HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-07-04, Page 22Page BA Times -Advocate, July 4, 1984 1 Wonted f o Buy DOUBLE HORSE 'TRAILER, 90 '4n. qr higher, back door to front bar 901n. or longer, width 70 in. or wider. 228-6218, no calls Sun- day. Harry Knip, RR 2 Lucan. 26:27• 18 Wanted 1 PAY MORE for scrap cars or trucks. \1cStephen Auto Wreckers. Phone 228-6214.21.30' OLDER USED CARS and trucks for parts or re -sale. Give us a call, Town Line Collision 228-6700, 17ttn R1DL TO Westervelt, lvhortley Rd., London. LEAVE EXETER 8 a.m., 1 LAVE LONDON ap- prox. 415 p.m. SLP F. 1984 -MAY 1985 for two people. Willing to share drising if necessary. Phone 235-2815 ask for Kelly. 25tfx BOA -1 1I Al1.Lk. Phone 228-6716 •y • 7 :2'• � cam ,. _ .-a ening s. Sale Duplex, brick, situated behind Vic- toria & Grey at 429 William Street. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, living room, kitchen, full basement, elec- tric heat, full front porch, new roof, ce- ment drive, garage each side. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420 18 Wonted RIDE to Fanshawe from Lucan and return. Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m 227-4782 ask for Marj.27:2& 19 Property For Sole THREE SERVICED LOTS 60'x176' on Andrew St. N. Exeter. 743-2094 Kitchener. 161fn APPROXIMATELY 4 acres in Exeter, currently zoned developmental, limited access. 235-0302. 17tfnc NORTH LONDON - A -frame, one floor two bedrooms, move in condition 532,900.00. 471-3253 evenings. 20ifn ZURICH - 20 Victoria St., two storey brick hoar, new roof, three bedrooms, bathroom, lou of closets upstairs. Large living room, dining room, eat in kitchen, k'ts of cupboards, bedroom, two piece bath and closed in sunporch downstairs. Full basement, water softener, 200 amp. wiring, double garage. 236-4851. 22tfn Lots for Sale 1 lot - 65 x 121 1 - lot 55 x 130 Corner of George and Andrew St. Contact Milt Keller 235-0537 Immediate Occupancy Two bedroom apartment - 2nd floor. Fully broadloomed, stove and fridge, heating and cable included. Laundry facilities available. One year lease. $309.00 per month. 5D Realty Ltd., 235-2208 '011•0111M1tmr Auction Sale Of antiques and household items on July 7, 1984 at 11:00 a.m. For Mr. Jacobe Deichert on Goshen Street South in Zurich who is in Bluewater Rest Home. Property has been sold. ANTIQUES: Pressed back rocker, drop leaf gate leg table, bonnet chest with moustache pulls, parlour table with wicker, gingerbread clock, pine harvest table, wicker baskets, plant stand, magazine rock, flint depression glass, Carnival glass, German cream and sugar, cut glass, coal oil lamp, lantern, antique grind- stone, walking plow, pony bob sled, child sled, copper boiler, crocks, jugs, cast iron pots. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Chesterfield and chair, 3/4 wooden bed, dresser and chest of drawers, double bed, side board, old wooden kitchen chairs, china dinner set, mirror, picture frames, bedding and linens, feather pillows, blanket box, electric stoves, electric refrigerator, parlour stove, pot bellied stove, lamps, elec- tric fon heaters, pots, pans, kitchen utensils, old tables, hooked rugs, lawn mower, sealers, shovels, chain saw, Coleman gas stove, gas powered generator (like new), odd tools, garden items. CAR: 1973 Chev Bel Air as is. PLEASE NOTE: Terms Cash or known cheque day of sale. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for acci- dent or loss of property. Auctioneer Tom Shoebottom John Finlay 666-0289 236-4814 la ge Auction Sale 1 Antique furniture, glassware, appliances, piano, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auc- tion Born, Clinton, Ontario for Mrs. Ida Close of Seaford) plus other consignors. Saturday, July 7 at 10 A.M. Almond fridge. 1' r years old, Admiral square model fridge, old fridge, Kenmore automatic washer in good condition, 2-30 inch electric stoves, bowed glass china cabinet, Bell upright piano, large ontique bonnet chest of drawers, oak dining table with leaves and six matching choirs, fancy oak buffet with corved fish back, antique hall table, walnut chino cobinef with glass ends and doors, foncy twist hall tree, pine blanket box, two fancy carved old time wooden beds. two washstond3, two foncy antique dressers with mirrors, dresser with oval mir- ror single poster bed with mattress, large fan- cy wooden framed mirror approx. 3 ft x 4'.'t ft., square oak frame with oval mirror, four hand hooked rugs, mahogany record cabinet, Singer treadle sewing machine, single poster bed with mattress, two years old: chesterfield, daven- port, nursing rocker, small table with drawer, two bedroom suites, four matching pressbock choirs. two bedroom suites, exercise bike, three matching wooden chairs, fancy oval nee- dle point type stool, eight place setting of white dishes with hond painted gold rim, cut gloss water pitcher and four glosses, six cut glass fruit nappies, cut glass vase, celery dish, cream and sugar. six goblets. six old Spearment gum containers with lids, chrome table and four chairs.humidifier, broiler oven, good bedding, hand woke pillow cases, 1903 silver tea service, two small bross candle stick holders, approx. 25 good cups and saucers, coffee table and end table, trunk, smell drop front secretory desk, magazine table plus our usual large offering of small items too numerous to mention. Pion to attend this very good auction. Terms Cash , RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482.7898 19 Proper ty For Sole EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNI- TY. PPORTUNETY. 13 units, downtown Exeter, love, maintenance, potential expan- sion, 530,000.00 gross. Asking 5180,000.00 with 15 percent down. Phone 472-0986 evenings. 40tfn EXETER - Two storey brick home, well maintained, three bedrooms, two bathroorns, living room, dining room, kitchen and kitchenette, exrxllent location, one block to schools. Call 228-6939 after 6 p.rn. 26-29c PARK WOOD MOBILE HOME, 12'x52', one bedroom in excellent condition. 57500.00. Phone 243-2713. 24tfn I ur STOREY HOUSE, insulbrick siding, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining area, kitchen, 3 piece bath, detached garage, one block from post office and school. Phone 235-0524. 25_27' 20 ACRES wooded paradise with 10 yr. old brick bungalow, many extras,ingroundpool,on paved road close to town. Asking 5150,000. 237-3552 after 5.26:27' HOBBY FARM 10 acres with modern Karn and century home with main floor family room. Large double garage. High quali- ty farm close to Huron Park. Ask- ing 589,000.00. Ray Miller 438-4121 res. 679-8943. Century 21, Lauckner Realty Inc. 27c OWN A PIECE of sunshine in Lehigh, Flortda, 'h acre lots dc. eloped with streets front. $3,300-. Write for information, Lotex, Box 727, Lehigh, Florida 33970. 27c 20 Property For Rent FURNISHED SINGLES, doubles, parking, quiet, $25.00 per week, $90.00 per t:ronth and up. Grand Central Hole), 1 ucan. • 227-4811. 42tfnc ONE & TWO bedroom apart- ments available now. $225 to $250 per month. Phone 227-4668.18tfn ONE, TWO and three bedroom apartments. Phone 235-0141.19ttn FURNISHED APARTMENT, central location, one bedroom. Phone 236-4880 or 235-2410.22t ft] TWO BEDROOM apartment, heated, Main St. Exeter. available Aug. 1st. Ar' Gaiser 236-7753. 23tfn ZURICH - one bedroom upstairs apartment. Call 236-4320. 261fn KETTLE POINT CHALET. Showers, good meals, limited ac- commodation. Box 47, Teebay, Ontario. 27' ONE BEDROOM partly furnish- ed upper apartment. Call 235-2726 after 6 p.m. 27c HOME FOR RENT. 2 bedroom in Exeter. 00 pets, close to schools. Phone 236-4561. 27c AL1. UTILITIES PAID, rooms for rent by first of August. 235-2187. 27c RENT or Rent with Option to Buy, 3 bedroom house in Hensall. Available August 1st. 262-2203. 27c THREE BEDROOM HOME in Centralia for rent. Three bedrooms, carport. Available ap- prox. August 1, 1984. Call 228-6638. 27c 21 For Rent PI-YWOOI) FORMS, wedges. portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich. l clephone 236-49.54. 5t 1111 "Oi D TOWN HAI I " auditorium for rentals including weddings. meetings, hanqucl room, lectures. exhibitions, films. etc. Kitchen lacilitics available Contact 1-Ilison travel. 235.2(0). 8110 ROO\I AND BOARD asailahle for young men. Prefer non- smokers. 227-1206. 27-30t' R()()\1S or Room and Board in Centralia. 228-6867. 27c Tender Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 12:00 noon, local time, Monday, Ju- ly 16, 1984, for the con- struction of: Grand Bend Non -Profit Housing Corporation, o 26 unit senior citizens apartment building located in the Town of Grand Bend, Ontario. Bid Bond shall be in the amount of $80,000.00 An Agreement to Bond, Performance Bond and a Labour and Materials B0flik19 the amount of 50°%o of Contract amount will be required. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and Specifica- tions available to General Contractors only for a deposit of $150.00 per set (max- imum 2 sets), after Tuesday, July 3, 1984, at the address of: Breivik, Scorgle, Wasylko - Architects 317 Adelaide Street North London, Ontario NSZ 3L3 (519) 686-6477 Before picking up please to sets, telephone reserve. Plans also available for viewing at the London & District Construction Association. 22 Vol Sole or Rent BUILDING for Rent or Lease - 32'x80', three bays, office - washroom, partial heat, large pav- ed lot. CaII 236-7777 after 6 p.m. 13tfn 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of terra available to Box BA X, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 451fx 24 Property Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS. Not one nickel in taxes more than your fair share is a slogan at F.B.C. During the summer months you will be receising your Notice of Assessment from Revenue u s does if ur not sa "As Declared" you need Farrar Business Consultants assistance now! Serving farmers' needs 52 weeks of the year. Call toll free I -8(X)-265-1002. 27s 25 Notices 1, Lloyd Russell Elson, RR 8 Parkhill will not be responsible or any' debts other than those incur- red by myself. 26-28c CERAMICS - Mabel Gill. Please be advised that all ceramic pieces belonging to students or others will be held for 10 days. If not claimed prior Ib July 14th, all items will be disposed of at the discretion of the executors.27:28c 4 The readers write: SHDAMH directors vexed over panel report Dear Sir : On June 27 the Board of Directors of South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped reviewed a copy of the Public Institution Inspection Report submitted by the Panel, June 5, following their visit to 212 facilities in Huron County, commencing May 30, 1984. The Board of the Associa- tion concurs with Mr. Bruce Shaw's comments recorded at Exeter Council and would appreciate the opportunity to provide some further infor- mation for your readers. 1. In years, prior to 1982, the Inspection Panel, then referred to as the Grand Jury, toured our Group Homes at 16 John Street and 28 James Street in Exeter. Reports and comments were verbally quite favourable and no writ- ten report was ever received from the Sheriff's office or County of Huron. 2. During the visits in .previous years, very little notice was given by the Sheriff's office, and special staffing arrangements were made at the Association's ex- pense to open up the premises Auction Reminder Cattle, tractors, machinery, etc for Robert J. Smith, 1/4 mile west of Holmesville, Ont. Friday, July 6 at 10 A.M. - See last week's paper for full listing AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton, Ont. mmMain R Pinery Hwy. 21 3 miles south of Grand Bend AUCTION Wednesday, July 4/84 at 7:00 p.m. AUCTION Wednesday, July 11/84 at 7:00 p.m. Always a large selection of modern and anti- que furnishings. See Saturday's London Free Press for complete listing. NJ 011(1 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Auctioneer Pot Lyon NAA Phone 243-2713 1 dsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeammmmmmm1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Filson & Robson Coming Auctions * Hugh Filson * 666-0833 * July 4 Swine Production, D. Lester, Forest, 7:30 p.m. July 5 Clearing Farm, J. Kustermans, Parkhill, 1:00 p.m. July 5 Quality Swine, Shedden, 7:30 p.m. July 6 Clearing Farm, W. Szucsko, Mt. Brydges, 10:30 a.m. July 7 Property and Furniture, A, Maddock, Kirkton, 11:30 a.m. July.11 Swine Production, Stroebel & Schert- zer, Prospect Hill, 7:30 p.m. July 12 Clearing Household, E. Arscott, Thorn - dale, 6:00 p.m. July 14 Furniture Lucan, 12:30 p.m. July 25 Farm Property, G. Krosenbergen, N. of Aliso Craig, 7:30 p.m. July 26 Test Stn. Boars, New Dundee, 7:30 p.m. For a and Antiques, A. Gordon, successful sale call the Experienced Auctioneers Tom Robson 666-1967 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Property and * * Household Auction * For Mrs. Alice Maddock, Queen St. * East, Kirkton * Saturday, July 7 - 11:30 a.m. * House and Lot - 2:30 p.m. * PROPERTY: Lot 1 105. House consists of a * modern kitchen, 3 b droo c. bath, liv- ing room, heated su , new propane fur- * nate, new wiring service, good water supply, * insulated. Rugs on all floors, older double * garage, and workshop. Further information or * viewing Phone 229-6634. TERMS: 10 percent down, balance in 30 days. Subject to a * moderate reserve bid as owner wishes to sell. * HOUSEHOLD: Brentwood matching fridge and * stove (like new); kitchen table and choirs; buf- * fet; Simplicity spin-dry washer; automatic Ad- * miral dryer; Viking 12 cu. ft. deep freeze; 5 pc. bedroom suite; antique platform rocker; small * tables; arm chairs; chesterfield suite; metal * wardrobe; lamps; pictures; mirrors; mantle * clock; what -not shelf; single bed; dresser; chest * of drawers; captains choir, antique tub stand with wringer; lawn furniture; oil stove; pots * and pans; dishes, set of Chateau Rose dishes; * bedding and linens. , * MISC.: A.C. 405 lawn mower with new Honda * motor; propane barbecue; choin saw; wheels ' of all kinds; 30x3'!) inch tire; milk cans; win- * dows; doors; pressure system; garden tools; * lawn ornaments; tools of all kinds. * TERMS: Cash Sale day on Chattels. * local Booth * AUCTIONEER m Robson * Hugh 666-0833 To 666-1967 * in 'off schedule' hours to tour the Panel through the Homes. 3. The Inspection Panel visits are not nearly as com- prehensive as other official inspections that occur regularly in our Homes, such as by: (a) The Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services - Compliance Review; (b) The Huron Coun- ty Health Unit; (c) Exeter Fire Department; (d) Elec- trical Inspections; (e) Heating, furnace and chimney inspections; (f) Periodic inspection by the local building inspector; (g) local engineer, consultant and COMSOC program supervisor reviews; and (h) residential committee and board proper- ty and program reviews; 4. The June 5 report of the Inspection Panel indicates that not one of the 22 facilities toured was a Group Home or service operated by any of the three Associations for the Mentally Handicapped in Huron County. For more than two years no request to tour any of the programs operated by South Huron and DAMH by the Inspection Panel has ever been received. The Association has never been advised by the office of the Attorney General, or County of Huron, that Inspec- tion Panels would not be tour- ning any of our facilities. It has been our position that, because we are in receipt of government funds, in whole or in part of our services, we are accountable not only to our membership, but also to recognized official govern- ment departments at municipal, provincial and/or federal levels. According to the Deputy Sheriff in Huron County, a directive to Panels not to tour Group Homes has been issued by the Office of the Attorney General of Ontario. 5. The Association is in the process of contacting the Ministry of the Attorney General to find out precisely what preparation the Panel Members are given prior to their tours of county facilities. No guidelines, or information, has ever been received by the Association, and it is felt that we are at a disadvantage in not being able to prepare in- formation in a manner which would be most beneficial to the Panel in: (a) understan- ding the Service provided; and (b) reviewing the quali- ty of the Service. 6. There is a Huron County directory which shows the correct procedure in contac- ting the Association Offices in Dashwood to arrange a visit by the Panel, if desired. This process of contacting the Association Offices has never been used in the past by the Grand Jury. 7. The first six pages of the Public Institutions inspection Panel report contains the names and observations recorded by Panel Members at 22 locations. Page 7 con- tained the following comments: 'This Panel, as was the previous Panel is extremely concerned that physically handicapped and group homes in Huron County are being concealed from public scrutiny. In light of recent facts where, in Montreal, the handicapped were being used in drug and brainwashing ex- periments by the C.I.A., han- dicapped boys of Ontario be- ing subjected to the indignity of being used as objects to train interns to do rectal ex- aminations; and handicapped homes have been the target of sex deviates pacing as ad- ministrative personnel. We feel these experiments in Canada are akin to Hiller :s doctor's experiments on human beings in World War Two. 'The Panel wishes to have an answer as to why these homes are removed from public scrutiny. The previous panel request has never been answered. The Panel recom- mends a copy of the report be sent to the Fire Marshal's Of- fice. Respectfully submitted) this 5th day of June, 1984. Signed: Grant Chisholm Chairperson The examples cited re C.i.A are stretched over several decades and the 'rec- tal examinations' reference relates to the Ongwanada Hospital (Provincially operated) in Kingston, where the Ontario Association for the Mentally Retarded called for charges against certain physicians in the hospital. 8. Associations for the Men- tally Handicapped in Ontario currently number 122. One of (he main objectives of our work is to educate the public in terms of the positive ad- vancement for mentally and physically handicapped per- sons in our communities. ir- responsible, poorly research- ed and distorted reports such as illustrated in the Inspection Panel's report is damaging, counter productive and a slur against the fine quality ser- vices now available to many disabled citizens in Ontario. 9. Let the record show that the Association is generally in support of the concept of a Public Institution's Inspection Panel. From the incoherent report, filed June 5, 1984, we would like to pursue the issues of (i) What guidance and guidelines does the Inspection Panel receive prior to inspec- tion? (ii) What are the paramenters of Panel's jurisdiction? and (iii) Are comments attached to, or included in the report ettstomary and are they in- tended to be constructive rather than destructive? In conclusion, the Associa- tion wishes to thank the Times -Advocate for the coverage of the matter, par- ticularly Mayor Shaw's com- ments June 20, and the editor's comments June 27. We hope that future Panels address the facts and direct procedural questions back to the Sheriff's Office, or to the County Administration. It is desired that Panels reflect constructive criticisms rather than conveying through Public Reports private per- sonal biases. Thank you. Donald W. Campbell Executive Director for the Board of South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped. *** To the Editor: Another year has ended for the Hensall and District Co-op - Nursery School and the parents and executive would like to thank those many peo- ple of the community who so willingly and enthusiastically help us each year. The list includes the Ausable-Bayfield Conserva- tion Authority which shared a Katimavikworker during the year, Rolly and Torn at the community centre, the parks board and the public school which allowed us to hold special events and gradua- tion, Reid's Gravel for letting us store the parade wagon which we borrowed from the farm of the Kinsman family, The OPP, the Post Office, Dr, Grant Lee. TastyNu Bakery, O'Connor's Ambulance, Benders Meat Market, also thanks to the Kinsman's for the tour of the maple sugar bush and for setting up the tent on Fair Day, also Huron Motor Products for the use of a truck and Don McClinchey and the Firemen for their help on Fair Day. in general we would like to thank' the community who support our various projects through purchases or dona- tions. Thanks too for the sup- • port of the village of Hensall and the Hensall Merchant's Assoc. for their donations this year. Our nursery school has ex- cellent facilities and offers high quality pre-school activi- ty none of which could have beeq achieved without the full stStlport of the area. Again a sincere thank you to all. Janis Bisback for the '8:4-'84 executive *** June 18th, 1984 Bill Batten Editor, The Times -Advocate, Exeter. Ontario Dear Bill: Don't know who invented the adage: "No news is good news" But it certainly was not the editor of a small town weekly newspaper. So f was particularly ap- preciative of your story about your OPP boys, who wept one whole, entire week without in- vestigating a single, solitary highway accident. Then the comparison where drivers were good, but drinkers were not, just seemed to add the dressing to the salad. The Burks-Falls-Powassan newspaper, "The Almaguin News" featured no less than five deer -car collisions that week, and your neighbour. The Strathroy Age Dispatch Elizabeth Court Apartments One bedroom available Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all Utilities included. Located o' 176 Oxford St, Henson, Ontario PH: 262-2846 had another of the same. Managed to hang all of these vaguely related stories together to form the test for "Report from the Country". This is the segment that is scheduled for airing with the late Saturday night news on July 14. And again my thanks for this help, and for sending me your weekly product. Yours sjncerly, Arthur Carr, CKCO 'TV's "Country Editor" Y.S. - In my last letter to you did 1 locate that restaurant on the "left", as one drove in from the highway intersec- tion. If 1 did, and 1 have a nag- ging suspicion that I did, it was indeed the left! )J3u8 O£la]Cs00 )2)riE°G.02°U REPAIRS 'Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow and Save Centre Ltd. 149DownieSt .,Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 INSURANCE farRealty Ins ranee Inc. EXETER 235-242J GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 4829747 GODERICH 5242118 Farm, Home, Auto In- surance, Appraisals, Mortgages, Life In- surance, Trust Certificates, AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind ony place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0633 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers RA "Sue" Edglnton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. (519) 227.4210 J.G. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227-4111 FARM SERVICE AL'S ESSO Kirkton speciin ON NM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 1 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT 81' EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Auction JF Services Book Your 1984 Sale Now Call 236-4814 .Auctloneor John Finlay Anytime - JF Anywhere JF SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD. GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Mon St. S Exeter. 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-B00-265.7988 ACCOUNTANT•PUSLIC r Chartered Accountants P O Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 150, (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JO91E1'1f1 F. if)ARLIN(: (-EITIFIZD x.ENE11A1. A('('OUNTAKT TWO 810 -1198 -Rena THR OLD TOWN HALL Ree 'WAIN ATHEIST 1EXETRH, ONTARIO NOM 100 WOODWORK IMO /FREE ESTIMATES PICK-UP a DELIVERY LITTLE FALLS WOODWORKING 8 STRIPPING WOODWORKING OF ALL TYPES CUSTOM CABINET MAKERS STRIPPING + RESTORING OF FURNITURE /.0. let 1612 U. Marrs, OM. NOM 2Y0 ST, MARTS, ONT. 229.6301 • 214.3415 • 214.1210