HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-08-01, Page 1Qua ity
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Winchelsea intersection claims another
Two more die in Area crashes
Two men were killed in
area collisions this week,
bringing the total to three in
eight days.
One of the fatalities occur-
red around 4:00p.m. Friday,
at the intersection of County
Roads 6 and 11 in Winchelsea,
the scene of the lone fatality
the previous week.
Killed was Thomas A.
Turner, 53 Rockwyn Cres-
cent,- London, whose north-
bound car collided with a
camping trailer being towed
by a car driven east on Coun-
ty Road 6 by Kenneth Wilson„
RR 1 Princeton.
The Turner vehicle, also
pulling a trailer, rolled over
into a ditch and the driver
SPARKY PARADES Albert Deichert guides his
miniature horse Sparky along the Zurich Fair parade
route, Saturday. His passenger is Gordon Smith.
McDonald captures
Liberal nomination
Bruce McDonald a 30 -year
old insurance broker from
Mildmay will take the Iluron-
Bruce Liberals to the polls in
the September 4 federal
Mc Dona Id earned the
Liberal noxi Thursday in ('lin-
ton when more than 650 peo-
ple filled the high school
auditorium l0 pick their
The voters chose .1cl1onald
over heather Redick of
Zurich on the first ballot.
A life long resident of this
riding, Mc1)(naid was born in
Brussels and raised on a farm
in (:rev township: His lamily
has a history oI involvement
m corrrmin it and civic al
tarts and his great great
grandl:rther was the Iu'sI
reeve 01 (:r-e•Township
The young Liberal can -
(tufa le was educated at
1Va11on Public School.
Sea forth High 'chord and
went 011 toe 4'1: a Bachelor of
liusi111- .\dnunisl rat 1011
from 11 Itrul Laurier Unnur
sIty, Waterloo
1le was The owner and
president of 1) B. .1cIfonald
Insurance !linkers in For-
mosa and ALldtnay 1n 1981
and is now a partner with
Craig. "McDonald. Redden in-
surance in Formosa.
Mildmay and Walkerton
A1cOonald has been Inyoh -
e(1 1n 1.1lwra1 party 1x11111(5 for
the past 12 years He is past
president of the liberal
Association and past cam
palgn chairman 1n 1979 and
'80 He was a delegate lo the
,lune '84 Leadership 1'onyen
tion in 10lawa and currently
serves as vice president of the
Western Onlarro North
liberal Association
N1c1)nttal(1 told the Liberal
audience. !that you see Is
what you gist 11e said he iii
fers no IItu'ions but otters.
"youth. enthusiasm and
He said that the Liberal
party is one of "reform and
renewal...our party has
emerged renewed.
The. Liberal candidate em-
phasized that 'government
must be open to the people
and proposed that he would
hold two public meetings a.,
year and have two constituen-
cy offices.
"The residents of Huron -
Bruce McDonald
Bruce pay the MP's
salaries. he noted
McDonald stressed the
need for free enterprise and
said that the backbone of the
economy is based on
agriculture and small
business He said he is com-
mitted to the preservation of
the family farm Family
farms. he noted. have been
associated with bankruptcy
and foreclosure and govern-
ment policies must he
developed to help farmers in-
novative lax policies are
needed. along with
Please turn to page 3
was pronounced dead at the
scene by Coroner Dr. R.W.
Flowers, Clinton.
Turner's wife, Agnes, sus-
tained cuts and bruises and
was treated in South Huron
Hospital, while the other
driver escaped injury.
Wilson is employed by
Wrayman Construction, RR 3
Paris, one of the firgus involv-
ed in Exeter's sewer lagoon
expansion program. A week
earlier, another employee of
that firm sustained serious in-
jury when he was involved in
a collision on Highway 83 just
east of Exeter and was trap-
ped in his vehicle for about an
hour and a half before being
freed by Exeter firemen and
Hoffman's ambulance
The trailer being hauled by
the Princeton area man'was
totally demolished and the
debris was scattered over a
wide area. Several trucks
were used to haul away the
wreckage from the scene.
His car was virtually
unscathed and he resumed his
journey after the collision in
which total damage was set at
$7,700 by Exeter OPP.
The other fatality .in the
area occurred Saturday after-
noon at Whalen.
The victim. Richard Baron,
25, of RR 1 Dorchester, was
- the driver of a vehicle which
failed to negotiate a curve on
Highway 23 and rolled into the
Baron who was thrown
from his vehicle at about 7:40
p.m. was taken to a London
hospital by Haskett's Am-
bulance of Lucan a-nd pro-
nounced dead by Coroner Dr.
Archie Grace.
Passengers in the Baron
vehicle John Lewis, London
and Peter Watson, Woodham
received minor injuries and
did not require hospital
Five people were injured,
none seriously. in a collision
on Thursday at the intersec-
tion of sideroad 5 and
concession4-5 of Usborne.
Drivers involved were Gin-
nette Gwalchmai, Lucan and
Marlyn Johnson, RR 3 Ex-
eter. After the impact, the car
driven by Johnson collided
with a tree.
Both vehicles were exten-
sively damaged with loss he-
ing set.at $10,000.
Both . driverg and three
passengers in the vehicles
were injured. Riding in the
Exeter area vehicle was Ran-
dy Johnson. RR :3 Exeter,
while Joline and Meghan Lee.
St. Catharines. were
Police give
Exeter police investigated
two accidents this week and
issued 12 -hour licence suspen-
sions4o three motorists after
the latter registered "warn"
on the new ALERT alcohol
detection scanner.
On Friday, vehicles driven
by Bryan Hogg. 459 Main SI ,
and Reginald Stagg. 176
Sanders St.. were involved in
a collision on Alain SI. near
Alexander. Damage mage was set
al $850 by Sgt. Kevin Short.
The other crash was on Sun-
day when vehicles driven by
Donald Thompson,
Woodstock and Thomas
Ryan, RR 2 Hensall, collided
at the intersection of
Highways 4 and 83.
A stolen vehicles was
recovered by ( 'oust able Dan
Kierstead on Friday at 7:0)
p.m.. following a brief chase .
The vehicle had been stolen
earlier in the day in Clinton
and the suspect and vehicle
were turned over to Clinton
The three 12 -hour suspen-
sions were handed out over
the weekend and the -police
advise that they will be using
the ALERT machine again
this holiday weekend in an el -
fort In keep drinking drivers
off the streets
passengers in the 4walchmai
On Saturday, during the
Zurich fair. police in-
vestigated one crash. A vehi-
cle driven by Carolyn Regier,
RR 2 Zurich, collided with a
parked vehicle owned by
Brian Regier, Zurich.
Damage in the mishap,
which occurred on Highway
84 east of the main intersec-
tion, was set at $1,530.
The other tw crashes in-
vestigated du ng the past
week by the Ex er•OPP were
both on Ilighu)Vay 81 near
Grand Bend.
' On Tuesday, Glenn Hayter,
RIi 3 Parkhill; was pro-
ceeding south on Highway 81
on a tractor pytlling a
cultivator, when the latter -
struck a guy wire and caused
the tractor 10 swing into the
path of a northbound vehicle
operated by Janice Chit-
tenden, Lucan.
Total damage in that one
was listed at $2,250.
The other occurred last Fri-
day when Katharine Breda,
London, lost control of her
vehicle near the Crediton
Road intersection and rolled
over into the ditch.
She escaped injury
although damage to the vehi-
cle was estimated at $5.000.
PLENTY OF DEBRIS -- Contents of a house trailer were scattered over
at Winchelsea Friday following a crash which took the life of Thomas Turner of Lon-
don. The Turner vehicle is shown above and below and at the left with the debris.
ea•:.Xtt . •.K .
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
One Hundred and Eleventh Year
bevy . • •
& North Lambton Since 1873
EXETER, ONTARIO, August 1, 1984
Price Per Copy 50 Cents
Exeter's lawyer voices concern
County planner backstownship
Hay moves ahead on subdivision plan
A public meeting called by
flay township to hear objec-
tions to a draft bylaw chang-
ing the zoning of the proposed
Huron Farm subdivision on
Exeter's northern outskirts
from; agrie'_ulturd4 - ..to -
agricultural -commercial -
industrial attracted only a,
handful of people. Most had
personal concerns about how
the change would affect their
Lawyer Edward Hastings.
sole representative of the
town of Exeter, said his client
had grave concerns about the
project. The area in question
had been shown as a buffer
area in a secondary plan cir-
culated in 1978. Referring
specifically to llighw•ay 4. ex-
isting commercial develop-
ment was recognized. hut fur-
ther development was not to
be encouraged in the
designated area.
Hastings added Exeter has
spent over one million dollars
expanding4ts sewage lagoon.
and now offers 48 serviced
acres of industrial land. An
additional 148 marked
developmental could be zon-
ed for industrial -commercial
if needed-4iestiwa also ask-
ed for more information on
how the land rated'according
to foodlands guidelines.
Hastings said Exeter does
not want to be considered a
planning enemy, and hopes to
work together with a commit-
tee of council. but approving
the development of 14 Tots in
the subdivision with the infor-
mation at hand is more than
Due to the holiday, Monday,
The Exeter Times -Advocate
will be published one day
later than usual next week. It
will he printed Wednesday
night for Thursday morning
delivery. -
Now they're betting
where Bessie plops
Standing around waiting to
see where a cow will mess up
may not sound like a good
time to most farmers, but, 0
will to part of a new game for
visitors to the upcoming Sum -
merles' Days in Credit on
•1'he game called Bessie
Bingo ►s being copied from
Sherburn, Minnesota where
the Jaycees came up v11h the
idea to raise funds for local
it was held Iwo years ago
for the first lime in Sherburn
and now many communities
as far away. as California are
staging Bessie Bingo
The community park in
Crediton will tx' used as the
Kathy Kenney was named Queen of the 1984 Zurich
parade are last year's Queen Carrie Eybergen, Princess Wilma Jacobs,
Fall Fair. Shown during Saturday's fair
Queen Kathy Kenney and Princess Lori
T -A photo
playing surface for the Bessie
Bingos which w-ilI be staged
Friday night. August 17 and
the afternoons of Saturday-
aturdayand Sunday. August 18 and 19
The fenced in area in which
the cow is placed will contain
100 four foot squares. The
squares are numbered on a-
c•hart and sold to contestants
for $5 per game per lot
Then, a COW in this case
volunteered by area farmer
Doug Lightfoot. is placed 1n
sole the fence along with feed
and water Everyone waits
oujsrde the fence for nature to
take its course Whichever
square the cow messes up
wins the prize If the caw bits
two or more squares. the pot
1s split
Dale Schuman of the solaI1
Atinnesola town s.ivs. "You
never know what will haP1x•n
In our first contest 0 took the
cow just 15 minutes This year
we started at 8.30 p m and 11
took until nearly midnight to
get a winner...
One of the Creditor)
organizers Fred Bowers says
the ticket number does not In
dicale the lot number the pur
chaser has in his or her
posse55100 :\ myster%
register is kept to prevent
overanxious cattlemen from
attempting lo influence
Bessie as to the lot which w Ill
be hit
The Bessie Bingo game
which will he operated under
a lottery licence 390225 will be
one of a number of events on
the Summerfest program
Others incic,de barbecues.
pancake breakfast. firemen
games and an appearance of
the Mercy. Brothers. Sunday
Exeter is prepared to agree
to. -
After the public meeting
was adjourned, l lay township
convened their regular se-
cond' Aug 'sl session. and
gave the draft bylaw first se-
cond and third reading. ti'he
bylaw will now be circulated
within 15 days lo all property
owners within 400 Leet of the
designated area. as well as to
a long list including Huron
county and adjoining
municipalities. the ministries
of natural resources, environ-
ment, agriculture. municipal
affairs and housing, the coun-
ty health unit. Ontario llydro,
Union ' Gas, the Ausahle-
Bavfield Conservation
Authority and school boards.
11'rilten apixals to the zon-
ing change will be received at
the clerk's office until August
:31- If there are objections Hay
township clerk .108n
Duc•harnie will notify the On -
!aria Municilkil Board. which
will set a date for a hearing.
listen to all sides, and render
Gary Davidson, chief plan-
ner for Huron county, said the
secondary plhllihadst ein cir-
culated and approved two
years ago, and negotiations
with Huron Farms had been.
well reported in the local
Earl Long, a spokesman for
ffuron Farms, said in October
.t i •
' s`
1982 the mayor and the reeve
of Exeter had beep invited to
the developers' office and in-
formed of their plans.
Davidson said the plan con-
formed to all provisions as ap-
proved by the mini4S4�r�yy of
municipal affairs and`hous-
ing. Compact as, opposed to
strip development was in--
n-tended north of Exeter. and is
allowed near urban areas on
class one land. (le said often
['lease turn to page 3
n' 1■
START FOR SENIOR APARTMENTS IN GRAND BEND A sod turning ceremony for the new senior citizens
apartments in Grond Bend was held, Wednesday. Committee chairman Rev. Jim Sutton is shown at the podium.
Other members of the committee from the left are Doreen Seguin, Ted Bartlett. Ila Koyes. Don Southcott, Elgin
McNabb, Nancy Thornas and Mickey Webb. T -A photo
Build 18 units for senior citizens
Turn sod for resort project
Wednesday marked a
special day for (:rand Bend
Non -Profit Housing ('orpora
tion. in realizing their ambi
tions In provide affordable
housing for senior (1111(515 111
the c•rnnmunity
The project. to to built on
Sauble al the rear of the
(:rand Bend Medical ('entre
was the location of a soil
turning ceremony to
celebrate the start oI
The land is tx'ing purchas
ed from the Medical ('entre
Board, Bill and Helen Sturde-
valtt, Lyman (,rattan and
George V4:ingegarden.
When completed. (rand
Bend Senior project will pro -
vied 26 self-contained apart-
ments for seniors of modest
The federal governmenl
has been a major sources or
funding for the (,rand Bend
Seniors project with financial
assistance provided through
Canada Mortgage and }lous-
ing Corporation. Canada's
(lousing Agency
The National }lousing Act
administered by ('MH(', of-
fers various forms of
assistance to privately owned
non-profit rental housing for
people of low to moderate in-
come Such accommodation
may be for individuals.
families. the elderly or
special groups such as the
disabled The objective is to
ensure the continued supply
of adequate housing al
modest cost
(:rand Bend senior apart-
ments 1s an example of
private non-profit housing for
Project detail.
Upon completion (.rand
Mothers appointed
new superintendent
'['he Iluron County Board of
Education. has announced the
appointment of Arnold
Withers to Superintendent of
Education, effective
September 1.
The Exeter resident receiv-
ed his elementary and secon-
dary education in Iluron
County Be holds a Bachelor's
degree from the University of
Western Ontario and a
Master's Degree from the
University of Toronto He
received his Supervisory Of-
ficer's Certificate in 1972.
Mathers began his career in
Huron County as principal at
Huron ('entennial and has re-
mained there to present. "As
principal in the system
Malhers has shown outstan-
ding leadership qualities and
interpersonnel skills," the
board statement noted
Besides his many contribu-
tions to -Huron ('entennial
School and the community.
Mathers has been a
member/chairman on
various committees such as
the South Huron Association
for Mentally Retarded, Board
of Family and Children's Ser-
vices for Huron County. Oct.
and has worked on cur-
riculum committees for
mathematics, language arts
and K - 13 English.
"Mr. Mathers has demon-
strated an ability to establish
a community profile which is
positive, friendly and task
oriented," the hoard release
Bend Senior Apartments will
consist of eight two-bedroom
and 18 one -bedroom self -
contained units.
To provide housing, there
must be incentive. The incen-
tive is money, under CMHC's
Start-t'p Program, available
to non-profit groups incor-
porated for the purpose of
building or buying housing.
A loan of up to 175.000 can
be given 10 help with
organization. incorporation;
fees for professional and
technical assistance; site
selection and generally to
reach the stage where
proper application can be
made for a loan from a
private sector lender to cover
100 percent of project costs.
The sponsors of (:rand
Rend senior Apartments
received S32,300 in start-up
assistance. all of which is
repayable. hurt on an interest-
free basis. -
By insuring 100 percent of
developers can't afford the
casts of urban serviced land,
and the bylaw restricts Huron
Farms to agricultural -related
Before leaving. Hastings
asked to be notified of any fur-
ther action, as he is to report
Please turn to page 3
f fr