HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-27, Page 21zehrs fine markets... of rine foods • HEARING TESTS No Obligation EXETER PHARMACY Thurs., July S - 1 to 3 p.m. ' Batteries, acc.ssoiies, (.pairs 10 most maks • ; J. D. FAIR facing Aid S.rvic. HEARING AIDS 145 Ontario St. Stratford s1 \ \11 I ss EAVESTROUGH ' ALUMINUM and VINYL SIDING ALUMINUM STORM •�_ _ DOORS and WINDOWS • ALUMINUM AWNINGS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • RENOVATIONS and GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • FREE ESTIMATES • JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION DASHWOOD 237-3526 CASE OF 24 280 mL TINS OUR REG. 7.99 SAVE!O 2.50 CASE Readers write about Times -Advocate, June 27, 1984 Page SA Spoi't.h�,biling Va�. Ontarlo, studonts of Huproii N�hool Dear Sir/Madam: of boys/girls t-ball,.girls residents have always par- at taueen's Park to pass a would mean that all of their The Lake Huron Zone . squirt and peewee ball, mens ticipated at Sportsfest and we resolution making Ontario a by-laws and correspondence Reereatlonists Association is ball hockey, boys' soccer, are counting on you to come completely mbilingual would hhave to be to two hosting its 8th annual Sport- senior citizen euchre and to Sportsfest 8 . In Kincarprovince, languages, and that would. sfest this sumer on 'the shuffleboard, lawn bowling, dine, "You are a sstranger on- The Walkerton Herald ne cost an awful lot of ma weekend of August 17, 18, and ladies slo-pitch ball, ladies ly once" and if you come Times did not tell us bow their And Palmerston, accorney. 19 in Kincardine. We are ex- softball, mens slo pitch, bad- August 17, 18 and 19 you are council handled this, but men- he Observer, Town Cotut tending an invitation to the minton, youth swim meet, "taut bound to have a lot of fun!' tion that there was not a "Dui" to th Riche d Ferguson sue councillors residents of Exeter, young run, tennis, darts, horseshoes, You can pickup full informa- to be heard at Durham, in gested tl ) his fellow town and old alike, to participate. mens basketball, beach tion and registration bra favour of the resolution, andcil�� "Just remember Sportsfest is sports volleyball. _ I , chures about all events from Councillor Kelly Koehler who won the wona." festival weekendigned for All participants receive Recreation Director Lynne observed: "Quebec won't fun, fellowship,And I personally wonder participation, Sportsfest ltuttons/crests. Farquhar at your recreation give us bilingualism." The and friendlycompetition in . Plaques will be awarded this office. Entry deadline is July story closes with the com= just what breed of French we are to adopt. recreation sports. Enjoying, year to the communities large 20, 1984. Entries are taken on menta "Mount Forest council Would it be Montreal, North yourself and "playing the and small with the most par -a `fir�t.come, first served' gave the motion a similar game for thesake of playing" ticipation. The Lieutenant basis. reception." Shore, Gaspesian or Aca- are the main objectives. Governor of Ontario, John B. Thank you Mr./Mrs. Editor Closer to Ottawa the dian? For they are all different! Sportsfest is for recreation Aird will open Sportsfest, for helping the L.H.Z.R.A. in- Minden Times tells how their and house leagueformyour Exeter subscribers councillors the idea. It is planned to use this col- . par -August 18 followed by an open rejectedlection of commentary oilticipants/players, not for All civic sportsfest luncheon held about Sportsfest '84. Reeve Lyle McKnight obsery "Report from the Count( Star teams. in his honour. Celebrity and Yours very truly, ed that: "Bilingualism has scheduled for presentation This year we are introduc-fun competition events open R. Keith Davidson, Host cost the country millions of with the late Saturday night ing several new events; girls to all at the beach "Sportnic" dollars. It is the same with Directorcannews on June 30. • gymnastics, Sg rise soccer, Three dances p.m., held at 1:30 August even-, will be hs note:dSExeter. '85 thetbenefiric. I itts of either." Tht en Y judo,Saturday will be hosted by Exeter. ladies soccer, outdoor bad- ing for teens, adults, and Councillor Gary Kertp�y said: minion, metas over 30's sac older adults. Refreshment "Francophones ski' Ontario •cer, sailing races, co-ed two gardens operating with live 4 4 now have mores ghts than pitch ball, archery, long entertainment. Babysitting Anglophones it Quebec." And distance swim, lawn darts, service for visitors: Lots of To the Editor: w the Harriston Review canoe races, board sailing, ovenright accommodations The city counciti at Ottawa reported that their town coup - rugger, mens flag football, and camping. Participate in -created quite a.ripple across cil had filed the resolution cycling races, developmental- Kincardines' famous Satur- Ontario, and this ripple was without comment. ly handicapped events, day night parade down Main reflected in many small town Then, Bill, I noticed that . karate. Street with the Kincardine newspapers: The aldermen at your Times -Advocate Of course, we will be Scottish Pipe Band. Ottawa passed a resolution reported that your cautious hosting the traditional events Exeter and district urging Bill Davis and his boys councillors feared that it ALL VARIETIES TAB, SPRITE, OR COCA COLA WHITE. ALMOND, YELLOW 4 ROLL PKG. ASSORTED VARIETIES JELLO PUDDING POPS ROYALE TISSUE 7s2,29 FOR YOUR BATHROOM 179 NIAGARA FROZEN PINK OR WHITE LEMONADE 312.5 oz. TINS FOR / PKGS. OF 8 OUR REG. 89C EA. SAVE! 89c ON 2 WESTONS MEALTYME HAMBURG OR WIENER ROLLS 2/g9` wird T AT FIRM STYLE DELISLE YOGURT 16111 675 9 890 9 LOAF TUB�I 49 PKG. 89 OF 8 NEILSON FINE OUALITY 500 ml'. 49 lakixoN 13409189 NO NAME f INCH FOAM .PLATES PKG. OF 50 RAW CALIFORNIA OR REGULAR NOUSE AND GARDEN NEILSONS BUG KILLER ICED TEA 750.2. 99 350 .4.39 DIE HETI AIUt1K��U Es SRU TORTILLAS 28 oz:'. 79 225 g 1.59 GARDEN SALAD, CORN, CUBITS HAMBURGER OR NOT D06 BICK'S RELISHES ASSORTED VARIETIES 1.5L2,79 MINE 700gi.59 aim al mak aur w 289010 oz. TINS YORKuvuu PEANUT BUTTER 1.1:: 3.99 IP" 2/i9 01° TINS FIRE STARTER 375 g 99' TWO VARIETIES SMELTS ,.oz.. 690 TIN dna MPS CRYSTRLS m.?.49 675. 1 79 PKG. ALL VARIETIES TAS. SPRITE OR COCA COLA 750 mL BOTTLES 590 30. LAUNDRY DETERGENT CHEER 2 6 LITRE SEE COUPON BELOW 3199 SCHNEIDERS KRAFT JET TURKEY, BEEF, PORK, CHICKEN 04 WIRE OR FRUIT BEEFSTEAK OR BEEFSTEAK AND KIDNEY 250 g MARSHMALLOWS MEAT � PIES OF 2 PIES 139J250 PKG• 19 CARTON COUNTRY NEARTH "GRANDMA MARTINS" TART SHELLS 225 g PKG. PKG. OR MINI-TART9812., 20 SHELLS19 PKG. e 10 Ib. BAG SEE COUPON BELOW 3.59 FABRICSOF3 DOWNY BA TARS LITRE 4.69 45..2.29 375 mL ASSORTED VARIETIES LAYS OR RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS 200 g PRO. ).19 MAXWELL HOUSE DECAFFEINATED g INSTANT JACOFFEE TE" ETIES S 400 g 1.89 en RE VS EYEREADY ENERGIZER BATTERIES IF404.19 P49POE CARO ER CARO VOLT. SAYE -A -TAPE PLAN can assist the dub or organization of your choice. Ask for a helpful brochure and start saving your cash register tapes today. MINIM LC. NACARINI M !ANCA SPAGHETTI 750 g PKG. 89° 1M'K woABLE 3 PLALSTIC 3 v PARAMOUNT BRAND PINK SALMON 7.75 oz. TIN 139 DARES POPULAR COUNTRY HEARTH GRANDMA MARTINS 454 g PKG. SHELLS 3. 1.89 SCHNEIDERS LCARRpPYCRUST CRISPYFLAKE 99 # SHORTENING Pb JUG SCHNEIDERS "GOLDEN BASKET CHICKEN" SUPER FREEZE POPS 900 mL PKG. 11 BREAST CUTLETS STICKS OR BALLS OR CHICKEN CUTLET WITH DRESSING 350 g CARTON 339 SCNNENNERS OMEN BASKET CHICKEN BREAST FILLETS 350 9 389 ZEHRS COUPON 1f Si. REGULAR MAXWELL NOUSE INSTANT COFFEE OUR REG. 7.19 SPECIAL! CLIP & SAVE 50 EXTRA WITH THIS COUPON PAY ONLY 5.39 COUPON EXPIRES SAT. JULY 14/84 ACM -006802987i 3H COUNTRY OVEN BAKESHOP SPECIALS 34° 9 kr 1# 2.45 FRESNt 4508 t29 Save $1.50 on 10 Ib. or 20 Ib. KINGSFORD* Charcoal Briquets. OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30/84 ZEHRS COUPON HURRY! OFFER GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Redeemable al +.•. y.w. wow .-- .w• ,0 ••... 0125S00,1 ZEHRS COUPON S 1 6 LITRE SIZE LAUNDRY DETERGENT I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 i OFF I ONE COUFOIE KRNOE IVIES JULY I1/S1 ACN-JC I _i CHEER 2 OPEN CANADA DAY MONDAY JULY 2 WASAGA BEACH f aa. -i' Pa. PORT ELMS f aa. -S Pa. KNICAR$NIE f a.az,i pa. ALL OTHER ZEHRS MARKETS WILL BE CLOSED • THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE `ONLY IN: IHIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY A FRIDAY 94:00 P.M. SATURDAY 1:304 P.M. Thanks again for being of assistance to me in this com- pilation of grass-roots stories and information. Thanks, too, for keeping your interesting product in my mail box each week. It is appreciated. Sincerely yours Arthur Carr, CKCO-TV's "Country Editor" P.S.---Bill, Freda and I were on our way to visit with some old and dear friends at Sarnia, and reached your town when noon -time pangs of hunger indicated a stop. Found a nice eating place on the right hand side of your main street, and was flattered when the young waitress recognized me, and gave me a blast for not using more "Exeter" material! ! ! ! And keep up your "Batten" Average! 4 Dear Sir: • May I use your paper to ex- press some thanks and also to correct some impressions which may have been given by your recent article regar- ding the move of the senior class of Huron Hope School to South Huron District High School in Exeter. It has been gratifying to have many members of the staff of SHDHS drop in to welcome the students and staff and offer assistance in various ways, both now and in the future. Many students 4 have dropped in, also, and it I wish them, as well as the' was interesting to note that new staff, every success. many of these young people Sincerely were former students of • Mildred MacGregor J.A.D. McCurdy, who were ' Retiring teacher, happy to greet their friends of Huron Hope. Huron Hope School At this time, I would like to • express publicly my thanks to MC i I I I�/ray the community of Huron Park and especially to the young people of that community for the friendliness and concern that they have shown toward the students and staff of Huron Hope School, the Developmental Centre and the Huron Hope Nursery. In the fifteen years that the school has been in Huron Park, the people of Huron Park have shown us courtesy, consideration and friendliness. It 'would be im- possible to list the many, many kind deeds done for us. The recent article seemed to give the impression, perhaps not intentionally, that the students moving to SHDHS were leaving a segregated setting and mov- ing into an integrated one. Much successful integra- tion between students took place at J.A.D. McCurdy, both in the classrooms and the playground. They have participated in field days, play days, assemblies, P.E. programmes, music, reading, recesses, etc., et. They have taken field trips and travelled on the busses with other students many times. Also, the article sug- gested that the students "will not take academic subjects". These students have worked and I trust will continue to work in academic program- mes in reading, language, writing and mathematics, each at his or her own level. They are a thoughtful, con- siderate group whom I am sure will conduct themselves with politeness and good cond, booklet on "Pioneers of manners. Middlesex County"; Tanya I am sure your readers will Neil, third, essay on "Donnel- be interested to know that the ly's of Biddulph" ; Peter eight students have adjusted Pera, fourth, poem on "The very rapidly to the new situa- Donnelly"; Piet Blaauboer II, tion and are happy in their fifth with a model of a "Log new setting. I feel confident House"; Heather Thompson that this further step in the and Jodi Woodburn, sixth lives of these students Will "quilting". prove to be a successful By: llenms Craven venture. Travis Robinson On Friday,June 15, on the front lawn of the school a Royal Maple was planted to kick=off the opening of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary Reunion to celebrate McGillivray's Twenty-fifth birthday. On Friday night a'variety show was held. The very suc- cessful program featured ar- tists such as Mies. Barbara Hodgins, the Lynn sisters, George Lee, Judy Ross, the McLinchey sisters, Peter Snell, and the school's own junior choir and sfnall ensemble. During the show there were introductions of principals and teachers that taught over the twenty-five years, trustees, 'bus drivers, secretaries and custodians were also introduced: The township's reeve, Jack Dor- man made the closing remarks to finish the show. Bill McHugh was the Master of Ceremonies. Celebrations on Saturday started at 11:00 a.m. when a brunch was served by the teachers. Throughout the day there were different activities like movies, puppet shows, pony rides, a judo demonstra- tion, and a baseball game bet- ween the McGillivray Council and the Men's Slow Pitch Team. McGillivray's grades seven and eight students did well at the London and Middlesex History Fair. Winners were: Michael Whiting, first, audio visual of "Buildings of Parkhill"; Steve Rowe, se - HURON HOPE HONOURS TEACHERS — Students of Huron Hope School enjoyed a picnic Monday to honour principal Eleanor Scott who is being transferred to Goderich and Mildred MacGregor who is retiring. Shown above with Rainbow the clown, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. MacGregor are students Darryl McElrea, Danny Van Roestel, Chris Peckham, Karl Verbeek and Eloise Klungel. Come, ParkYourself Park your hot and weary self in the cool, clear water of an Ontario Provincial Park. Provincial Parks are inexpensive, and there's one conveniently close to you. So come on. Take the plunge. Come, park yourself. y� - NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE POSTAL CODE ® Unwry A.Plikr• .ovo.. OM.rw Ito •,... P rwmft .r.,� pAopavizepada- • For more information write: Ontario Travel - Parks, Dept. N.D., Queen's Park, Tbronto M7A 2E5. CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-268-3735 •