HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-07-25, Page 15GRAND BEND SWIM CLASSES — Over 40 pupils registered and completed a three week swimming course
in the Exeter pool last Friday. Shown here with their instructors in the background are the happy, wet bunch.
Saving bags among pet peeves
Everybody has one of these
pet peeves. There was some
chore that your Mom made
you do, and you told her, in no
uncertain terms, that some
day, when you had your own
house, you would not do this
particular chore. But she
would always remind you that
you were still living in her
house. and as long as. that was
the case. you would continue
to do this chore.
With me, it was washing
plastic bags. My Mom
believes in rinsing out plastic
bags and using them over
, again. When I was in school,
my sandwiches were packed
in milk bags every day. In the
fridge, lettuce could be found
in apple bags, leftovers for
the dog were in panty hose
bags. Whatever was printed
on the bag was never any in-
dication of what was in the
bag -- besides the printing was
probably half rubbed off from
the frequent washings. •
Anyway, as low man on the
totem pole around tote house.
I seemed to spend a lot of time
doing dishes. And part of
washing dishes was washing
out plastic bags. Then they
had to be propped on the win-
dow sill over the sink to drip
into the sink to dry. In sum-
mer. if there were a lot of
bags. they were even hung out
on the liflb to dry. I hated
washing out plastic bags -- not
only because it was a fiddly
little job. be also because I
was sure l had the only
mother who washed out and
saved old plastic bags.
I declared that 1 would
never wash hags in my house.
I figure that companies
manufacture neat, clean
plastic hags which they wrap
on rolls and put in boxes. and
you can easily hide these
boxes out of sight in a drawer.
There are no messy ofd bags
hanging around the sink. Call
►ne extravagant. but that's
the way I like to keep my
plastic bags.
The other day. I mentioned
to some friends that my
mother rinses and saves old
plastic bags "Doesn't
everybody"" 1 was asked. 1
was quickly informed that
plastic milk bags. for -exam -
plc. are just the right size for
freezing vegetables or storing
The conversation progress-
ed from there. 1 confessed
that my mother saves plastic
drinking glasses atter a par-
ty, washes them, and uses
them at the next party. "Of
course," was the response.
Then I admitted that my
one could afford to provide
drinking straws for a family,
I was told.
1 didn't go as far back as
telling that 1 can remember
By Mary Alderson
mother even rinses out plastic starting grade one with a cot -
drinking straws and re -cycles ton hankie. instead of a hand -
them. There's no other way ful of kleenexes. There are
COOL RIDE - With the July temperatures last Sunday,
"Max" finds nothing better than floating on an air mat-
tress in Lake Huron near the Pinery Park.
About people you know
Sharon and Pat Soldan,
Tracy and Jason have return-
ed home after vacationing
from Honey Harbour to
Bosley Island, enjoying lots of
swimming. camping and
Congratulations to Myran
and Bob Schlegel and family.
S. Pines, on the birth of their
daughter. Kerry -Jo. last
Wednesday, July 18.
Three triples helped Grand
Bend Mites down Parkhill,
Wednesday. in Parkhill, with
a score t 22-19.
Linda 'And John Campbell
and sons from Belgrave,
spent the week camping in the
Pinery Park and visiting Lin-
da's mother, Irene
Grand Bend United Church
ladies served lunch
refreshments to friends and
relatives, after the funeral of
Vern "Jack" Ridley last
Jeannette and Steve Stell-
ingwerff and sons attended
the wedding of Jeanette's
niece in Mt. Forest, Saturday.
On Sunday they travelled to
Collingwood fora scenic tour
of the area.
There will be a lawn and
hake sale held on Saturday,
August 4 at 10:00 az. spon-
sored by the ladies Trom St.
John's By -the -Lake Anglican
Church. at the Parish Hall.
Vacation Bible School com-
menced on Monday, July 23
and runs all week until Friday
at 11:30 a.m. All denomina-
tions are helping out, Mrs.
Spndy Stanlake, Mrs. Doris
Peebles, Mrs. Betty Camp-
bell. Mrs. Clara Hamilton and
Mrs Catherine Southcolt, to
name a few volunteers, were
out to register the children on
Monday morning at St. John's
Parish 1 lall
• 4
JuIy 27 9 a.m.-Midnight
July 28 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Notson Lighting & China
Hwy. 21
1 mile north of Grand Bend
just some things that one
doesn't confess, even among
It's not that my mom is
ecology conscious with all her
recycling. To her it's using
common sense, and being just
plain thrifty.
I have learned to curb my
extravagance in one area -- I
do not throw away plastic
containers. I now have a cup-
board so full of margarine
tubs and cottage cheese con-
tainers that I could put Tup-
perware out of business.
I have also learned to deal
with my guilt about not sav-
ing plastic bags. You see, I
don't buy milk in bags. And as
yet no one's given a good
reason for saving the card-
board cartons.
The dictionary defines the
word farce as a play marked
by broadly satirical comedy
and an improbable plot.
This is an apt description of
Bedroom Farce, currently
playing at the Huron Country
Playhouse until Saturday.
The stage setting designed
by Terry Nichols is unusual-
ly effective as it shows all
three bedrooms at the same
Precise lighting switches
from one bedroom to another
leaving no doubt in the
fiewer's mind as to where the
action is.
Given three bedrooms and
four couples - an older couple
skillfully played by Ann
Casson and Eric House; a
much younger married cou-
ple Shelley Peterson and
Grant Roll; newlyweds Mar-
cia Kash and Terrence Slater
and a feuding pair Anthony
Bekenn and Judy Leigh -
Johnson and their special
relationships with each other
are bound to create problems.
• Attempts to solve these pro-
blems create interesting and
amusing entertainment.
Soccer squads
continue wins
A strong performance in
the second half allowed the
Grand Bend Colonials to eke
out a 2.1 London and district
first division soccer league
win over the Delhi Royals.
Tony Mennen booted the
equalizer early in the second
half and the winning goal
came from the foot of Alex
The Colonials play host to
St. Columhan, Sunday at 4
p.m. at the West Williams
The Grand Bend Ausable
league team defeated Nairn
4-1 and end the regular
schedule Thursday at West
Williams with Taxandria sup-
plying the opposition.
In minor soccer action, the
Grand Bend atoms defeated
Lucan 7-1 and the squirts lost
3-2 to Nairn.
Mike Vandenberk and
Steve Lingard - each scored
single goals as the Grand
Bend pee wees played to a 2-2
tie with Exeter. Their next
game is tonight Wednesday at
the Klondyke field with Nairn
supplying the opposition.
July 28
7:00 p.m.
Laurie Mennell
"Grand Bend's
New members
Host IpperwaSh group
Tines -Advocate, July 25, 1984
Pogo 15
GB Legion darters enjoy keen competition
On Tuesday evening 20
members from Ipperwash
"travelled to the Legion
Branch 498 for a fun dart
night. With five teams of four
players from each, the overall
score was Ipperwash 10 and
Grand Bend 10 wins.
Number two team from Ip-
perwash won four games and
No. 8 team from Grand Bend
tied, resulting in a playoff.
The Grand Bend team of
Kevin Henry, Keith
Crawford, Don LaBelle and
Tony Gaudio won the finals. A
good match from Daniel
Botilier, George Bush, Larry
Goodin, and Cecil Venus.
The Legion is holding a
steak barbecue and pub night
on Saturday, July 28, so for
only $6.00 per person come
out and enjoy yourself.
Chip Bingo will be held
every Thursday, at 8 p.m. in
the Legion.
"Cornerstones" at church
Special music on Sunday, at
the United Church outdoor
service, was the "Cor-
nerstones" from Detroit,
comprising of nine ladies and
five men. They sang several
numbers and gave testimony.
Rev. Peebles meditation
talk was based on Mark 10
about a wealthy man who
asked Jesus how to get to
heaven. The young man left
sadly after Jesus' answer.
Rev. Peebles said that we
should never turn our back
and miss God's blessing and
that real Christians are peo-
ple who are on fire. God is a
force at work.
The green benches and
several lawn chairs were fill-
ed to capacity when Mrs.
Elizabeth Adams greeted
everyone before the service.
Assistant organist Theresa
Hannon played for all the
hymns. Flowers in front of the
alter were in memory of Vern
"Jack" Ridley, placed by his
daughter Jean (Mrs. Charles
Gibbs) and granchildren
Lana, Lisa and Charlie.
Church of God
Pastor Campbell and a
large number of old and new
friends greeted Roger Quick
and family, from Georgia,
Friday night for an hour of in-
spirational gospel singing.
On Sunday morning, the
message was entitled
"Arguments With Christ"
taken from John: 13. Pastor
Campbell continued his series
on Peter. Christ was trying to
change the disciples from
world thinking to His think-
ing. This included being serv-
ed as well as to serve; being
taught as well as to teach. We
need to be transformed.
In the evening 17 people
travelled to the Blue Water
Rest Home, Zurich to par-
ticipate in the service there.
Catholic news
Congratulations to Emil
Petrus Wijnker, son of
Theodorus and Cornelia.
TOUR OF HOSPITAL — Participants in the Grand Bend Busy Bee summer
playground enjoyed o tour of South Huron Hospital, Wednesday. At the right is
tour guide Leone Brock. T -A photo.
(Bakker) who was initiated
into the Catholic Church by
the sacrament of baptism this
past Sunday.
This week Pastor Mor-
rissey addressed the problem
of those church members who
no longer practise their faith.
Because of all the troubles
and conflicts within the
church, and all the
hypocrites who attend mass
on Sunday, they continue to
sin all the rest of the week.
These people want a perfect
church of saints; right here on
earth, but remember Christ
came to call sinners. He sur-
rounded himself with sinners
and outcasts.
The Holy Spirit comes to
help us in our weakness. We
cannot afford to stay away
from the church, but will on-
ly be helped by coming
together with all our other sin-
ful brethren; forgetting our
selfish ways and pride to be
taught and healed.
Father Morrissey would
like to thank Adrian Vrolluk,
the owner of Greenwood
Nursery, for donating his
time and equipment in laying
the sod around the sides of our
church. We have had many
good comments on it.
The CWL Bazaar will be
held on August 4 from 10:00
a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the
church. All ladies are asked to
contribute to the various
tables; crafts, bake goods,
and vegetables, since this will
be our main fund-raising
event for the year. Items may
be left at the church on Fri-
day, August 3, from 4:00 p.m.
until 8:00 p.m. If you wish to
rent space for your own sale
of goods, please contact Nette
243-2647 or Nellie at 238-2677.
All the quilt draw tickets
should be returned also to
Toni 238-2698 by August 3rd al
the latest.
We are always pleased
when priests look upon our
rectory as a place to escape
fora day of two of rest. Last
week, there were six priests
who spent some time in our
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