HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-27, Page 9Iun•s•IlavoGo •, w L/, ._lY1}4 Yoq• Y
Lpgion, soalors a . o week.nd f
Garnet (Pete) Allan, whose remember them. congregation and Scott
presence among us will be (P.R.O. Bea Uyl) Jamieson, &x tt,jesn dy, John
missed. Garnet was a 30 -year Honour Slrolors Rowcliffe and Cecil Pepper
member of the Branch and Senior Citizens Sunday was were the ushers. The choir ,
immediate past president. On observed. at . the United sang "A Song of Peace" by
Sunday June 17 a Legion Church on Sunday morning Lloyd Stone to the Finlandia "
Memorial Service was held at when the congregation heard tune. The childrein's story was
the Funeral Home. Legion Mr. McDonald speak on the on "Our Dominion".
members from Goderich, subject of Choosing Life. He The flowers at the front of
Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter and spoke of how so many of our the church were placed in lov-
Hensall attended. Garnet was advertisements encourage ing memory of Garnet Allen
well known in the Zone so people to look young, be by his wife Donna and fami-
there was a large attendance. young, but the Bible en- ly. Announcement was made
Branch 468 wishes to extend courages people to choose life that the Open House for
their condolences to his wife regardless of age., Centennial weekend would be
Donna and family. They shall A great many people are held on Saturday June 30.at
not grow old, as we that are worried about adding years to the Presbyterian Church
. "'',} :E § left grow old. their life when they should be from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. and
At the going down of the sun adding life to their years. the United Church from 2:00
and in the morning, we will Nancy Campbell greeted to 5:00 p.m. and on Sunday
At the last general meeting sponsored by the Legion is days away, so don't forget
of Heneall legion it was now ready to sell. The calen- 'Comrades meet at the public
decided to sponsor Comrades dar is 18 months and has school at 2 p.m. Traasporta-
Louise Allan and JoCkie Fer- historic pictures of Hensall in tion is available for those who
ris with baseball uniforms. So it 'The calendar may be pur- cannot'parade.
now girls, with our name on chased at William's Hairstyl- An invitation is extended to
we will expect a good perfor- ing, Ron's Health Centre and all members, friends and
mance, but, of- course we the Legion Hall for 83.00 or guests to visit our Legion hall
know you both will be the top you may can 262-2618, 262-3018 over the Centennial weekend.
players on the team. or 262-5343. Our Comrade Ray McKin-
A discussion was held on Plans for the pork barbecue non has moved to Bluewater
Block Parents and all agreed on Saturday June 30 are well Rest Home, we wish him well
this was a very worthy cause underway; we hope you all in his new residence.
and $50 was donated towards have your tickets. The Hensall Legion was.
helping them get organized. The Drumhead Service on saddened recently with the
The Centennial calendar Sunday July 1 is only a few passing of our Loyal Comrade
and Monday, July 1 and 2
from 3:00 to 5t00 p.m. at both
The community centennial
service will be held next Sun-
day at 10:30 a.m. in the Com-
munity Centre with Rev. Rod
Ferguson as the guest
Over 100 at Birthday Party
Over 100 family members
attended a surprise birthday
party' in honour of Mrs. Mag-
gie Campbell, Hensall who
observed her 86th birthday.
The family arranged the sur-
prise gathering at the Cen-
tralia Community Centre,
Sunday, June 24 and the fami-
ly, children and grand-
and district news
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
Phone 262-2025
Civic Corner
* Reminder *
Hensall Playground and Swimming
Where: Hensall Community Centre
When: Thursday, June 28, 1984
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cost: $20.00 per child or $40.00 per
family for playground. 530.00 for
swimming registration (includes
RE: Garbage Collection
Normal Saturday collection of garbage will be picked up by Glen
Nixon on Fri day, June 29.
akf, £ Bicentennial Youth Sport & fitness
"For Boys and Girls ages 9 to 11
Summer 1984
• A fun -filled itieek of sport and physical
activity in -July •
• Awards for all participants
• Instruction in basic sport skills
• Province wide: community, area and
provincial events
• Opportunity to progress to next level
• Provincial Event at Centennial Park in
Etobicoke August 25-26.
• No cost to registered participants
JULY 9 to 13
Register prior to July 4, by contacting
the Hensall Municipal Office (262-2812)
A Bicentennial project organized by your
local recreation department in co-operation
with the Sports and Fitness Branch of the
Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recreation
Wimpy 01
Tounsm and
Sports and Hon Reuben C Baetz
F,tness Mmisler
Discount Prices
everyday on all
Timex Watch
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Eav ic
h eke OlGA»bght
o`tl`cket Pe( (o`` otted exP`eear
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HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — Graduating from Hensall Public School on June 25 were (back left) Brian Moir,
Shawn Vanstone, Christina Huston, Susan Flynn, Scott Bell, Chris Ingram and (front) Chris Webber, Terry
Thiel, Jeff Clarke, Rob Taylor and Rob Berends.
Final meeting
for Rebekahs
Members of Amber
Rebekah Lodge met on
Wednesday evening for their
final meeting for the summer
months. Noble Grand Marg
Upshall assisted by Vice
Grand Eunice Aikenhead con-
ducted the meeting.
It was announced the
District meeting will be held
at Clinton Lodge on Wednes-
day, June 27 at 8 p.m. All past
grands are invited to attend.
Vice Grand reported for -the
visiting committee. "Thank
you" was received from •
Charlie Hay and Margaret
and Ray Consitt. Aldeen
Volland reported the finances
in the absence of the •
treasurer Bonnie tJpshall.
Members are asked to -pro-
vide for the bake sale for the
Centennial from 12 to 2 p.m.
on Saturday June 30 at the
arena. Also to volunteer ser-
vice.catering at the food booth
at the arena. "Happy Birth-
day" was sung to Aldeen
' Volland and Dorothy Parker.
Refreshments were served
at the close of the meeting
and the Noble Grand thanked
everyone and wished them a
happy holiday.
Youth for Christ
South Huron Youth for
Christ held a very successful
chicken barbecue on Satur-
day night, June 16 al Mr. and
Mrs. -Ken Gascho's park west
of Zurich. There was a very
good attendance The young
people enjoyed a hall game
before supper.
After the barbecue, Mr
Bob Ileywood provided music
on his accordion and led the
singing of various choruses.
Rev. Bob l)e(:raw from
Centralia was the guest
speaker for the evening. This
was enjoyed by everyone.
Everyone enjoyed the even-
ing as the 'wea.ther was
at Saintsbury
Rev. Peter Herrick was in
charge of ,service at St
Patricks Sunday. Ile spoke to
the children. then conducted
baptismal service for Paul
and Tyler Bedell sons of Mr.
and Mrs. l'hylip Bedell.
Readers were Mrs.. Hugh
Davis and Alan Cunningham.
Mrs. Sheryl Carroll provided
music, the flowers on the alter
were placed there by Paul
and Irma Bedell, London and
Miss Joey Bedell Newport,
Rhode Island to the glory of
God and in thanksgiving for
the Baptism of Paul and Tyler
Rev. Derrick took his text
from the first chapter of Sl.
Luke. After the service Mr
and Mrs. Paul Bedell, grand-
parents. Miss Joey Bedell of
Newport, Rhode Island, great
aunt and Mr. and Mrs. (:reg
Prichard friends of Whalen
Corners and Mrs. Mary Davis
enjoyed a coffee hour with the
Bedel l's.
Little missies Courtny
MacGillivray and Crystal
Davis were guests Friday
night with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall
and Marylou were Sunday
dinner guests with Mrs. Mary
children celebrated with ben llvith the former's mother
A delicious meal was sere- Mrs. Laird Mickle.
ed and the head table was ar- Mrs. Evelyn Schroeder
ranged with the birthday cake visited with her sister Mrs.
and floral arrangements. The Bertha MacGregor recently.
guest of honour was the reci-
pient of many cards and
remembrances, for which she
made a very . fitting reply
thanking everyone.
Personals .
Mrs. Jack Corbett attended
the Morenz Reunion at Mit-
chell Park on Sunday.
Dr. Robert and Mrs.
Mickle, Jamie and Craig who
live near Ayr spent Sunday
Judge Don Luther, Mrs.
Luther and family of New-
foundland are holidaying with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Luther.
Several members of the
Three Links Seniors attended
the barbecue and entertain-
ment for the seniors at Huron -
view on Thursday. Everyone
reported a delicious meal and
Come & pick your
own at Lovell's Farm
1st farm west of Kippen
Intersection on South Side.
Opening June 23
1 qt., 4 qt., 6 qt., and 11 qte
baskets allowed.
No picking in pots or pans.
Picking Hours:
8 a.m. - 8 pm. daily
Supply and weather permitting. - •
For further information phone
Leonard Lovell 262=6418
eusall s
Shriner Fish -Fry
Official Opening
Walters Family Entertainment
"FiremenI s Breakfast -
Antique and Craft Show and Sale
Arm Wrestling and Baseball
Trap Shoot Horseshoe Pitching
Pork Barbecue
Dance Featuring - LOGO and SPIRIT
Firemen's Breakfast
Church Service
Family Picnic
Legion Drumhead Service
Horseshoe Pitching
Tug of- Wars
Band Concert and Harmony Sing
Shirtail Parade
Dance 10 p.m. JOE OVERHOLT
Firemen's Breakfast
Sports Events
Fire Engine Muster
Parade 1p.m.
60 Beard Growing Judging
Beef Barbecue
4/, rVeekaw°Y.
Aeo ass/oh j
od�on eecves ponce
i// be s On 1
%s by
So yevEAriRs
Centre �j/ j6/e Of 1
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Open Hovshoo/
schoo 990 01,0;, 0;,
vnds eon
P/en fy o`
e Cooking
Re fres
of then>'S
e9v/intec/ ho�ovnds
h Afrin�E aI
1Sr04 �` o apt4
piCrV 4Es
563.3331 363.3319 265.3123
Proceeds Community Development
Partial funded by wintario and Bicentennial Grants