HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-27, Page 25Isort councfl appoints bylaw enforcoinint officer At a special meeting this week, Grand Bend ce uicU hired a bylaw enforcement of- ficer for the village. Southeott Pines residents, the Property Lovers Association, and many other residents • have been long awaiting this action by council. Keith Crawford, RR 2 Grand Bend, will be starting his new position immediately. He will receive ;100 a week for approximately ten weeks. If Crawford, a former member of council, has to go to court, an additional hourly rate of210.00 is to be paid. As well, he requested that he be given a crested dress shirt and a business card. Both would serve to identify him as the bylaw enforcement officer and make his status readily visible. Crawford felt that everyone was entitled to one warning k CU BECOME SCOUTS — At a ceremony in Grand Bend Public School, seven Cubs joined the Scout pack. Standing left to right are Dave Maguire, John -Paul Maurer, Mike Clay, BiII Jennison, Paul Nutt and Steve Chapdelaine. Missing was Richard Desjardine. BEAVERS SWIM UP — Last week ten Beavers left their colony to become Wolf Cubs. Front row left to right are Kenneth Desjardine, Teddy Baker, Jeff Patterson and Jeremy Anderson. Back row is Jason Clay, Andrew Sharen, Murray McKay, Chris Stanlake and tan Jean. Missing was Derek Twynstro. UC outdoor services commence this week On Sunday morning, the Sacrament of Communion was observed at the Grand Bend United Church. Rev. Peebles' sermon was entitled "Christ's Answer" based on Joshua 1: 1-9 and John 5: 1-8. Don Kobe and Elsie Keyes, representing the Couples Club, dedicated the four new ceiling lights to the church in memory of Bob Johnson. Flowers in the sanctuary were in memory of Robert Johnson, placed by his wife Mary. A beautiful bouquet decorated the front of the church to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Clara and Alex Hamilton. Next week's service will begin at 11:OOa.m. and will be held outdoors. Thursday night, June 28 will be a work bee to place benches outside the church on the lawn for Sunday morning. Don't forget the annual bake and lawn sale to be held on Saturday, July 7 from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. on the church lawn. Any donations please call 238-2016. Compassion Pastor and Mrs. John Campbell, Laura, Doug, Marilyn and Verna MacGregor and Katie Vin- cent, returned Saturday from Anderson, Indiana where the 98th International Convention of the Church of God was be- ing held. On Sunday morning, Rev. Glen Langford of World Vi- sion, spoke briefly as the Love -Loaf offering was being received. Rev. R. G. Simpson gave the stirring message of the morning on "Compassion". Rev. and Mrs. Morris Vin- cent of Morden, Manitoba were visitors on Sunday. Grades 8, 12 and 13 grads were presented with Bibles. In the evening, Rev. Langford showed a short World Vision film entitled "Ethiopia Report". He also ministered through the sing- ing and playing his trombone. The Women of the Church of God are holding a yard sale on Saturday, June 30 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Major Feasts in Church Congratulations to Mark John Smits, son of John and Beta Smits, who was receiv- ed into the Catholic Com- munity through baptism. Please note: This coming week we celebrate three ma- jor feast days in the church. Thursday at 7:15 p.m. is the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul; on Friday, at 9:00 a.m. we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; and on HoHday Special Pinery Flea Market Open Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Dealers Welcome 3 miles South of Grand Bend Hwy. 21 Contact: Bob Sondercott 238-8382 41111111 '4111111IP Saturday at 9:00 a.m., it is the Parish Feast Day of the Im- maculate Heart of Mary. Your attendance at mass on these three days is strongly encouraged, so please make a sincere effort to attend. This past Sunday was the feast of Corpus Christi, the gospel of the living bread. Father Morrissey reminded us that many people on this earth have nothing to eat; and that our souls need feeding just like our bodies. Christ realized that our lonely hearts long for communion with God; the kind of relationship between creatures and creator that cannot be satisfied in this life. We can- not live by bread alone, we must be nurtured by the liv- ing bread from heaven. We come to the euchrist as brothers and sisters whose hearts hunger for each other and forgood. The Ontario Catholic Carosmatic Provincial Con- ference on August 17, 18 and 19 will be held at the Univer- sity of Waterloo. If you plan to attend, see Father Morrissey for registration forms. Lastly, the Huron -Perth Catholic School Board would like to r"mind you that school will begin on Tuesday, September 4. Fresh Picked Strawberries Discounts on quantity orders Market Location 41/2 miles north of Grand Bend, east side of Hwy. 21. Call 238-2301 or 236-4061 ,before they would be charged on the noise bylaw. OPP will use their discretion before contacting Crawford. Crawford will also have park- ing tickets to give out. In other business, council decided to let Jeff Quick pro- ceed with his plans to hold a volleyball tournament on Sandcastle Days on either the Fraleigh property or further north on the beach. Also, an Evangelical event will take plaALe on the Fraleigh proper- ty4Tl July 29 and August 26 at 2:00 p.m. sponsored by Ron Walker. A letter from Warner Auto - Marine, in response to one sent to them om the Ausable-Bayfield Conserva- tion Authority, was read regarding the illegal tying of boats to the steel pilings along the river. These steel sheetings are there for ero- sion purposes and all boats should be moved. Council agreed to leave them this year but in 1985. there should be no boats tied there. This week everyone should notice new signs around the village which the Chamber are providing and the P.U.C. will be putting up a bicenten- nial flag. Roy Young was given per- mission from council to operate motorized jet skis from the Harbour Beach (end of River Rd.) provided he has insurance, pays the T. and T. fee and subject to Harbour Committee regulations. To date, there is $81,490.75 owed to.the village in arrears of taxes outstanding from 1981-82 and 1983. , Clerk Diane Mollard will be away for the next few days at the first of next month and will miss the first regular council meeting. Postal Employees Golf On Saturday, the third an- nual Huron Division Postal golf tournament was held at Oakwood Golf Course in Grand Bend. Some 93 golfers teed off, travelling from as far away as Owen Sound, Guelph, Niagara Falls, St. Catharines , Kitchener, Oakville, Windsor, London, Stratford, St. Thomas, Port Stanley, Aylmer; Simcoe and Strathroy. Gar Johnston, Postmaster in Grand Bend, after golfing himself, was on had to award the trophies to the variol'is winners. Ron Cripps, Huron Division Headquarters, Lon- don, commentated for the ceremonies after dinner in the Oakwood dining room. Winning the men's low gross was Bob Batchley from St. Catharines, while Bill Richardson, Oakville, won the men's low net; the ladies low gross was won by Marg Johnston, St. Catharines and Barb Mitchell, Windsor, won the ladies low net trophy. Best team golfing from Oakville, was Harry Barber, Bill Richardson, B. Murfitt, and D. Galivan. Carmine Ease won the ladies duffer. There were various con- solation prizes awarded and Steve Fulton, from Niagara - on -the -Lake, won the propane barbeque draw. Personals Congratulations to Alex and Clara Hamilton who will be celebrating their 50th wed- ding anniversary on June 28. Barry and Betty Hamilton, Ottawa, spent the weekend with his parents, and attend- ed their open house Sunday afternoon. Sandpiper Variety owner/manager Judi Fink has completed a course in Stratford, in order to run Loto 6-49 and Lottario from her store on Main Street. Brenda and Dennis Mathers enjoyed their annual barbeque with neighbours in Pinedale Subdivision before opening their business for the summer season. The Mites baseball team whippt'd Shipka last Tuesday on home ground. The team will play tonight in Parkhill. Dawn Crabe, RR 2 Grand Bend, has been elected to the, executive of the Provincial Board for Youth and Music. Congratulations Dawn. Grades 7 and 8 pupils, teacher and some parents from Grand Bend Public School enjoyed their luxury coach trip to Toronto, Wednesday. They watched the Milwaukee Brewers down the Blue Jays 5-4, went to Village Flea Market Saturdays, May 26 to September 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Buyers and Vendors welcome. Phone 238-2396 or 238-2407. Wondergrove Roller Rink 23 Main St. Grand Bend • Toronto Island and Ontario Place. A large crpwd filled the bleachers at the Pinery Park Thursday evening when the Optimist Clubs from Grand Bend, Thedford and Port Franks presented "Proud Beginnings" a historical play with music celebrating On- tario's Bicentennial. The children enjoyed a campfire with hot dogs and drinks following the play. Citizenship awards, donated by the Lioness Club, are being given out to worthy students from Grand Bend Public School (Jake Mor - rice), Mount Carmel (Julie Uniac), Bosanquet Central and Stephen Central this week. Mrs. Susie Devine attended the confirmation on Sunday of her great-granddaughter, Kathy Hendrick, at Crediton United Church. Along with other relatives, she was a din- ner guest at the home of her daughter, Yvonne and Howard Hendrick. Linda Anderson, S.P., received a special gift 'at the morning graduation last Fri- day, from teachers Sharon HIRED— Keith Crawford, a well-known Grand Bender has taken the position as Grand Bend's Bylaw Enforcement Of- ficer. Keith will respond only to OPP calls concern- ing any by-law infractions. Kyle and Connie Hodgins, for her services over the last few years. A number of Golden Agers went on the charter bus trip last week to Hamilton, to at- tend the evening show of the Geritol Follies in Hamilton Place. Driver Harold Patter- son drove along the Avon River Park in Stratford, on the trip down and through the Botanical Rose Garden in Hamilton. Sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Mabel Gill who died last Saturday, June 23. Out of town visitors with the L. Devine's, were Dorothy and Noel Lidister, of St. Thomas and Joyce and Tam- my Pinches, of London. -11me5-Advoca1e, June 4/, I9U4 III/CE INSPECTION — Officer Norm Denckert how to operate the OPP bike. Twynstra pretend to shows the Grand Bend Nursery School As fellow classmates watch, Wilson Brown and Amy drive the big motorcycle. i Hotson Lighting and China Grand Bend 238-8240 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5; Sat. 9 - 6 presents.... the world's finest crystal Waterd lf( The world's finest crystal Now on Sale Sale ends June 30 25%u50%oif all stem -ware in stock If you love a bargain... NOW IS THE TIME! WARNER GRAND BEND OVER 1 OO NEW &USED CARS & TRUCKS MUST BE SOLD UP • TO s1000 ou HORIZONS, OMNIS, TURISMOS, CHARGERS ►EUS ERIE AUTOMATIC TRANSM . uP To 51500 0►► SMALL DODGE RAMPAGE PICK-UPS ►sus FREE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION *JULY SELEC%ARL1OptSEPTEMBE 1984 SATURDAY STARTS N � CLOSE _ ALE EVERY CAR IN STOCK GIGANTICIGANTIC OUIDO0R • FREE WARRANTY AU IUtLT ltco.,DITIOln0 WARM IKID UK CA1111 NO 1 clic tl►ttAlnl TOUR INVESTMENT'S PROTECTED xu ,N WHILE THE DEALS ARE HOTS ALL AT ONE LOCATION... 1 MILE NORTH OF GRAND BEND (AT THE FUTURE SITE OF WARNER'S NEW NOME) 9:00 AM to 9:0..n PMd04114 SPECIAL HOURS: Including SATURDAY & SUNDAY SALE ENDS JULY 15 416 CI IRYSLER MOW WARNER AUTO MARINE GRAND BEND 235.2391 ON LOCATION Phone 238-8728 I,A M BTON IiIiFZITi1Gti M USEU M S MARS SOUTH Of GRAND SENO Hwy. #21 across from Plnory Provincial Park 243-2600 4th Annual Heritage Quilt Sale Saturday June 30 to Sun. July 8th 10 - 3 Weekdays, 11 - 6 weekends Demonstrations - films supplies by Miller's Barn, lunchroom