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Tlmes-Advocot., July 23, 1984
BAND, DANCERS PERFORM — A portion of the 45 -member Ontario Youth Concert Band and the Canadian
Folk Dancers are shown performing under the direction of George F. Houslander at the SHDHS auditorium,
Thursday. Less than 70 people attended the performance but it failed to daunt the young performers.
CAN DO — The Canadian Folk Dancers, who appear along with the Ontario Youth Concert Band, give their
rendition of the can -can on the stage at SHDHS, Thursday.
Dental Retirement
Dr. John W. Corbett
wishes to announce
his Retirement from the
Practice of Dentistry in Exeter
Effective August 1, 1984
All records and future appointments will be
transferred to the office of
Dr. W.J. McGregor
17 Sanders St. E., Exeter
(opposite the post office)
Phone Number 235-1171
Appointments will be confirmed by Dr.
McGregor's office fc future treatment as
Youth band plays to very sparse crowd
The Ontario Youth Concert
Band, which has played
before thousands in some of
the finest concert halls in
Europe and other interna-
tional and national perfor-
mances, made a one-night
stop in Exeter, Thursday.
A disappointingly (almost
embarrassing) small crowd
of less than 70 was on hand to
hear some of this province's
top young musicians under
the leadership of director
George E. Houslander.
Houslander said that it was
the smallest crowd that the
band has ever encountered.
However, the band didn't
allow the small number to
detract from their perfor-
mance. Joined by the Cana-
dian Folk Dancers and vocal
soloist Julie Renwick, the en-
tourage took the audience
through a wide spectrum of
musical delights from the
classics through to Moon
River and the Beatles.
All 45 members of the band
range in age from 18 to 21.
The main criteria used in the
selection of each member are
musical excellence, achieve-
ment and personal character.
The musicians come from all
over the province; some are
majoring in music at univer-
sities, some have private
tutors. Members are selected
via a number of regional audi-
tions throughout the province.
Beth Twist, a former Clin-
ton teacher who accompanies
the band as chaperone and
secretary, explained that the
band was in rehearsal for two
weeks at McMaster Universi-
WHISTLE ALONG -- A sparse crowd greeted the appearance of the Ontario Youth
Concert Band at SHDHS, Thursday, but they were enthusiastic, especially when
conductor George Houslander asked them to join along in whist)ing and clapping
for one selection.. Joining in from the left in the front row are Tony Armstrong,
Fred, Matt and George Godbolt, Elwood, Marg and Jay Truemner and Nicole Eckles.
ty in Hamilton prior to em-
barking on their bicentennial
tour of the province.
Performances by the On-
tario Youth Concert Band at
such prestigious locations as
the Stratford Festival, the
Shaw Festival, Ontario Place,
the National Arts Centre in
Ottawa, television ap-
pearances over CHCH-TV
from Scarborough Centre,
Toronto, plus the famed
Chautauqua Music Festival in
New York State, signify that
this is one of the finest concert
bands in Canada.
During their . overseas
tours, engagements have
taken them to England,
France, Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Belgium, the
Netherlands and the Tivoli
Gardens in Denmark. During
their bi-annual tours of 1969
through to 1963 they also per-
formed on the BBC in
England, Netherlands TV,
West Germany TV and broad-
cast to all of Europe from
Lausanne, Switzerland.
An added dimension to their
program is their 18 piece
swinging stage jazz band
(featuring many Glen Miller
favourites), insturmental
soloists, vocalist Julie Ren-
wick, and the Canadian Folk
Dancers. This group of
talented young artists com-
bine their music, song and
dance to present a very ex -
Stephen township has
received approval from the
Ontario Ministry of Transpor-
tation and Communication for
the purchase of a new grader.
Council will be advertising
the used machine tor sale. If
not sold privately it will be in-
cluded as a tradein on pur-
chase of the new John Deere
Road superintendent Eric
Finkbeiner has received a
diploma for successful com-
pletion of a course at the C.S.
Anderson Road School at the
University of Guelph.
Ron Pickering who was
added to the township road
department staff on a proba
tionary basis now becomes a
full-time employee. Council
voiced no objection to a pro-
posed zoning bylaw amend-
ment by the village of Grand
citing and varied pro-
gramme, under the direction
of George Houslander.
The accomplished group of
young dancers choose their
repertoire carefully to repre-
sent the various and varying
ethnic backgrounds that
make up the people of
Canada. Their country -wide
programme is one of the
reasons for their great suc-
cess at the many celebrations
and festivals they have at-
tended both in Canada and
In 1971, the Canadian Folk
Dancers toured Europe for a
month dancing at the Edin-
burgh Festival, Tivoli
Gardens, Copenhagen,
Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris
and London; and in 1976 they
toured Scotland for three
weeks with the World Cham-
pion Edinburgh City Police
Pipe Band, and returned in
1981 to be featured at the
Edinburgh Festival.
The Canadian Folk
Dancers have been seen on a
number of television pro-
grams, including Loto
Canada, and have appeared
with such Canadian stars as
Alistair Gillies, Bill Connolly,
Jimmy Shand, Glen Daly and
John Cairney.
Choreographer for the
Canadian Folk Dancers is
Sandra Bali Jones, a native of
Scotland who at the age of 19
Information has been
received from the village of
Grand Bend that Stephen
township is not included in
any annexation plans by the
village in the foreseeable
The Keller municipal drain
bylaw was given full ap-
proval. No written appeals
were recieved.
Clerk -treasurer Wilmar
Wein and councillor Torn
Tomes . will represent the
township as voting delegates
at the upcoming conventnion
of the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario in
Reg Finkbeiner reported to
council that he is progressing
favourably on a township
history project with the
assistance of Muriel Mack.
earned distinction as the
youngest world champion,
and later performed for HRH
Queen Elizabeth during a con-
cert at Holyrood Palace.
George E. Houslander, con-
ductor of the Ontario Youth
Concert Band, has had an
outstanding musical career in
the professional field and as
a music educator. He has
played in the Toronto Sym-
phony Orchestra on the
C.B.C. Radio, and in the pit
orchestra of the Royal Alex-
andra Theatre. He studied at
Oxford and attained his licen-
tiate and fellowship from the
Trinity College of Music in
London, England.
Houslander has been a
guest conductor and ad-
judicator at several of the
leading universities and
festivals in the United States
and Canada. He has con.
ducted many Broadway
musicals and produced and
directed a number of variety
shows. He has achieved inter-
national acclaim as director
of the Ontario Youth Concert
Band which, since its incep-
tion in 1969, has toured
Europe on eight previous
I ntuckyFried
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