the same field, please
forward these yields to your
township director or to the
O.M.A.F. office. We will sum-
marize these results and send
them to anyone who is
Uial Toll Free
We are pleased le announce
that the Ontario Ministry of
• Agriculture and Food in Clin-
ton now has two inwats lines
for the convenience of the far-
ming community. This
enables long-distance callers
within the 519 area to direct
dial, 1-800-2657044, toll free, to
the Clinton office.
Don Pullen
Agicultural Representative
Visit Wonderland
Approximately 7,000 4 -Hers
and Junior Farmers across
Ontario visited Canada's
Wonderland on July 20. This
included approximately 200
4-H members from Iluron
Not only did 4-11 and .Junior
Farmer members have a
chance to enjoy the usual
thrills of Wonderland's at-
tractions, but also there were
several special events to take
These included a 4-H Junior
Farmer display, a 4-11 and
Junior Farmer talent show
and a special Behind -the -
Scenes session on
Karen Rodman,
Rural Organization Specialist
1-11 Youth council Busy
Since the 4-11 motto is
"Learn To Do By Doing", the
Huron 4-11 Youth Council is
busy planning events for their
fellow 4 -Hers. One of the ac-
tivities planned include beef
and dairy showmanship
clinics. These are being held
August R. The beef clinic is
taking place at the
Agricultural Building, Ex-
eter, while the dairy clinic is
taking place at Jim McGee's,
Wingham. 4-11 member, Allan
Pym is making arrangements
for the beef clinic and
Elizabeth Stewart is planning
the dairy clinic.
Other 4-11 members are in-
volved in planning such ac-
tivities as a 4-11 education
night, a sheep trimming clinic
and a 4-H picnic.
Karen Rodman,
Rural Organization Specialist
Weed Alert Continues
Each year, farmers across
Ontario are challenged by
new appearing weeds, her-
bicWe resistant weeds and the
spread of potential weed
The control of these weeds
SHEEP SHOW — Florence Pullen,
some Leicester ewes, was judge of
the Zurich Fair.
PRIZE PIGEON David Thiel holds one of
that won him a prize at the Zurich Fair.
requires early detection of
their spread and adequate
To monitor these potential
new weed problems for
farmers, the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food
operates the Weed Alert Pro-
gram each summer.
In Huron and neighbouring
counties in Western and Cen-
tral Ontario, Barbara
Westfall has been appointed
as Weed Alert Co-ordinator.
Ms. Westfall is identifying
new weeds and their spread to
alert researchers and
farmers to potential weed
The co-operation of farmers
is a vital part of the success
of this program. Farmers
who find new weeds in the
fields, or in fence rows and
Ifther areas, should contact
the local Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food office to
report such weeds.
Together, new weeds can
be quickly eradicated before
they spread.
Brian Hall
Farm Management Specialist
for Huron County
White Mold Beans
With the exception of the
variety Ex Rico, all present
white bean varieties are
susceptible to white mold.
As this article is being writ-
ten (July 17), we have ideal
mold conditions. These condi-
tions are wet and cool. If these
conditions continue into late
July and early August, some
good white bean fields could
have yield losses due to white
If you plan to spray for
mold, the first spray should
go on at 5 to 10 percent bloom.
To determine if your field is
5 to 10 percent bloom, count
100 consecutive plants. If 5 to
10 of these 100 plants have one
flower opened, then these
plants are at 5 to 10 percent
bloom. Repeat this procedure
in a number of areas in the
There has been little
research comparing ground
equipment vs. airplane.
However, it is well
documented that you must
get thorough coverage of the
plants to get mold protection.
In this regard, there is a
the pigeons consensus among resear-
chers that ground equipment
can do a more effective job of
spraying. With ground equip-
ment, you need high volumes
of water and high pressure to
get thorough coverage.
Even though the piece of
equipment you use is impor-
tant, timing is more impor-
tant. It is better to spray with
an airplane on time than use
ground equipment two weeks
after the optimum time.
The present fungicides are
protectants. This means they
will not destroy the disease
that has already started. Fur-
thermore, the sprays only last
about ten days. If you spray
at fi bloom and it turns wet
for a next week to 10 days,
a econd spray will be re-
ared to stop mold.
There is no value in spray-
ing beans at full bloom for the
first time, or spraying fields
that have a high percentage
of plants showing infection.
PRETTY DOLL -- Sandra Turner and former Zurich resi-
dent Ruth Willert, now of Innisiail, Alberto, admire a
soft sculpture doll entered in the Zurich Fair.
Pat Lynch
Soils and Crops Specialist
Brian Hall
Farm Management Specialist
for Huron County
Winners up to eight months
were Michael, son of Bonnie
and Pat Groot, RR 1 Zurich;
Randi Lee, son of Angela and
Brad Clausius, Zurich; and
Mark, son of Janet and Ted
Soudant, Varna and Kevin,
son of Cheryl and Bill Pole,
Zurich, tied for third.
In the eight to 12 month
class, winners were Aaron
Thomas, son of Joyce and
Kevin Doupe, Exeter;
Joseph, son of Shelly and Bill
Hay, Hensall, and Jonathon,
son of Nathalie and Jim
Glavin, Crediton.
Melanie, daughter of Karen
and Ralph Weishart, Strat-
ford, took the top award in the
12 to 18 month class, followed
by Ian, son of Donna and
David Denomme, Stratford
(2) and Kassie-Jo, daughter
of Linda and Frank Voogle,
Dashwood (3.)
The children's mini tractor
pull was a popular event.
First, second and third places
in the 25-50 pound class were
taken by Blake Schade, Brad
Voogel and Jon Lovie; 51-75
pound winners were Rob Con-
sitt, Michael Grenier and
Matt Turner and the 76-100
pound event was won by Scott
Bedard, Melodie Turner and
Paul Taylor.
Cliff Pepper won the most
points in the standard poultry
class. Howard Fletcher, Kin-
cardine, had the champion -
bantam male. David Thiel,
Zurich, took top prizes for
both old and young champion
Winner of "Champion
Cook" contest sponsored by
"the Advance" Zurich was:
Mrs. Janet Soudant, RR 1
Varna with 15 firsts, 4
seconds, 3 thirds for a total of
56 points.
Runner-up was Mrs. Laura
Pepper, RR 1 Dashwood with
9 firsts, 11 seconds, 1 third for
a total of 50 points.
Winner of "Erb Bros.
Garage" Special for a
decorated birthday cake was
Mrs. Anne Flaxbard, Zurich.
Winner of the "Tasty -Nu
Bakery" Special for a dark
fruit cake was Mrs. Janet -
Soudant, Varna.
Winner of "Fry's Cocoa
Family Favourite" Special
for a dessert made from
Cocoa was Mrs. Linda Voogel,
RR 1 Dashwood.
Winner of the "Ontario
Bean Producers Marketing
Board" Special for a dish of
baked beans was Mrs. Eileen
Consitt, Zurich.
Mrs. Janet Soudant won the
two banana cake specials
donated by the Zurich
Women's Institute and the
Hess Jewellery Store. She
also won the four "Arva
Flour" specials.
There was a good showing
of baked goods with five or six
entries in most of the specials.
Mrs. Joan Van
Slightenhorst, Zurich won the
most points for the Floral Ex-
hibits to take"The Floristry
Shoppe" of Dashwood Special
- a $10 gift certificate.
Carolyn Love had the most
points in Junior Homemaking
to win the Zurich Women's In-
stitute Special.
Mrs. Anna Dolmage,
Londesbora won the Arts and
Crafts Special, a 415 gift cer-
tificate from "The Captain's
Cove" Bayfield.
Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, Hen-
sall had the most points in the
Sewing Exhibits, with Mrs.
Verna Becker, Dashwood the
runner-up. Winners of the
Simpson Sears Ltd. gift
Vegetable entries were up.
Mrs. Laura Pepper and Mrs.
Janet Soudant had the most
Horses: Heavy Belgian
team - Stuart Jeffrey, Cour-
tright; Light Belgian team -
Arnold Young, Goderich;
Percheron team - Don
McNeil, Goderich; Commer-
cial team - Albert Erb,
Zurich; Haflinger team
Stewart Thiel, Zurich; 4
Horse Hitch - Donald and
Dawn Sowerby, Goderich;
Unicorn Hitch - Howard Ross,
St. Marys; Best Dressed
team - Sowerby; Best Match- -
ed team - Arnold Young;
Roadster team - Mac Arm-
strong, Beachville and Ken
Mogk, Tavistock; Shetland
Ponies - Cliff • Acheson,
Top Sheep exhibitors: Glen
O'Paine, Kerwood and Elmer
Armstrong, St. Pauls.
Six different breeds of
sheep were exhibited in the
sheep show - excellent
BEST POULTRY — Cliff Pepper (right) Dashwood, won
the championship in the standard poultry class at Zurich
Fair. He is holding o Buff Orpington rooster. Howard
Fletcher, Kincardine, displays his champion male
TRACTOR PULLER Scott Bedard holds the trophy he
won in the 76-100 pound class mini tractor pull at the
Zurich Fair.
t t
A JUNIOR TRIKER — Pamela Crete with her decorated
tricycle was one of the youngest participants In Satur-
day's Zurich Fall Fair parade. T -A photo