HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-08-01, Page 2Page 2 Times -Advocate, August 1, 1981
Nine young ladies vie for
Friedsburg Days Queen title
Brian's -Service Centre
John Hayter Painting
Julie's Family Hairstyling
Baskin Robbins
Ellison Travel 14th Sodbusters
At Playhouse II
Merner's Meats
Recall many war memories
!happy and sad memories 01
the First and Second World
Wars highlight the current
Bill Bishop Goes to War play
A GOOD MUSICAL --- Hank Stinson ploys the role of
Billy Bishop in the musical currently playing at Huron
Country Playhouse II. Michael Mulrooney is at the
at the Huron Country
Playhouse Ii.
Hank Stinson as Billy
Bishop with Michael
Munrooney at the piano gives
a stirring performance in
revealing the young pilot's
career from a student at RMC
in Kingston to the top flying
ace in World War I.
His use of very simple
props in portraying Bishop's
life in song and verse is highly
entertaining and at times
in addition to the role of
Bishop,' Stinson played 17
other characters including
RAF personnel.
Hank Stinson has an im-
pressive list of musical
credits including leading roles
in Jacques Brel, hello Dolly
and Irma La Douce in Van-
couver. Oklahoma in Win-
nipeg and Side By Side By
Sondheim in Edmonton and
After Billy Bishop Goes to
War concludes Saturday
night, Stinson will he remain-
ing in Grand Bend for "Once
More' With Fooling" schedul-
ed from August 8 to 18.
Out They Go
The Ever Popular K Cars,
Plymouth Reliant & Dodge Aries
the MSRP
Only 7 models left
Hayter's Turkey Farms Ltd.
Designers Unisex
Life in a
typical town
Blue City. the latest offer-
ing at Blyth Festival, skilful-
ly and sensitively evokes the
essence of life in a typical
small town.
Playwright Layne Col-
eman, a veteran of five acting
and directing seasons at
Blyth, uses the short time
period during the• warm-up,
playing and victory celebra-
tion of a women's fasthall
tournament won by the Blue
City Slammers to humorous-
ly and poignantly illumine the
complexities beneath the
deceptively simple surface.
The women are portrayed
sympathetically. An affec-
tionate, supportive bond is ob-
vious among catcher Kim
(Jenny Munday) whose
talents are not being utilized
in her unchallenging job at
the local hotel; pitcher and
single mother Lori ( Deborah
Kimmett 1, confronting after a
14 -year absence the rolling
stone who fathered her
teenaged son (Chris Royal r
neglected wife Barbara
( Mary Anne Coles I reduced
to worrying about petty
details like a shiny nose while
hubby ( Robert King) drinks
with Butter ( Ron Gabriel) the
tragic -comic prime candidate
for town drunk: bubble -
brained centre fielder
Chicken r Peg Christopher-
son). 23 going on 13, and last
year's 15 -year-old star Sherry
Lyn (Jennifer Griffin)..
unable to play this year
because of an unplanned
David Fox weaves a con-
trasting thread throughout
the fabric of the play. He
plays the part of Lori's father
and coach of the Blue ('itv
team. a kindly Christian
gentlemen trying to point the
others to the right path by ex-
ample rather than pressure
As the final scene winds
down, relationships have
changed, characters have
faced their crossroads and
continued heedlessly on to an
unhappy destination, or
swung hopefully onto a new
The play ends in a touching
finale with Fox on his knees,
earnestly praying for all who
are affected and afflicted with
the foibles and sins inherent
in all mankind.
SIGNING UP — Erin and Alisho Jennison have a big smile after getting their name
tags at Doris Peebles' table. Andrew Sharen picks out his tag in the background,
at the Grand Bend Vocation Bible School.
Tuckersmitha is grant
Tuckersmith Township tion to hold its annual
Council learned at its meeting Ciderfest on September 30.
Tuesday that its request to the Clerk Jack McLachlan was
Ministry of Municipal Affairs authorized to attend the an -
and Housing for an uncondi- nual Municipal Financial
tional grant of $132,000 has Committee conference in
been granted. Council made London on September 26-28.
the request based on `unusual Union Gas will be holding a
circumstances' because . of public meeting at Vanastra
unpaid taxes on ten tax on August 16 in preparation to
registration properties, in- starting construction in late
eluding the large red brick August of its gas line to supp-
building, the former radar ly the hamlet with natural
school. Some apartment gas. It will be completed by
buildings were included but
they have since been sold.
The grant covers water and
sewage levies as well.
In a news release by
Minister Claude Bennett, he
reports: "My ministry has
completed a review of
Tuckersmith's financial posi-
tion and had found that addi-
tional financial assistance is
warranted." He said the
grant will help keep property
tax increases to a minimum
in 1984.
Bennett explained that the
closing of the Canadian
Forces Base at Clinton
resulted in the township hav-
ing to write off a number of
property tax arrears and that When David Scott and Doug
the grant will cushion tax- McNair of Ailsa Craig ap-
payers from substantial tax peared in, Provincial Court in
increases this year. "These London they were surprised
circumstances were beyond to find they faced different
the control of the municipal charges than expected over
council and were ,of an an incident at the recent Gala
unusual and special nature," Days at Ailsa Craig.
he said. They had expected to be
Council is holding a special charged with operating a
meeting, behind closed doors, common gaming house as a
Tuesday to discuss its 1984 result of allowing parimutuel
budget and establish the tax wagering on turtle races.
rate for the year. The charges were changed
In other business council to selling tickets on games of
chose the sesquicentennial chance and dispersing monies
pin to mark its 150th birthday" on games c r chance.
next year. itis an oval pin in Lawyers for Scott and
white, green anti gold, with an McNair said after the court
outline map of Tuckersmith session they felt the newest
centred on the pin with a plow charges were of a lesser
inset. It will go on sale later nature.
this fall. Scott and McNair are
Council approved a request scheduled to appear in court
for the Van Egmond Founda- again on August 31.
late September. In addition
the firm will deliver pam-
phlets to each household.
Three ratepayers attended
the meeting for the reading of
the engineer's report on the
Charter Drainage System --
Robert McNaughton, William
Charter and Jim Cooper.
Court of Revision will be held
on August 21, and tenders will
be advertised for the con-
struction work.
Osborne reviews
fire code rules
At a July 17 meeting,
Usborne township council
discussed regulations of the
Ontario Fire Code as they
related to township residents.
Rubbish shall not be burned
on any premises unless per -
Change charges
against AC pair
BLUE CiTY - Ron Gabriel. (left), Jenny Munday and
Robert King in a scene from the latest Blyth Theatre
Aluminum Associates
Home Improvements
fully Bonded • Insured
All work fully guaranteed
Aluminum, vinyl and hardboard siding
Soffit and Fascia
5" seamless eavestroughing
Storm doors and windows
Custoen fit replacement windows
Bows and Boys
• Get off the costly
repainting treadmill.
• Beautify your home and
reduce maintenance cares.
• Improve and protect your
home's resale value.
Call Frederick Roach in London
Collect 672-1145
mission has been received
and open air burning is not
approved unless approved by
a fire chief of unless such bur-
ning consists of a small, con-
fined fire supervised at all
times and used to cook food on
a grill or barbecue.
A report from building in-
spector Herman Van Wferen
revealed building permits for
the month of June totalled
$97,000 bringing the 1984 total
to $292,000. Similar figures for
the same period in 1983 were
$887,000 but, this included
$400,000 for the joint ad-
ministration building with the
Ausable-Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authority.
Road superintendent John
Batten reported that the
spraying of salt brine on
township roads and the
stockpiling of gravel would be
completed in the near future.
Clerk -treasurer Larry
Stuck was instructed to
prepare a bylaw for
maintenance and repair of
the Scott municipal drain.
Council will be informing
the.township of Hay that they
have no objection to the
rezoning of part of Lot 2, Con-
cession 1 to Agriculture 3.
A quotation from Frank
Cowan Insurance Company
for coverage on the Willis
farm was accepted.
A bylaw approving repair
and maintenance of the Hicks
municipal drain was given
final readings and approved.
Approval was given to sign
the final grant papers relating
to the federal and provincial
grants under which the new
office building was erected.
Authorization was given to
clerk -treasurer Larry Stuck
and deputy Sandra Strang to
attend the Municipal Finance
conference in London pro-
viding they do not attend dur-
ing the same hours.
What Every Family
Should Know
Embalming art and science
Children of funeral direc-
tors have a few special pro-
blems which other children
don't have'
can remember my
children canning home from
school relating -all sorts of
weird stories about embalming
which the) had heard from
their schoolmates. 1 wonder
now whether they thought
their father was some sort of
television vampire or a
And yet they were pro-
bably no different from
anyone who gives a thought to
what happens when 4 person
is embalmed.
Embalming is an old
art—hut like anything else it
has acquired new methods.
new techniques and has been
elevated to a science.
An untreated human body
is subject to rapid decomposi-
tion. This is dependent of
course. of tactors such as the
physical condition of the body
and temperature. By retarding
this process we are able to
have the body available for
viewing. for restoration where
necessary. and for a funeral
ceremony. Through the em-
balming process the embalmer
sanitizes•thc body.
Research conducted at
.Wayne University at Detroit
by Dr. Gordon Rose and
others has proven that proper
emhalrning reduces the
pathogenic (harmful) bacteria
in the dead human body in ex-
cess of 95`4 . It is obvious then
that the process of embalming
is a proven treatment.
The embalming process is
done at the funeral home and
not unlike a surgical
Preserving chemicals arc
introduced into the body
through a major artery . A
machine which can. simulate
the pumping action of the
heart- disperses the chemical
into what is called the arterial
system of the body—all the
large and small arteries and in-
to the cells which lie below the
surface of the skin.
This chemical forces the
blood out ahead of it through
thr vcinous system or veins
where it is eliminated. Usual-
ly the process of injection and
drainage is accomplished with
vessels at one' small incision
In the case of accident or
illness which has caused
disfigurement the embalmer
will especially treat the al -
limed areas so that restoration
can he made.
There is no Ontario law
that says embalming must be
done. It is only mandatory
when the body is to be
transported out of the province
or when transported by train
or plane within the province.
The late Dr. Eric
Lindemann who has research-
ed and written much about the
effects of death says that view-
ing of the body is needed to
preventdenialand that for
many people lacing the dead
body in the casket is the first
step hack to recovery after the
trauma of a death.
The embalming process
and the cosmetic application
which follows is not intended
to "cover up'' the fact of
death. They are intended to
provide an acceptable image
for viewing and for recall.
Embalming permits the
body to he held for the parts
of the funeral we have come
to appreciate without it being
a hazard from a standpoint of
odor. sanitation and .public
This article was
prepared hs OFSA member
Jerome Marcotte.
Your area Ontario Funeral Service Members are
PHONE ?35 '?2O
T. 1.FIakett and %n
223 Main St. Lucan
61' feeder
As low as
Stat -tri( .
Built and
priced for you
• Fourteen inch curved holt
provides controlled resting; area for
feed. Capacity equal to lh" or two silo unloaders
• Low horsepower requirements
• Plow independently suspended.
• Independent motors control stopping of plots in arty
• Plow travels 60' per minute for fast and gfnet delivery
• Easily adaptahie to new hunk, existing hunks and Inside
overhead applications
For more details contact "Henry" ut:
Sales and Service - Repair
RR 3 Zurich, Ont. Phone 236-4934 236-4321