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Times-Advocote, July 25, 1984
20 Property For Rent
doubles, parking, quiet, $25.00
per week, 590.00 per month and
up. Grand Central Hotel, Lucan.
227-4811. 42t Inc
ONE & TWO bedroom apart-
ments available now. $225 to S250
per month. Phone 227-4668.18tfn
ONE BEDROOM ground floor
apartment. Appliance, heat, laun-
dry, parking included. S190.62
monthly. Apartment 2. 304 An-
drew St. 235-2831 or 472-0986.
ONE BEDROOM apartment in
Zurich. Available immediately,
236-4320. 291 f n
COUNiRi' SLIiiNG - 2
bedroom main 115or apartment,
fully broadloonted, garden plot,
treed yard. Hwy 4, 2 miles south
of Exeter. 5235.00 first, last, lease.
235-2430 or 23541392 esenmgs.
HENS.A1.1 - 2 storey, 4 bedroom
brick home available September 1.
For appointment call 262-3137 or
London 471-4847. 29tfnc
UPPER One bedroom apartment
with fridge and store. Utilities
paid. Non-smoker. A s ailable
August 1st. 235-2187. 10c
partially furnished, quiet single
adult. 235-1497 or 238-8805.30ttnc
bedroom apartment. Adults only.
235-1497 or 238-8805. 30tfnc
HLNSAI-1 --- 1 and 2 bedroom
apartments for rent,
5195-205 month including heat.
Clean building, no pets. 262-3146.
HOUSE. NEAR Daslts+sod.
Phone 234-6268. 3(li
21 For Rent
portable cement mixer, Power
Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form
ties stockcj. Call N.J. Corriseau,
Zurich. -Telephone 236-4954. 51
THE "01.1) TOWN HAI I."
auditorium for rentals including
weddings, 'Herrings, banquet
room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. kitchen facilities available.
Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2188).
ROOM AND BOARD asailable
for Young then. Prefer non-
smokers. 227.1206, 27-30c
22 For Sale or Rent
BUILDING for Rent or base -
12's80', three bays, office -
%sashroom, partial heat, large pas
lot. Call 236-7777 after 6 p.m.
50 ACRE Farm with living ac-
comodations, Shipka arca. Also
for sale, 6(1 ft. furnished trailer.
234-6268. Svc
For Sale
Duplex, brick,
situated behind Vic-
toria & Grey at 429
William Street.
Each half contains 3
bedrooms, dining,
living room, kitchen,
full basement, elec-
tric heat, full front
porch, new roof, ce-
ment drive, garage
each side.
Phone 235-1066 or
23 Wonted To Rent
HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc-
ed acres in Exeter area. Must have
ample water for small livestock
operation. Two-year lease or
longer preferred. Apply stating
location, rental and length of term
available to Box BAX, The Exeter
Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45tfx
IMMEDIATELY -, 2 or more
bedroom home ,on a yearly basis
in Grand Bend area by responsi-
ble family. Phone London
anytime 679-0644. 29-31c
26 legal Notices
In the Estate of
Roy A. Consitt
All persons having claims against
the estate of Roy Acheson Consitt,
late of Village of Hensall in the
County of Huron are hereby
notified to send in full particulars
of their claims lo the undersigned
on or before the 9th day of
August, 1984, after which date the
assets will be distributed having
regard only to claims then
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this
Ilth day of July, 1984.
McConnell, Stewart,
Devereaux & Smith
Barristers and Solicitors
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executors
In the Estate of
All persons having claims against
the estate of Alvernia Hill, late of
the Tos%nship of Hay, County of
Huron, who died on or about the
29th day of June 1984 are required
to file particulars of same with
Deane & Associates, Solicitors of
E\ete'r, Ontario, by the 4th day of
August 1984 after which date the
estate will be distributed having
regard only to those claims of
which notice has been received.
Solicitors for the Executors, •
Exeter, Ontario •
28 Auction Sales
Machinery Consignment Sale,
Norwich, Ontario. Friday, August
10, 1984, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted
second Friday each month). Ap-
proximately 150-175 tractors, plus
all types of farm equipment. Con-
signments welcome. For more in-
formation call (519)424-9998 or
(519)424-9093. Proprietors K.S.
Hamu lecki & Sons. 30x
Friday Juts' 27, 10 a.m. sharp.
Plus our regular gigantic monthly
Consignment auction sale held
fourth Friday each month. New
and used equipment including ap-
proximately 25 late model self:-
elf-propelled combines, 60 to 100
Tractors, skid steer loads, cars and
trucks plus oyer 300 pieces of all
types of farm equipment. Special
rtote: if you need a combine don't
miss this auction. Combines sell at
approximately 1 p.m. Terms cash
or good cheque day of sale. Not
responsible for accidents on pro-
perty. Auctionr:rs, Cliff Gilbert
and Ales Parr, Wayne Ward
Farm Equipment, Highway 6,
Wiarton, Ontario. Phone
)519)534-1638. 305
2 bedroom cottage, winterized, vinyl siding, on
160' deep x 55' wide lot, paved drive.
$41,000.00. Phone 238-2840.
Large Auction Sale
Antiques, furniture, appliances, col-
our TV, glassware etc. to be held at
Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clin-
ton Ont. for Mrs. Rose Laub of Ex-
eter plus several other consignors.
Sat., July 28 at 10 a.m.
Sharp portable colour TV w stand, 'Beatty
clothes dryer, chesterfield w pull out bed, 24
inch stove, modern wringer washer, matching
automatic Inglis washer and dryer (like new),
counter top stove w eye level oven, G.E.
fridge, floor model hili, bedroom suite,
pressback nursing rocker, wooden arm rock-
ing chair, modern Krohler end tables, wicker
library table, maple coffee table. parlour table,
matching wicker arm and rocking chairs, 2
single wardrobes, 2 piano stools w/ glass boll
feet, 2 desks, typewriter table, captains chair,
2 matching pressback chairs plus other choirs,
2 chrome table and choir sets, wooden floor
lamps, tea wagon w 'large wheels, round glass
top dining table, 9 piece dining suite, trunk
bridge lamp, Kenmore vacuum cleaner, carpet
11'', ft. x 15 ft., modern dresser w/mirror,
modern desk w ,one row of drawers, White
treadle sewing machine, '. size continental
bed w'head board. blanket box. Gingerbread
shelf clock working, oil lamp, chino cabinet,
chrome table and four chairs, 3 figurines, Town
choir and lounge, top section of modern kitchen
cupboard, magazine table, swivel rocker. 3
hand hooked rugs, some bedding, card tables,
desk lamp, small appliances, cups and saucers,
dishes, pots and Pans, picture table lamps, etc.
plus other items too numerous to mention.
Richard Lobb 482-7898
A WARM DRINK AND A LAUGH - Enjoying a hot coffee and a joke at Wednes-
day's Kirkton Garden Party are singer Peter Glenn, Gerald Paul and comedian Bil-
ly Meek. T -A photo
Cake -walk opens at Blyth
Most pleasing concoction
Take one nun in "civvies",
one society matron scheduled
to be mother of the bride the
next day, one grown-up
flower child who runs the
Heaven on Earth Cafe with
draft -dodger husband, and
one villainess dressed in
Alkela Cub leader uniform
from beret to orthopedic ox-
fords. Set the four in the
grungy summer kitchen of
the once -popular Bayview Inn
waiting to compete in a best -
cake competition, first prize
a trip to Paris. Add the bride -
elect trying to thwart her
mother's plans to enter
daughter's spectacular wed-
ding cake in the contest, and
a late -arriving contestant, a
male archeologist.
Mix incognito nun and ar-
cheologist gently, mother and
daughter vigorously. Grate
viUaipess against other
females until they are raw.
Vulnerable flower child is
most tender, making her the
easiest to grind down.
Place all characters in a
script by talented young Mon-
treal playwright Colleen Cur-
ran" Bake well for approx-
imately two hours. Turn out
on the stage of the Blyth
Theatre. Result: Cake -walk,
a laugh -filled evening of
`Delightful Anne Anglin,
memorable in many previous
Blyth productions, plays to
perfection the role of Ruby
Abel, the unscrupulous
miscreant who will stop at
nothing to win. The au-
dience's anger melts as Ruby
(father said he'd smother my
mother with jewels and I'm
one of them) reveals a deep
still -festering wound inflicted
in high school, then congeals
again when she stoops to a
new low.
- Laurel Paetz is superb as
Sister Vivien Leigh Cleary,
tremulous as a teenager while
trying to suppress new-found
doubts about a chosen
The tussel over a wedding
cake is synifiolic of a battle
for dominance aetWeen delec-
table Tiffany Secufd (Janet
Land) and marshrntsllow-
coated steel mother Augusta
Connors Secord (Doroth,
Piner), on a first -name basis
with Madame Jehanne
Andrew Martin Thomson as
Taylor Abbott, an ar-
cheologist who has finally
pulled his head out of the
sand, completes the strong,
capable cast.
CKNX-TV broadcaster
Glen Creamer makes his
Blyth Theatre debut as the
disembodied voice periodical-
ly floating over the
Inanimate stars are the five
magnificant cakes com-
pleting for attention. These
are, in order of appearance,
Cleary Chocolate
Cheesecake, quite possibly
the most decadent dessert
ever made; Heaven on Earth
Carrot Cake, really healthy,
made from vegetables and all
natural ingredients; Wedding
at Tiffany's, a three-tier ex-
travaganza decorated with
bougainvillea and assorted
other artifacts all loaded with
meaning; King Tut Coconut
Cake, an archeological find,
and Northern Belle, a close
relative of Southern belle,
decked(' out as if dressed for
a cotillion.
For playwright Curran,
Cake -walk is the first big play
she has followed through
Elizabeth Court
1 and 2 bedrooms
Features appliances,
carpet throughout,
laundry facilities, all
utilities included.
Located of -
176 Oxford St.
Hensall, Ontario
PH: 262-2846
from conception to staging.
She and director Katherine
Kaszas worked together to
polish here, change there, un-
til both were satisfied. The
process was painless, Curran
said, as a good director leads,
not orders. The play has to be
shaped and moulded until
"whoever does it will do it
well", and no further first-
hand assistance from the
author is necessary.
The innovative dramatist
began writing plays while still
in convent school in Montreal.
The school could not afford to
stage expensively
copyrighted productions such
as The Miracle Worker or The
Diary of Anne Frank. In rep-
ly to her complaints about the
abysmally inadequate
choices available, Curran was
challenged to write a play
herself. She did, and has been
writing hits ever since.
Earlier this year CBC Radio
produced Maisonneuve, her
series about the Irish in east -
end Montreal. In May her en-
try won the top award at the
Quebec Drama Festival for
best new play.
She was also recipient of an
award in the Ottawa Little
Theatre National Playwriting
Cake -walk takes the cake
as one of the best offerings yet
on the 1984 Blyth Theatre
Cromarty ladies meet; bicentennial marked
�r Mn. wrn i�iMo
Lila McKaig opened the Ju-
ly meeting of the Cromarty
WMS on Tuesday afternoon
with a poem, A Little Bit of
Sunshine, followed by prayer.
The singing of the hymns was
accompanied by Muriel Scott
on the autoharp. Scripture
reveals that God gave many
people new names and we
must try to keep up to our
names. -
Six members answered the
roll call with a Bible verse on
youth. Agnes Lamond
reported that members had
sent 11 cards and made 8
visits to the sick and shut-ins.
Lillian Douglas read the
minutes and dealt with the
correspondence. Discussion
centred on study book
materials for next year.
For her topic, Muriel Scott
discussed The Haggi In-
stitute, a training centre in
Singapore where lay people
are taught to spread the news
of Jesus as they go about their
daily work. This overcomes
the inability to formally
preach in some countries.
Betty Dow was in charge of
the study book session on
African Youth and the
church. Assisting in matching
names with descriptions of
people serving in the
Presbyterian Church in
Africa were Agnes Lamond,
Muriel Scott, Lila McKaig,
Lillian Douglas, and Edna
Stoneman. Discussion of the
different laws in rural and ur-
ban churches in Malawi pro-
ved very interesting.
The meeting closed with
prayer after which Agnes La -
mond served lunch.
Robert Dearing, Staffa, has
returned home after spending
a week with his uncle, Jack
Caleb. Heather and Eldon
Gammon, Stratford, have
been holidaying with their
grandparents, Eldon and
Gladys Allen.
Members of the Hibbert
Soils and Crops Club, Katie
Soils and Crops Katie
Kerslake, Roger and Sharon
Fell, Tom Laing, Wilbur
Kerslake, Brenda Harper,
Darryl Vorstenbosch and
their leader, Lorne Fell, took
part in the 4-H Judging Day in
Stratford last Thursday. On
Friday, Sharon Fell, Roger
Fell, Wilbur Kerslake, Dennis
Johns, Dennis Elliott, John
Taylor, and Toni Laing went
on the Junior Farmer and 4-H
bus trip to Canada's
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing
and Tom visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jefferson
of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hudson
and Ashley, formerly of White
Rock, B.C., have taken up
residence in Stratford. Mrs.
Hudson was the former Nan-
cy Allen of Cromarty.
Mark event
Many from the Cromarty
area took part in Hibbert's
celebration of Ontario's
bicentennial which was held
in Dublin, Saturday.
Ivan Norris, and his coun-
cil, also the various commit-
tees, are to be commended on
their excellent organization of
the event.
It was interesting to hear
the speaker, Bob Carbert, say
Ontario Hydro will conduct
the second of its 1984 voltage
reduction tests on Tuesday,
July 31.
Between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30
p.m., and again, from 7:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m., voltage on
the Ontario electrical grid will
be reduced by 5 per cent.
For most customers, the ef-
fect of these two brief reduc-
tions will be imperceptible.
But it will be significant for
Hydro. The data collected on
the over-all load reduction
resulting from a system
voltage reduction of 5 per cent
will help Hydro locate and
resolve potential operating or
customer problems.
juvenile program singer Scott Triebner to the Kirkton
Garden Party, Wednesday night. T -A photo.
Hully Gully
Continued from page 9
London. Novice B - Jim Hen-
dricks, London; Gord
Whiteley, Atwood; Paul
Lewis, Sarnia. Enduro A -
Frank Mousseau, Hensall;
Andrew Meining, London. En-
duro B - Steve Hutchins,
Goderich; Brian Tetreault,
Sarnia; Gary Lovie, Exeter.
Enduro C - Spencer Clarke.
ATV - Paul Farquhar,
Junior A - Brian Blackburn,
Exeter; Fred Wallis, London;
Jerry Bremmer, Brussels.
Junior B - Brian Keys,
Hatnilton; Jeff Whitechurch,
St. Thomas; Glen Emery,
London. '
The fourth and fifth rounds
of the July Summer Series of
Motocross will get underway
this weekend at Hully Gu11y.
On Saturday racing action
will start at 1 p.m. it will be
he first Houseleague race
after the Mid -Season Cham-
pionships which took place
this past weekend.
Sunday will be a double-
header with the Juniors and
Schoolboys starting at 10:30 in
the morning and the Seniors
and Experts in the afternoon
beginning at 2 p.m. Sunday
will be the final round of the
Summer Series and regular
awards along with the Series
prizes will be given out at the
completion of the day.
As an added feature for
Sunday's race Hully Gully
will be having a live band per- *
form from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Alliston Flyte will be playing *
cs k
PAJAMA PARADERS - Appearing in nightwear in
Saturday's Gala Days parade at Ailsa Craig were David
Robinson and Robbie Williams. T -A photo.
outdoors after the presenta- ♦c \r
tion of the awards. ♦r
Also Sunday come out and * Of antiques, furniture, cars, trucks, *
meet one of the DJ 's from
WItIF Radio in Detroit. Ran-
dy Collins, general manager
of Hully Gully will be
challenging WRIF's D.J to a
three-wheeler race during in-
termission. Collins who has
never raced a three-wheeler
before feels that he will have
the edge for Sunday's grudge
race. It should be good.
Large Estate
onsignment Auction
Auction Sale
Three bedroom home known as 87
Richmond St., Hensall Ont. for Mrs.
(Melvin) Irene Glanville,
Wed. Evening Aug. 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Property known as 87 Richmond Street Hensall
Ont. consists of a three bedroom 1 storey
house w/quminum siding, recent new roof,
small car garage, good sized lot, shade trees,
oil furnace, close to downtown. Property will
be offered subject to a reasonable reserve with
10% down day of sole, balance due in full in
30 days. If not sold prior to sole dote property
will be offered at the Hensall arena at 7:30 p.m.
For viewing or information phone W.D. Wilson
at 482-3132 or call Richard Lobb Auctioneer at
Clinton 482.7898.
NOTE: Contents of house, car etcwill be sold
at Hensall arena Wed. Aug. 8 at 6 p,m.
* tractors, farm machinery.
* Sat., August 4, 10:00 a.m.
* Ilderton Fair Grounds
* Auctioneers *
* High Filson Tom Robson *
* 666-0833 666-1967 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* For the Estate of the Late Rheola
* Hotson, 152 Henderson St., Ailsa
* Craig, Ont.
* Friday, Eve. July 27 - 5:30 p.m.
* PROPERTY: To be sold at 8:00 p.m. Consists of
* a white brick one storey house on a corner dou-
ble size lot with mature trees. 2 bedrooms,
• bath, pantry, living room, dining room and kit-
* then. Lots of closets, built in cupboards. Near-
* ly new roof, insulated, oil furnace. Single at-
* tached garage, small barn, 36x12 suitable for
* storoge. T.V. aerial included. TERMS: 10 per-
cent down, balance in 30 days. Subject to a very
* moderate reserve bid as executors are anxious
* to sell. For viewing please phone Mrs. Doug
* McNair 293-3402.
*, HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: 9 pc. dining room
* suite; Zenith colour T.V.; Maytag apartment
dryer; Westinghouse spin washer; G.E.
* automatic washer. Westinghouse fridge;
* Donley eleri-ic stove: Kelvinator electric stove;
* chesterfield suite; coffee and end tables;
* dressers; round oak table and six chairs; toilet
set; piono stool. braided rug. old fridge; quilt
* box; fernery: records; mirrors; beds; Hoover
* vacuum; T.V.s; misc. dishes; pots and pans;
* sealers; chrome table and six choirs; trunks;
* treadle sewing machine; hide -o -bed (like new);
* lazy boy: Kroehler easy chair; desk; fan; bake
board; lawn chairs; milk bottles; lines;
* blankets; extension ladders; garden and had
* tools; old tables; lumber; riding lawnmower;
* gas lawn mower.
* TERMS: On Chattels Cash Sale Night Booth
* Hugh Filson - Tom Robson
* 666-0833 666-0967
that for many of the settlers
in the Cromarty area, Hibbert
was their second stop. Many
of them had first settled in
Lanark County as did the
ancestors of some of the Scott
families. The Laing family
first settled in Glengarry
County in Eastern Ontario.
. Ladies meet
Pearl James presided for
the July meeting of the
Marian Ritchie Evening Aux-
iliary and opened with a
reading, An Old Farm House.
Happy the Home was sung,
followed by the poem, Do It
Now, and prayer. Hannah
Miller read the scripture and
the meditation which was
based on the theme, the more
you give of yourself the more
happiness you receive.
For the topic, Joy Scott
read an article Life - A Two -
Way Street. The roll call,
Happiness, was answerod by
twelve members and one
visitor. Helen Parsons gave a
reading about Pope John en-
titled Forgiveness - The Key.
Mrs. James closed the
meeting with two poems, For
Quiet Miracles, and A Rural
Church in Canada and the
hymn, 0 Happy Home.
Congratulations to Cromar-
ty ball park whose float won
first prize in the parade in
Gordon and Hazel Scott
have arrived home after
visiting friends and relatives
in Manitoba and
BIKING CLOWNS - Riding as clowns in Saturday's
Gala Days parade inAilsa Craig were Jason and Dianne
Brown. • T -A photo.
Town of Exeter
Sealed Tenders will be accepted by the under-
signed until
4:00 p.m. August 10, 1984
for a 1984 Model Tractor Backhoe
Further information and tender forms may be
picked up at the Town Clerk's Office.
Elizabeth Bell
Clerk -Treasurer
Town of Exeter
406 Main St. South
P.O. Box 759
Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO
Antique Auction Sale
Fine quality antique furniture,
cranberry glass, cut glass, pressed
glass, bristol glass, two clocks,
silver pieces, etc. to be held at
Saltford Valley Hall Goderich On-
tario for Mrs. J.P. Marion Warren
Wed. Evening Aug. 1 at 6 p.m.
Preview from 3 p.m. till 6 p.m.
Andrew Malcolm eight piece walnut dining
suite, Andrew Malcolm Sheraton style eight
piece bedroom suite, Imperial Loyalist maple
colonial style eight piece bedroom suite,
mahogany Duchess dresser w/eight drawers,
columner supports scroll supported mirror c
1890, Mahogany marble top dresser w/large
front cabriole leg, and elaborate serpentine
front c 1850. Oval walnut centre pedestal table
w/4 scroll legs carved, c 1870. Victorian walnut
high curved back settee w/carved fruit and
foliage w/matching gentlemans chair c 1860,
matching rose wood Renaissance Revival style
ladies and gents chairs, 2 walnut side choirs
w/carved fruit and foliage, Louis XV style mar-
ble top porcelain lined lamp tables, French c
1840-50. Walnut tripod bike lamp Eastlake style
c 1880. Rosewood Vrctorion style sewing
cabinet on pedestal c 1850, 2 late Regency style
round foot stools w/ebonized wood and bead-
ed needle work tops, Arrow bock style nurs-
ing rocker, gunstock chair, Vienna Regulator
type clock pediment top with goddess head,
brass and porcelain dial walnut w/pine secon-
dary wood c 1870. Rococo style chino case clock
marked Royal Bonn floral decoration c 1890.
Small double pedestal desk, approx. 30 pieces
of Cranberry gloss including covered dish,
vases, Biscuit barrel, decanter, pitchers,
(!reamer, centre bowl, 10 assorted glasses, salt
shakers w/sterling tops, bowl, 2 vases w/Mory
Gregory girls, gone w/the Wind style lamp,
lamp w/carmel slog shade, 2 oil lamps, Pair of
Peg lamps w/satin gloss fontsttAi�nd umbrella
shades, Mother of Pearl diamond -quilted brides
bowl, 4 bottle cruet set, frosted lion pattern
covered pressed glass compote, Pair of Bristol
glass ewers, 6 pressed glass lions head pattern
goblets, 52 piece Coalport dinner service, In-
dian tree pattern, plus pressed and cut gloss
pieces Royal Nippon, R.S. Prussia tea, several
silver pieces etc. This is an extra fine offering
in excellent condition. Sit down auction
w/catalogues available day of sale. Over 110
items to be sold.
Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898