HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-20, Page 23Times -Advocate, June BRUNCH AT McGILLIVRAY — A Saturday brunch was only one of the many ac- tivities during the weekend 25th anniversary at McGillivray Central School. Work- ing on the grill are teachers Elizabeth Russell, Drew Robertson and Flora Walker. At Granton Three Anglicans honour�d By MRS. E. SUMMERS Granton - Church news Si. Thomas Anglican Church celebrated their an- niversary on Sunday with the • Rev. Peter Derrick, rector, conducting the service and the celebrant of the Holy Eucharist, assisted by John • • Herbert. The first reading was given by Lois Herbert, and Steven Ready read the second. An anthem "Into the heart of the Wildwood" was rendered by the choir. In the children's 'Focus', the rector, by means ,of an example, taught the Sunday School members the meaning of giv- ing all from their hearts for Jesus and called it a Love Story. The Sunday School sang "I've .got joy in my heart". Mrs. Norman Hodgins was the organist. Three St. Thomas Church members were honored for their dedication and service and were presented with a framed photograph of St. Thomas Church. They were Ken Hoar, Kenneth Hodgins and Muriel Lewis. Visitors were welcomed from Saintsbury and Kirkton Anglican churches and Gran- ton United church. The Rev. Derrick took the text for his sermon from the Epistle of the day 2 Cor:13:5; "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith." Faith has a committed trust - in Jesus Christ. There are three dimensions I would like to submit to you, they are - time, talents and money. Time: is it devoted to God and His people? Talents: do we give these in'our dedica- tion to the church? Money: taken from all we put into life. God asks for a tenth. We must love the Lord and our neighbour as much as ourselves by our actions, said . the Rev. Derrick At the conclusion of the ser- vice, a time of fellowship was enjoyed over refreshments in the church hall. General UCW meeting The June General UCW meeting was held in the United Church bsement on Tuesday. Mrs. Nelson Tate presided, opened the meeting and conducted the business Unit Three was in charge of (he program and presented a humorous skit "Lord, It's Me". Taking part were Elizabeth Garrett, Ruth Cook and Marion Thomson. Miss Mabel McNaughton 08 the co opetator INSURANCE SERVICES * LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * COMMERCIAL CaII Verna Gingerich 374 Main St. Exeter Clinton Community Credit Unton Office Residence 235.1109 Business • who is celebrating her 90th birthday this- month was honored with a surprise birth- day party. Mrs. Floyd Dykes was in charge of the proceedings and opened with a reading by Gregory Clarke, entitled "The Bump." Mrs. Elmer Harlton gave several readings. Mrs. Robf. Harloff presented Mabel with a birth- day album filled with anec- dotes of her life. This was compiled by Mrs. Harloff. The highlight of the evening was when Mabel was presented with a UCW life membership pin. A dessert lunch followed served by Unit Three members. The birthday cake took the form of an open Bible. Forester News Court Valentine Canadian Foresters met at the Mason's Hall on June 5. Sister Inger Lemmon presided, opened Court and conducted the Ski By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Last Saturday afternoon I attended a 4th annual school girl reunion, former grade school, high school and Sun- day school pupils of Miss Irene Douglas, at the Fellowship hall in Hensall United Church, with more #haw-241-in.att•ndance, Miss Douglas resides at Chateau Gardens, London, and due to ill health was unable to attend. The afternoon was spent visiting, reminiscing and pic- ture taking, followed by a delicious pot luck supper. An honoured guest was another teacher who taught several of the girls in public school, 91 -year-old Mrs. Jessie Armstrong of Hensall. Girls Came from Listowel, London, Stratford, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Clinton, Exeter, Rensall and Zurich. Fun prizes awarded went to Gladys (McKenzie) Cudmore for Iueky cup; birthday closest to June 16 Laurabelle 1 Wright 1 Reichert; lucky chair, Rev. Stan McDonald; one attending with youngest -grandchild. Mary (Clarke) Buchanan; wearing most items of jewellery, Gloria (Twitchell) Mousseau. Others attending from this area were Doris Bestard, Grand Bend and • Nellie `Weigand, Dashwood. Personals Les and Marjorie Adams of Exeter, visited Thursday evening with Don, Liz and ('lark Adams on the occasion of Don's birthday. Grand Bend Women's in- stitute held their June meeting in the form of a pic- nic at Shipka Community ('entre Friday evening. Weekend visitors with Hugh and i were cousins from Min. Michigan, Bob, Pam and Christina Boerner. Other visitors during the wecj were Donald Jackson, Hensall; Albert and Anne Coleman, Roy and Bill Morenz, all of London. Weekend visitors with Fer- man and Leota Snyder were their daughter and family. Suzanne and Otto Plein, Christopher and Melissa, of Elmira. Joining them all for Sunday supper were Jim and Judy Snyder. 1111t1111t11n11111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111.11111111111111t1111111111111111111111111111= 3 SEMI -FAB INDUSTRIES LTD. '_ tEquEst E)i( pltaiu4E ofyuuz cwnpany • at t/E Off ficial f)/iEning of out ntce location 7 F. 9/lulu/ay, �unE 21st, 9 - 3 p.nl. fat customr's and su ppliE ti = GSatuzday, (lulu. 231d, 9 - 12 foz EIZE puClia 1 I137 7J amts cRd. E., Exctr , (Dnta iio 1 You Should See Us Now.1 1 a111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 business. Plans were made for the catering to a wedding in July. It was decided to send a donation for Cancer in memory of the late Ruth Jar- vis who passed away recent- ly. Sister Jarvis was High Marshal to the District Depu- ty Bros. Vidal Mills. Sister Elsie Darling won the draw for , a Forester coffee spoon • and sister Edith Youngson won the numbers draw which was a plant. 7) Babies baptized Mere sing at Ailsa Crate .fr. Sy ALICE DICKENS Alia Craig At the United Church Sun- day, this being Father's Day, the. choir was filled with a number of men of the con- gkegation. They shook the. rafters _as they sang an "oldie", The Church in the Wildwood" with Mrs. Wadsworth at the organ and for an encore they quickly repeated the chorus. Here's hoping we'll be hearing from them again soon. During the service, Rev. Ash delivered a sermon -on Sinners Unite. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism was conducted by the minister when Megan Dorthea, infant daughter of Barbara (Rosser) and Chuck Daigle, was baptized, as well as Chelsey Eleanor, baby daughter of Nancy and Robert Manning. Welcoming visitors and regular members were Mrs. Wm. Sutherland and - Mrs. Wm. Dores while Mrs. Ruby McLean and Mrs. Alice Dickens ushered. Church will beat 11 a.m. oh June 24. UCW meets The June 12 meeting of the Ailsa Craig United Church Women was a Seniors - Recognition Night with 23 ladies in attendance. Wilma McIntosh conducted a tree planting ceremony to com- memorate bi-centennial on the church's west lawn in honour of our seniors. As we stood around the lovely white pine tree obtain- ed from Spruce Acres, Rev. Beatrice Ash dedicated the tree by reading the scripture Isaiah 55:843 acid also a poem called "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer. Following prayer, we entered the church basement to continue our meeting. Mrs. Don Scafe opened the worship service with a call to worship. Mrs. Guthrie Stokes read the scripture from the Living -Bible, Psalm '90 with the theme "Prayer for Moses." - Mrs. Scafe gave a reading with some interesting and worthwhile ideas. "Life is made yp of joys and sorrows but remember God is there. Blot out anything that hurts you and begin the day with a smile." The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Lyle Stokes and Mrs: Wm. Sutherland. Mrs. Scafe read the book 'The Giving Tree" and closed the worship with a reading en- titled "Peace." President, Mrs. Don (Mary) Clark reported on her visit to Westminster Weekend which she thoroughly en. joyed. Mary reminded the units of their'duties over the summer and that our September meeting on second Tuesday will have the theme "Ontario's Bicentennial." REMINISCING AT McGILLIVRAY — Betty McIntyre who has been on the teaching staff at McGillivray Central School since it was built 25 years 099FFlats with prin- cipal Eva Brophey and former principal 110 Hamilton at Friday's 75th anniversary celebrations. T -A photo CIandeb'oye WI meets The June meeting of the Clandeboye Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Alan Hill with president, Mrs. Arnold Lewis in charge. Fifteen members and two visitors answered the roll call, "Where did you go on your honeymoon ? " June being a popular month Stewardship is UCW theme Woodham UCW Stewardship was the theme of -the Woodham UCW June meeting. Mrs. Reg McCurdy opened the worship service with a poem on "Gluing". Taking part in a short skit were Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Mrs. Fred Parkinson. Scripture read by Mrs. John • Vardy followed by a hymn and offering. A film strip en- titled "Good News" which related to "Christian response to World Development" was shown by Mrs. John Vardy. A Stewardship litany was read and a dialogue on "Giv- ing" by Mrs. G. Johnson and Mrs. F. Parkinson. Business opened with a poem read by president Mrs. Dave Williams. Treasurer, Mrs. Ted Brine, gave a report on the barbecue. An Alma School delegate is still need- ed. Reported that the official board has approved June 24 as Suzanne Jaques Sunday, when collection will be given to Suzanne for her trip to the mission fields in Peru this summer. No meeting until September. Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Donohoe and Miss Heather Urquhart, Mississauga visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Urquhart and John. Sunday School anniversary was held at Kirkton United Church Sunday morning with Reverend Vardy officiating. Guest speaker was Bob Heywood of Centralia who also sang special musics and gave the children's story. The Sunday School choir sang two numbers. Organists were Leanne and Vicki Burgin. The Lesson was read by Sunday School superinten- dent Bill Arthur. We have been given per- mission to paint the Sunday school rooms and kitchen. The stewards are planning on putting a new vanity in the lady's washroom. A decision regarding the painting will be made in a meeting some Sun- day after church. Rev. Ash extended a thank you on behalf of her family, and herself for the Open House following her ordination. The Victory Booster's were given permission to set up a craft and quilt table at the KOA campgrounds, June 30, the same day as our UCW Bake sale. This would be a separate project. Mrs. Rosser and Mrs. McLean presented farewell gifts on behalf of the United Church Women to Rev. Ash and Mrs. Murray (Nancy) Procter, our faithful secretary, who are moving to Niagara -on -the -Lake and Toronto respectively. Unit 3 served old-fashioned cookies, which were delicious, following . the UCW benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geve and daughter of Glendale, California spent the weekend with Wm. and Margaret Dores; they were honoured with a dinner by the Sutherland families. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rees who were married, Saturday. Seniors meet at Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY Centralia The senior citizens met in the community centre Mon- dajr afternoonfor cards folio ed by a dinner served by Heywoods Restaurant. Mrs. Teresa Bedour, Goderich spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. Von Overholt. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hessel, London township visited Tuesday with Tom and Mary Kooy. Saturday, Tom and I at- tended the Bi -centennial celebration in Lucan with euchre in the afternoon followed by a chicken barbecue and later Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dowdall and us spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs,. Maurice MacDonald. CLUB CELEBRATES — The Exeter Golden Age Dutch club is celebrating its 10th an- niversary. The group is shown here. Golden Agers celebrate On May 16 the Golden Age Dutch club celebrated its 10th anniversary•at the Christian Reformed Church in Exeter. The club has a current membership of 19 and regular meetings are he)d in the church every second Wednes- day afternoon duripg the months of September 10 May from 2 to 4 pan. The central purpose of the club is to provide an oppor- tunity for older Dutch people to study the Bible in their own language. The meetings have been characterized as stimulating discussion and warm fellowship. Anyone interested may attend any of the meetings. of\ti1It(ti EAVESTROLJcH ALUMINUM and VINYL SIDING ALUMINUM STORM ��_ DOORS an -. � .:;� I. d WINDOWS I ALUMINUM AWNINGS '-�',*. REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • RENOVATIONS and GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • FREE ESTIMATES • JIM BEAKER CONSTRUCTION DASHWOOD 237-3526 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Miniature Carnations 53.95 a bunch Countpy Flowers EXETER 235-2350 r1 for weddings, Mrs. Bruce nold Blake, assisted by the Henry showed slides of Ken- hostess. ' tucky and Washington where Hazel Williams returned she and her husband spent Saturday from a two week their honeymoon, eighteen visit with her daughter and years ago. son-in-law, Sandra and Chuck Mrs. Chas. Coughlin gave a Schwanke, and grandsons report of the District Annual Darryl and Paul, who live in held in Granton in May. Mrs. Pincher Creek, Alberta. Jim Cunningham reported on Jean Hodgins received a a bus tour planked for Oc- gold medal for her butter tober. 4-H Garden Club is in tarts and a silver medal for progress and leaders will be apple pie in the baking contest paid for their expense. Plans held during the Lucan- for attending the Huron Coun- Biddulph Bi -centennial try Playhouse as a group are celebrations on Saturday at still pending. the Lucan Community Cen- Lunch was served by Mrs. tre. Other prize winners will Ed Armstrong and Mrs. Ar- be listed in the Lucan news. MOST IMPROVED CADET — Scott Jamieson received the Keyline Industries trophy from Doug Sweet as the most improved cadet at Thursday's graduation of the Huron -Middlesex Cadet Corps. T -A photo Call for free estimate and we'll tell you how you con save. L.N. Klelestivse Ltd. t,?.s..c N„w,►l, . 11Mtlowe1wtHtel Best Interest 13 5/rd % Guaranteed Investment Certificates subject to change •al ser•KNeaIe Insurance Brokers Inc. EXETER 235.2420 GRAND BEND' 238-8484 CLINTON GODERICH 482-9747 524.2118 1