HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1984-07-04, Page 6¶mARKETS BAKERY PRODUCE PROD. OF U S CAN #1 PEACHES kg .99 LB. .45 PROD. OF U.S. CAN. *1 SEEDLESS THOMPSON GREEN GRAPES LB. 1.79 kg 3.95 PROD. OF ONT. CAN. !t1 ROMAINE LETTUCE ■ 9 PRODUCT QF U.SA. CALIFORNIA CHOICE LEMON5/.99, SUPERIOR, 675 G. BREAD .69 DEMPSTER'S ITALIAN ROUND 450 g . 79 DEMPSTER'S ENGLISH MUFFINS PKG. OF 9 . 79 44 MR. AND MRS. BRIAN JOHNSON Brian Mervin Johnson, -son of Mrt and Mrs. Mervin Johnson, RR 1 Grand Bend and Susan Dionne Schade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schade, Mitchell were united in marriage, June 9, 1984 in the Mitchell Park. Mr. Ken Moore, Hanmer, Ontario officiated. Maid of honour was Cheryl Pratt, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Marion Sharrow, sister of the groom and Carol Henry, friend of the bride. Flower girl was Emily Walt, friend of the bride and ringbearer was Peter Quanz, cousin of the groom. Best man was Dave Henry, cousin of the groom. Ushers were Brian Sharrow, brother-in-law of the groom and Robert Gratton, friend of the groom. The couple are now living at RR 1 Grand Bend. Photo by Harvey McDowell, Blyth It's a very small world, after all Some of the benefits of travelling are the people you meet. Our recent trip was greatly enhanced by the friends we made, en route, and although we may never see any of them again, the brief time spent with them will hang like jewels in our memories. Although Veena Swarma's home is in Delhi, India, we first met her in Japan. Out on a tour, one day, we noticed this sari -clad Indian woman, obviously travelling alone. Somehow, the three of us gravitated, and before the day was over we were chat- tering away like old acquain- tances. When we parted, she insisted we contact her when we reached Delhi, three weeks later. That chance meeting through the whole thing, from changed our whole stay in In- itty bitty baby, to you and me, dia. Instead of being lost and Sister. We had scarcely bewildered in a strange city, recovered from the surprise far away from home, we had of him knowing that song Veena, at our elbow, making when he burst into, "It's a sure we visited the right Small World, After All." places, got on the right trains, Words fail me when 1 try to and ate the proper food. She describe how I felt, that night, would wheel up to our hotel driving through the dark nor with her car and driver, and row streets of an old, exotic whisk us off to the most exotic Indian city, thousands of shops, or take us out for a miles from home, listening to Mogul Indian luAcheon. that black-eyed boy. sing Unlike most Indians, she -words so familiar and true. moved quickly, her sari We felt, a great rush of always flowing out behind warmth - and oneness with her, and one time, when she met us at New Delhi train sta- tion as we returned from a trip, very late at night, she came floating down the stairs to greet us, her white sari streaming out behind her. We stared in amazement: was this an angel sent to us by God? Maybe so. If she is an angel she's a smiling one. with dark skin and black hair. She's a very religious woman, a strict Hin- du, a vegetarian who has never tasted meat. We found some of her beliefs and customs strange, but she is an intellectual, a professor of economics at Delhi Universi- ty...a woman with a great brain...a huge heart. She wanted us to meet her two sons, aged 13 and 16, and her husband who is in the im- port, export business. Ob- viously proud of all of them, she beamed on them lovingly as she introduced us. Anxious to learn how things were in Canada, especially with families, she asked, rather hesitantly, "Is it true most of your families break up?" And while we had to ad- mit that divorce is prevalent in Canada, we assured her, "No, most families stay together." We told her most parents in Canada cherish their children just as much as she does hers. She seemed relieved. One evening, after they had entertained us to the Sound and Light Show at the old Red Fort, they drove us back to our hotel. It was very late, and the city, which by day, had been a turbulent mass of .,p Ale and animals, sounds and- smells, was sleeping. Turning to her youngest son, Chicky, Veena suggested, "Whv don't you sing for the mese new irienps...tnat tiod did have us all in his hands, and that it was, asked, a very small world. Something caught in my throat as Chicky piped, "It's a world of laughter, a world of tears; it's a world of hopes and a world of fears. There's so much that we share that it's time we're aware, It's a Small World, After All. There food, they are not less than ourselves, and are certainly not to be feared and looked on as our enemies. We are bound to them by our humanness. They are our friends. In fact, they are more than that, they , are our brothers and sisters, who long for a peaceful world, as we do. - When we were separating from the Swarma family, we tried to express our apprecia- tion for what they had done for a couple of foreigners. "Come to Canada," we urged, "then, maybe, we can repay ladies, Chicly'!" Most boys his age would have been too self conscious but Chicky squared his shoulders, puffed out his chest, and began to sing in a high, clear, boy soprano voice. We expected some unknown, Indian song out, in- stead, what poured from his lips was, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hand." He went It seems to me... MR. AND MRS. BRIAN BARTLETT Diane Van Bergen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKenzie, Exeter and Brian Bartlett, son of Mrs. Con- stance Bartlett, St. Marys were united in marriage May 25 by Rev. K. Knight. Maid of honour was Cathy Shepley and best man was Ralph Shepley, St. Marys. Ringbearer was Shawn Van Bergen, Exeter. The happy couple reside in Exeter. tit j.FasTastyNu mmer Specials ty Cool Lemon Tants 6/1.49 Crusty Rolls 994 dor. Havarti Butter Cheese 3.19 1b. Fresh bread. rolls, doughnuts and pastry dai- ly I A wide variety of Canadian and imported cheeses - fresh off the block. asty, Battery & Cheese House Tasty Nu Bread Fresh Daily Exeter 235-0332, Hurondale WI travel ,lune 26 Ilurondale W 1. ladies and several visitors en- joyed a very interesting bus trip to the Calesonti green houses and the Agriculture Research Station at Harrow. Garnet Hicks entertained while on the bus with some jokes and several selections on his new organ which were really enjoyed. The trip was organized by Lois McFalls and Marion Dougall in place of a regular meeting Many thanks to them. Another bus trip is planned for Wednesday. August 22 to the Mennonite section near Elmira. FESTIVAL SET The 13th annual Festival of Arts and Crafts will be at the Stratford Arena July 6. 7 and 8. There will be 50 artists and craftsmen attending. Music and door prizes. Admission El..50 - children under 13 free. If you're looking for carpet or vinyl for a small area or an entire house • SAVE TIME • SAVE MONEY • SFE US FIRST Do ,1 yourself Of f1OvP our 1 n,f011er Ed AIIer, d o , f o r you Nopkera Flooring main, 333 Main St., S., Exeter 233.1990 f CaII for free estimate and we'll tell you how you con save. L.W. Kl.l.stIver Ltd. IHd.rt.ed 137 1461 Pt.w,►Ing 1oe11„g 11.,,,Itel CIO by Gwyn Whilsmith is just one moon and one golden sun, and a smile means friendship to everyone. Though the moun- tains divide, and the oceans are wide, It's a Small World, After All." Travel does make you realize how small the world is and how much all people, no matter where they live, are alike. They do have the same hopes and the same fears, the same joy and.the same tears. Just because they look dif- ferently and wear strange clothing and eat unfamiliar e y Veena answered, "Perhaps I will never go to Canada, but I have found that whenever 1 travel in a strange country, there is always someone who is especially kind to you, we are just repaying what has been done for us." She smil- ed as she trontinued,"And I'm sure you will pass on the kind- ness to someone who is a stranger in your own country." It seemed like marvellous philosophy. I hope I can live up to her expectations. 20% - 50% Off A11 spring & summer merchandise '4 ' 420 Main St. Exeter Hours: Mon. to Sat.; Fri. 9 - 9 14 - 44; 141/2 - 241/2 VISA .10 Demeall's • Berry 'Farm Only a few days loft Custom picked , 233=1481 or Pick your own Quart containers only. No children under 12 2 mi es north on Hwy. 4 Kem Exterior Flat Latex '999 and up per gal. Kem Exterior Gloss Latex $2199 and up per gal. Kem Exterior Alkyd $2299 Available at per gal. Exeter Decor Centre 15 Gidley St. E., Just behind Bank of Nova Scotia Open daily 9 - 5 235-1010 POST CEREALS ALPHA -BITS, HONEYCOMB OR SUGAR CRISP 250-2758 1.19 PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES KRAFT SINGLES 500 g - 16 SLICES 2.99 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 5.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES TENDER VITTLES 1.39 FROZEN WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 12 OZ. TIN .99 FAB POWDIRED DIETiRGlNT s uta wx6 UTNE BOX 3.29 CATELLI PASTAS •MACARONI, SPAGHETTI SPAGHETTINI 1 kg PKG. 99 ..99 COTTONELLE TOILET TISSUE 4 ROLL PACK 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 520 g PKG. 1.19 ALL VARIETIES DIET PEPSI. PEPSI FREE OR PEPSI 750 ml BOTTLE 49+ DEP. 24 - 10 O7. TINS 6.99 FANCY MITCHELL'S APPLESAUCE 14 OZ. TIN . 69 MAGIC PANTRY CABBAGE ROLLS 375 g PKG. 13 OZ. AEROSOL HUNT'S 2139 PAMOOKING SPRAY 3.39 TOMATO PASTE SOFT IMPERIAL MARGARINE 2-8 OZ. TUBS 1.19 DARES BRETON, 225 G. 19 CRACKERS ■ CHRISTIES 250 g PKG. TRISCUIT 1.49 WAFERS 13 OZ. TIN 1.09 CHINETTE LUNCHEON PLATES 8 '. IN PKG. OF 10 . 79 CLOVER VALLEY, 500 G CHEESE 2.69 SPREAD ASSORTED VARIETIES 250 g PKG. ROBIN HOOD PUDDING 'N' CAKE .69 FRUIT FRESH PRESERVATIVE ' 100 g . 59 48 OZ. TIN ALLEN'S FRUIT DRINK 079 GOOD HOST, 500 G. ICED TEA NV ;� KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE PKG. OF 100 . 69 ASSORTED FLAVOURS DUNCAN HINES 470 g CREAMY FROSTINGS ' 1 ■ 240 ml BOTTLE JOHNSON'S IL 3.39 _ BABY O_ SHOWER TO SHOWER DEODORANT 227 g 3.19 MED. 11 x 4.5 LARGE 15 x 10 1.19 GLAD FREEZER BAGS Supri.r QUALITY MEAT FROZEN CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF BEEF kg 3.06 BLADE STEAK LB 1.39 UT FR• CANADA GRADE A BEEF MOTT S SHORT RIB or kg 2.84 APPLE BLADE ROAST LB 1.29 JUICE ASSORTED VARIETIES PEPPERIDGE FARM LAYER CAKE SEMI BONELESS TAILLEFER !ES S DINNER HAM kg 5.49 LB 2.49 BONE TAILLEFER WIENERS TAILLEFER (STORE PACKED) PORK 8 BEEF LINK SAUSAGE SCHNEIDERS BLUE RIBBON BOLOGNA 4509 .99 .. 2.84 ,0 1.29 kg 4.17 L.1.89 BEERMAPLE LEAF FEST SAUSAGE MARY MILES STORE SLICED COOKED HAM 500 9 PKG 2.49 .q.39 ..1.99 MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS ky 4.17 LB 1. MAPLE LEAF (STORICE`oAVEs VARIETIES LUNCHEONkg 4.17 L. 1.89 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF CROSS RIB OR kg 3.75 BONELESS BLADE ROAST LB 1.69 TAILLEFER 500 g SLICED SIDE 1.99 BACON SUPPLIED AND SERVICED BY ELLIOTT MARR • CO LTD.. LONDON 12.5 OZ. TIN . 99 13 OZ. PKG. 1.59 FANCY McCAIN'S KERNEL CORN 1 kg BAG 2.39 •penis SAVE 50C MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE COUPON EXPIRES 'MY 11, 1984 3.r..i.. PRICES IN EFFECT IN MOST SUPERIOR STORES UNTIL JULY 7. 1984 WE RESERVE TO NORMAL FAMILY REOUIREMENTTS