HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1984-06-20, Page 18• 'ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 211 ALFALFA and Timothy hay standing of baled 238-2713.24:25c REM. 243 and ammo. for sale. Call 235-0376. 24:25' USED BICYCLES, some mens, ladies and childrens. 235-0206. 24:25c ARTIFICIAL FIREPLACE, handmade with logs and heater. 235-0206.' 24:25c PORTABLE T.V. RCA black and white 12 in. ACDC with sun screen 235-0206. 24:25c BRAND'S NEARLY NEW SHOP. 399 Main St. Exeter 235-1901. "Giant Sale;.30 percent to 50 percent off 'almost' everything in the store. We are overstocked and must reduce these consignments before we can ac- cept more. We had bargains before now we have bargains on top of bargains. You have to see it to believe it. 24-26c BUCKWHEAT SEED 60 bushels. Phone 234-6486. 24:25c YARD SALE Sat. June 23 - 10 a.m. 81 Nelson St. (opposite the Water Tower). Children's clothing, hedge clippers. car tape deck, speakers, etc. 25c YARD SALE -Saturday; June 23, 119 St. Lawrence Ave., Huron Park. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Baby needs, maternity clothes, women's clothing, household items. 25c LAWN MOWER Clipper 22" self propelled, used one year. Call 235-2678. 25t CONSTRUCTION JOB SHACK - $ ft. x 12 ft, wooden frame in- sulated, with electrical service. $900.00. 527-1040. 25e Lots for Sale 1lot -65x121 1 - lot 55x130 Corner of George and Andrew St. Contact Milt Keller 235-0537 • For Sale Duplex, - brick, situated behind Vic- toria & Grey at 429 William Street. Each half contains 3 bedrooms, dining, living room, kitchen, full basement, elec- tric heat, full front porch,. new roof, ce- ment drive, garage each side. Phone 235-1066 or 234-6420 Used Building Materials FOR SALE 13,000 yellow bricks, cleaned and on pallets. 1 Dashwood win- dow 5'x8' Oak stairway with railing, barn boards, used steel, used wood beams and steel I beams. Bob Morrissey 234-6783 1f; Fur II • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS and doors. Quotations and in- stallation avagable. Moffatt & Powell. Phone 235-1422. 23-26c STRAWBERMES,;.k, your own. Mary 'M. Thompson. 294-6547. 25' HAY - 14 acres - Timothy and Alfalfa. Phone 238-8810 or 238-2761. 25' STEEL BUILDINGS Odd sizes and types. Must sell, need factory space. Buy direct at factory prices. Call now. Collect (416) 676-1343. 25:26x QUALIFIED DEALERS: 1867 Confederation Log Homes require additional dealers, highest com- missions paid. Contact Mike Mur- phy, Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario KOM IAO, (705) 738-4131. 25x MANUFACTURER of Steel quonset buildings clearing out surplus inventory, have four buildings with doors on both ends. One is 26x40 for $4,990. Others are 35-46, 40x58, 46x80. Serious enquiries only. Call (416) 663-5323. 25x ATTENTION Cottagers - area rug 10 ft. l0" x 7 foot 9", bought new, used two months, pale blue with dark blue Sculpturing, low pile, excellent quality, must sell before Friday, moving. Asking 5100.00. Phone 238-2239 after 5 p.m. 25c REFRIGERATOR - one RCA 2 door frost free 14 cu. ft. refrigerator. One Admiral one door refrigerator, one 1/2 h.p. pool pump, motor reconditioned. One tricycle almost new. Phone 262-2946. 25c YARD SALE Sat, June 23 Weather permitting 241 Huron St. E. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Clothing, bedroom suite, patio set, girls bike. and numerous other articles 25c DOUBLE BED, baby buggy, car seat, baby carrier. Call 234-6403. 25c For Sale 1976 Oldsmobile Delta 88, Best offer 235-2225 r Large-� YARD SALE Fri. June 22 and Sat. June 23 .9a.m:-? 146 King,St. _Clinton 1'n blocks south of Post Office Many antique items, crocks, clock, wooden bed and spring, clothing, miscellaneous household items. wind chimes, silver plated items, odd chairs, tools, sealers, oil lamps, `feather pillows, etc. Giant Yard Sale Sat. & Sun. June 23 & 24 1st house west of Stunt Res aurant, Crediton Antiques, dishes, etc. A little bit of everything •- IMP IMP -MI■ Pinery Hwy. 21 3 miles south of Grand Bend AUCTION Wednesday, June 27/84 at 7:00 p.m. AUCTION Wednesday, July 4/84 at 7:00 p.m. AUCTION Wednesday, July 11/84 at 7:00 p.m. Always a large selection of modern and anti- que. furnishings. See Saturday's.London Free Press for complete listing. Auctioneer Pdt Lyon NAA Phone 243-2713 NI OTI 0 I'i MMMMMMMMMMMM IN MI MI IM WI MMMMM Mi NOTICE OF APPLICATION 1, Ror.s Riley, RR 2 Staffa, Ontario, NOK 1Y0 hereby give Notice of Application for a licence to open, establish or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: Port lot 22, concession 12, Township of Hibbert, County of Perth, consisting of 10.2 hectares -more or less. The estimated maximum amount of sand and grovel to be extracted annually is 75,000 tonnes. The operation will be an inter - mitant operation with a portable plant installa- tion. The lost day upon which objections may be filed with the Minister of Natural Resources is August 4, 1984. Objections and/or requests for a hearing are to be made in writing and directed to the Wingham District Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources, RR 5 Wingham, NOG 2W0 Ross Riley Dated this 20th day of Juno, 1984 161o, ie ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE • 30tfnx FRESH LAMB - the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 28tfnc GARAGE SALE - Furniture, cup- boards, toys, games, books, etc. 177 King St. Hensall 9-4. Sat. June 23. 25c YARD SALE, Sat. June 23, 9 a -m., 132 Simcoe St. Beginner bikes, child's table set, Barbie stuff, lots of toys, clothes and more. 25c STRAWBERRIES - pick your own at Rundle's Farm. 3 milessouth of Exeter on Hwy. 4. No pots or pans. No small children please. Opening end of week. 25c YARD SALE - Multi -family - 11/4 mile west of Dashwood on Hwy. 83, Sat. June 23rd, 9-3. Misc. items, toys, clothing, etc. Rah. date to be announced. 25' YARD SALE - Two family. 9-5, Sat. June 23. 57 Andrew St. N. Exeter. 25' STRAWBERRIES - Pick yourown at 404 a quart. Mon. Wed. Fri. and Sat. Phone 293-3043, RR 2 Ailsa Craig. Dix- on's Fruit Farm. Bring your awn containers. 25c ROLLER SKATES, ladies size 10, worn twice. Phone 238-2798.23tfn GARAGE SALE, Sat. June 23. 6 miles south- of' Exeter, 6 miles north of Lucan. No. 4 Hwy. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Washer spin dryer, baby crib, small appliances, pocket books, etc. 25c 11 ACRES OF HAY. Red Clover and Alfalfa. Phone 227-4385.25c TEXT BOOKS, Basic Business from Fanshawe College. Excellent condition. Call 237-3597. 25;26' YARD SALE - Saturday, June 23 - 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p -m. Rain date : Sunday, June 24. First road East of no. 4 highway at Cen- tralia. Watch for signs. Furniture, -dishes, kitchen wares, typewriter, trailer axle, saws, garden seeder, enviroclean toilet for cottage, bicycle, etc. 25• WEDDING CAKE - three tier. 234-6765. 25:26c 300 BALES OF HAY. Phone 229-6371. 25' WINDOW QUILT, 48 colours. 229-8965. 50tfn 17 Wanted To Buy GOLF CLUBS - used set of ladies left hand. Phone 236-4061. 25c 18 Wanted I PAY MORE -for scrap cars or trucks. McStephen Auto Wreckers. Pone 228-6214.21-30• OLDER USED CARS and .nicks for parts or re -sale. Give us a call, Town Line Collision 228-6700. 17tfn WANTED - Female companion 30-50 years old to share apartment in Lucan, reasonable rent. Apply Box 282, Lucan, Ont. NOM 2J0. 25:26• RIDE TO Westervelt, Whortley Rd-, London. LEAVE EXETER 8 a.m.,, LEAVE LONDON ap- prox. 4:15 p.m. SEPT. 1984 -MAY 1985 for two people. Willing to share driving if necessary. Phone 235-2815 ask for Kelly. 25tfx ROOMMATE to share large apartment. 5100.00 plus utilities. 235-2536. 25' 19 Property Vol 5(110 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNI- TY. 13 units, downtown Exeter, low maintenance, potential expan sion, 530,000.00 gross, Asking 5180,000.00 with 15 percent down. Phone 472-0986 evenings. 40tfn • NORTH LONDON - A -frame, one floor two bedrooms, move in condition. 532,900.00. 47I73253 evenings. 20tfn ZURICH - 20 Victoria St., two storey brick home, new roof, three bedrooms, bathroom, lots of closets upstairs. Large living room, dining room, eat in kitchen, lots of cupboards, bedroom, two piece bath and closed in sunporch downstairs. Full basement, water softener, 200 amp. wiring, double garage. 236-4851. 22tfn 30 YEAR OLD, one and half storey house in Dashwood on large lot with garage. Phone 237-3251 evenings. 22-25' EXETER - Two storey brick home, well 'maintained, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and kitchenette, excellent location, one block to schools. Call 228-6939 after 6 p.m. 23-26c DEVELOPER WANTED. Ex- ct•Ilent investment. Good location and possibilities. Approx. 11/2 acres in Exeter. Phone London 1-672-4108. 23-26c PARKWOOD MOBILE HOME, 12'x52', one bedroom in excellent condition. 57500.00. Phone 243-2713. 24tfn 11/2 STOREY HOUSE, insulbrick siding, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining area, kitchen, 3 piece bath, detached garage, one block from post office and school. Phone 235-0524. 25-27; TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW, a good starter home, aluminum siding, new roof, quiet area, private sale $37,000. Phone 235-2221. 25;26' 20 Property For Rent FURNISHED. SINGLES, doubles, parking, quiet, $25.00 per week, 590.001)er month and up. Grand'Central Hr tel', Lucan. 227-4811. 42tfnc MAPLE ARMS (Exeter) adult luxury apartment. 1800 sq. ft-, stove, fridge, dishwasher, three bedrooms, air conditioned. Rent in excess of 5500.00. 238-8881., 20tfn ONE & TWO. bedroom apart- ments available now. $225 to 5250 per month. Phone 227-4668. I8tfn ONE, TWO and three bedroom apartments. Phone 235-0141.19tfn HENSALL 2 bedroom apartment in quiet building. No pets. $195.00 plus utilities. Phone 262-3146. 2ltfn FURNISHED APARTMENT, central location, one bedroom. Phone 236-4880 or 235-2410.22t1n MODERN one bedroom self con- tained apartment. Fridge and stove. Available July 1st. 235-1497. 22tfn TWO BEDROOM apartment. heated, Main St. Exeter. available Aug. 1st. Art Gaiser 236-7753. 23ifn 7200 SQUARE FEET storage or industrial building. 16 feet high. Big overhead doors, heated, well insulated, 400 amp. three phase hydro service. Large paved yard. Located on highway. Fork lift available. Call Tony 238-8626. 24:25c -•-1,FIREE BEDROOM modular home in .Crediton, large garage and garden space. Available July I. Call 439-9064. .24-26c LOWER APARTMENT, heated, near Zehrs, one person, senior citizen preferred. 23.5-0354 mealtime. 25:26c 3 BEDROOM farm home. 7 miles East of Exeter on Hwy. 83. 5175.00 monthly. Available Aug. 1st. 229-8804. 25-27e 19 Property For Sale 63 A( RES, 40 workable, 23 bush, house, two barns, garage, all in good condition, backing onto river, Highway location, Crediton. Viewing by appointment only. Phone 234-6447. _ 18-26• THREE: SERVICEii) LOTS 60'x176' on Andrew St. N. Exeter. 743-2094 Kitchener. I6tfn APPROXIMATELY 4 acres in Exeter, currently zoned developmental, limited access. 235-0302. 17tfnc Elizabeth Court. Apartments One bedroom available Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities included. Located a' 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario PH: 262-2846 FOR SALE Approximately 500 used Interlocking Salmon Coloured Pav- ing Stones Antique Road Grader Used V -Type Snow Plough for tractor Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. June 30, 1984 Mrs. E.A. (Betty) Oke Clerk -Treasurer Village of Hensall 108 King Street P.O. Box 279 Hensall, Ontario NOM 1XO 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges. portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form tics stocked. Call N.J. C'orriseau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 5t THE "OLD TOWN HAI.I " auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings. banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, "etc. Kitchen facilities available. .C'ontact Ellison ravel, 235-2000. Blfn 22 For Sale or Rent BUII.I)IN(, for Rent or 1 case - 32'x80', .pact bays, office - AUy washroom. partial heat, large pay- �i� ma ed lot. ('all 236-7777 after 6 p.m. lit In Call 235-1331 e. -_...f - 4► 23 Wruitvd 10 Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating • location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate, Exeter. 45tfx ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT, soon as possible. Phone 524-2015. 23-25c COTTAGE - Bayfield, Grand Bend area. From Aug. 12 to Aug. 19 inclusive. 237-3227. 24;25' 4 OR 5 BEDROOM HOUSE for July or 1st of August. Reasonable driving distance from Huron Park. Call Deb at 227-1133 before 3 p.m. or Teresa at 348-8335 after 3 p.m. References available.25:26c 26 Legal Notices For your convenience, in filing claims etc. a Representative of the Small Claims Court will be at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall in Exeter on Tues. June 26/84 and every two weeks thereafter HOURS: 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 25c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Vera Almina' Greenlee Housekeeper Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1984. Creditors and others having claims against the' above Estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on ,,,or before the 20th day of July, 1984 after which date the Estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. Raymond & McLean Barristers and Solicitors Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executoo i 25c 27 Tenders Wanted BRANCH 498 Legion Grand Bend requires tenders for apply- ing metal siding, roofing and roof trusses on 60'x40' addition. Infor- mation available at Legion Hall 2-6 p.m. or call 238-2120 or 238-8050. 25c 28 Auction Sales LARGE CLEARANCE and Con- signment Auction. Friday, June 22, 10 a.m. sharp. Sales held 4th Friday of each month. Approx- imately 75 tractors, 25 combines and over 300 pieces of all types of new and used farrrr equipment. One of Ontario's fastest growing -monthly Farin Equipment Cgp- signment Auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Consignment Auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equfpmetlt, Hfghilirf no. 6, Wiar- ton, Ontario. Phone (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. 25s I'm sure we'll like Mrs. Smithers' car We know that she Never drove it far; Not only was it . Gently used But we're confident It was not abused 11 we didn't know Its history I'd depend on a Dealer's integrity To back up any Car he sold Whether or not it Was new or old!, _f Large Auction Sale Antique furniture, glassware, piano, riding lawn mower, etc. to be held of Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clinton, Ont. for the Estate of Mrs. Mary Mustard of Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erington of Dungannon. Sat., June 23 at 10 a.m. Upright freezer, 24" electric stove, fridge, Hoover spin dry -washer, Doherty upright piano and bench, 2 wicker fockers, six matching pressback chairs, antique side board, Pe- quegnot oak mantle clock, library table, holl chair and mirror, antique dresser w/mirror, three washstands, hump back trunk, pedestal dining table, two antique three drawer chests w/mustache pulls. Wicker love seat with mat- ching rocking arm chair, wicker baby cradle, six matching dining chairs, doll buggy, dresser w/oval mirror, enamel scrub board, Saturn - scope, old pictures, organ stool, oak dining table w/3 leaves, tree caliper, tin piggy bank, Planters peanut tin, vacuum cleaner, old post cord album, Hoosier type cupboard, antique oil Tamp, rollaway bed, magazine racks, humidifier, wringer washer, crocks, old wooden barrel with top, rocking chair, antique cooking timer, blanket box, knee hole desk, continental double bed, odd chairs, treadle sewing machine, portable sewing machine, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, some bedding, dishes and glassware, step ladder, 20 ft. ex- tension ladder, MTD 5 hp riding lawn mower, MTD -3 HP garden tiller, wheel barrow, hand weed sprayer, large offering of old books and novels, plus our usual large offering of items too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 C La vel Sand fill - Crushed A Gravel - Washed Cement Gravel - Rich Top Soil 3/8" and 3/4" Washed Stone McCann Redl-Mix Inc. RR 3, Dashwood 237.3647 235-0338 Lawn Maintenance Spray now for dandelion' and 011 broad leaf weeds Fully licenced. Profe'sionul gross care cutting, rnuintenonce of shrub', beds nod tree' Conlrner r rat residential. or HEL UM BALLOONS ...Just For The Fun Of It GOAtry RUMPS EXETER 235-2350 CARPENTRY DRYWALL voters <ARTMN HAROLD DEVRIES 73 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ont. Phone 233-0941 „Quality Workmanship at a Reasonable Price" Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry News homes, additions and renovations, roof- ing, aluminum and vinyl, siding and soffit, farm buildings. Architectural Drafting Floor plans, elevations, etc. RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. Let Jack Do It All types of plumbing;;',';'-, b. heatinfi vlBe--.; .lack's Plumbing 8 Heating (Jett Mayer) 246 Vtilliam St., Exeter Sas-0581 Aitchesoe Electric & Plw.bing Ltd. RR 2, St. Pauls, Ontario ' Residential, commercial, industrical Electrical wiring and plumbing • Jacuzzi Jet and submersible pumps Submersible pumps for 3" wells Repairs and most makes of pumps Sales, Service and Installation ' Water softeners and filters For estimates and service • Phone Jack Aitcheson, 393-6551 or Ron Webber, 229-8293 "Over 33 years of Quality' Service"' ww 1 1 Auction Sale Of real estate, household furniture, antiques and mist items on Sat., June 23, 1984 at 1:00 p.m. sharp On Prince Arthur St. across thee - street from Centralia Farmers Supp- ly in the Village of Centralia Ont. For the estate of the late Mrs. Elsie Smyth. REAL ESTATE: 1'/, storey frame house. Main Floor: living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 small bedrooms. Second Floor: 1 bedroom, 3 pc. bath, full basement, semi -attached garage, pipeline water is hooked up and paid for. This house and garage are situated on a lot 66' x 264', Lot 44 & 48, Plan 205, Village of Centralia, county of Huron, Province of Ontario. This real estate will. be sold in 2 lots, at 2:00 p.m. sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid. Terms of real estate 10% day of sale balance in 30 days. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Matching love seat qnd chair; chesterfield and chair, coffee table, oval rug, B&W TV, telephone table, pic- tures and mirrors, lamps, 2 39" mattresses, crib, 2 pc. bedroom suite with spring and mat- tress, 2 5 pc. kitchen suites, buffet, Westinghouse 2 door frost free refrigerator, small refrigerator, deep freeze, 30" gas range, 2 wringer washers, clothes dryer, Spartan sew- ing machine, electric appliances such as frypan, iron, toaster, vacuum, radio, humidifier, 18" oscillating fan,18" fan,.electric lawn mower and cord, step ladder, garden tools, little red wagon, several dishes and many other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTAILES: 2 dressers and mirrors, 2 small tables with drawer, 2 washstands, 2 single beds, spool bed, faint couch frame, organ stool, 2 pressback high chairs, childs pressback chair, 3 pressback chairs, arm chair, rocking chair, 5 chairs, small dropleaf table, small cupboard, table with drawer, trunk, treadle sewing machine, fern stand, coal and wood stove, cream separator, cream can, 2 copper boilers, copper tea ket- tles, hooked mats, feather tick, several pieces of china aria glass such as Royal Nippon, Depression glass, milk glass, mustoche cup, miniature cup and saucer, 2 oil lamps, crocks, silver and flatware, and several other items. TERMS CASH. For further information call 235-1964 or 235-1931 Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Times -Advocate, June 20, 1984 Page 17 Larry Fulton Plumbing & Electric Rural, Residential, Commercial Plumbing and Electric General Backhoe work, Septic tank and weeping bed installation R.R. 3 Phone Exeter, OnAario NOM 130 229-6289 For Sale by Tender 1972 - LN700 Ford 1800 gal. tank truck. To be sold as is. Can been seen at Exeter Fire Station Contact: Fire Chief: G.T. Middleton at 235-1981 or 235-0105 after 5 p.m. Closing date for tender - June 30th, 1984 - ******************** Auction Sale Of cars, parts, office, garage equip- * ment etc. * For Auto Rud Motors, Exeter, due * .• to moving to a npvw. location. * Satdrriday, June 23 - 10 a.m'. * Cars - 12 noon * Surplus Volkswagen Bug parts; pallets of * misc., engine analizer, tires, rims, etc. OFFICE EQUIP.: desks, chairs, cash registers, air conditioners, etc. "r• FARM EQUIP.: J.D 1 12 row tool -bar unit * planter, 200 ft. Smale hog penning, pig scale .4' (new), Golden Arrow sprayer, Henke roller mill * with hydraulic auger, partial list only. Con- signments accepted. Phone 235-1100. CARS: Will be certified or done so for a cer- • tain price that will be announced sale day. 1976 * Oldsmobile Delta Royale, 4 door, automatic - and air, 1979 Dodge Colt 2 door, 4 speed, 1978 • Datsun 8210, 2 door, 4 speed, 1974 Datsun 710, 4 door, 4 speed, 1977 Pontiac Laurentian, 4 door, automatic, 8 cylinder, 1973 Volkswagen 11' Van (bus) 7 passenger; 1979 Plymouth Horizon * HBK Sport, 4 speed, 1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass, * 2 door, automatic, 1979 Volkswagen Rabbit ix Custom Diesel (canyon brown), 1978 ▪ Volkswagen Rabbit Custom gas automatic, ▪ (silver), 1980 Volkswagen Rabbit, gas, 5 speed * (orange), 1979 Volkswagen Rabbit Custom, * gas, 5 speed (mars red). * TERMS: cash sale day. Booth ' * AUCTIONEERS 4r Hugh Filson - Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Auction Sale Metal lathes, milling machines, punch press, radial arm drill, heat treating equipment, garage equipment, benches, tools, chains, etc. to be held -at Clinton High School for the Huron County Board of Education. Saturday, June 30 at 10 a.m. Large radial arm drill with 34" horizontal travel, 12 inch vertical travel with coolant pump and motor, like new condition, weighs 1100 kg; Rousselle 15 ton punch press; Elliott horizon- tal milling machine with assortment of cutters and vise; Excello vertical milling machine style 602 with horizontal dividing head and vise; Universal grinder with accessories in good con- dition; Elliott 13 inch ram type shaper with swivel vise; Teaching model shaper with stand and cutaway sections to show operation; Cin- cinnati tool and cutter grinder with accessories; Granite 3 ft. x 4 ft. surface plate on•stand; Woodhouse and Mitchell 14 inch metal lathe with 36 inch bed and acessories, 12" face plate, 7" face plate, 3 and 4 Jaw chucks, steady rest and toper turning attachment; 5 Utilathe 9 inch metal lathes 24" between centres one hos taper turning attachment. Some measuring rods and gouges; Southbend 6" metal lathe with flat belt drive; Arbar 14" press; Diacro flat steel and pipe bender with stand; Comparator metal" testing machine; Dillon D?D amometer 10,000 Ib. tensile tester; Rockwell hardness tester with one set of test blocks; Johnson 118 gas'bench furnace; Johnson 133 gas forge furnace; Johnson 120 gas blower type furnoce with temp controls; Johnson 510 gas crucible furnace; Quenching and brime tank; Atlas 3 inch steel bench top lathe with stand and accessories. NOTE: Above equipment 208 Volt most units in good condition. Selling due to closing of machine shop at Clin- ton high school. .GARAGE EQUIPMENT ETC.: Rotunda transmis- sion tester; 24" Scroll saw powermatic 3 phase 208 volt '/2 h.p. motor; two front end alignment machines; Allen engine analyzer with built-in scope, analyzer meter; snap on engine analyzer; Hunter wheel balancer; May tire changer; armature tester and growler; timing light; spark plug tester; Adams head light aimer; Allen current regulator tester; 5 Eico vacuum tube volt meters; Eico model 147A signal tracer; AMFM tuner; Eico ST40 stereo amplifier; Stark capasitor checker; Eico CRT tester and rejuvinator; B&K television analyzer; RCA colour bar generator; 6 Eico 1030 regulated high voltage power supplies; 96000 BTU high boy gas furnace; 15 ft. store counter with glass front and top and lights; 20 ft. of cup- boards with adjustible shelves and sliding doors; 7x5x1 ft. stage; 18 science desks with sinks; 25 light swivel chairs on castor wheels; 2 steel top welding table; 7 utility stand with steel legs; steel plate topped bench 30"x6 ft., 7 steel top tables 2 ft.x 6 ft. plus other tables storage cabinets, hand tools, etc. Preview Friday, Juno 29 from S p.m. to 8 p.m. TERMS CASH or good cheque with I.D. AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb Clinton, Ont. 519-482-7898 �� a* 1 •