HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-27, Page 23Women's Institute is 70 years old An enjoyable time was had by approximately 90 members of Huron South District Women's Institute at the Community Centre when Zurich WI celebrated its 70th anniversary. A lovely lun- cheon was served by the Zurich branch: Greetings were brought by the district president, Dolores Shapton and the alternate ' provincial board member, Jean Ratcliffe of St. Marys. The program consisted of readings, singing, a hat show and a speaker. A former member 99-vear- old Matilda Tetreau, a resi- dent of Bluewlter Rest Home, got a standing ovation, for her reading "I Ain't Dead Yet." The speaker Gwyn Whilsmith related a few of the highlights of her recent trip around the world but was glad to get back to Canada, the nicest country of all. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer and several went home with gifts receiv- ed in a draw. St, Peter's C.W.L. held its June meeting on June 12. A special thanks was expressed o all who helped at the con- firmation on June 6. We were reminded that ex- tra tickets for the Bean Festival quilt are available from Mrs. Evelyn Jeffrey or Mrs. Sharon Overholt. Plans were made for the plant and bake sale to be held after Mass on Sunday July 1. Members are asked to bring their goods to the hall before on that day. Cougar Column v Zurich Public School Grade three and four have completed their swimming program in Vanastra. In ad- dition to swimming instruc- tion, they learned water safety. The Primary classes travelled to London May 29 to see the Maycourt Marionette version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Grade two and three classes have been correspon- ding with a class from Farwell, Michigan. A balloon, sent by a Michigan student was found by Cam Rader of Zurich. They asked us to write if we found their balloon. Thank you to all school volunteers for their time and kindness in helping with school programs and special activities. One day we walked over to Jared Seibert's home to see his pet raccoon and rabbits. Grades four, five and six spent June 22 visiting the Lambton Heritage Museum and having a Nature Tour in the Pinery Provincial Park. Environment Week - May 28 -June 1: The week included a presentation called Rabies and You shown by K.D. Seeger. Everyone learned the importance of vaccinating pets against this extremely hazardous disease. This con- cluded with the Grade seven and eights attending Camp Sylvan on Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. Friday June 8 the Regional Track and Field rn^et was held in Exeter. Our school's results were: Laurie For- rester - First in high jump, tri- ple, 100 metres and running long jump and third in 400 metres. She also won the senior girls medallion. Craig Redick was second in standing long and third in running long. Also on the eighth, the Huron County Dairy Princess, Miss Muriel Huth, visited the school and gave us a very interesting talk on dairy production. Robert Priest, a Canadian poet, songwriter and rock musician entertained the en- tire school with very humourous poems and songs. He also visited the Grades four to six classrooms. The future Grade nines at- tended Orientation Thursday to get used to what SHDHS would be like next year. That night the graduation ceremony was held. Speeches were given by Mr. McCall the guest speaker, Mr. O'Brien, and Nicole deBlieck (valedic- torian). Every grade eight made their own silhouette - it was quite interesting to try and find out who was who. I sincerely hope everyone has a safe and extremely hap- py summer! Joanne Bridle The year has come to an end. We would like to thank the newspaper and its staff for allowing us to share our activities with the communi- ty during this year. Kathy Merner Z.P.S. Student Council President '84 Planting Pals meet The fourth meeting of the Planting Pals 4-11 club was held on June 11th at Mrs. Jean Crawford's. They opened with everyone answering the roll call, "Name and briefly describe the insect or disease you found in the garden." The girls discussed the home activities for the next week such as working on garden projects and home or farm beautification project and reporting on progress at the next meeting. Next, as a group, members discussed, 'insect and diseases in our gardens and how to identify and control them." After that they talked about landscaping around the home. The leaders discussed what was on the agenda for Achievement Day. Leaders said the girls could do a com- parison of old tools used long ago and tools used today, or make a display of, "From seed to sampling." BEST RATES No Foos - Retes Subiecf To Change 12, " 14" 1 YEAR 5 YEARS •CONTACT ABC Annuities 202 CAMERON ST. CALL COLLECT GODERICH 524-27/3 C OETI LER ,s OF DUBLIN A STORE, F UL1. OF BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE On the Main Street 1)f Dahlin ?15 2250 e c/Uunseay CREATIVE E COMPETE LAZ403CAPI N C t 0E516 % SERy lcf FULLY L/CENSED q JNSUR D FOR Lf/CUN C I,'EE SPRAY/ VISIT OUR GARDEN CENTRE 6 SEE OUR SELECTION ot: TREES 1, SHRUBS To EEAUTI FY YOUR NOME 236.4479 (on Hwy. 21 in St. Joseph) RR 2 Zurich WI BIRTHDAY — Zurich WI invited .the other seven branches in Huron South to a 70th birthday party. Shown are (left) Ina Neeb, secretary, Joan Smith, presi- dent, guest speaker Gwyn Whilsmith, Marg Westlake, 2nd v/p and Kay Hay, 1st v/p. Varna student named to board at university By Mary Chessell Michael Coleman, a second year electrical engineering student at the University of Waterloo, was recently ap- pointed to the Board of Gover-. nors of the Corporation of the University of Waterloo for a two year term. Mike was also elected to the Senate of the university last fall. Sean Michael Grant, son of Mike and Cheryl (Webster ) Sproul, was baptized in Var- na United Church, Sunday. Sponsors were Bob and Nan- • cy Thibert. Sunday School superinten- dent Doug Reid announced the attendance awards, which were presented to the kindergarten class by teacher Joan Beierling - Heather Beirerling, four years Heather Laurie, three years Meggin Read and Mary O'Reilly, two year, Valerie Laurie and Kim Taylor, one year. Primary teacher Joe Laurie presented awards to Mark Webster, five years David Rathwell, four years Tony Coultis and Shelly Stephenson, two years. Lorraine Taylor presented junior class awards to Krista McAsh, eight years Susan Kirton and Mary Ellen Webster, seven years and Sandra Coultis, five years. Senior class awards were presented by Dianne Kirton to Nancy Webster and Darryn McAsh, 10 years Scott Kirton, seven years and Robyn Nor- man five years. Sacrament of Holy Commu- nion was observed. The basket of flowers was placed in the,,church by Joan Beierl- ing as a tribute to her father. who passed away recently. The beautiful roses were from Bob and June Webster's flower garden, and the delphiniums from Marjorie Stirling. The summer schedule for church services begins next Sunday in Goshen church at 10:30. Please note the time. The Bluewater Rest Home needs old nylon hose and pan- tyhose for craft work. They may be left at Goshen Church for Margaret Elliott to pick up. Louis Taylor was admitted to hospital in Goderich, Friday. Bill Taylor had surgery in University Hospital last Wednesday and is expected home shortly. Jim and Madeline Murray spent the first week of June with their son Gordon and his wife Faye in Ottawa, and with their granddaughter Brenda and her husband Gilles and little Tanya in Gatineau. They had a trip into the Gatineau Hills, visited Mackenzie King's estate and saw Ottawa from Champlain Lookout and Huron Lookout. The area is beautiful, but they were disappointed to find the tulips all trimmed off, as Madeline has seen them still beautiful in June. and was hoping Joe could see them. too. 0 ECOLE STE. MARIE -- Grade 8 students held their graduation June 21. Graduates are (back left) Kelly Mommersteeg, Sheila Denomme, Elizabeth Bedard, Maureen Masse and (front) Kevin Overholt, David Coeck, Scott Regier, Mark Ducharme and Dave Durand. Times -Advocate, June 27, 1984 Poge 7A Family attends graduati,n at Wlndsor On Saturday, June 16,,Ber- nie and Anette Denomme ac- companied by Kevin and Dan attended the graduation ceremony of their son and brother, Michael Denomme, at St. Clair College in Wind- sor. He received a computer programmer analyst cer- • tificate and was also on the honor roll. Some out of town weekend visitors who attended (he Sweeney-Klopp wedding on Saturday were Ted and Sarah Robson, Windsor; Joe and Regina Corriveau, Windsor; Russ and Penny Klopp, Milton; Mrs. Jeanne Bedard, Windsor with daughters Mary, Shirley and Carol and husbands, Cheryl-Jillian Bialkowski, Toronto. Did everyone realize that last Thursday was officially the first day of summer? So now that the kids are out of school and holiday time is upon us, hope everyone has a safe and happy "restful" summer time as I'm sure we will now! Farewell to David and Carolyn Stark and daughters, Cynthia and Jenny who have moved to their new home in Windsor. We wish them well and they will be missed by their many Zurich friends. Beth Sweeney is spending a week's holiday with her sister and brother-in-law, Carrie and Dan Eybergen in Waterloo. Anyone interested in registering their children for the summer playground and s 'mmin lessons in Vanastra can do so on Mon- day, July 9 from 2-4 or from 7-9 at the Zurich arena. St. Peter's Catholic Church in Goderich celebrated theiL 150th anniversary of the parish on Sunday with a beautiful day of activities with Pastor Father l..oe Bach. The Knights of Columbus formed an honor guard at the outdoor mass and in proces- sion of,the Blessed Sacrament followed by bendiction on the lawn of the residence of Judge and Mrs. Francis Carter. Din- ner and recption was held at the Saltford Valley Hall, with guest speaker, Most Rev. John Michael Sherlock, Bishop of London. Charlie and Madeline Rau spent the weekend in Wind- sor, and attended a wedding. A family get-together was held at the home of Bob and Tootie Merner on Sunday in honor of their daughter Cathy's graduation, and also confirmation from the Lutheran Church. A lovely bridal shower was held for Lori Meidinger on S nda at St. Boniface School .th very good turnout of fri nds and relatives. Lori is the daughter of Steve and Patsy Meidinger and fiance of Murray Armstrong. They are planning to be married on Augusut 11. A lovely and impressive wedding day was had by Paul and Heather Klopp (nee Sweeney r on Saturday after- noon at St. Boniface Church at 2:30 p.m. where marriage vows were exchanged through the Sacrament of Matrimony with Father Mon- ney officiating. A delicious supper for 200 guests was held at the Hensall Community Centre, followed by an open reception in the ' evening. Friends and relatives for the occasion were present from such places as: Mission B.C., Windsor, Leamington, Michigan, Kitchener - Waterloo, Milton, Barrie, Toronto, Stratford, St. Clair Beach, Sarnia, Kingston, Listowel, London and Zurich area. Special best wishes were -sent by telegram from St. John's Newfoundland and from Sydney, Nova Scotia. The bride is the daughter of Jerome and Carmel Sweeney (who were also happily celebrating their own 22nd wedding anniversary ) and the groom is the son of Herb and Donna Klopp, both of Zurich:. Onreturn from a short honeymoon to various places, the happy couple are residing on a farm at RR 2 Zurich. On Monday a supper barbecue and get-together was enjoyed by the teen group of the Zurich United Church, which was held at the manse. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Case VanRaay who is now a patient in Afniversity Hospital, London, and Bro. Bob Mittelholtz in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Seven -.year-old, Justin Regier, son of Dennis and Lorraine, had the misfortune of falling off his bike last week and as a result broke his wrist. He will probably be spending most of the summer with his arm in a cast. Tickets are now available from any Lion member fpr the 50's dance on July 14 be- ing held at the Zurich Com- munity Centre featuring music by "Fantasy". Ad- vance tickets are $5.00 and $6.00 at the door. Contact Norm Koehler at 236-4182. Congratulations to Ken and Dorothy Breakey who celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary on Tuesday's June 26. Also to Ken on his birthday of the 24th. Ito Mrs. Melissa Beer and two children from Mission B.C. is presently spending a five- week vacation visiting with family, friends and relatives; parents being Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. and mother-in-law, Mrs. Lillian Beer, Hensall. A graduation mass and •; ceremony was held for 20 grade eight pupils of -St." Boniface School Wednesday evening followed by a recep- tion and program for them and their families. The Zurich Public School held their graduation supper and exercises on Thursday night, with parents and relatives attending. Tomorrow (Thursday, June 28) is once again the monthly paper drive beginning at 6:30. Also the bingo at the arena, starts at 7:45. GRADUATES — Attending Zurich Public School's graduation dinner on June 21 were (back left) principal Don O'Brien, graduates Jason Steinmann, Brent O'Brien, Mork Stephen, Tim Westlake, Ron Elder, Mark Lansbergen, Derrick Martin; teacher Bob Redick and (front) graduates Kathy Merner, Sonya Schantz, Donna Gingerich, Kerry Dietz, Joanne Bridel, Angela Fisher, Tracy Fisher, Nicole de Blieck, Laurie Forrester and Jodi Brokenshire. Now that summer has of- ficially arrived, residents are trying to make the most of the warm weather. Mrs. Josephine Thompson has returned from Sl. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Alvernia Hill is still a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital. Exeter. We welcome Mrs. Valeria Armstrong of Exeter, to the home. Mrs. Lenora Turkheim's music students held a piano and organ recital here at the home on Monday evening which was enjoyed by all. We thank Mrs. Aleida ilendrik for treating all the residents to fresh strawberries. On Wednesday, Mrs. Matilda 'retreat', who will be 99 in August, attendedr,thc. Women's Institute anniver- sary dinner held at the Zurich arena and took part in the program. Some of our residents, former Exeter ST. BONIFACE GRADUATES - - Members of the June 20, 1984 graduating class at St. Boniface are (back left) Doug Regier, Patty Hartman, Colleen Miller, Cathy Hartman, Mary -Jo Meidinger, Margy Hartman, Roxanne Overholt, Janet Mowat, Collette Bedard, Mike Cyr and (middle) teacher Lorne Rideout, Dole Ducharme, Jay Caers, Jim Masse, Pat Overholt, Allan Oesch, Hubert Jacobs, Dwayne Overholt, Fr. Paul Mooney and (front) Janice Ducharme, Gayle Boogemans, Lisa Ducharme, Rosemary Regier, Tammy Lesperance, Lisa Bedard, Polly anna Soudant and Pot Masse. otden United Church members at- tended.a tea in their honour at the church this week. On Thursday evening, Goshen United church ladies sponsored the June birthday GRADUATES — Robin Eliza! tsth Wade, daughter of Bob and Ido Wade, An - caster, received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Western On- tario at the Spring Con- vocation on Friday, June 8, 1984. She hos accepted a position at University Hospital in London. Robin is the granddaughter of Mrs. Audrey Wade, Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blanchard, Exeter. Martens Strawberries Pick Your Own Starting June 18 One mile north of St. Joseph on Hwy. 21 238-2758 or 238-8203 quantity discounts party. An enjoyable program was presented, followed by a delicious lunch. Residents having birthdays during the month of June and receivii gifts courtesy of the Ladit Auxiliary -were: Mrs. Alict Haberer, Mrs. Ruby flog- garth, Mrs. Magdalene Jant- zi, Mrs. Pearl Love, Mrs. Beatrice Overholt, Mrs. Nor- ma Parkins, Mrs. Margaret Pfaff and Mrs. llilda Shapton.• A video program was en- joyed on Wednesday evening. Residents out visiting during the week were: Aaron Gingerich, Perce Johnston. Stephen Molnar, Loftus Denomme, Mrs. Hilda Shap - ton, Miss Minnie !tern and Mrs. llazel Coward. A thank you to the people who have been bringing in supplies for the hobby shop. At present we have a number of ambitious residents who like to be kept busy. We are still in the market for pan- tyhose and nylons, also pces of quilt hats and hits and pieces of cuttings; we also could use large or small pieces of foam rubber which the residents could cut up and use in stuffing animals, etc. Bingo was played on Friday afternoon. We were privileged to have the Dirks family of Petersburg provide a musical program on Sunday after- noon. They are grandchildren of Mrs. Elizabeth Gingerich of the apartments and are ac- complished musicians. Rev. Stan McDonald of Hensall United Church conducted the chapel service on Sunday evening. Strawberries Henry Hendriks 1/, mile south of Zurich 236-4451 PICK YOUR OWN Strawberries PICKING HOURS: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. till dusk Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY Weather Permitting Phone ahead for ready picked berries `FOR CROP INFORMATION CALL 565.21221 c}{u z012 C-fLd9E. CATES Watch for our sloes on Hwy. 21 Loth of R.yfI.Idend Hwy.114 west of Zwick. OPEN : DAVID STICK II AND 1AAmy MON-FRI-9-9 SAT -95 R.R. We. 1 I14Ol011c SUNDAY— 1:315 ZURKH, ONTA1110 (MI) 1424121